2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 332
Oman Somantri ◽  
Taufiq Abidin ◽  
Dega Surono Wibowo ◽  
Slamet Wiyono

                                                 Abstrak Internet learning adalah sebuah proses pembelajaran yang berbasis elektronik yang digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan oleh setiap lembaga pendidikan. Dalam rangka pengembangan proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di SMAN 1 Subah, maka konsep internet learning diterapkan. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan metode ceramah dan praktek dengan menggunakan media sosial Edmodo dimana semua peserta pelatihan setelah mendapatkan materi yang disampaikan kemudian mempraktekan apa yang sudah diberikan implementasinya. Dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dapat disimpulkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman akan penerapan Internet learning melalui media sosial yang diberikan kepada para Guru SMAN 1 Subah yang ikut pelatihan tersebut dapat memberikan pemahaman baru mengenai terdapatnya media pembelajaran alternatif yang bisa digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas, pada akhirnya sekolah SMAN 1 Subah mempunyai suatu metode konsep pembelajaran baru yang dapat dijadikan alternatif pembelajaran.  Kata kunci: Internet Learning, Edmodo, Guru                                                     Abstract Internet learning is an electronic learning process that is used as a learning medium implemented by every educational institution. In order to develop the learning process that is implemented in SMAN 1 Subah, the concept of internet learning is applied. The method of activities used to achieve the objectives of community service activities is by lecture method and practice by using social media Edmodo where all the trainees getting the material with is submitted then practice it. From the dedication activities in this community, it can be concluded that the knowledge and understanding of the application of Internet learning through social media given to the teachers of SMAN 1 Subah who is that participate in this training can provide new understanding about the existence of alternative learning media that can be used in the learning process in the classroom, finally SMAN 1 Subah has a new learning concept method that can be used as an alternative learning. Keywords: Internet Learning, edmodo, Teacher

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-17
Mohamed Ali Mahmod ◽  
Asma Md. Ali

Electronic Learning (e-learning) is an inventive approach to offer education using electronic means of learning contents. e-learning is an online education or distance education, which means that it can deliver education to everyone around the world online through the electronic means such as the internet from different distant countries. The success of E-learning process in universities needs some factors that should be fit with the revolution of technology and enhance the learner’s knowledge. In order to adapt to the rapid growth of technology, Universities in Iraq needs to collaborate with other international universities and industries to develop e-learning tools and methods. In addition to that, Iraqi universities have to adopt collaboration culture with other universities and industries and adhocracy culture to follow the innovation in e-learning process. This paper suggests a framework that could contribute to enhancing and success e-learning in Baghdad. The IS success model of DeLone and McLean and the open innovation model will be essential in our developed e-learning framework. The developed framework relies on adopting a collaborative and innovative culture among universities to promote the e-learning process in universities in Baghdad and Iraq.

Rizki Pratama ◽  
Hadi Kurnia Saputra

E-learning merupakan bentuk model pembelajaran yang diakomodasi dan disuport dalam teknologi dalam suatu sistem informasi. Dalam lembaga pendidikan tentu dibutuhkan untuk menolong guru dalam peningkatan efesiensi proses belajar. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari adanya e-learning di SMK Negeri 1 Batipuh selaku lembaga pendidikan di masa pandemi Coronavirus Disease-19 harus diberlakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh atau work from home. Perubahan bentuk pelayanan pendidikan berstandar SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), dalam permodelan SCORM menggunakan metode waterfall dalam membangun sistim yang baik, dimana tenaga pendidik bisa memberikan pembelajaran kepada peserta didik terhadap aktivitas transfer ilmu khususnya dengan menyajikan video dalam bentuk materi ditambah metode diskusi beserta emoticon agar siswa lebih memahami, menarik dan menjadi giat dalam proses belajar. Setelah melakukan riset di sekolah terkait, maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dibutuhkan sebuah sistem e-learning  yang memudahkan proses belajar dan mengajar. Dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan framework CodeIgniter maka dirancanglah sebuah sistem e-learning yang mampu menghubungkan siswa dan guru.Kata Kunci : E-Learning, SCORM, Coronavirus Disease-19, Framework CodeIgniter.. E-learning is a form of learning model that is accommodated and supported in technology in an information system. In educational institutions, of course, it is needed to help teachers in increasing the efficiency of the learning process. Therefore, the purpose of e-learning at SMK Negeri 1 Batipuh as an educational institution during the Coronavirus Disease-19 pandemic, distance learning or work from home should be implemented. Changes in the form of SCORM standard education services (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), in SCORM modeling using the waterfall method in building a good system, where educators can provide learning to students about knowledge transfer activities, especially by presenting videos in the form of materials plus discussion methods along with emoticons so that students better understand, be interesting and become active in the learning process. After conducting research in related schools, the authors conclude that an e-learning system is needed that facilitates the learning and teaching process. With the PHP programming language and the CodeIgniter framework, an e-learning system is designed to connect students and teachers.Keywords: E-Learning, SCORM, Coronavirus Disease-19, CodeIgniter Framework.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Mohamed Ali Mahmod ◽  
Asma Md. Ali

Electronic Learning (e-learning) is the process of using the electronic educational shapes of information and courses contents in an inventive way. E-learning is the process of education that offered can be divided into online or distance education, which means that it can deliver education to everyone around the world online through the electronic means such as the internet from different distant countries. In order to promote the e-learning process universities in developing countries such as Iraq, the enhancement of the e-learning success needs to some factors that should be fit with the revolution of technology and enhance the learner’s knowledge. Universities in developing countries such as Iraq, in order to be fit with the rapid growth of technology, it needs to collaborate with other national and international universities to develop e-learning tools and methods. In order to contribute to the success of the e-learning process in universities in Iraq, these universities have to adopt collaboration culture with other universities and innovative culture to follow the global innovation in e-learning process around the world. This paper developed an integrated framework of e-learning through an organizational innovative collaboration environment, analysed it qualitatively through the interviews with students, staff and e-learning centres and found strong relationships between its elements which could participate to improve and add values to the e-learning process in universities in Baghdad.

Al-Khidmah ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Syarifah Putri Agustini Alkadri

Edmodo is one of the learning management system (LMS) platforms that make it easy for users to create groups and share files, links, video (embed videos) and pictures with alert, assignment and event events. Edmodo provides a secure and easy way to communicate and collaborate between students and teachers, sharing textual content, link images, video and audio. Community Service Activities (PKM) aims to introduce and maximize the use of E-Learning Application based on social media Edmodo to Guru SMK Al-Madani Pontianak City. The training will be held in 2 sessions where the first session will focus on the basic introduction of Edmodo while in the second session will focus on the practice and simulation of the learning process by utilizing the features available on Edmodo. Training modules will be included in the training as a tool for participants in practical activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Mohammad Al-Dlalah ◽  
Hani Alkhaldi ◽  
Malek Alkhutaba ◽  
Taghreed Al-Momani

Nowadays, E-learning is one of the most inevitable technique and learning approach, because it offers indispensable advancement of the education process. Furthermore, it supports and enhances many facets of the learning process. This study aimed to build an attitude scale about e-learning among Isra University students according to the item response theory (IRT) in measurement. To achieve the study’s objectives, the main dimensions of the scale were identified, and 44 items were unevenly formatted. The tool was applied to 550 students who were social media users at Isra University. After analyzing the participants’ responses according to IRT, the final form of the scale consisted of 29 items that were divided into three main dimensions. The reliability of the scale was 0.94%, while the scale had multiple indications of validation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-167
Glory Indira Diana Purba ◽  

This study aims to determine whether the application of e-learning in problem-based learning can improve the problem solving abilities of FMIPA Unimed students. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative research by actively involving through e-learning the actors in the learning process, namely lecturers and students, as well as other related subjects. This study's design consists of three stages: (1) the development of learning tools and research instruments, (2) the testing of learning tools and research instruments, and (3) the implementation of experiments. Keywords: Electronic Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Mathematica Problem Solving Ability

George Athanasiou ◽  
Nikos Maris ◽  
Ioannis Apostolakis

As new technologies enable a radical transformation of the learning process, new learning approaches and techniques appear, and the need for quality assurance of all learning assets emerges. Although, the existing e-learning standards have managed to cover most of the different aspects of the e-learning process, the shift to new paradigms such as collaborative and community learning sets the need for new standards. The main goal of e-learning standards is to enable and ensure interoperability and re-usability of solutions, systems, objects and processes. E-learning is an extremely useful tool for the healthcare community since it allows professionals, researchers, companies and individuals to improve their skills and expand their knowledge. However, it has faced several difficulties mainly due to the heterogeneity of educational needs. The different user groups have different requirements from e-learning, different availability and resources and consequently different quality standards. In this chapter, the authors emphasize on the quality assurance, and the community aspect of e-learning.

2013 ◽  
Vol 760-762 ◽  
pp. 2056-2059
Yuan Zhang ◽  
Xia Feng

In this paper, we believed that social tag is a new paradigm of resource organizing and sharing. It is a very suitable technology using in e-learning systems. We discussed with the learning process in the e-learning system based on social tags. We brought forward a new individual learning process model based on social tags. And we compared with the new learning process model and traditional process model. The new individual learning process model could improve the interaction between learners and between human and computers. The social tags could help the e-learning system build the learners preference model and knowledge model.

Nadya Berliana Putri ◽  
Nada Arina Romli

AbstrakTwitter merupakan salah satu platform media sosial terkemuka di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri, penggunaannya sangat luas mulai dari update status, hiburan sampai berbisnis. Tak heran, berbagai kalangan sangat senang menggunakan media sosial ini. Namun, terdapat dampak dari penggunaan yang terus menerus. Maka dari itu, penulisan artikel ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak adiksi internet pada media sosial  Twitter di Indonesia dengan pendekatan teori komunikasi. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori Komunikasi Media Baru oleh Daniel Harries dan Teori Komunikasi Interpersonal oleh Young Yun Kim dan William Gudykunst. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif dimana teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kajian pustaka yang memfokuskan pada data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Twitter memanfaatkan proses pembelajaran berbasis bakat alami kita yaitu pemicu, perilaku, dan penghargaan. Kita memiliki ide atau memikirkan sesuatu yang lucu (pemicu), tweet (perilaku), dan menerima likes dan retweet (hadiah). Proses belajar ini menyebabkan aliran dopamin di pusat-pusat otak. Semakin banyak kita melakukan ini, semakin perilaku ini semakin diperkuat bahkan karena kuatnya kebanyakan orang memilih untuk tidak tidur (atau susah tidur) karena euforia yang dirasakan.Kata-kata kunci: Adiksi internet; perilaku; media sosial; teori komunikasi; twitter.AbstractTwitter is one of the leading social media platforms throughout the world. In Indonesia, its use is very wide ranging from status updates, entertainment, to business. Not surprisingly, various groups are very happy to use social media. However, there is an impact of continuous use. Therefore, the writing of this article aims to analyze the impact of internet addiction on Twitter's social media in Indonesia with a communication theory approach. Theories used in this research are New Media Communication Theory by Daniel Harries and Interpersonal Communication Theory by Young Yun Kim and William Gudykunst. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach where data collection techniques use literature review that focuses on secondary data. The results of this study indicate that Twitter makes use of our natural talent-based learning process, namely triggers, behaviors, and rewards. We have ideas or think of something funny (triggers), tweet (behavior), and receive likes and retweets (gifts). This learning process causes the flow of dopamine in the centers of the brain. The more we do this, the more amplified this behavior is, even because most people choose not to sleep (or have trouble sleeping) because of the euphoria they feel. Keywords:  Internet addiction; behavior; social media; communication theory; twitter.

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