scholarly journals Science fairs and the metacognitive phenomenon

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3B) ◽  
pp. 43-56
Diógenes Gewehr ◽  
Rogério José Schuck ◽  
Andreia Aparecida Guimarães Strohschoen

This article deals with science fairs as spaces favorable to the evocation of metacognitive thinking fostered by the development of scientific research. It aims to highlight the skills unleashed in student researchers regarding participation in science fairs. It involved ten teachers and 133 students of Basic Education, from public and private networks, approached at a science fair held at a university in RS. Data were collected using a Likert questionnaire and recorded interviews, analyzed using descriptive statistics and the phenomenological method. It was evident that the evocation of metacognitive thinking was present throughout the process of scientific research, which culminated in the science fair. These revealed to be spaces of phenomena, because when constituted, they allow the student to evaluate himself and recognize his own learning, as well as, identify gaps to be improved. Thus, they result in the triggering of intellectual skills, contributing to the personal and social development of student researchers.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Simara Maria Tavares Nunes ◽  
Fernanda Welter Adams ◽  
Scarlet Dandara Borges Alves ◽  
Dayane Graciele dos Santos

As Feiras de Ciências da Universidade Federal de Goiás/Regional Catalão (UFG/RC) são eventos de grande relevância, repercutindo de maneira significativa em todo o conjunto de escolas e colégios públicos e privados do município de Catalão e Região. O objetivo primordial deste evento é o de despertar e estimular o interesse de alunos de Ensino Médio, Profissional ou Tecnológico, Fundamental e Educação Infantil de escolas das redes pública e privada pelas Ciências (em geral, em todas as áreas do Conhecimento). Aliás, os grandes diferenciais desta Feira de Ciências são a abrangência de todos os níveis de escolaridade, oportunizando inclusive aos alunos da Educação Infantil e Ensino Fundamental 1 a oportunidade de vivenciar a pesquisa e divulgar seus resultados ao público e a abrangência de área de conhecimento. Outros importantes objetivos são estreitar as relações Universidade-Escola, o que tem sido bem sucedido e permitir que as escolas mostrem na Feira de Ciências os seus projetos em andamento, de forma a valorizar os trabalhos que as escolas já realizam, divulgando-os durante o evento, de modo a dar visibilidade aos trabalhos cotidianos de professores e alunos dentro das escolas. Os estudantes são responsáveis pela execução e apresentação dos trabalhos durante o período de realização da Feira de Ciências. No dia da exposição dos trabalhos, cada um deles é avaliado por uma comissão composta por professores da Universidade, egressos dos programas de pós-graduação da Unidade e professores da Educação Básica com título de Mestre; a avaliação obedece a critérios previamente divulgados como criatividade e inovação; relevância do trabalho; aspecto interdisciplinar; clareza e objetividade na apresentação do trabalho, dentre outros. Tem-se trabalhado desde sempre com a interdisciplinaridade e com o propósito de se agregar todas as áreas do conhecimento. Dentre os resultados alcançados pelas atividades das Feiras de Ciências da UFG/RC, tem - se a participação efetiva da comunidade no evento; professores estimulados a desenvolver atividades de enriquecimento curricular; alunos motivados apresentando um número significativo de projetos para a Feira de Ciências; alunos com desenvoltura para a execução e apresentação de trabalhos científicos e/ou culturais.Palavras-chave: Feiras de Ciências; Formação cidadã; Metodologia diferenciada de ensino. ABSTRACT: The Science Fairs of Federal University of Goiás / Regional Catalão (UFG / RC) are highly relevant events impacting significantly on the entire set of public and private schools in Catalão and Region. The primary objective of this event is to arouse and stimulate the interest of high school, Technology, Fundamental Education and Early Childhood students of public and private schools for Science (all knowledge areas). By the way, the great advantages of this Science Fair is the scope of all levels of education, providing opportunities to Early Childhood and fundamental education students to experience research and disseminate their results to the public, beyond the scope of knowledge area. Other important objectives are to strengthen the University-School relations, which have been successful and allow schools to show in the Science Fair its ongoing projects in order to value the work that schools already perform, publicizing them during the event in order to give visibility to the daily work of teachers and students. Students are responsible for implementing and the presentation of the work in the Science Fair. In the exhibition day of the works, each one of them is evaluated by a committee composed for University teachers, Post-Graduation Egresses of the Unit and Basic Education teachers with master's degree; the evaluation is based on criteria previously published as creativity and innovation; relevance of the work; interdisciplinary aspect; clarity and objectivity in the presentation of the work, among others. It has been working always with interdisciplinary approach and with the purpose to aggregate all knowledge areas. Among the results achieved by the activities of the Science Fairs of UFG / RC, has the effective participation of the community in the event; Teachers encouraged to develop activities for curriculum enrichment; motivated students presenting a significant number of projects in the Science Fair; Students with ease for the execution and presentation of scientific and /or cultural work.Keywords: Feira de Ciências; Citizenship; Differentiated methodology of teaching.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (42) ◽  
Mónica De Martino Bermúdez

Resumen – El artículo es producto del proyecto Visibilizando la Paternidad Adolescente en sectores de Pobreza, financiada por la Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC) de la Universidad de la República. Dicha investigación fue avalada y respaldada por organizaciones públicas y privadas tales como: Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (MIDES); Aldeas Infantiles S.O.S. y Vida y Educación. El texto dialoga en ese espacio fronterizo entre saberes académicos, saberes técnicos y el saber cotidiano de adolescentes entrevistados. Pretendemos poner en común los resultados de esta investigación, de carácter exploratorio, sobre los sentidos y experiencias de la paternidad en la adolescencia pobre y suburbana. Especialmente desde la ética sexual que rige la vida de los entrevistados, en términos de cómo entienden su virilidad y su vida de pareja. Para ello nos hemos guiado por la intención de elucidar el problema estudiado, en términos de pensar y saber lo que se hace y piensa científicamente.Palabras Claves: paternidad; adolescencia; pobreza; ética sexual.  Resumo – O artigo é produto do projeto Visibilizando a paternidade na adolescência pobre, financiado pela Comissão Setorial de Pesquisas Científicas (CSIC) da Universidade da República. Esta pesquisa foi apoiada por organizações públicas e privadas, tais como: Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social (Mides); Aldeias Infantis S.O.S. e Vida e Educação. O texto, portanto, dialoga nesse espaço de fronteira entre o conhecimento acadêmico, o conhecimento técnico e o conhecimento diário dos adolescentes entrevistados. Pretendemos, assim, compartilhar os resultados desta pesquisa, de caráter exploratório, sobre os sentidos e experiências da paternidade na adolescência pobre suburbana, abordando especialmente a ética sexual que rege as vidas dos entrevistados, em termos de como eles entendem sua virilidade e a vida com seu parceira. Para isso, fomos guiados pela intenção de elucidar o problema estudado, em termos de pensar e saber o que é feito e pensado cientificamente.Palavras-Chave: paternidade; adolescência; pobreza; ética sexual.  Abstract – This article is a product of the project Visibilizing Adolescent Fatherhood in Poverty Sectors, financed by the Sectoral Commission for Scientific Research (CSIC) of the Universidad de la República in Uruguay. This research was endorsed and supported by public and private organizations such as: Uruguay’s Ministry of Social Development (MIDES); Aldeas Infantiles S.O.S., and Vida y Educación. The article bridges the border space between academic knowledge, technical knowledge, and the daily knowledge of the teenagers interviewed. We intend to share the results of this exploratory research about the senses and experiences of fatherhood in poor and suburban adolescence, especially on the sexual ethic that governs the lives of the interviewees, in terms of how they understand their virility and their life as a couple. For this we have been guided by the intention to elucidate the problem studied, in terms of thinking and knowing what is done and think scientifically.Keywords: fatherhood; adolescence; poverty; sexual ethics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-26
S. V. Vasyliev

The study is focused on the legal regulation of state support for the creation of innovative medicinal products. Establishment of the measures of state support for scientific research for creating innovative medicinal products within legislative acts and by-laws should help to increase the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine. The government declares the provision of support for scientific research in the field of creating innovative medicinal products. The legislation establishes the conditions for registering an innovative project, provides the maintenance of the Register of scientific institutions that received the state support. A detailed characteristic of the existing means of the state support for scientific research in the pharmaceutical industry is provided. The state supports innovations by establishing tax incentives for research institutions and providing funding for some innovative projects. Support for innovations is carried out by the State Innovative Financial and Credit Institution, the National Research Fund of Ukraine and the Innovation Development Fund. Funding for the creation of innovative medicinal products can be realized through public and private partnership. The scholars have declared their propositions regarding the introduction of specific measures of the state support for innovations in the field of creating new medicinal products. It has been offered to amend the current legislation on the issues of state funding of scientific research in the sphere of developing new medicinal products. It is necessary to delineate the competence of various funds for promoting innovations in relation to supporting innovations in the field of pharmacia. It is important that the law should provide the procedure and conditions for supporting public and private partnership projects at the expenses of funds for promoting innovations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 553-557
Eriada Çela

Addressing gender-equality issues in education can foster enormous change in children’s lives. However, most textbooks in Albanian schools include gender stereotypes, which perpetuate gender inequality and unequal roles for men and women, both in public and private spheres. This research aims to identify and evaluate trends of gender stereotypes in textbooks, as well as the need for gender mainstreaming in basic education curriculum. The methodology is based on a desk review of textbooks from a gender perspective. The curriculum evaluation follows the context, input, process, and product (CIPP) model of evaluation, which mainly aims to assess the extent to which a certain education reform has generated positive change in schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 109
Aisha T. Alharbi

This study looked into Saudi female English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ perception of their motivational practices in the actual classroom in public and private schools. Forty (n=40) EFL teachers filled out a questionnaire consisting of forty-four motivational strategies that were based on a five-point Likert scale ranging from "very important" to "not important." Descriptive statistics have been used to determine the most and the least important teaching strategies viewed by EFL teachers in private and public schools. To determine if there was any difference between private and public schools’ teachers on how they viewed each strategy in terms of importance, inferential statistics, t-test has been implemented. The study revealed that participants in both educational contexts indicate that “teachers’ proper behavior” is the most significant motivational strategy while “having an encouraging environment” in the EFL classroom was ranked the least important strategy. The findings show that there existed a striking similarity between the two sets of teachers in regard to their perceptions of the importance of motivational strategies. The study suggests that English-as-a-Second-Language book planners should keep textbook materials in harmony with motivational strategies practiced by EFL teachers.

1967 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 407-409

C.A.S.H.A., the African Centre for Applied Humanities, was founded in 1961, with the assistance of the general planning commissariat of the French Republic, as a non-profit-making organisation. Its aims are to undertake and to promote, chiefly in Africa, inter-disciplinary research into economic and social development and the related policies for action, building up a research machinery capable of responding to the specific problems of the developing countries. Its operations are safeguarded by agreements with both public and private bodies, having regard to the objects of the Association and its appropriate tasks.

Mika Markus Merviö

This chapter discusses the significance of cultural traditions for social development in East Asian societies, in particular Japan and Korea. The chapter treats culture and society in a broad sense in order to find out what makes the East Asian case specific. Moreover, the chapter provides a reinterpretation of Japanese social realities and social models in 2013 when Japanese politics and society are going through the transformation known as Abenomics.

Helaine Maria De Souza Pontes ◽  
Celia FIinck Brandt ◽  
Ana Luiza Ruschel Nunes

O objeto de estudo deste trabalho de investigação consiste em saber como a Teoria dos Registros de Representação Semiótica se evidencia nas pesquisas científicas brasileiras, portanto tem como objetivo revelar o nível de abrangência, objeto matemático, procedimentos metodológicos e aspectos da teoria de Duval mais recorrentes nestas pesquisas. Desta forma, trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica com delineamento do estado da arte. Os resultados apresentados demonstram a predominância da Educação Básica; a variedade dos objetos matemáticos; o destaque tanto das Sequências Didáticas quanto das Atividades Matemáticas como procedimentos metodológicos utilizados e as transformações de tratamento e conversão como aspectos da teoria de Duval mais evidentes nas pesquisas mapeadas. The object of study of this research is how the Theory of Semiotics Representation Registers is evident in Brazilian scientific research therefore aims to reveal the level of coverage, mathematical object, methodological procedures and aspects of Duval most prevalent theory in these research. In this way, it is a bibliographical research design with state of the art. The results show the predominance of Basic Education; the variety of mathematical objects; the highlight of both sequences as Teaching of Mathematics activities as methodological procedures used and the treatment and conversion transformations as aspects of the more obvious Duval theory most evident in the mapped research. 

10.1068/c27m ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-303 ◽  
Mike Raco ◽  
Ivan Turok ◽  
Keith Kintrea

Efforts to decentralise the pursuit of economic and social development have increased in recent years. The authors examine the rationale for establishing local development companies in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. The broad purpose is to establish a new style of organisation that combines attributes of the public and private sectors-to adapt and integrate economic and social services to meet local needs, to champion local interests in external arenas, and to act as enabling agents to promote local investment and development. These arguments are elaborated and illustrated with reference to one of Britain's most successful local development companies, Govan Initiative. The analysis reveals important strengths of the Initiative, including its action orientation, commitment to quality, and a local leadership role, but also certain weaknesses including its limited leverage over wider policies and resource flows. Local development companies need meaningful commitment from regional and national public organisations to fulfil their potential.

Gloria Pérez de Albéniz-Garrote ◽  
Begoña Medina Gómez ◽  
Laura Rubio Rubio

RESUMENLa adolescencia es una fase crítica del desarrollo por la vulnerabilidad respecto al consumo de sustancias tóxicas. La impulsividad y la búsqueda de sensaciones son rasgos de personalidad que aparecen asociados tradicionalmente con el consumo precoz de cannabis en adolescentes. Se analizan las diferencias en impulsividad (funcional y disfuncional) y en búsqueda de sensaciones (búsqueda de emociones y aventuras, búsqueda de experiencias, desinhibición y susceptibilidad al aburrimiento) por género, edad y consumo de cannabis. La muestra estuvo constituida por 634 adolescentes de colegios públicos y concertados de Burgos (España). Se aplicó el Inventario de Impulsividad, el Cuestionario de Búsqueda de Sensaciones y una pregunta sobre el consumo de cannabis. Las características de la muestra se analizaron con estadística descriptiva y las diferencias en impulsividad y búsqueda de sensaciones por género, edad, consumo de cannabis y su interacción con la prueba MANOVA. Los varones son más impulsivos funcionales y más buscadores de emociones, aventuras y experiencias que las mujeres. Con 14 y 15 años puntúan más alto en búsqueda de emociones y aventuras y menos en búsqueda de experiencias. El 22.5% de los adolescentes consumía cannabis. Estos puntúan más alto en búsqueda de emociones y aventuras, en búsqueda de experiencias, y en desinhibición que los no consumidores. Aparece un incremento de la impulsividad disfuncional y de la susceptibilidad al aburrimiento asociada al consumo en las mujeres. Por lo tanto, los programas preventivos deberían tener en cuenta el género de los adolescentes y algunos rasgos de personalidad para incrementar su efectividad.ABSTRACTAdolescence is a critical phase of development due to the vulnerability to the consumption of toxic substances. Impulsivity and sensation seeking are personality traits that traditionally appear associated with the early consumption of cannabis in adolescents. This study focuses on the analysis of the differences in impulsivity (functional and dysfunctional) and in sensation seeking (thrill and adventure-seeking, disinhibition, experience seeking, and boredom susceptibility) by gender, age and cannabis use. The sample consisted of 634 adolescents from public and private schools of Burgos (Spain). The Dickman’s Impulsivity Inventory, the Sensations Seeking Scale and a question about cannabis consumption were applied. The characteristics of the sample were analyzed with descriptive statistics and the differences in impulsivity and sensation seeking by gender, age, cannabis consumption and its interaction with the MANOVA test. In general, males are more functional impulsive and more thrills and adventures and experiences seekers than female. Participants aged 14 and 15 score higher in thrill and adventure-seeking, and less in experiences seeking. 22.5% of adolescents consumed cannabis. They scored higher in thrill and adventure-seeking, in experience seeking, and in disinhibition than non-consumers. There is an increase in dysfunctional impulsivity and boredom susceptibility associated with consumption in women. Therefore, preventive programs should take into account the gender and certain personality traits of adolescents to increase their effectiveness.

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