2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 423
Rosmaini Rosmaini ◽  
Arnita Arnita ◽  
Fahrur Rozi

AbstrakHampir 70% siswa kelas satu dan dua di sekolah Amalia kemampuan membacanya rendah. Dan lebih dari 50% siswa kelas tiga keterampilan membaca khusunya membaca pemahaman juga masih rendah. Tak jauh berbeda dengan keterampilan membaca,, lebih dari 70% siswa kelas tiga memiliki kemampuan mengarang rendah. Begitu juga dengan TK Amalia lebih dari 50% siswanya belum memiliki kemampuan dan keterampilan membaca yang baik, dan kesadaran fonologis yang masih rendah. Peran serta guru dalam mengikuti pelathan-pelatihan yang bertujuan meningkatkan sumber daya juga masih rendah. Sekolah jarang diundang untuk mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan yang diadakan oleh dinas setempat.Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan guru dalam melakukan inovasi pembelajaran khusunya keterampilan literasi. Dengan kegiatan tersebut, dapat menumbuhkan minat membaca dan budaya suka baca pada siswa SD dan TK di Sekolah Amalia.Kata kunci : keterampilan literasi, mini book, minat membacaAbstractAlmost 70% of first and second graders at Amalia's school have a low reading ability. And more than 50% of students of grade 3 reading skills especially reading comprehension are still low. Not much different from reading skills, more than 70% of third graders have low writing skills. Likewise with Amalia kindergarten more than 50% of students do not have the ability and good reading skills, and phonological awareness is still low. Participation of teachers in follow-training training aimed at improving resources is also low. Schools are rarely invited to attend trainings organized by local agencies. Therefore it is necessary to do activities that can improve the understanding and skills of teachers in conducting learning innovations especially literacy skills. With these activities, can foster interest in reading and reading culture in elementary and kindergarten students at Amalia School.Keywords: literacy skills, mini book, reading interest

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-108

Abstract: Reading ability of explanation text of grade VIII SMP students did not fulfill the MMC. The students were less enthusiastic in reading comprehension. Moreover, the learning method was still fetched up all standing  in lecturing method. The students were passive, they just listened to what the teacher delivered. This fact encouraged teachers to develop the learning methods which stimulated students’ interest in reading explanation text. The researcher made serious  effort to apply the Inside Outside Circle learning model. The aim was to improve learning activities and reading ability of explanation text. The object of this research was the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mojoanyar Mojokerto. The method in this study used two cycles, each cycle consisting of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research instrument used tests and non-tests. The results of the study in the Inside Outside Cicle model were: (1) the average level of learning activity was 60.00% (quite active category), to 86.88% (active category), an increase of 26.88%, (2) the average value -The class average of 72.53 becomes 77.69, an increase of 7.57%, (3) students whose grades are low, there is an increase in the value of 30.43%, (4) the number of students who achieve very good reading skills increases by 3.13%, ( 5) completeness of student learning increased  21.88%. From this, it can be seen that there is an increase in student learning activities from being less active in reading to being more active. Meanwhile, the increase in reading skills can be seen from the increase of test scores. Thus the application of the Inside Outside Circle learning model can improve learning activities and reading ability of Explanation text. Keywords : Learning activities,Reading ability of Explanation Text, Inside Outside Circle Learning Model   Abstrak: Kemampuan membaca  teks Eksplanasi siswa  SMP kelas VIII  belum memenuhi KKM. Siswa kurang bergairah dalam membaca   pemahaman . Apalagi metode pembelajaran   masih terpaku metode ceramah. Siswa bersikap pasif , hanya mendengarkan  yang disampaikan guru. Kenyataan ini mendorong guru mengembangkan metode  pembelajaran   yang dapat  merangsang siswa tertarik membaca Teks Eksplanasi. Penulis berupaya menerapkan model pembelajaran Inside Outside Circle. Tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan kemampuan membaca teks Eksplanasi. Objek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Mojoanyar Mojokerto. Metode dalam penelitian ini  menggunakan dua siklus, masing-masing siklus  terdiri empat tahap yaitu  perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan tes dan nontes. Hasil penelitian pembelajaran  model Inside Outside Cicle  :  (1) rata-rata tingkat aktivitas belajar  sebesar 60,00% (kategori cukup aktif),  menjadi 86,88% (kategori aktif),  terjadi kenaikan 26,88%, (2) nilai rata-rata kelas  72,53 menjadi 77,69 naik 7,57% ,(3) siswa yang nilainya rendah , ada peningkatan nilai 30,43%,(4) jumlah siswa yang meraih kemampuan membaca amat baik  meningkat 3,13%  ,(5) ketuntasan belajar siswa meningkat  sebesar 21,88%. Dari sini terlihat  adanya peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa dari yang kurang aktif  membaca menjadi lebih aktif. Sedangkan dalam peningkatan kemampuan membaca terlihat dari meningkatnya nilai ulangan. Dengan demikian  penerapan model pembelajaran Inside Outside Circle dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan kemampuan membaca teks Eksplanasi. Kata kunci : Aktivitas belajar, Kemampuan Membaca Teks Eksplanasi,  Model Pembelajaran Inside Outside Circle.  

Edulib ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Prijana ◽  

 Abstrak. Nilai akademik sering dikaitkan dengan upaya belajar. Upaya belajar sering dikaitkan dengan aktivitas baca. Seseorang dikatakan belajar, maka dipastikan membaca. Tujuan membaca adalah sama, yakni memahami teks, yang berbeda adalah kemampuan memahami teks. Mahasiswa memiliki cara membaca teks yang berbeda-beda, dan hasilnya juga berbeda-beda. Rekayasa baca penting dilakukan untuk memperoleh hasil optimal, yakni melalui metode baca good reading. Tujuan penelitian: menguji metode baca good reading yang dikaitkan dengan kemampuan menjawab soal multiplechoice. Metode penelitian: kelompok eksperimen (N=34) dan kelompok kontrol (N=40). Hasil penelitian: Jika α = 0.10 ; dk = 4 maka kemampuan menjawab soal multiplechoice memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kemampuan membaca, melalui metode baca good reading. Kesimpulan: dengan derajat kepercayaan 90% metode baca good reading dapat membantu secara optimal kemampuan baca mahasiswa. Kata kunci: Kebiasaan baca, Kemampuan baca, Metode baca good reading, Teks Ilmu pengetahuan.  Abstract. Academic values often associated with learning efforts. Efforts to learn is often associated with the activity of reading. Someone said to learn, then certainly reading. The purpose of reading is the same, namely to understand the text, that is different is the ability to understand the text. Students have to read different texts, and the results are also different. Read engineering is important to obtain optimum results, through the method of reading good reading. Objective: to test methods of reading good reading that is associated with the ability to answer the questions multiplechoice. Methods: experimental group (N = 34) and control group (N = 40). Result: If α = 0:10; dk = 4. The ability to answer questions multiplechoice has a significant relationship with the ability to read, through the method of reading good reading. Conclusion: with a 90% confidence level, the method of reading good reading, can help optimally student reading skills. Keywords: The habit of reading, reading ability, Method 'good reading', Text Science. 

Karma Tshering

The issue of reading, especially book reading has received much attention from different quarters in recent times because of the downward trend it is experiencing, especially among the young generation. The researcher realized that student's reading culture particularly developing reading habits were observed to be very poor. Students neither acquired skills of reading nor develop habits of reading. These experiences and observations have motivated me to carry out research to enhance reading skills in reading and promote reading habits for children. This research is to study on Reading Habits of Primary School children under the Lhuentse District. Reading habit and its impact on children of the respondents have been analyzed to find out how reading habit is affected by various elements. Based on the findings of a questionnaires-based survey, the paper also attempts to put forward some suggestions for improving the reading habits of the children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-204
Mulyono Mulyono

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the school literacy movement to increase interest and reading skills through the library terrace model reading hour program for school residents of SD 8 Kandangmas. This type of research is School Action Research (PTS). This research was conducted at SD 8 Kandangmas. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study in Cycle I obtained an observation of interest for teachers with an average score of 71. While for education staff from 5 education personnel the average value was 68, while interest in students obtained an average value of 75. In cycle II, for teachers the average value was 85. Interest scores for education staff the average is 84. For students the average value is 89. Judging from the average value in interest in literacy in cycle II, there is an increase of 20% from the average in cycle I. Meanwhile, literacy skills, especially the ability to read non-textbooks, are obtained from the average literacy reading ability in the second cycle was found to be an increase of 12% from the first cycle.Tujuan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi gerakan literasi sekolah untuk meningkatkan minat dan kemampuan membaca melalui program jam baca model teras pustaka bagi warga sekolah SD 8 Kandangmas. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (PTS). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD 8 Kandangmas. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini pada Siklus I didapat nilai pengamatan minat untuk guru nilai rerata 71. Sedangkan pada tenaga kependidikan dari 5 tenaga kependidikan nilai rerata 68, sedangkan minat pada siswa diperoleh  nilai rerata 75. Pada siklus II, untuk guru nilai nilai rata-rata 85.  Nilai minat untuk tenaga kependidikan rata-rata  84. Untuk siswa nilai rata-rata 89. Dilihat dari nilai rata-rata pada minat berliterasi siklus II ada kenaikan sebesar 20% dari rata-rata siklus I. Sedangkan kemampuan berliterasi khususnya kemampuann membaca non buku teks didapat dari rata-rata pada kemampuan membaca literasi siklus II didapat kenaikan 12% dari siklus I.

Ellie Clin

That language abilities and literacy abilities are intrinsically linked is a well-founded conclusion, driven by the past three decades of research examining reading development. Although the effects of phonological awareness (PA) - the conscious ability to manipulate the sound structure of one’s native language - in developing successful early reading skills are well-known, its predictive abilities attenuate rapidly as development progresses. Accordingly, more recent research has also examined the influence that other linguistic skills present. The present study examines how morphological awareness (MA) - the conscious understanding of how words can be created by using different morphemes, the meaningful units of language - and prosodic sensitivity (PS) - the perception of how stress patterns in English can change the meaning of a word or phrase - affect the reading skills of children in grades 3, 5, and 7 from the Kingston area. Each child was given three batteries of tests, comprised to measure the child’s abilities in reading, MA, PS, PA, language comprehension, memory, general intelligence, and other skills. Our results show that both morphological awareness and prosodic sensitivity are significant predictors of reading skills, above and beyond the significance of phonological awareness, and after controlling for other skills such as memory and intelligence. Such findings are critical to improving our understanding of how reading ability develops in children and how we as researchers may be of aid to improving the skills of children struggling to learn literacy skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-56
Baogen Liu ◽  
Feifei Li ◽  
Hui Jiang ◽  
Justice M. Laura

In the current study, the potentially causal association between young children’s fixations on print and their early literacy ability was explored. The primary purpose was to determine the potentially reciprocal relations between print fixations and literacy abilities, such that print fixations and early literacy skills reciprocally enhance one another rather than one having a direct effect on the other (e.g., fixation on print leads to improvement in early literacy skills). Visual fixations on print for 95 Chinese children ranging in age from 4 to 6 years were recorded using an eye tracker, and their early literacy abilities (vocabulary, orthographic awareness and reading ability) were concurrently examined. Results of structural equation models designed to test different pathways through which print fixations and early literacy skills are related revealed that the reciprocal relationship between print fixations and early literacy skills was not supported, and that fixations on print seem to have a direct effect on children’s literacy skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Sandi Maspika ◽  
Wahyu Kurniawan

ABSTRACTReading is the basic capabilities that must be mastered in order to understand the knowledge. In reality, not all children have a good reading skills. To overcome this problem researcher choosed VAKT method. Researcher believed toward VAKT method effective to improve literacy ability on early elementary school students. This study aimed to determine how the influence of  VAKT methods to improve reading ability at the beginning of first grade elementary school students. The subject on this study was the first grade elementary school students. The subject on this study consist of 5 students. Experimental design used in this study is quasi experiment. The data analysed by nonparametric (Wilcoxon). The results showed that VAKT method effective to improve reading skills at the beginning of the first grade students of elementary school. The result showed that (z = -2.023, p= 0,043 (p <0.050). This study concluded that there was a significant difference between the ability to read at the beginning of the first grade students of elementary school before and after treatment. The reading ability at the beginning of the first grade students after the treatment is better than before the treatment. Key words: Implementation VAKT Method, Early Reading Ability

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-152
Ammara Farukh ◽  
Masroor Sibtain ◽  
Hafiz Muhammad Qasim ◽  
Asma Kashif Shahzad

It has been a controversial issue to ascertain whether girls have an advantage in literacy skills over boys or not. There are studies showing a minor or no lead of girls in literacy skills (White, 2007). On the other hand, several studies described better literacy skills in girls than boys (Ready, LoGerfo, Burkam& Lee, 2005; Coley, 2001). Reasons like differences in biology,cognitive and physical maturation (Leinhardt, Seewald & Engel, 1979) are given to explain these differences. In this study, 8-9 years 66 grade 3 children were tested on loud reading tasks in both Urdu and English.The children were extracted from a bigger sample which participated in a previous study. In the present study, we used 3-word lists (words of mixed difficulty, pseudo-words, and easy frequent words) in both Urdu and English (3+3). A t-test was run to see the difference of performance on all word reading tasks by girls, and boys.  The girls scored higher than boys on all Urdu and English tasks, except pseudo-words in Urdu where the difference was not significant whereas a tendency towards significance could be seen. The results presented evidence in favour of the advantage (cognitive or social) of girls over boys of the same age and grade.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 887-894
Iva Andonova Stamenova

The report is devoted to the problem of reading with understanding in the fourth grade. The problem of the levels of reading literacy of elementary school pupils is also affected by international systems for assessing their achievements worldwide - PISA and PIRLS. The worrying results show that Bulgaria occupies one of the last places of literacy in the charts of the two international systems, which implies the necessity of introducing changes in the educational system. For this reason, the National External Assessment at the end of the 4th grade was introduced, based on the level of literacy and reader competence of our students.As a result of yearly tests and many expert studies, we disprove the information originally presented that we are at the bottom of the literacy chart in Europe. During the last few years, Bulgarian students have not only improved their literacy skills, but they have also been among the successful participants in national reading competitions, the project initiatives organized by the Ministry of Education and Science and the clubs for readership interests of the local libraries .Our pupils work on learning projects both in school time and in extracurricular activities that teachers place on their own. Design works are not only a pleasant activity for learners, but also a way of enriching the child's personality, building useful competencies and stimulating the development of creative activity. Apart from the above, the project activities allow students to share ideas, experiences, interests, teamwork, listen and respect with respect to their classmate's point of view, to communicate as equal partners in the process of project endeavors. Teamwork brings together the class and sets the foundations for a friendly work environment where each team member makes every effort to finalize the project.

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