2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ayu Purba ◽  
Martozet Martozet

ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the level of student learning creativity by applying cooperative learning models through the scientific approach to archipelago dance learning in class XI SMA Negeri 6 Medan Academic Year 2018/2019. The theory used as reference in this study is a theory relating to cooperative learning models and scientific approaches in the study of theory by Daryanto (2014:51) and theories relating to the development of student learning creativity in schools studied by Utami Munandar (2016:27). This research method uses descriptive quantitative method with the design of one-group pretest posttest with a research population all of class XI   SMA Negeri 6 Medan. The research sample amounted to 33 students taken from 1 class, namely class XI IPA1. Data collection techniques with observation, documentation, questionnaires, and literature study. Before the action is taken, the pretest test is conducted to determine the students' initial abilities. From the data analysis, the average pretest is 62.90 and the standard deviation is 63.55. Then the prostest data was obtained after treatment with an average value of 81.90 and a standard deviation of 82.90. The results of the study were carried out by the T test to see the level of student learning creativity in which before testing the hypothesis, the normality and homogeneity of the data was tested first. From the results of the data analysis, it was found that the samples came from populations that were normally distributed and homogeneous. From the results of the average pretest and posttest, it can be seen that the increase in the percentage value for student learning creativity is 30%. The results of the t-test at the level of α = 0.05 were obtained tcount> ttable that is 8.65> 1.6690 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Then it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning models through the scientific approach to Nusantara dance learning can improve the learning creativity of class XI SMA Negeri 6 Medan Academic Year  2018/2019.Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model, Scientific Approach, Creativity, SMA Negeri 6 Medan  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kreatifitas belajar siswa dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif melalui pendekatan saintifik pada pembelajaran tari nusantara pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 6 Medan Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Teori yang dijadikan acuan dalam penelitian ini merupakan teori yang berkenaan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif dan pendekatan saintifik dalam kajian teori oleh Daryanto (2014:51) dan teori yang berkenaan dengan pengembangan kreatifitas belajar siswa di sekolah yang dikaji oleh Utami Munandar (2016:27). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain one-group pretest posttest dengan populasi penelitian semua siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 6 Medan. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 33 siswa yang diambil dari 1 kelas yaitu kelas XI IPA1. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, dokumentasi, angket, dan studi kepustakaan. Sebelum dilakukan tindakan, terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji pretest untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal siswa. Dari analisis data diperoleh rata-rata pretest yaitu 62,90 dan standar deviasi yaitu 63,55. Kemudian diperoleh data prostest sesudah perlakuan dengan nilai rata-rata yaitu 81,90 dan standar deviasi yaitu 82,90. Hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan uji T untuk melihat tingkat kreatifitas belajar siswa dimana sebelum pengujian hipotesis terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji normalitas dan homogenitas data. Dari hasil analasis data dipeoleh bahwa sampel berasal dari populasi yang berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Dari hasil rata-rata pretest dan posttest dapat diketahui bahwa peningkatan persentase nilai untuk kreatifitas belajar siswa meningat sebesar 30%. Hasil uji-t pada taraf α = 0,05 diperoleh thitung > ttabel yaitu 8,65 > 1,6690 maka HO ditolak dan Ha diterima. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif melalui pendekatan saintifik pada pembelajaran tari Nusantara dapat meningkatkan kreatifitas belajar siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 6 Medan Tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif, Pendekatan Saintifik, Kreatifitas, SMA Negeri 6 Medan

Dian Perayanti Sinaga ◽  
Marlindoaman Saragih

This study aims to determine the comparison of student learning outcomes and the magnitude of differences in student learning outcomes by using the Make a Match and Snowball Throwing learning model in Ecosystem material in class X of SMA Perguruan Keluarga in the 2019/2020 Academic Year. The total population is all students of class X  are103 students, consisting of 3 classes. The sample was taken by Cluser Random Sampling, obtained 2 classes, namely the experimental class I (X MS 1) totaling 34 students and the experimental class II (X MS 2) totaling 34 students. Data analysis in this study is to look for the average value (͞x), Standard deviation (S) and hypothesis testing (t test). From the research results obtained the average value of Pre-test Experiment I and Pre-Test Experiment II were 37.79 and 42.64. The average Post-test value of experiment I and experiment II was 91.62 and 85.74 with a difference of 5.88. The standard deviation of the Pre-test and Post-test experiments I were 12.98 and 6.48, the standard deviation of the Pre-test and Post-test experiments II were 14.68 and 4.94. From the results of data analysis with the t test at a significant level α = 0.05 and the degree of freedom (dk) = 66 obtained t-count (4,208)> t-table (2.00), then Ho is rejected Ha is accepted, meaning that there are differences in student learning outcomes using make a match and snowball throwing model learning on ecosystem materials in class x SMA Yayasan Perguruan Keluarga Pematangsiantar Academic Year 2019/2020.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
S. Supratman ◽  
Sri Wulandari Muhlis

The formulation of the problem in this research are: (1) How the result of learning mathematics of students after taught by SAVI learning model?, (2) How the result of learning mathematics of students after taught by NHT learning model?, (3) Is the result of learning mathematics of students who taught with SAVI learning model is higher than students taught by NHT learning model. The purpose of this study are: (1) To know how the results of learning mathematics students after teaching with SAVI learning model, (2) To find out how the results of learning mathematics students after being taught with NHT learning model, (3) To determine whether the results of learning mathematics students taught by SAVI learning models higher than students taught by NHT learning models. Type of research using experimental method. The population in this study is all students of class X spread in 11 parallel classes with the number of 310 people. Sampling was done by using cluster random sampling technique. In this research as a sample taken 2 classes from the entire population that is class X A3 as experiment class 1 using SAVI learning model and class X A1 as experiment class 2 using NHT learning model. From result of data analysis obtained that: (1) result of student learning taught by using SAVI learning model which consist of 25 students show minimum value 62, maximum value 96, mean (mean) 80,36, with standard deviation 9,10; (2) student learning outcomes taught using NHT learning model consisting of 25 students showing minimum score 62, maximum value 96, mean (mean) 79,62, with standard deviation 10,512; (3) result of t-test analysis using independent sample t-test obtained tcount = 0,302 at = 0,05 with degrees of freedom (dk) = 48 obtained t table = 2,011. Because t <t table then Ha is rejected and H0 is accepted. So it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of students who were taught with the SAVI model was not higher than the students taught by the NHT model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 170
Samsur Samsur

This research is motivated by the lack of IPS student learning outcomes can be seen from the results of thestudents' social studies class V SD Negeri 54 Sebangar with an average value of 60.65. Therefore, theresearchers provide an alternative implementation strategies in the classroom to the application of learningmodels kooeperatif make a match type in the class V SD Negeri 54 Sebangar in the academic year 2014/2015.This research aims to improve learning outcomes IPS V grade students of SD Negeri 54 Sebangar with theapplication of learning models kooeperatif make a match type in the class V Implementation Strategy. Form ofresearch is the Classroom Action Research (PTK) with 2 cycles. Based on research data anlisis after applying oflearning models kooeperatif make a match type, the average percentage of the activity of teachers in the firstcycle 74.99% increased to 91.06% in the second cycle. The average percentage of student activity alsoincreased, namely 67.85% in the first cycle increased to 82.14% in the second cycle. Student learning outcomesin basic score by the average value of 60.65 and the first cycle increased with an average value of 75.00 classwith a 23.66% increase in the percentage of learning outcomes and the percentage of students who completed84.61%, and the second cycle increased again by an average of 82.30 with the percentage improvement classlearning outcomes 35.69% and the percentage of students who completed 88.46%. These results indicate that theapplication the application of learning models kooeperatif make a match type in the class V IPS grade studentsof SD Negeri 54 Sebangar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-74
Susi Anika

  This research is based on the low creativity of students and the low active activity of students in solving mathematical problems caused by the low ability of teachers to understand learning models in learning activities. Less relevance of the learning model applied by the teacher to the objectives and characteristics of mathematics. This study aims to increase students' creativity and activity in solving mathematical problems by applying the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model. This research is a Classroom Action Research conducted at SMK Negeri 2 DEPOK with the research subject being class XI Boga III with the object of research being the application of the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model with open-ended problems as an effort to increase student creativity. The results of the data analysis in the first cycle showed that the average creativity value was 67.75 or 70% of the number of students who took the test had a minimum level of creativity in the sufficient category and 30% had a creativity level below the sufficient category. In the second cycle, the average value of the creativity test was 76.94%, at least the sufficient category and 10% had the creativity level below the sufficient category. Based on the results in cycles I and II, it can be concluded that the application of Jigsaw cooperative learning can increase students' creativity and the level of student activity during learning has met the targets applied. Keywords: Mathematics, Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw, Student Creativity  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 009-020
Sunartih Sunartih ◽  
Marungkil Pasaribu ◽  
Amiruddin Hatibe

This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of ASSURE learning model on student learning outcomes in temperature and heat material of class XI SMA. The method used is quasi-experimental with equivalent pretest-posttest design. The population of this study were all students of class XI SMA . Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling with the sample of the study being class XI Mipa 2 as the experimental class and class X1 Mipa 5 as the control class. The research instrument in the form of learning outcomes tests and observation sheets that have been validated by the validator and field tested. Data analysis used inferential statistics is normality, homogeneity, hypothesis testing (2-party t test). Based on the results of research and analysis of research data, obtained the value of student learning outcomes at posttest average value of the experimental class is 14.90 with a standard deviation of 3.23 and for the control class of 11.57 with a standard deviation of 2.99. The test results of the t test statistic of 2 parties from hypothesis testing obtained the price thitung(4,11)>ttabel(1,67) or thitung(-4,11)>ttabel(-1,67) so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. This result states that there are differences in student learning outcomes in physics subjects between classes taught with the ASSURE learning model and Direct Intruction learning models. It can be concluded that there is an influence of the ASSURE learning model on student learning outcomes in temperature and heat material in class XI of SMA. Keywords: assure learning model, learning outcomes, temperature and heat  

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 162-167
Yulianti Siako ◽  
Kasmudin Mustapa

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of problem-solving learning models on students’ learning outcomes in the acid-base solutions topic in SMA Negeri 1 Buko on Academic Year 2018-2019. This type of research was a true experiment with a non-randomized posttest two group design. The population of this research was all students of class XI MIA, the sampling techniques was saturated sampling methods. The sample used was students of class XI MIA 1 and XI MIA 2 as experimental class 1 and experimental class 2. The testing of students’ learning outcomes data was using one-party statistical analysis t-test to test the completeness of individual learning outcomes and classical completeness test to test the overall percentage of mastery learning. The results of data analysis obtained, the mean experimental class 1 (X1) was 75.5 with a standard deviation of 10.71 and the average experimental class 2 (X2) was 76.43 with a standard deviation of 12.77. The results of hypothesis testing with one-party t-test statistics in the experimental class 1 and 2 was obtained tcount > ttable (2.321 > 1.740; 2.306 > 2.101) with a significance level of α = 0.05 and degrees of freedom 18 and 19, then H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Then, the result of the classical completeness test obtained in the experimental class 1 were 80% and experimental class 2 were 80.95%. Based on the results of data analysis it can be concluded that the problem-solving learning model is effective against students’ learning outcomes in the acid-base solutions topic in SMA Negeri 1 Buko on Academic Year 2018-2019.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Sitti Aisyah

This research is Classroom Action Research which aims to improve student learning outcomes through STAD Cooperative Learning Using Index Cards. The subjects of this study were students of class X MIPA 1 Watampone 1 Senior High School totaling 36 people in the 2016/2017 academic year. The implementation of this study consisted of two cycles. The collected data is analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results are after two tests of the class average value of 64, 21 in the first cycle increased to 77.02 in the second cycle, this means that the standard of graduation at SMA 1 Watampone has been achieved with the number of students as many as 26 people. The number of students who completed individually in the first cycle was 11 people increased to 24 people in the second cycle. Classically, the increase was 42.30% in the first cycle which increased to 92.30% in the second cycle. Thus, STAD Cooperative Learning Using the Index Card as a learning model is able to improve student learning activities and outcomes, especially students' biological understanding. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 297
Sari’ah Sari’ah ◽  
Saiful Prayogi ◽  
Sukainil Ahzan

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning model of group investigation type against scince generic skills of students. This research was a quasi-experimental. The population in the study was a grade VIII MTS Nurul Falah NW Lajut with 36 students. Sampling was derived by random sampling where the 16 students of VIII A as on experimental class and VIII B as a control class with 20 students.Based on pretest data analysis, obtained an average value of 31,25 experimental class and control class was 42,2.Posttest analysis showed an average grade of 65,75 experimental and control class was 61,6.  The data analysis technique was t-test. It show t- test= 5,80 and t-table = 1,67. Because of  t-count is greater than the  t- table, it can be concluded that there were the effect of cooperative learning model of group investigation generic against science skills of student.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 394-399
Ahmad Susanto ◽  
Lativa Qurrotaini ◽  
Is wan ◽  
Fari hen

Research with the title Application of Cooperative Learning Models and Interaction Patterns in an effort to improve student learning outcomes in the Junior High School XVIII, South Tangerang Indonesia, in social studies subjects. This research was conducted on seventh grade students of Junior Hight School XVIII, South Tangerang. Indonesia. This research method uses a descriptive quantitative approach, while the research instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive statistical test. The results of the study are the results of the application of cooperative learning models and interaction patterns in an effort to improve student learning outcomes, in social studies subjects, as evidenced by the results of statistical tests obtained based on the level of satisfaction, the average value obtained is strongly agree at 31%, agree at 50%, disagree by 18%, answers that strongly disagree obtained a value of 1%. Meanwhile, based on the answers according to the percentage of peer group interaction pattern variables, the average value obtained was 31% strongly agree, 41% agree, 24% disagree and 3% strongly disagree. The results of the answer test based on student achievement in social studies obtained the average value of those who answered strongly agree amounted to 29%, san who answered agreed 47%, and disagreed 22%, and strongly disagreed by 2%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-71

This study aims (1) to describe the learning process with Discovery Learning models among students; and (2) Improve the learning outcomes in subject of Bahasa Indonesia by application of discovery learning models. The subjects of this study were students of class X MIPA 5 SMA N 1 Bantul at 2018/2019 Academic Year. The study was conducted in three months from January to the end of March 2019. This study was a classroom action research (CAR), carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four activities: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. There are five types of data collection techniques used in this study, i.e. (1) observation, (2) questionnaire, (3) guided interviews, and (4) documentation. The results of this study show that (1) Discovery learning learning models improved teacher performance in learning, improved the performance of students in learning, and obtained excellent responses from students; (2) Implementation of discovery learning models improved student learning outcomes. The average value of student learning outcomes with the discovery learning model in cycle I was 82 with sufficient predicate, then increased to 94 in cycle II with very good predicate. The learning completeness in cycle I was 81.25% and increased to 100% in cycle II.

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