scholarly journals Pendidikan Multikultural dan Relevansinya dengan Pendidikan Agama Islam

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-191
Hanif Tofiqurrohman

Abstract The purpose of writing this article is as a reflection material for the character of Indonesian education in the midst of diversity and cultural diversity. The reality of multi-religious life, language, culture, and ethnicity requires transformation in the field of education. Conventional education patterns that are oriented towards strengthening science should begin to build awareness that teaching diversity to students is important. Multicultural education as a process in shaping the mindset of students in order to have a high social life and mutual respect for each other, in the implementation of multicultural education is very parallel and relevant if collaborated with Islamic religious education values. Keywords multicultural education, relevance, islamic education   Abstrak Tujuan Penulisan artikel ini adalah sebagai bahan refleksi bagi karakter pendidikan masyarakat Indonesia di tengah kemajemukan dan keragaman budaya. Realitas kehidupan multiagama, bahasa, kultur, dan etnis membutuhkan transformasi dalam bidang pendidikan. Pola-pola pendidikan konvensional yang berorientasi pada penguatan ilmu pengetahuan seyogyanya mulai terbangun kesadaran bahwa mengajarkan keragaman pada anak didik adalah penting. Pendidikan multikultural sebagai sebuah proses dalam membentuk pola pikir anak didik agar memiliki jiwa sosial yang tinggi dan saling menghormati pada sesamanya, dalam implementasinya pendidikan multikultural sangat sejajar dan relevan jika dikolaborasikan dengan nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam. Kata Kunci pendidikan multikultural, relevansi, pendidikan agama islam

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Mualimul Huda

Religious life in Indonesia is very dynamic with the emergence of various cases set to religious radicalism.. The phenomenon is not only growing at a particular community, but its existence has been developing in the form of transnational institution. Even pesantren as part of Islamic tradition of archipelago is often associated as' base or central understanding of Islam fundamental become root for growth radical movement that in the name of Islam. The radicalization of understanding at certain pesantren huts that impact on acts of radicalism in Indonesia should be laid in the context of the development of transnational Islamic movements due to the various developments of the existing world. The results of this study concluded that Islam as a universal religion of love (rahmatan lil 'alamin) which teaches education by upholding human values, respecting human rights, respecting cultural and cultural diversity, craving peace, justice, tolerance and a balanced attitude, and other noble manifestations. Dogmatic groups that justify acts of violence in the name of religion have reduced and injured the teachings of rahmatan lil 'alamin. Islamic education (Pesantren) that teaches hatred against different opinions and beliefs is not ideal for the continuity of diversity and diversity in Indonesia. Pesantrens infiltrated by radicalization need to be reoriented in a direction compatible with the Islamic spirit that teaches mutual respect and brotherhood. A number of values that are taught are tolerant, moderate, togetherness, equality, mutual respect and degrees of Islamic multicultural education

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-125
Muhammad Amri ◽  
Saharuddin Saharuddin ◽  
La Ode Ismail Ahmad

Islamic Religious Education is an important and inseparable part of the educational curriculum in Indonesia. Besides being an obligation for its adherents, Islamic learning can instill the values of faith and make students possess noble morals (akhlakul karimah). This study aims to examine and discuss how the implementation process of Islamic education in instilling noble morals in students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High School). This study uses a qualitative approach with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing as the data analysis. The sample of this study was the principal of the madrasah, vice-principal, students, and teachers of Islamic education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that through the implementation of Islamic Religious Education, the students could possess noble characters. There are eight behaviors that are applied to instill the noble characters, namely habituating the smiles, salaam, and greetings, mutual respect (tolerance), sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday, performing the Duha prayer, performing dhuhr prayers, reciting the Quran, congregational prayer, and getting used to alms giving (infaq). These eight commendable behaviors are recommended for teachers and principals to be applied in their respective schools.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Rahma Maulida

This research was conducted at International Elementary School Bunga Matahari,Banda Aceh for its homogeneity, both tribes, nations and religions. This diversity is interesting to have a further study in order to know the process of tolerance guiding in multicultural education. The results of the study show that there are some tasāmuh (tolerance) attitudes in multicultural education as mutual helps, mutual respects, mutual communications, mutual care, not to blame others, not to be selfish and inclusive. The tolerance attitudes which have been conducting at International Elementary School Bunga Matahari,Banda Aceh is in accord with the Islamic education system, but in the teaching of religious education for non-Muslims, not in accordance with the perspective of Islamic the education, the learning process is still discriminatory. The leading factors in supporting the tolerance implementation in multicultural education at National Elementary Bunga Matahari, Banda Aceh are dialogue, egalitarianism, impartiality, the 1945 Constitution, Article 29, 2nd paragraph, multicultural education which contains the values of pluralism and tolerance attitudes towards diversity. The inhibiting factors in developing tolerance attitudes are exclusiveness, learning model which tends to be dogmatic, religion is directed into not free variable, the solution of developing tolerance is that the educational implementation should be oriented on the value that will provide pressure point on how students see, understand, and face the diversity of life in multicultural education.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Zainal Arifin

The term of multicultural education, religious education contains of two conceptscombined, i.e between multicultural education and religious education. Multiculturaleducation as the basis of education values cultural diversity. Whereas, the religiouseducation is as a basis of education on religious values to produce religious men. The combination of these two concepts of education aims to make an educational system that integrates from both of them, or reduce the advantages, especially to produce religious humanist students in a good character.Istilah pendidikan multikultural-religius mengandung dua konsep pendidikanyang dipadukan, yaitu antara pendidikan multikultural dan pendidikan agama.Pendidikan multikultural sebagai basis pendidikan yang menghargai kemajemukan budaya sedangkan pendidikan agama sebagai basis pendidikan yang bersumberkan pada nilai-nilai keagamaan untuk melahirkan manusia-manusia religius. Perpaduan dua konsep pendidikan ini bertujuan untuk dapat membangun sistem pendidikan yang dapat mengintegrasikan dari keduanya atau mengurangi kelemahannya,khususnya untuk mewujudkan karakter peserta didik yang humanis dan religius.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Amiruddin Amiruddin ◽  
Askar Askar ◽  
Yusra Yusra

The focus of this study is to examine the design development of multicultural value-based Islamic education learning models at the high school level. This research is qualitative research. Data collection is done by observation, interview, and documentation. While the data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, data verification, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that, the design of the development of the learning model that determined multicultural values, which were integrated in the Islamic Religious Education subject, b) syllabus, c) lesson plan, d) used the Islamic education learning model based on multicultural values, and c) conducted an assessment towards the process of learning activities, which is a follow-up to learning, the approach to developing learning models, namely the approach to justice and equality without discrimination, called cultural pluralism, which provides opportunities and freedom for all elements to show and develop their respective identities, both from language, ethnicity, religion and so on. While developing models of Islamic education learning based on multicultural values ​​because; a) multicultural education is not a special subject, b) promotes equality between students of different backgrounds, c) the diversity of students that causes misunderstandings that can lead to disputes between fellow students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Suparto Iribaram

This article aims to find out about Islamic education and the challenges in its implementation in Jayapura City. The method of data collection was carried out by interviews, observation and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). The data which has been classified are made narrative by giving an interpretation and data display. The results of this study found that religious education in non Muslim majority areas like Jayapura is facing serious  challenges. Besides  it demanded to give contribution, Islamic education must be able to adapt with others religious group. For Muslims internal it becomes something that should be implemented, they should performance activities that also respect to other religions and also expected to give contribution in actualizing human being who are able to compete in global world but also still on the values of submission to Allah SWT. For that reason, Islamic education in Jayapura must be adapt with the religious life conditions where it can create a harmony and peaceful life of people and Islamic education are also required to arrange the fundamental change steps and seek innovative alternative education models.

Sapirin Sapirin

The plurality of Indonesian society can be seen from various sides in terms of race, ethnicity, culture, religion, socioeconomic groups and even in terms of political orientation. The diversity that is owned by the people of Indonesia is a distinct characteristic that is a priceless wealth. On the other hand, although diversity is a very prestigious thing, on the other hand it can be a potential that drives conflict and division. The concept of multicultural education has a significant problem that is concerned with religious understanding. If this is the emphasis, then in the teaching of Islam the teachings are those that deal with universal values as possessed by all religions. While it is understood for certain that in Islamic religious education taught is monotheism, jurisprudence, and morality karimah. Thus it can be understood that in Islamic religious education is very strongly based in fostering civilized humans. If we pay attention, multiculturalism education does not have a strong foundation in conceptualizing its educational goals. Compared to Islamic education the foundation is clearly based on the Koran, Sunnah and Ijtihad on the ulama. So it is clear that the goal of Islamic education is the formation of attitudes, of course at the social level it is part of multiculturalism education. The attitude here is praiseworthy behavior which is a reflection of Islamic education itself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-64
Muhammad Misbah ◽  
Jubaedah Jubaedah

This paper examines the problem of fanaticism in Islamic education in Indonesia. As a plural country with its diversity, a high sense of tolerance is needed in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research with library research. Documentation methods were used in this study to collect data from various literature, such as books, journals, and other electronic sources. The data is analyzed using content analysis method, whereas in the conclusions is drawn using an inductive mindset. The results of the study concluded that the paradigm of Islamic education should be done through multicultural inclusive education and prophetic education. Islamic Education (PAI) teachers in this regard have an important role in instilling a harmonious sense of religion. Inclusive multicultural education is expected to foster a sense of belonging and togetherness, dissociated from primordial barriers by emphasizing plurality-based religious education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Mohammad Jamhuri

Nilai-nilai multikulturalisme dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, terbukti telah terjadi sikap saling menghormati, toleransi, sikap saling menghargai, tolong menolong dan lain sebagainya, baik antar mahasiswa atau antar dosen dan atau antar mahasiswa dan dosen Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan dan dengan masyarakat. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan telah terintegrasi oleh prinsip-prinsip aswaja dan nilai-nilai multikultural, baik pada kegiatan pelaksanaan pembelajaran, ektra kurikuler atau pada kegiatan keagamaan mahasiswa Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan.Kata kunci: prinsip-prinsip aswaja, multikultural, model pembelajaran         The values of multiculturalism in learning Islamic education at the University of Yudharta Pasuruan have been well implemented, it has been proven that there has been an attitude of mutual respect, tolerance, mutual respect, help and so on, both between students or between lecturers and or between students and University lecturers Yudharta Pasuruan and with the community. The implementation of the learning of Islamic religious education at Yudharta Pasuruan University has been integrated by the principles of Aswaja and multicultural values, both in the implementation of learning activities, extra curricular or in religious activities of students of Yudharta Pasuruan University.Keywords: aswaja principles, multicultural, learning models

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Abdul Halim ◽  
Maskuri Maskuri

 Indonesia sebagai negara majemuk dengan keberagaman budayanya memerlukan sosok guru yang mempunyai kompetensi multikultural dalam proses pendidikannya. Hal ini didasarkan pada pentingnya guru yang menyadari realitas kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Terlebih lagi bagi guru Pendidikan Agama Islam yang menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai agama kepada peserta didik. Ia dituntut untuk dapat melaksanakan proses pembelajaran sesuai dengan realitas bangsa yang multikultur, oleh karena terkadang agama dijadikan alasan untuk abai terhadap keragaman budaya serta bersikap eksklusif kepada peserta didik. Kajian ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kompetensi multikultural guru PAI dan implementasinya dalam pembelajaran. Lokus kajian ini berada pada forum Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam kabupaten Mojokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi dengan arti bahwa bagaimana guru menyadari keberagaman yang ada dalam kehidupan terhadap relevansi kebutuhan kompetensi multikultural guru PAI. Hasil penelitian menyatakan pertama bahwa dalam konteks kehidupan multikultural dan keragaman peserta didik, guru PAI dituntut untuk mempunyai kompetensi keilmuan, multikultural, profesional, sosial dan leadership. Kedua, ruang lingkup kompetensi multikultural dapat diklasifikasikan pada aspek sikap positif, basis pemahaman multikultural, skill pedagogi dan kompetensi leadership guru PAIKata Kunci: Kompetensi Multikultural, Guru PAI As a pluralistic country, Indonesia with its cultural diversity requires a teacher having multicultural competence in the educational process. Based on the importance of teachers who are aware of the realities of Indonesian life. Especially for Islamic Religious Education teachers who internalize religious values to students. The Required teacher can carry out the learning process appropriate towards the reality of a multicultural nation because occasionally belief in religion was taken as an excuse to ignore cultural diversity and having exclusive on facing students. This study aims to describe and analyze the multicultural competence of Islam Education teachers and its scope. The study focused on the Forum on Islam Education Subject Teacher for junior high school in Mojokerto regency. The research uses the phenomenological method, it means teacher awareness of diversity, needs multicultural competence. The research states, first, in the context of multicultural life and diversity of students, craved Islam education teachers who have a knowledge base, multicultural, professional, social, and leadership competencies. Second, the scope of multicultural competence can be classified into aspects; positive attitudes, the basis of multicultural understanding, pedagogical skills, and leadership competencyKeywords: Multicultural Competence, Islamic Education Teacher

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