scholarly journals Improvement of the educational process in discipline «Propedeutics of Internal Medicine» according to the credit-modular system for dentistry students

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (4 (72)) ◽  
N. S. Mykhailovska ◽  
M. A. Shalmina ◽  
C. A. Morhuntsova ◽  
A. V. Hrytsai

This article presents the organization of the educational process for the discipline «Propedeutics of Internal Medicine» for students majoring in «Dentistry» in accordance with the credit-modular system for the department of general practice – family medicine in the Zaporizhzhya State Medical University. It is shown that the credit-modular system of educational process provides a high level of knowledge required for the future practice of a dentist, which in turn will contribute to the ultimate goal of education – training of a qualified competitive specialist.

2020 ◽  
pp. 36-43 ◽  
Olga Abaeva

The article describes the experience of conducting a theoretical cycle for medical University students in isolation of students and teachers. The author analyzes a survey of students about their studies and life in quarantine, as well as teachers about the difficulties of organizing distance learning. The author concludes that this situation is a good forced experience for the organization of the educational process in the future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Oksana Didushko ◽  
Petro Herych ◽  
Iryna Cherniavska

The The article highlights the system of educational process organization during module 1 of the subject “Internal Medicine” at the Department of Endocrinology and the Department of Internal Medicine No 1, Immunopathology and Allergology named after academician Neiko Ye.M. of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. The possibilities of combining long-term experience and the traditions of national medical school with the principles of the credit-module system are described.

Natalya Dmytryshchuk ◽  
Alla Linenko

The article deals with the problem of improving the quality of training future navigators according to the strategic goals of the modernization of the educational process in Ukraine’s marine higher educational institutions, based on the humanistic paradigm, which requires special attention to the formation of future navigators’ communicative self-efficiency. The study of this problem is of particular relevance, since it is one of the main professional characteristics for representatives of the senior command navigators that enables them to carry out professional activities productively, adequately and at a high level: to organize the coordinated work of the crew, especially consisting of specialists of different nationalities, religious denominations, mentalities; competently and skilfully communicate with seaport employees, representatives of foreign companies, etc. The paper presents the conceptual provisions of A. Bandura, the founder of the theory of self-efficiency, its role and importance in person’s life as well as those of J. Caprari and D. Servon, D. Matsumoto (communication), educators (self-efficiency), (communicative self-efficiency) in the context of importance and the need to develop and form these phenomena for improving the quality of the training aimed at future navigators in higher education institutions of maritime profile. The phenomenon “communicative self-efficiency of the future navigators” has been defined; its essence and structure have been considered, the latter consisting of three components: reflexive (self-identification with navigators as model professionals, the presence of adequate self-assessment of their own actions in the field of professional communication, a stable reflexive position), cognitive-operational (awareness of the communicative sphere of maritime professional activity, skills, professional communication abilities); affective-behavioural (confidence in the possibility of productive communication in professional activities, emotionality, activity, responsibility, ability to self-regulate and self-sustain). The forms and methods for the formation of communicative self-efficiency of cadets of marine universities involved into the experiment have been presented: reflective workshop, keeping a reflective diary, which gave the cadet the opportunity to conduct self-analysis of their own professional actions and enhance self-understanding regarding the presence of the necessary professional personal qualities for performing their future professional activities effectively and building a positive Self-concept of the future navigator; the organizing dialogue “The role of the reflective component in developing future navigators’ communicative self-efficiency”, the technology “Developing confidence in self-efficiency and productive communication of future navigators in their future independent professional activities”, the training module “Communication skills”, etc. Keywords: communication, self-efficiency, communicative self-efficiency, future navigator, marine higher educational institution.

Iryna Skril ◽  
Nataliia Vasylyshyna ◽  
Tetiana Skyrda ◽  
Olena Moroz ◽  
Tatiana Voropayeva

The integration of Ukraine into the world community has caused a significant increase in interest in learning foreign languages as a means of information exchange. The modern conditions of development, expansion and deepening of international contacts require a high level of foreign language proficiency from a future specialist, especially in a foreign language of professional direction. High demands to the quality of education provision for the informatization of society. The high level of proficiency in a foreign language of a professional direction allows the future specialist to compete adequately not only in the domestic labor market but also abroad. It is promoted by the informatization of the educational process. It determined the relevance of the research problem. The study aims to establish the effectiveness of informatization of the foreign languages learning process of professional communication; to bring the feasibility of using social networks, cloud messengers, educational platforms in preparing future specialists for professional communication in a foreign language environment. The research methodology uses several methods. The main method in the study is the method of pedagogical experiment, also used the method of questioning, observation, to consider the theoretical material uses descriptive method, as well as methods of synthesis and analysis. The main hypothesis of the study is that the application of the educational potential of social networks, platforms, messengers, quizzes is an effective method of training a specialist with a high level of foreign language proficiency in the professional sphere. The result of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of the informatization process at the level of involvement of social networks, messengers to form a high level of foreign language proficiency as per profession. In the future, it is envisaged to study the application of informatization of the educational space during the teaching of a foreign language of professional communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6 (344)) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Marharyta Morozova ◽  

The article considers the genesis of the concept of «interactivity» in modern psychological, pedagogical and methodological research. It is determined that interactivity runs through the entire history of pedagogical education. The paper analyzes the concept of «interactivity» in pedagogy, methods of teaching foreign languages, programming, telecommunications, multimedia, design, cultural studies, literature, sociology. The purpose of the educational process is to prepare future teachers for professional activities in rapidly changing conditions, the formation of thinking as a factor in the formation of the modern personality of the future teacher and the introduction of democratic values in future teachers of the new generation. It is noted that the competence approach in the organization of the educational process requires the teacher to change the learning process: its structure, forms of organization of activities, the principles of interaction of subjects. It is established that in interactive learning the interaction of the teacher and the future teacher changes: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of future teachers, and the task of the teacher is to create conditions for their initiative. The learning process is organized in such a way that almost all its participants are involved in the process of cognition, they have an opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. It is found that the peculiarity of interactive methods is the high level of mutually directed activity of the subjects of interaction, emotional, spiritual unity of the participants.

2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 201-211
Володимир Миколайович Манько ◽  
Людмила Іванівна Хіценко

The research is devoted to the experimental verification of the effectiveness of multimedia language laboratories in foreign language learning (on the example of the specialty «Translation»). The study represents the capabilities of multimedia language laboratories in the foreign language learning and the advantages and disadvantages of their use. The article discusses the concepts of “multimedia technologies” as digital delivery of content using more than one medium which influences several perception channels of information, and “multimedia linguistic laboratories” as computer classrooms equipped with E-Presenter, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard and peripheral equipment. Multimedia presentations, electronic studies manuals and Internet access are used to provide the future interpreters with necessary knowledge for doing translation. Modern multifunctional computer software gives the future interpreters the opportunity to form the competence in listening. The use of Skype and Viber helps to develop communicative skills providing communication and cultural interaction with native speakers. MLL’s software and hardware complex provides teachers with a powerful toolkit that helps to create, edit and save tests, conduct tests and collect results, quickly assess and comment on the answers. The statistical calculations confirmed that the implementation of multimedia technology in the educational process, the correct and systematic use of MLL in the foreign language learning, can not only diversify learning process, but also help the future interpreters to achieve a high level of the foreign language competence. The use of MLL revealed a number of methodological advantages over traditional ways of teaching. The authors see the prospects for further research in the creation of appropriate pedagogical conditions for implementing information and communication technologies in the process of training future interpreters.

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (1 (69)) ◽  
N. S. Mykhailovska

This work provides ways of teaching process optimization of the discipline “General practice – family medicine” in the undergraduate stage in higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine considering the experience gained in Zaporozhzhia State Medical University. The basic aspects of the “Permeating program” realization concerning the training of medical students of IV level of accreditation in practical skills and learning techniques necessary to work as general practitioners – family doctors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 56-68
О. В. Бутурліна ◽  
Т. В. Лисоколенко ◽  
С. А. Довгаль

The article is devoted to the research of trends and mechanisms of STEM-innovations implementationin Ukraine. STEM – a series or sequence of educational programs designed to solve the problem of thescientific and engineering specialists lack for high-tech industries and raise the competitiveness of thestate. It is a priority in state policy towards economy strengthening and state social order to the educationalsector. Consequently, relevance of STEM in the modern European institutional space is beyond doubt. Inthis regard, attention is focused on measuring the understanding of STEM and its essence, on the prospectsand difficulties of implementing these social technologies in Ukrainian realities. The paper presents theresults of quantitative research conducted on the basis of author’s methodologies, members of teachingstaff, student youth, expert group and parents of high school students. On the basis of conducted monitoringresults calculation, comparing the answers of different categories of respondents, the authors attempt tosummarize the STEM technologies state in modern Ukrainian society and come to the conclusion that theimplementation of relevant innovations contributes to the dissemination of dialogue among all participantsin the educational process, parents and potential employers. Conducted research makes it possible to statethe following. Educators of experimental educational institutions have a sufficiently high level of motivationto innovate, open to cooperation and understand the importance of innovations in the modern Ukrainianschool. STEM topics of interest to students are clearly outlined. Therefore, the majorities of polled studentssupport the STEM direction and understand its prospects but do not understand in what sphere and wherethey will work in the future, even choosing the STEM profession. The results of the study showed thatmodern parents are motivated to influence the future profession choice their own children. However, thedirect parents’ influence on the future profession choosing is limited because a significant number of highschool students have their own opinion on this issue, which is in part or does not coincide, with parents.STEM innovations create a new space for a steady dialogue between educators, parents and employers forthe development of the economies of the states and engage youth in STEM industry.

Anatolii Brekhunets

The article discusses the problem of the formation of the future Technology teachers’ professional thinking. The concept of «professional thinking of the Technology teacher» is clarified, which is considered as the features of the teacher’s thinking, letting him/her perform professional and pedagogical tasks successfully at a high level of mastery: quickly, accurately solve both the ordinary and extraordinary tasks of teaching and upbringing students in an original way. It has been established that the professional training of Technology teachers is a multi-faceted and time-consuming process. On the one hand, the student must master various work operations and technological processes at the industrial level or close to it, and on the other hand it must have general pedagogical knowledge and methods of their sharing. The peculiarities of the formation of the future Technology teachers’ professional thinking are determined by their activity specifics, which is defined by the goals, tasks, content, external and internal conditions, means, difficulties, features of the mental processes occurrence, motivation displays, the state of a person and a team towards the implementation of management and guidance. That is why the formation of the Technology teachers’ professional thinking should be carried out in an integral system of educational process at a pedagogical institution of higher education, and the methods of teaching students technologies to solve pedagogical tasks should be widely used at training sessions and pedagogical practices, contributing to the professional thinking formation. Moreover the research proves the necessity of wider informational technologies elements’ application with the use of computerized and audio-visual complexes as leading means and a leader, which allow synthesizing the intellectual components of professional thinking and activating its structural components development. The benefit of the article is the defined conditions for the formation of the future Technology teachers professional thinking, they are: a motivation, new means of mastering professional activity, a mental activity intensification, the scientifically substantiated selection of educational material, students’ age possibilities and individual peculiarities. As a result, the article reveals the need to include the material that reflects the specifics of the future Technology teachers professional thinking formation to the content of their subject and psychological and pedagogical training, as well as to combine individual and collective forms of students' work in the process of forming a professional thinking and to carry out a step-by-step control and correction of the future Technology teacher professional thinking formation.

A. A. Kuligina ◽  
I. G. Yushmanov

Introduction. In recent years osteopathy has been rapidly developing as an individual medical specialty in the Russian Federation. A growing number of specialists are studying this specialty and represent it in Russia and abroad. A large number of studies clearly demonstrating the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment are being conducted. In addition, the Russian Federation has a regulatory framework according to which osteopathy is regulated by the government. However, many medical doctors, lecturers and students of medical universities do not have a clear understanding of osteopathy and put in question the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment. The goal of research — to study student′s knowledge about the principles, methods and scope of osteopathic treatment in order to develop a program for disseminating relevant information about osteopathy with regard to individual social characteristics.Materials and methods. We conducted an anonymous survey among students of Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University using special forms. We also used the online tool Google Forms in the social network Vkontakte. 73 respondents took part in the survey. 8 communities from the social network Vkontakte, with the target audience being students of medical Universities, were reviewed. The search for references to osteopathy was made by the keyword «osteopath». A special questionnaire with 22 questions was developed in order to collect the necessary information. The first part of the questionnaire contains 16 questions about the specialty «osteopathy»; the second part (6 questions) allows to study the respondent′s personal characteristics: age, gender, year of studies, presence of medical doctors among family members, participation in the student′s scientific society (SSS). 14 questions from the fi rst part of the questionnaire were dichotomous and 2 questions had 3 or more answer options. 12 questions from the first part were aimed at studying students′ ideas about osteopathy. The correct answer was rated 1 point, the wrong answer — 0. The points obtained during the survey were summed up. In the subsequent processing of the results, the indicators of the respondent′s opinions, evaluated on a 12-point scale, were ranked into 3 groups: from 1 to 4 points — a low level of knowledge, from 5 to 8 points — an average level, from 9 to 12 — a high level.Results. It was found that 66 % of respondents have a low level of knowledge about the specialty «osteopathy», 30 % have an average level of knowledge, only 4 % of respondents have a high level of knowledge. The results indicate insufficient and extremely low level of awareness about the specialty «osteopathy» among students. Due to the lack of reliable sources of information within the system of education in higher medical educational institutions there is a spread of misconceptions about this specialty. It was established that students involved in SSS had a significantly higher level of knowledge about osteopathy than students who were not involved in SSS, and that students who had medical doctors in their families had a significantly lower level of knowledge about osteopathy than students who did not have medical doctors in their families.Conclusion. It is necessary to use different ways of informing students about the new medical specialty taking into account their individual characteristics, as well as to introduce awareness-raising about osteopathy (lectures, practical sessions) into the training system within the framework of an optional and/or elective courses, to improve the work of the student scientific society.

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