2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-82
Gusnarib Gusnarib

Language is a system of agreeable rules on the formula of words, voices or statements used for the transfer of understanding and feeling. Language is the speech sound produced by the human speech utensil that functions as a communication tool, the mother tongue is the first language controlled by man since the beginning of his life through interaction with fellow members of the community, mother tongue is the first language used and mastered by children in day-today speech in their community. With the mother tongue, children have been introduced to the culture, because it is more directed to the regional language used in communicating. The presence of the slang language as a „prokem‟ language has dominated the language of the children, how then the efforts of teachers at school and parents at home and in the community can make the mother tongue, as a means of neutralizing the slang language in the child‟s environment, then strengthened by education and character‟s strengthening of children and adolescents both at home, in community and also at school.

2021 ◽  
Tatik Sri Wahyuni

Indonesian language learning can be related to the environment, the environment becomes one of the components that influence the learning process. This can be related to language. Language is a communication tool that humans can acquire from birth. Suardi (et al, 2019) said that the mastery of a language by a child begins with the acquisition of the first language which is often called the mother tongue. Dardjowidjojo (in Suardi et al, 2019) says that language acquisition is a language acquisition process that is carried out by children naturally when they learn their mother tongue. The acquisition of the first language is closely related to the social development of children and the formation of social identity. In line with that, Yogatama (in Suardi et al, 2019) says that learning the first language is one of the overall developments of children to become members of asociety.

Duygu Buğa

The purpose of this chapter is to define and present central language integration by neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic aspects in bilingual and multilingual persons in emotion-based circumstances. Central language hypothesis (CLH) imparts that one language in the subconscious mind of bilingual and multilingual individuals is more suppressive and it is structured as central language. It has an emotional background such that if limbic cortex of the brain gets any stimulus (e.g., fear, anxiety, sorrow, etc.), the brain directly produces the CL. This phenomenon distinguishes CL from the notion of mother tongue because mother tongue is the first language that is acquired at home, but CL may be the second language as well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Erniati Erniati ◽  
Yohanis Sanjoko

Abstrak Bahasa Wemale dipakai sebagai bahasa pertama oleh penutur asli masyarakat Suku Wemale di Pulau Seram, Maluku, tepatnya di  Negeri Hunitetu, Kecamatan Kairatu, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Bahasa Wemale memilki dua dialek yaitu dialek Wemale Utara dan Wemale Selatan.Hingga saaat ini, bahasa Wemale masih digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi secara lisan oleh kalangan tertentu dalam kehidupan masyarakat penuturnya. Meskipun demikian, bahasa Wemale dapat dikategorikan sebagai bahasa daerah yang hampir punah, karena tidak ada proses pewarisan kepada generasi mudanya.  Untuk mencegah hal tersebut, perlu dilakukan berbagai upaya penyelamatan yang salah satu diantaranya melalui penelitian.Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang pola suku kata bahasa Wemale. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan pola suku kata bahasa Wemale, dialek Wemale Selatan. Meode yang digunakan adalah meode kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh dari ucapan langsung penutur asli bahasa tersebut dan penutur yang dianggap mampu. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pola suku kata bahasaWemale terdiri atas V, KV, VKV,  KVV, dan ½ KV. Kata kunci: suku kata, pola suku kata, bahasa Wemale Abstract Wemale is used as the first language by native speakers of the Wemale tribe on Seram Island, Maluku, precisely in the village of Hunitetu, Kairatu District, West Seram Regency. Wemale has two dialects namely North Wemale and South Wemale. Until now, Wemale is still used as an oral communication tool by certain groups in the life of the speaker community. However, Wemale language can be categorized as a regional language that is almost extinct, because there is no inheritance process to the younger generation. To prevent this, various rescue efforts need to be done, one of which is through research. This research provides an overview of the Wemale syllable patterns. This study aims to describe the syllabic patterns of the Wemale language, South Wemale dialect. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data obtained from the direct speech of native speakers of the language and speakers who are considered capable. The results of the analysis show that the syllabic syllable patterns consist of V, KV, VKV, KVV,and ½ KV. Keywords: syllables, syllable patterns, Wemale language   

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-44
Hernalia Citra Dewi

Language acquisition cannot just be acquired from birth. There is a process and stages in acquiring a language. Language is obtained because of the continuous practice factor. It is possible for someone who already has a mother tongue to have a second language (B2) which is used as a communication tool alongside the first language. Acquisition of a second language can be obtained through the influence of the environment or activities carried out continuously. This study will describe how the effect of viewing on social media YouTube affects the acquisition of a second language for a five years old girl. This research uses qualitative methods with descriptive explanations. The results of this study found that the subject's second language proficiency in English was evident from his understanding of the films and videos she had watched repeatedly. His mastery of a second language can also be seen in the ability of the subject to mention the objects around her, the names of fruits and animals, and to be able to make simple sentences in English.Keywords: Language acquisition, second language, YouTube.

Lily Yuntina

Education as a dynamic process in which children develop according to the inner terms of their lives, with their "voluntary work" when placed in an environment that is prepared to give them freedom of self-expression. One aspect that needs to be developed from an early age is language, the most ideal for learning a language other than the mother tongue (first language). The purpose of this research was to find out and get information about children's language improvement through singing activities, Research Subject was students at Kindergarten Al Marjan Bekasi. The type of research methodology is a descriptive qualitative method. Source of the data for this research took from the principal and teachers. The object were 26 students of Group B. Data collection technique through the results of the observations, interviews, documentation and field notes as data supporting. The type of observation used is passive participation observation. The stages of data analysis were consisted of data before, data in the field, and after completion of the field. Data validity checking techniques are based on credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability. In checking the validity researcher used a degree of trust, with platform learning at home using social media as a communication tool between teachers and students. The result of this research, there is a significant increasing children’s language skill through singing activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-137
Amhar Kudadiri ◽  
Ida Basaria ◽  
Pribadi Bangun

Para ahli bahasa yang mencurahkan perhatiannya pada gejala kepunahan bahasa-bahasa minoritas, terutama bahasa-bahasa di negara-negara berkembang berkesimpulan bahwa sebab utama kepunahan bahasa-bahasa adalah karena para orang tua tidak lagi mengajarkan bahasa ibu kepada anak-anaknya dan tidak lagi secara aktif menggunakannya di rumah dalam berbagai ranah komunikasi (Grimes 2000 : 17). Jadi, kepunahan itu bukan karena penuturnya berhenti bertutur, melainkan akibat dari pilihan penggunaan bahasa sebagian besar masyarakat tuturnya. Penutur bahasa memilih tidak membelajarkan bahasa ibu kepada anakanaknya dan memilih tidak menggunakan cara aktif dalam ranah pertuturan di rumah. Selain itu, kepunahan sebuah bahasa juga ditentukan oleh tekanan bahasa mayoritas dalam suatu kawasan masyarakat multilingual. Memilih tidak menggunakan bahasa ibu dan menggunakan sebuah bahasa lain serta tekanan bahasa mayoritas merupakan tiga faktor penting penyebab kepunahan bahasa.Dalam konteks kebahasaan di Indonesia, yang multilingual, multietnis, dan multikultural, dengan intensitas kontak antara kelompok etnis yang satu dan yang lainnya cukup tinggi, persaingan kebahasaan tidak dapat dielakkan. Lebih-lebih lagi jika persaingan itu dihubungkan dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris yang begitu cepat dan menyeluruh pada hampir setiap kelompok lapisan masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan pisau analisis teori sosiolinguistik, penelitiaan ini ingin mengkaji bagaimana dan seberapa besar gejala pergeseran bahasa Pakpak Dairi (BPD) pada penuturpenuturnya. Sebab diasumsikan bahwa generasi muda penutur BPD bukan hanya sangat berkurang minatnya mempelajari BPD sebagai identitas kedaerahannya tetapi juga makin meningkatnya kecenderungan orangtua yang berasal dari keluarga satu suku untuk memilih memakai bahasa Indonesia (BI) sebagai alat komunikasi utama mereka di rumah. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa ranah pemakaian BPD di dalam rumah tangga lambat laun mulai tergeser oleh BI, yang berarti pula telah memicu terjadinya apa yang disebut ―pergeseran bahasa‖ (language shift).   Linguists who devote their attention to the symptoms of the extinction of minority languages, especially languages in developing countries, conclude that the main reason for the extinction of languages is that parents no longer teach mother tongue to their children and are no longer actively using it at home in various ways of communication (Grimes 2000: 17). So, the extinction is not because the speaker stopped speaking, but rather a result of the choice of language usage of the majority of the speech community. Speakers of languages choose not to teach their mother's language to their children and choose not to use active ways to communicate at home. In addition, the extinction of a language is also determined by the pressure of majority language in a multilingual community area. Choosing not to use mother tongue and using another language and also the pressure of majority language are three important factors that cause language extinction. In the language context in Indonesia, which is multilingual, multiethnic, and multicultural, the intensity of contact between one ethnic group to another is quite high. The linguistic competition is inevitable. Moreover, if the competition is related to the development and progress of Indonesian 4cand accelerated and comprehensive English language in almost every group of society. By using the analysis of sociolinguistic theory, this research tried to examine how and how much the symptoms of Pakpak Dairi (BPD) language shift on its speakers. Because it was assumed that the young generation of BPD speakers was not greatly reduced in their interest in studying the BPD as their regional identity, and there was an increasing tendency of parents from one ethnic family to choose Indonesian (BI) as their main communication tool at home. This indicated that the realm of the use of BPD in the household gradually began to be displaced by BI, which also meant that it had triggered the "language shift".

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 187-204
Tomás Espino Barrera

The dramatic increase in the number of exiles and refugees in the past 100 years has generated a substantial amount of literature written in a second language as well as a heightened sensibility towards the progressive loss of fluency in the mother tongue. Confronted by what modern linguistics has termed ‘first-language attrition’, the writings of numerous exilic translingual authors exhibit a deep sense of trauma which is often expressed through metaphors of illness and death. At the same time, most of these writers make a deliberate effort to preserve what is left from the mother tongue by attempting to increase their exposure to poems, dictionaries or native speakers of the ‘dying’ language. The present paper examines a range of attitudes towards translingualism and first language attrition through the testimonies of several exilic authors and thinkers from different countries (Vladimir Nabokov's Speak, Memory, Hannah Arendt's interviews, Jorge Semprún's Quel beau dimanche! and Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez, and Eva Hoffman's Lost in Translation, among others). Special attention will be paid to the historical frameworks that encourage most of their salvaging operations by infusing the mother tongue with categories of affect and kinship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Mona Salem Rashed

This paper discusses the influence of the first language (Arabic) on the second language (English) in the writing pieces of ESL students in Arts College/ Kuwait University. Going over some writing papers taken from the students' work in class, the reader would notice a 'different English'. The overall layout of the paper, the ideas presentation, the personal expression, the syntax and word choice, the punctuation and other elements make this new language on students' papers. From papers written in class and at home, I conducted an analysis to see the difference between the two languages techniques, and to find solutions for that. I also interviewed students and they assured that Arabic has a massive influence on them. They disclosed that they read the topic in English, and think/analyze in Arabic. Some participants mentioned that their limited competence of vocabulary in English hindered them from expressing well on paper. Another group mentioned that the idea of 'being explanatory' prevailed their thinking while writing. They said that they wanted to explain their ideas well and repeatedly so that the reader/teacher would understand their points. They also had troubles in organizing the sentences according to the English paragraph style.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 2319-2324
Rina Muka ◽  
Irida Hoti

The language acquired from the childhood is the language spoken in the family and in the place of living. This language is different from one pupil to another, because of their social, economical conditions. By starting the school the pupil faces first the ABC book and then in the second grade Albanian language learning through the Albanian language textbook. By learning Albanian language step by step focused on Reading, Writing, Speaking and Grammar the pupil is able to start learning the second language on the next years of schooling. So, the second language learning in Albanian schools is related to the first language learning (mother tongue), since the early years in primary school. In our schools, the second language (English, Italian) starts in the third grade of the elementary class. On the third grade isn’t taught grammar but the pupil is directed toward the correct usage of the language. The textbooks are structured in developing the pupil’s critical thinking. The textbooks are fully illustrated and with attractive and educative lessons adequate to the age of the pupils. This comparative study will reflect some important aspects of language learning in Albanian schools (focused on Albanian language - first language and English language - second language), grade 3-6. Our point of view in this paper will show not only the diversity of the themes, the lines and the sub-lines but also the level of language knowledge acquired at each level of education. First, the study will focus on some important issues in comparing Albanian and English language texts as well as those which make them different: chronology and topics retaken from one level of education to another, so by conception of linear and chronological order will be shown comparatively two learned languages (mother tongue and second language). By knowing and learning well mother tongue will be easier for the pupil the foreign language learning. The foreign language (as a learning curriculum) aims to provide students with the skills of using foreign language written and spoken to enable the literature to recognize the achievements of advanced world science and technology that are in the interest of developing our technique. Secondly, the study will be based on the extent of grammatical knowledge, their integration with 'Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing' as well as the inclusion of language games and their role in language learning. The first and second language learning in Albanian schools (grade III-VI) is based on similar principles for the linearity and chronology of grammatical knowledge integrated with listening, reading, writing and speaking. The different structure of both books help the pupils integrate and use correctly both languages. In the end of the sixth grade, the pupils have good knowledge of mother tongue and the second language and are able to write and speak well both languages.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 140
Suci Rahmatia ◽  
Putri Wulandari ◽  
Nurul Khadiko ◽  
Fitria Gani Sulistya

<p><em>Abstrak </em><strong> - Antena merupakan alat pemancar yang akrab dengan aktifitas sehari-hari dan mudah sekali dijumpai, di rumah, di gedung, bahkan pada alat komunikasi yang digunakan. Salah satu antena yang sering digunakan adalah antena televisi. Antena televisi yang sering digunakan adalah Yagi-Uda yang biasanya dipakai sebagai outdoor antena dan antena dipole yang biasanya digunakan untuk indoor antena. Masing – masing jenis antena memiliki kriteria dan keuntungan berdasarkan dari kebutuhan penggunaannya. Baik antena dipole maupun antena Yagi-Uda memiliki perbedaan diantaranya adalah besar bandwidth, nilai gain, dan pola radiasi. Pada paper ini dapat diketahui bahwa bandwidth yang dimiliki antena yagi-uda lebih besar daripada antena dipole yakni 0.39943 MHz untuk antena yagi-uda dan 0.16569 MHz untuk antena dipole. Begitupula dengan besar Gain yang dimiliki antena Yagi-Uda (6.64 dBi) lebih besar dibandingkan dengan gain dari antena dipole (2.29 dBi). Perbedaan ini dikarenakan faktor elemen director dan ketebalannya.</strong></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong><em>Kata Kunci</em></strong> – <em>Atena Televisi, Atena Yagi-Uda, Atena Dipole, Gain, Bandwidth</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Abstract</em> <strong>- Antenna is a transmitter tool that is familiar with daily activity and easy to find at home, in the building, even on the communication tool used. One of antenna that is often used is a television antenna. Television antennas are often used is Yagi-Uda which is usually used as an outdoor antenna and dipole antenna that is usually used for indoor antennas. Each type of antenna has the criteria and advantages based on the needs of its use. Both dipole antennas and Yagi-Uda antennas have differences among them are bandwidth, gain, and radiation pattern. In this paper it can be seen that the bandwidth of yagi-uda antenna is bigger than dipole antenna that is 0.39943 MHz for Yagi-Uda antenna and 0.16569 MHz for dipole antenna. Neither the large Gain of the Yagi-Uda antenna (6.64 dBi) is greater than the gain of the dipole antenna (2.29 dBi). This difference is due to element factor of director and its thickness.</strong></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong> – </strong><em>Television Antenna, Yagi-Uda Antenna, Dipole Antenna, Gain, Bandwidth</em><strong> </strong></p>

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