2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (3) ◽  
pp. 117-125
Ivan Samokish ◽  
Anatolii Bosenko ◽  
Mariia Topchii

A considerable amount of research is devoted to theoretical and practical study of the functional capabilities of students. An overwhelming number of scientists and practitioners assess the level of functionality with the help of various control exercises for physical fitness. It has been established that tests for physical fitness have certain disadvantages, especially organizational and methodological ones. Some researchers use various functional trials and functional tests, in rare cases – maximum loads at the level of functional reserves, which give the most accurate information, but they need to be used with some caution. It has been established that the existing regulatory and legal framework governing the organization of physical education in higher education institutions practically does not regulate the monitoring of the functional capabilities of students. The technological aspect of the assessment of functional capabilities is not disclosed, and monitoring methods for students with different levels of physical condition and regulatory requirements for functional capabilities are not sufficiently developed and do not meet modern requirements. In the literature available to us there are practically no comprehensive studies in higher education institutions of the functional capabilities of students, taking into account the results of physical fitness and functional tests in the educational process of physical education. In our opinion, the use of integrated monitoring of students' functional capabilities with the help of functional testing with a change in the power of physical activity over a closed cycle and a specially developed battery of tests for physical fitness makes it possible to obtain more accurate and diverse information about the level of functionality of students, as well as optimize the teaching and educational process of physical education in higher education institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-109
Olena M. Shkola ◽  
Olena V. Fomenko ◽  
Olena V. Otravenko ◽  
Viktoriia I. Donchenko ◽  
Valeriy O. Zhamardiy ◽  

Aim: Theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the method of using innovative technologies, aimed at improving the health of students in the process of physical education with the use of crossfit in medical institutions of higher education. Materials and Methods: The research was carried out within the framework of the discipline “Physical Education”, among students of 1-2 courses of medical specialties. In the experimental group, classes were held once a week for 90 minutes with the method of using crossfit for boys and girls, also there were additional extracurricular classes once a week (60 minutes). The control group was engaged in the usual program of physical education. Students of higher education institutions were offered a method of classes using crossfit tools. Results: In the educational process in higher education institutions, physical education is a way to achieve strategic goals by preserving the health of young people. An important aspect of our study is the use of innovative technologies in physical education process through crossfit. Crossfit refers to strength training and has an extreme system of general physical training, based on the alternation of basic movements in different sports. The crossfit training system allows you to easily adapt it for people with different levels of physical fitness. Students of higher education institutions were offered a method of classes using crossfit tools in physical education process. Conclusions: Thanks to the implemented methodology, the usage of functional all-around (crossfit), we proved that during our study, students who were engaged in the experimental method, improved their general physical condition, level of physical fitness and motivation to engage in physical culture and sports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (SPE3) ◽  

In modern science there is a permanent search for new effective forms of organization of the educational process in physical training at higher education institutions of different orientation. The article presents a solution of the actual scientific and practical task of improving the level of physical fitness of students and increasing the readiness of young people of military age to fulfill their national service obligation and advancement of the content of physical education in agrarian institutions of higher education by means of the program of sectional classes using the means of MMA. Due to the conducted research, for the first time, the structure and content of the program of sectional classes with the priority use of means of MMA all-around in physical education of students of institutions of higher education has been scientifically substantiated; the effectiveness of the use of means of military sports all-around for students of agricultural institutions of higher education was determined by indicators of their physical condition, physical development, functional and psychological state, physical fitness. The effectiveness of the author’s program is confirmed by the improvement of functional capabilities, normalization of physical condition, enhancement of the level of physical fitness, increase of interest of young men to engage in physical education and importance of instrumental and terminal values.

Yu. Martуnov ◽  
M. Koryukaev ◽  
A. Sobolenko

The article reveals the peculiarities of the use of athletics to improve the physical fitness of students of higher education institutions. The influence of physical education on motivation for athletics is also revealed. It is established that the use of means and methods of athletics in physical education classes in higher education institutions leads to a significant increase in the level of physical fitness. It was found that one of the factors influencing the growth of student morbidity and low level of their physical development is the lack of physical activity. The combination of these factors determines the level of physical fitness and efficiency, which, in turn, are important indicators of professional training of students. However, the use of other methods of strength development, the method of unsatisfactory efforts with a normalized number of repetitions, the method of unsatisfactory efforts with the maximum number of repetitions, the method of dynamic efforts, the shock method, the method of static efforts, the static-dynamic method, the method of circular training, the game method has a beneficial effect on the development of all physical qualities. The decrease in the indicators of general physical fitness is facilitated by the fact that during the holidays, students practically do not go in for sports on their own. As the analysis of the survey has shown, only students of higher educational institutions are independently engaged in physical culture.

S. Abramov ◽  
D. Tomashevsky

The article considers the peculiarities of the use of volleyball in groups of sports improvement of students of higher education institutions. The current state of physical fitness of student youth is characterized. The need to improve the system of sports training of volleyball students in connection with changes in government, structural, logistical, economic conditions, the need to educate young people in a healthy lifestyle, one of the main factors of which should be daily exercise . It is established that the existing system of physical education of students on the basis of traditional provisions of current organizational and methodological programs does not provide fully effective rehabilitation, education and upbringing of students from the standpoint of conscious mandatory motor activity and personal needs in solving important tasks of personal development. The reforms carried out in the modern system of higher education have deeply affected the physical education of student youth. The most important role in the general and professional development of students of higher education institutions belongs to physical education, both as a discipline and as one of the subsystems of the holistic pedagogical process. One of the ways to solve this problem is to reorient the target programs of different types of physical culture to meet the needs of personal orientations, interests and personal goals of each student, more fully take into account the level of physical development and physical fitness, targeted use of training loads. It is for each of the cultivated types of sports activities in higher education institutions it is necessary to develop a goal, objectives, tools, forms and a comprehensive educational and training complex. This becomes possible only on the basis of the development and application of new educational and training technologies aimed at conscious motor activity of female students of higher education institutions in the chosen sport.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-121
V. Banakh ◽  
G. Iedynak

The data of sources of information on the organization of physical education in higher education institutions are analyzed and generalized. Problems in the system of organization of physical education concerning the normative-legal base, material-technical, theoretical-methodical and staffing are revealed. Today, higher education is being reformed and integration into the world space, higher education institutions have been given autonomy, which provides for independent decision-making on the organization of the educational process. In such conditions, there is a situation when in some educational programs is no educational component of "Physical Education". In some higher education, physical education classes are held only during the first- second year of study. It is proposed to conduct extracurricular classes lasting two hours twice or thrice a week in extracurricular time. One of the directions of improving the system of organization of physical education is the use of a personalized approach based on individual morphofunctional, psychophysiological features, including personal motives and situational factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 125-129
Olga V. Mukhametova ◽  
Elena V. Klimova ◽  
Nail Sh. Mukhametov

The problem of organizing physical education in of higher education institutions has become sharp in recent years. New methods and forms of teaching physical education are introduced and tested. The organization of the pedagogical process adapts the modern requirements of society to specialists, however, not all innovations can be implemented for a number of objective reasons, one of which is the deterioration of the health of students. One of the tasks of higher education is to provide conditions for students to form a reasonable attitude to their on health, which implies understanding of the need and importance of physical education and sports for its preservation and support. The article presents the attitude of students to the introduction of elective courses in physical education and indicators of physical fitness of the second-year students of the SGUPS.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (190) ◽  
pp. 66-75
Eduard Yeromenko ◽  
Valeriy Vekhtev ◽  

The article defines the content, forms and methods of extracurricular classes on combat horting in higher education institutions to improve general physical training, physical education and basics of student health, reveals guidelines for organizing the educational process of combat horting in higher education institutions and formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth. The theoretical analysis of the program of extracurricular classes, problems of formation of a healthy way of life of students and conditions of application of improving physical exercises of combat horting is carried out. The implementation of the content of general physical training, physical education and basics of student health in the process of combat horting is provided by adequate to the physical activity of students methods of building training sessions in sports sections of higher education institutions. The presentation of the main material is based on the provisions of the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine, the Concept of National-Patriotic Education of Children and Youth, other guiding state documents on physical education of students in school and extracurricular activities. This requires new views on the planning and implementation of the modern educational process and rehabilitation of students by conducting extracurricular classes on combat horting in sports sections of higher education institutions. Today, almost every young person living in a country of technological progress has many jobs and responsibilities. As a result, with a load of trivial life and technical problems on a person, he simply forgets the main truths and goals: maintaining his health. And he remembers his health only at the doctor's, when many diseases are in a progressive state, started, and sometimes not cured. And to prevent these consequences is possible only by regularly working on yourself, forming and understanding the values ​​of healthy living, maintaining an active and healthy diet, following the rules of hygiene, regularly preventing dental diseases and oral cavity [4], systematically monitoring their general well-being. In this regard, combat horting is a very effective means of improving well-being, regulation of all processes in the human body in the required rational tone. Therefore, the efforts of the National Combat Horting Federation of Ukraine are aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of young people.

В.В. Жукова

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается вопрос улучшения показателей уровня физической подготовленности студентов высших учебных заведений не физкультурных специальностей в возрасте 17–18 лет. Разработано и представлено содержание методики интенсивно-интервального тренинга для оптимизации процесса физического воспитания студентов на занятиях физической культурой, а также комплекс упражнений по системе интенсивно-интервальной тренировки. На основе результатов педагогического эксперимента доказана гипотеза о том, что применение средств интенсивно-интервального тренинга на занятиях физической культурой со студентами высших учебных заведений нефизкультурных специальностей способно значительно повысить уровень их физической подготовленности и степень развития базовых физических способностей. Доказательство эффективности применения средств интенсивно-интервального тренинга для повышения уровня физической подготовленности этих студентов определяет новизну проведенного авторами исследования, обогащение теории физической подготовленности студентов, в том числе развития таких физических качеств, как выносливость, сила и координация движений. Выявляется также его теоретическая значимость, а возможность практического использования педагогами в процессе организации и проведения занятий по физической культуре свидетельствует о практической ценности. The article focuses on the issue of improving physical fitness and stamina of 17–18-year-old non-athletic students of higher education institutions. The author of the article has developed and presents a high-intensity interval training program aimed at enhancing students’ physical fitness through HIIT workouts during physical education classes in higher education institutions. The results of pedagogical experiment prove the hypothesis that HIIT workouts during physical education classes in higher education institutions help enhance non-athletic students’ physical fitness and improve their physical abilities. The fact that high-intensity interval training workouts help enhance students’ physical fitness, stamina, motor coordination and muscular strength accounts for the novelty and theoretical significance of the research. The practical significance of the research is accounted for by the fact that its results can be used by classroom teachers to plan physical education lessons in higher education institutions.

I. Hlukhov

Within the increasing of practical significance and efficiency of physical education, it is necessary to develop certain methodic thesis and programs of swimming training for students of higher education institutions and to carry out these experimental checks. Purpose: to provide a general description of training programs at different individual and motivational levels of the swimming training system for students of higher education institutions. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization (it was clarified the degree of disclosure research issues in the scientific and methodological literature), study of documentary materials (it was founded requirements to the structure and content of student swimming training), system analysis (it was detected signs and characteristics of swimming system for students of higher education institutions). Results. Within the methodical part of the swimming training system, we have identified the possibility of using in the natural environment the educational process of physical education for students of four interconnected by type of sequential combination of training programs. This programs cover different levels of individual and motivational orientation of swimming lessons for students of higher education institutions and, accordingly, swimming preparedness. Considering, that the means and methods of swimming are widely known and thoroughly disclosed in the special literature, our attention we turned to setting tasks for individual classes of different, consistently combined programs at the individual and motivational levels of swimming training system students of higher education institutions. Conclusions. Within the implementation of the methodical component of the swimming training system for students of the higher education institutions, it have been identified four individual and motivational levels of classes. For each of these levels it was carried out a selection of goals, tasks, means and methods of training. For students at the first level, the characteristic difference is the presence of a significant fear of being in the water and the lack of ability to swim. For students at the second level - a low level of fear of being in the water and lack of ability to swim. For students at the third level - the presence of skills to stay afloat and swim in any way (original methods without the use of swimming techniques or a separate style of swimming). For students at the fourth level - the possession of swimming skills and the desire to engage and improve techniques in the future.

Ganna Ilnytska ◽  
Victoria Klymenchenko ◽  
Oksana Konovalenko

The proposed article is devoted to the introduction of innovative mobile games in the educational process of foreign students of higher education institutions to identify interest in innovative author's creation of mobile games for use in the educational process during academic physical education classes. The purpose of the work is to implement the introduction of innovative mobile games into the educational process of foreign students of higher education institutions. A scientific novelty consists of a creative approach in the use of 16 new mobile games with standard sports equipment and non-sports equipment during academic physical education classes. The team of authors of this article are scientific and pedagogical workers of three Kharkiv Universities and have been working on the creation of an author’s complex of the most modern universal mobile games for students with different levels of physical fitness and di fferent levels of health. The objectives of the study were to identify students' interest to innovative author's creation of mobile games for use in the educational process during academic physical education classes. Conclusions. An objective analysis of the results obtained from the previous questionnaire provided specific data for the rapid management decisions to optimize the educational process of physical education. The questionnaire conducted after the experiment proved that the students liked the lessons with the use of new moving games, and the students noted the creative approach of teachers to their work. The introduced author's mobile games of a wide range helped teachers to establish relationships with students, to establish communication and interaction between students of different nationalities, to promote the development of motor skills, to involve students in academic classes who enjoy attending them. Thus, the purpose of the research is realized and the efficiency and social benefit of using modern, new mobile games in the educational process of students is proved.

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