Ramlan Ramlan ◽  
Jaka Permana

Facing the nation issue which is considered associated with the failure of the government in the education sector, on the new Nation Curriculum concept (Kurikulum 2013), there are so many highly thigs containing the character building concept. It became the new challenge for the teachers to quickly change the old mindset that teaching is just to make people smart, but they should give priority to build the students’ characters. The fact from the field is that to change the minset of the teacher is not easy. There are so many researches has been done, that teachers still teaching with old habits or inconventional ways.This is a Research and Development ( R&D ) to character building concept and cultural arts education, especially on dance and drama studies. His research is done towards teachers and elementary students. Through the steps of R&D’s research methods which have olready resulted a Model of Learning Dance and Drama that could be used by the teachers to teach Dance and Drama lesson in school that could help them to build the student’s character.

Humanus ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Ardipal Ardipal

Character building is the main focus of Curriculum 2013. However, this effort is almost replaced by the program of mental revolution “relaunched” by Joko Widodo in his campaign and it has been one of his programs today. Arts education is often underestimated; in fact, it has a major role in shaping the character of the nation. Therefore, this research aims to identify problems in character building of Indonesia’s human resource through arts education. Research findings show that teachers’ concept on art education in elementary schools is one of the factors that influence the success of the Cultural Arts learning at the elementary level. Currently, most teachers view that art education includes activities to make students sing, draw, and/or make crafts at early age. This understanding is needed to be revolutionized as Curriculum 2013 mandates changes in concepts and patterns of learning for the good characters of the next generation, such as independent, good natured, and ready to face the future. Furthermore, it describes and identified the problems encountered in learning the art of music in elementary school, which underlies the need for arts education in mental revolution of the young generation as a potential future leaders.Keywords: art education problems, character building, elementary school, Curriculum 2013

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Kusdibyo Kusdibyo ◽  
Ratna Rahayu Pujiastuti

<p>The UUD 1945 Article 29 states that as a country that believes on the God Almighty the Government guarantees the independence of each citizen to embrace their religion and belief. In addition, the state is obligated to make laws and regulations that prohibit anyone from harassing religious teachings. The freedom of having a religion is a human right. Human rights is the most important human interests in society. Freedom to have a religion must be followed by a sense of responsibility to obey the rules, including not adding or reducing the rules. The rules should arrange for one's freedom to have a religion does not interfere with other people's freedom to have a religion.<br />The problem lies on the basic of mental and character building in the education sector. It has not show significant result which answer the education requirement, such as developing capabilities, character building and a dignified nation personality. The purpose of it is to develop Universitas Maritim AMNI students’ potential in order to became a person who have faith and devote to Goa Almighty, have a good character, full of knowledge, having skills, creative, independent, open minded and responsible citizen. Building mental and character in the education sector is emphasized by the lecturers’ lesson plan.lesson plan is a formality in implementing the learning activities.</p><p><em><strong>Keywords: Religion, Human Rights, Law</strong></em></p><p>Pasal 29 UUD 1945 yang menyatakan bahwa negara berdasar atas Ke-Tuhanan Yang Maha Esa dan Negara menjamin kemerdekaan tiap-tiap penduduk untuk memeluk agamanya masing-masing dan untuk beribadah menurut agamanya dan kepercayaannya. Di samping itu, negara berkewajiban membuat peraturan perundang-undangan yang melarang siapa pun melakukan pelecehan terhadap ajaran agama. Kebebasan beragama merupakan HAM. HAM termasuk kepentingan manusia yang paling penting di dalam masyarakat. Kebebasan beragama itu harus diikuti dengan rasa tanggung jawab oleh pemeluknya untuk mentaati aturan-aturan yang telah ditetapkan dalam agamanya masing-masing termasuk juga tidak menambah atau mengurangi kaidah-kaidah keyakinan yang ada dalam agama yang dianutnya. Mengatur agar kebebasan seseorang dalam beragama tidak mengganggu kebebasan beragama orang lain.<br />Masalah-masalah pembentukan mental dan karakter di Dunia Pendidikan sampai detik ini belum mampu menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan, sebagaimana dengan apa yang dimaksud dalam tujuan pendidikan kewarganegaraan yaitu, mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi Taruna/Mahasiswa Unimar Amni Semarang, agar menjadi manusia yang beriman, bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab.<br />Pembentukan mental dan karakter di Dunia Pendidikan pada umumnya di titik beratkan pada Tenaga Pendidik (Dosen). Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) hanyalah sebuah formalitas dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran dan juga RPP menjadi beban kerja yang lebih bagi seorang Tenaga Pendidik.</p><p><em><strong>Kata kunci : Agama, Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM), dan Negara Hukum</strong></em></p>

Ai Hayati Rahayu ◽  
Bunyamin Faisal Syarifudin

Mastering science process skill is very beneficial in problem solving process. This research aimed to develop teaching materials such as science process skill-based textbooks on energy and its changes. The method used in this research was research and development, by using the 4D design, which include define, design, develop, and disseminate. Research and development method were used to produce a product and to test its efficiency. The result showed that the learning material fulfill the assessment criteria. The mean validation result of textbook showed a number of 3.58 indicated as a good category. Based on T test, it was proven that the use of textbooks is indeed influential towards the development of students’ science process skill.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-357
Jonathan Zilberg

This article describes the conflicted genesis of the Museum Istiqlal, the history of  the creation of the collection, and the state of the institution relative to other Indonesian museums. It emphasizes both  positive developments underway and the historical problems facing the institution. Above all, it focuses on the role the museum was originally intended to serve for the Indonesian Muslim public sphere and the significant potential the museum has to better serve that mission in the national and international sphere. In short, the article emphasizes that in the context of the Government of Indonesia’s current four year plan to revive the museum sector, the problems and opportunities presented at the Museum Istiqlal are symptomatic of endemic national challenges for both the museum and the education sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 350
Odunayo Olarewaju ◽  
Thabiso Msomi

This study analyses the long- and short-term dynamics of the determinants of insurance penetration for the period 1999Q1 to 2019Q4 in 15 West African countries. The panel auto regressive distributed lag model was used on the quarterly data gathered. A cointegrating and short-run momentous connection was discovered between insurance penetration along with the independent variables, which were education, productivity, dependency, inflation and income. The error correction term’s significance and negative sign demonstrate that all variables are heading towards long-run equilibrium at a moderate speed of 56.4%. This further affirms that education, productivity, dependency, inflation and income determine insurance penetration in West Africa in the long run. In addition, the short-run causality revealed that all the pairs of regressors could jointly cause insurance penetration. The findings of this study recommend that the economy-wide policies by the government and the regulators of insurance markets in these economies should be informed by these significant factors. The restructuring of the education sector to ensure finance-related modules cut across every faculty in the higher education sector is also recommended. Furthermore, Bancassurance is also recommended to boost the easy penetration of the insurance sector using the relationship with the banking sector as a pathway.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 350-361
Siti Julaeha ◽  
Muhidin Muhidin ◽  
Aan Hasanah ◽  
Bambang Saeful Arifin

This study tries to unravel the problems of street children related to character building, especially in the aspects of personal and social skills. So we need a model of character education that is considered suitable to be implemented in street children. This study uses a qualitative approach with library research methods. The results of this study conclude that, Among the character education models that can be implemented on street children are problem-based learning models, emphasizing more on the application of problem solving methods or problem solving which by John Dewey consists of six learning steps as follows: 1) formulating problems; 2) analyze the problem; 3) formulate hypotheses; 4) collect data; 5) hypothesis testing; and 6) formulate problem solving recommendations.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Deffrinica Deffrinica

Education  (X1) shows the results of the analysis of poverty (Y) in Bengkayang Regency. Not significant when viewed from the results of the t test partially can be obtained to count to the value of the Education Sector, -1.449> 1.796 so that education has a positive and not significant effect on poverty, which is supported by a significant level of 0.385 <0.050. This shows that the Education Sector variable has no significant effect on Poverty (Y). Health (X2) has a negative and significant effect on Poverty, which is supported by the Probability Value (sig) of 0.437 <0.050. This means that in terms of health, the government in this case has made every possible effort  for budget expenditures , but in fact in the field there are still many underprivileged people who have not been able to enjoy maximum hospital services. The results of the analysis of the direct effect of Unemployment (X3) on Poverty in Bengkayang Regency showed insignificant influence. The results of the analysis show that this path has a significant effect because the value of t count is 1,217, while the table is 1,796 (t count 1,217> t table 1,796), thus in this direct relationship pattern, unemployment has a positive effect not significant to poverty, which is supported by Probability Value (sig) 0.371> 0.050. The results of the analysis of direct influence of Infrastructure (X4) on poverty levels in Bengkayang Regency show that the path coefficient between Infrastructure and poverty is 0.804> 0.050, which means that the pathway has a negative and insignificant effect. The method used to analyze this research is linear regression with the least squares method usually known as OLS (Ordinary Least Square), which is a method used to determine the effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-57
John Githii Kimani ◽  
Dr. George Ruigu Ruigu

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of research and development investment/expenditure on the agricultural sector performance in Kenya.Methodology: The study took the peoples impact assessment direction. The data for this study was collected from various government agencies such as KARI, ASTI, Kenya Agricultural Sector Data compendium website, FAOSTAT, World Bank among others. Co-integration and error correction modeling methods were used in analyzing the data for this study.Results: Co-integration results for both the parsimonious and non-parsimonious model indicated that that there is a long-run relationship among the variables in the agriculture performance in Kenya. Further, findings in this study indicated that the variables under study were insignificant determinants of the long run Total Factor Productivity of the agricultural sector.  Meanwhile, Trade openness was the only significant determinant of the short run agricultural Total Factor Productivity.Unique Contribution to Policy and Practice: This study recommends the institutionalization of policies aimed at ensuring interaction between the various stakeholders in the agricultural sectors. This interaction will ensure that resources are better allocated to reduce duplication of research and dissemination activities. In addition, greater collaboration among the stakeholders will promote and strengthen the connection between research, policy and the application of research findings. The study further advocates that the government should follow a trade liberazation oriented approach to the agricultural sector as opposed to a trade tightening approach.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Md. Nannu Mian ◽  
Md. Mamunur Rashid

Legal aid is essentially a mechanism that enables the poor and the vulnerable sectors of the society to be able to enforce their legal rights in order to access a fair and equitable justice in the society. Nowadays, a legal aid can be justifiably said as a crying need to ensure social and legal justice in Bangladesh because most of the citizens are illiterate and they live below the poverty line which incidentally makes matters worse. Due to their financial crisis or lack of legal knowledge they are often precluded to access justice. In recognizing the legal aid as a right, the government has enacted some laws. However, unfortunately those laws are full of weaknesses, loopholes, and procedural complexities which have to be judiciously addressed in the proper legal perspectives. As a matter of fact, legally speaking, much has been said and done, but ironically not much has been practiced. Due to these ever unsettling defects, the ultimate objectives of those laws have frequently failed to ensure enjoyment of the legal aid services among the vulnerable sectors of the society. In this research, an attempt has been made to analyze and find out numerous legal the gaps, loopholes and complexities of the existing laws relating to legal aid services in Bangladesh and frame out a comprehensive solution for ensuring the aid program by adopting the qualitative and the analytical research methods.

Yuni Fitriani

Pandemi COVID-19 menuntut sektor pendidikan untuk melakukan berbagai perubahan maupun inovasi dan adaptasi demi pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran tetap berjalan baik. Pandemi COVID-19 mendorong sektor pendidikan terutama perguruan tinggi untuk melakukan perubahan pada model proses pembelajaran dimana proses pembelajaran berpindah dari pembelajaran konvensional atau tatap muka di kelas menjadi pembelajaran online atau daring. Dengan demikian, tenaga pengajar yaitu dosen dan mahasiswa harus siap beradaptasi dan menghadapi terobosan maupun tantangan baru terhadap perubahan sistem dalam  pembelajaran yang diterapkan perguruan tinggi. Learning Management System (LMS) adalah salah satu cara yang digunakan oleh perguruan tinggi untuk mendukung dan mengelola pembelajaran secara online agar proses belajar mengajar tetap berjalan dengan baik selama pandemic COVID-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode semi deskriptif   kuantitatif. Dimana tujuan  dalam  penelitian ini adalah untuk  menjelaskan pemanfaatan Learning Management System sebagai media pembelajaran online yang digunakan selama pandemic COVID-19. Aplikasi Learning Management System seperti Google Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle, serta SEVIMA Edlink dan LMS yang dikembangkan oleh perguruan tinggi maupun yang disediakan oleh pemerintah sangat bermanfaat sebagai media pembelajaran online atau daring selama pandemi COVID-19. Dimana dengan aplikasi LMS ini, sistem pembelajaran dan komunikasi tetap berjalan dengan baik dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas yang tersedia dalam aplikasi LMS tersebut.   Kata kunci: komponen; Learning Mangement System, Pembelajaran Online, COVID-19   Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic requires the education sector to make various changes and innovations and adaptations for the implementation of the learning process to continue. The COVID-19 pandemic encouraged the education sector, especially universities, to make changes to the learning process model where the learning process moves from conventional or face-to-face learning in the classroom to online or online learning. Thus, faculty, lecturers and students must be ready to adapt and face breakthroughs and new challenges to the system changes in learning implemented by universities. Learning Management System (LMS) is one of the ways used by universities to support and manage online learning so that the teaching learning process continues well during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used in this study is a semi-descriptive quantitative method. Where the purpose in this study is to explain the utilization of Learning Management System as an online learning medium used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning Management System applications such as Google Classroom, Edmodo, Moodle, and SEVIMA Edlink and LMS developed by universities as well as provided by the government are very useful as online or online learning media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Where with this LMS application, the learning and communication system continues to run properly by utilizing the facilities available in the LMS application.   Keywords: Learning Mangement System, Online Learning, COVID-19

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