2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
As’ad Muzammil

Map of political Islam in Indonesia is always colored by the government political map. From the pre-independence era, the post-independence (old order), the new order and the reform era. Islamic education is still in a position that is generally not in favor of the empowerment of the people. Education is a tool for which the government used it to escort people and people to the desired political objectives, theoretically it is not wrong if the government wants the product graduate of educational institutions contribute to development. But at the same time the government should also give freedom to the world of education to determine its direction with permanent gets assistance, support, and facilitation from the government.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-227
Supandi Supandi

For about 15 centuries ago, Islamic history has portrayed the face of the true condition of Islamic education, not only describes the reality of past events, but also serves as a guide for the next generation, in order to make a better footing. Basically, with the coming of Islam in this archipelago, because one of them through education, beside through trade and marriage. The role and gait of Islamic education in seizing and uniting the archipelago into a country that is currently called Indonesia of course very much. Thus, in this paper, the author reveals a bit about the history of Islamic education in the old order, the new order and even during the current order of reform. The state has enormous power in governing and running the wheels of government, including in the world of Islamic education, so, the condition of Islamic education from the time of kemasanya have position and even a very different portion of the government which then has implications for the implementation of Islamic education.

Supandi Supandi

For about 15 centuries ago, Islamic history has portrayed the face of the true condition of Islamic education, not only describes the reality of past events, but also serves as a guide for the next generation, in order to make a better footing. Basically, with the coming of Islam in this archipelago, because one of them through education, beside through trade and marriage. The role and gait of Islamic education in seizing and uniting the archipelago into a country that is currently called Indonesia of course very much. Thus, in this paper, the author reveals a bit about the history of Islamic education in the old order, the new order and even during the current order of reform. The state has enormous power in governing and running the wheels of government, including in the world of Islamic education, so, the condition of Islamic education from the time of kemasanya have position and even a very different portion of the government which then has implications for the implementation of Islamic education.

2020 ◽  
pp. 13-22
Saifudin Asrori ◽  
Ahmad Syauqi

Abstract. The Islamic education, Islamic boarding schools and madrasas, have made a very significant contribution to the implementation of education and social reform. Through the teaching process, in which the kyai as the main figure and the use of the ‘yellow book’, traditional Islamic ideas colored the early days of growing awareness as a nation and a State. When the New Order government carried out the development and modernization of society, there was a revival of a Muslim group called the “new middle class santri”, which took place in line with the modernization that occurred in the traditional Islamic educational institutions of the pesantren. Then in the era of democratization, the world of Islamic education experienced growth and development in various religious institutions and styles. Most of the pesantren are still committed to maintaining a moderate religious style, recognized as the foundation for the development of civil society and the formation of a ‘distinctive’, friendly, moderate, and tolerant social-political identity of Indonesian society. The Muslim character is different from other regions, especially the Middle East which is the axis of the Islamic world. However, a small proportion of pesantren are thought to promote the growth of religious chauvinism, teach a ‘narrow’ interpretation of Islam and provide a framework of thought and action in responding to socio-political change which often takes the form of a ‘jihad’. This article tries to explore the contribution of Islamic education to social change in the Indonesian Muslim community. Abstark. Dunia pendidikan Islam, pesantren dan madrasah, memberikan kontribusi sangat berarti dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan reformasi kemasyarakatan. Melalui proses pengajaran, di mana kyai sebagai figur utama dan penggunaan ‘kitab kuning’, gagasan Islam tradisional mewarnai masa-masa awal tumbuhnya kesadaran sebagai bangsa dan Negara. Ketika pemerintah Orde Baru melakukan pembangunan dan modernisasi masyarakat, terjadi kebangkitan kelompok Muslim yang di sebut “kelas menengah santri baru”, berlangsung sejalan dengan modernisasi yang terjadi dalam lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisional pesantren. Kemudian pada era demokratisasi, dunia pendidikan Islam mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam beragam kelembagaan dan corak keagamaan. Sebagian besar pesantren masih tetap istiqomah dalam mempertahankan corak keagamaan yang moderat, diakui sebagai pondasi berkembangnya masyarakat sipil dan pembentukan identitas sosial-politik masyarakat Indonesia yang ‘khas’, ramah, moderat, dan toleran. Karakter Muslim yang berbeda dengan kawasan lainnya, khususnya Timur-Tengah yang merupakan poros dunia Islam. Namun ada sebagian kecil pesantren dianggap mendorong tumbuhnya chauvinisme keagamaan, mengajarkan penafsiran Islam yang ‘sempit’ dan memberikan kerangka pemikiran dan aksi dalam merespons perubahan sosial-politik yang seringkali berbentuk panggilan ‘jihad’. Artikel ini mencoba mengeksplorasi kontribusi pendidikan Islam dalam perubahan sosial masyarakat Muslim Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Achmad Zulfikar ◽  
Baharuddin Nur

Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) adalah antitesa dari pengangkatan kepala daerah yang telah berlangsung cukup lama, setidaknya hampir seusia dengan orde lama ditambah orde baru atau sekitar 50 tahun dari 70 tahun usia pemerintahan kita. Diangkat dan dipilih adalah dua hal yang berbeda. Dipilih tentu saja lebih demokratis daripada diangkat. Dipilih merupakan hasil dari sejumlah alternatif, sementara diangkat lebih terkesan suatu pilihan yang datang dari atas (top down). Pilkada merupakan sistem yang dibangun oleh pemerintah untuk memastikan Kepala Daerah berasal dari pilihan rakyat, bukan penunjukan dari pejabat atau kekuasaan diatasnya. Lazimnya, Pilkada berlangsung sesuai dengan penanggalan kegiatan politik setiap daerah, dimana batas masa tugas lima tahun dijadikan sebagai patokan untuk dilaksanakannya Pilkada lagi. Namun pada 9 Desember 2015 ini penanggalan itu mengalami perubahan atas dasar pertimbangan efisiensi dan efektivitas pelaksanaan Pilkada ke depan. Oleh karenanya, Pilkada yang akan berlangsungi di Indonesia ini merupakan pesta demokrasi terbesar yang pernah dilakukan di negeri ini, bahkan di dunia. Dalam makalah ini, penulis tertantang untuk menelaah bagaimana kemungkinan yang akan timbul sebagai implikasi Pilkada serentak ini terhadap aspek sosial, politik dan ekonomi masyarakat di Indonesia.---Local election / regional head election is antithesis of appointment of region head which have lasted long enough, at least almost as old with Old Order Era plus with New Order Era or about 50 year from 70 year old of Indonesian was established. Appointment and election are two different things. Elected is certainly more democratic than appointed. Elected is the result of a number of alternatives, while being lifted is more impressed with a choice that comes from the top. Local election is a system built by the government to ensure the Regional Head comes from the people's choice, not the appointment of officials or powers above it. Typically, elections take place in accordance with the political activities of each region, where the five-year term is used as a benchmark for the implementation of re-elections. However, on December 9, 2015 this calendar has changed based on the consideration of efficiency and effectiveness of Local election implementation in the future. Therefore, the elections that will take place in Indonesia is the biggest democracy party ever conducted in this country, even in the world. In this paper, the authors challenged to examine how the possibilities would arise as the implications of this Local concurrent election on the social, political and economic aspects of society in Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 158
M. Tauchid Noor ◽  
Kamarudin Kamarudin

The amendment of the 1945 Constitution sets that governors, regents, and local mayors are democratic in their election, originally selected by the legislative assembly and latterly sifted into direct election from the people. Based on the regulation No. 22 of 2007, it states that the election of local leader and co-leader is characterized as the part of general election regime, and thus it brings impact on local election, which should run directly as well. This article examines the arising problems on local election after the amendment of the 1945 Constitution, which reveals various problematic factors in the implementation of direct election for local head has been officially established. Indonesia has run local election many times in different eras, including in Dutch colonialism, Japan colonialism, and post-independence era. In post-independence era, Indonesia also has various political climates and traditions and including Old Order, New Order, and reformation era. The alteration of this general election system aims to provide fair democracy for all people to vote for their local leaders. The implementation, however, encounters several factors and problems derived from the level of participation up to the readiness of local election committee.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-75 ◽  
Rendra Widyatama

This article compares the television industry in Indonesia during the reign of the Old Order, the New Order, and the Reform Era. A full review of television broadcasting in all eras is still rarely carried out by Indonesian researchers. The author uses qualitative research methods in the form of comparative studies and library studies based on secondary data. In this comparison, the author focuses on eleven aspects of the problem, namely; the system of broadcasting, ownership, the form of broadcasting institutions, objectives, funding, broadcast coverage, control, and supervision, licensing, press freedom, media content trends, and society in relation to the television industry. The author found that although since independence Indonesia has been based on Pancasila democracy, in every era of government there have been differences in TV broadcasting arrangements. The Old Order period was more dominated by the role of government. This situation continued during the first 20 years of the New Order government, but in the last ten years of the New Order, the private sector dominated the TV industry. This dominance has continued into the reform era and treats society as a market and a political object. During all periods, it is the government which determines to license, and the implementation of the Broadcasting Act is not strictly enforced. A less strict attitude in the implementation of the Broadcasting Act indicates that the country is flexible and endeavours to find ways to compromise with stakeholders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 39-53
Miftahul Huda

This paper aims to analyze the development of Islamic education in Indonesia and efforts to strengthen it in the national education system. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Study of literature by focusing on terms of peeling, summarizing and collecting a literature, then the authors provide an analysis of the data that has been collected. The results showed that during the pre-independence era religious education was not only not recognized but also not included in the education system, it was even suspected of being a place to incite and fight the invaders. At the time of independence it did not yet have a role because the government still tended to be controlled by nationalist and secular groups, if there were Islamic groups, Islam was still more abangan. Thus the New Order government continuously fostered the quality of madrasa education so that in 1975 a joint decree (SKB) was issued by three ministers on Improving the Quality of Education in Madrasas, where the SKB of the three ministers had advantages and disadvantages. So that the solution of this weakness is the government is trying to make breakthroughs to restore the function of the madrasa as a place to print religious leaders, namely by opening an alternative Madrasah Aliyah named Madrasah Aliyah Special Program (MAPK). Henceforth, this MAPK was changed to Madrasah Aliyah Religious (MAK) which focuses and strengthens the field of Islamic education. There are two strengthening of Islamic education in the national education system, namely strengthening Islamic educational institutions, and strengthening religious subjects in all schools both under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion and other Ministries.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Imron Mustofa

The relationship and Islam democracy in Indonesia has been a topic. The possibility of Islam education is worth taking into account in the arena of Indonesian politics? How is Islamic education position in the world Indonesian government? Until that the Islamic education system plays in the world of Indonesian politics. To  answers to the problems that this article is present. After through the review process, the article has finally found the conclusion that Indonesian democracy, its central idea of sovereignty in the hands of the people, has indirectly opened up Muslim opportunities form a democracy religious. That is, a system and elements Islamic foundations efforts to develop a religious model of Islamic education. This is due the peculiar nature of Islamic education which strongly emphasizes the importance of integral attitudes (tawhīdī) at all kinds of reality. Therefore, the government of Indonesia in the future, all started from Islamic education at this time. Because, the young people who is currently still a role as a student of this State of Indonesia journey.

2020 ◽  
Oskar Hutagaluh ◽  
Aslan ◽  
Purniadi Putra ◽  
Abdul Wahab Syakhrani ◽  
Sri Mulyono

Every human being should be a leader both for himself and his family. In reality, not all of human can become leader who are leading the people they lead. This swriting is going to describe the situational leaders who have a leadership style in accordance with the prevailing circumstances of the current rapid social change in the context of islamic education. To explain the situational leadership in islamic education, this paper reviewed various islamic literatures both national and internation cotext. Therefore, the findings of this resaerch were the leadership in islamic intitution is not able to adjust the situation with the current changes. Morever, the Islamic educational institution a leader leads will not be able to compete with the general and Islamic educational institutions that have modernized using the curriculum desired by the government and outside community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
Ahmed Raza ◽  
Syed Waheed Ahmed

Coronavirus pandemic started in the last week of February 2020 in Pakistan. In order to save the people from the Corona epidemic, a complete lockdown has been implemented across the country. All offices, educational institutions, transport and other sectors were closed. Only grocery and medical stores were allowed to operate. The government of Pakistan, the provincial governments and the country's elites, welfare organizations and religious and political parties have generously helped poor families without distinction of religion, color, race or language. People were provided with necessities, clothes, medicines and other necessities. Seeing the open expression of social welfare in Pakistan during the epidemic sent a good message to the world that the Muslims of Pakistan have an ideal role to play in serving humanity in accordance with the teachings of their religion. In this article, a research study has been done on the trend and effects of social welfare during the Corona era in the context of Islamic law

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