scholarly journals Gender dan Legitimasi Penentuan Awal Bulan Kamariah

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Machzumy Machzumy ◽  
Muh Rasywan Syarif

Rukyatul hilal activity is an annual agenda of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia to determine the entry of the early lunation month. As for the focus of the hilal rukyatul activity is the emergence of the new moon itself. So far, the determination of the beginning of the month is only done by male seaman, whereas women celestial experts also have the same opportunities and rights. But so far, the authors have not found any reports of hilal rukyat from women. This research uses library research method with a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that in the initial determination of the lunar month, female astronomers do not yet have the same rights and position as men.Keyword: Determination of Kamariah, Gender

1970 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Muslih Husein
The West ◽  
New Moon ◽  

Hisab dan rukyat, hakikatnya, adalah cara untuk mengetahui pergantian bulan. Kajian ini memperlihatkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, korelasi antara hadis Kuraib dan terjadinya perbedaan penetapan awal Ramadan, Syawal, dan Dzul Hijjah di Indonesia. Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia telah menetapkan bahwa Indonesia secara keseluruhan menjadi satu wilayah hukum (wilayatul hukmi). Kedua, tentang keberhasilan rukyat al-hilal di satu kawasan yang diberlakukan bagi kawasan lain di muka bumi. Perlu diketahui bersama bahwa visibilitas pertama hilal tidak meliputi seluruh muka bumi pada hari yang sama, melainkan membelahnya menjadi dua bagian: (1) bagian sebelah Barat yang dapat melihat hilal dan (2) bagian sebelah Timur yang tidak dapat melihat hilal.Hisab and rukyat is a way to know the turn of the month. This study shows several findings. First is the correlation between Kuraib traditions and differences in the determination of the beginning of Ramadan, Shawwal, and Dhul-Hijjah in Indonesia. Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has stated that Indonesia as a whole into a single jurisdiction (wilayatul hukmi). Second, on the success rukyat alhilal in one area that applied to other regions of earth. Important to know that the first visibility of the new moon does not cover the entire face of the earth on the same day, but splitting it into two parts: (1) part of the West to see the new moon, and (2) part of the East were not able to see the new moon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-128
Fika Afhamul Fuscha

The hijri istilahi calendar has a 30-year cycle system, wherein 30 years there are 11 leap years and 19 basithoh years. In history, there are 4 kinds of variants in the placement of the leap year. This research aims to determine the leap year pattern of Kudus district in 30 years and to verify which patterns are close to the 4 kinds of variants. This study uses the Library Research method using a descriptive verification approach. This approach provides a sample of the number of days per month for 30 years using the Ephemeris reckoning system by considering the possibility of seeing the new moon based on the criteria of Imkan al-Rukyah MABIMS. If the hilal meets the MABIMS criteria, then the number of days is 29, but if not, then the number of days will be 30. Then, the number of days each month is accumulated annually and is used to verify the number of days each year on the hijriah istilahi calendar. Based on the analysis of the initial month data at the Kudus district headquarters for a period of 30 years, it turns out that in the period of 1411 H to 1440 H, the spread pattern of leap years is closer to pattern IV. There are 5 years whose leap is the same as the IV pattern, namely 2, 8, 16, 24, and 30.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Aset Sugiana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan standar pendidikan Islam dan standar proses dalam QS. Luqman (31):12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18):60-82. Metode penelitian ini adalah menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan yang akan dianalisis atau disimpulkan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil pencatatan nilai-nilai keislaman yang ditemukan dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82. Langkah-langkah pengadaan data meliputi: (1) penentuan standar pendidikan Islam dan standar proses yang terdapat dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82; (2) pencatatan; dan (3) penentuan satuan unit. Keabsahan data didiskusikan dan dikonsultasikan penemuan-penemuan data kepada para ahli dan teman sebaya.  Teknik analisis yang peneliti gunakan yaitu mengklasifikasikan, menggabungkan, menafsirkan, dan menyimpulkan. Hasil penelitian dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat standar pendidikan, yaitu: (1) pendidikan ketauhidan; (2) pendidikan berbakti kepada kedua orang tua; (3) pendidikan disiplin dan taat terhadap hukum; (4) pendidikan pribadi mandiri dan bertanggung jawab; dan (5) pendidikan akhlaqul karimah. Dan standar proses dalam QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82, yaitu: (1)  nilai kesabaran dan tekat; (2) nilai urgenitas menyiapkan bekal; (3) sikap tawadhu’; dan (4) nilai urgensi menjelaskan materi pelajaran.Kata kunci: standar pendidikan Islam, standar proses, QS. Luqman (31): 12-19, QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82.ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS AND STANDARDIZED PROCESSES IN CHILDREN QS. LUQMAN (31): 12-19 AND QS. AL-CAVE (18): 60-82AbstractThis research aims to describe the standards of Islamic education and the standards process in QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82. This research method used library research to be analyzed or concluded.  Research data obtained from the results of the recording of Islamic values that are found in the QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82. The steps of procurement data include: (1) the determination of the standard of Islamic education and standards process contained in the QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82; (2) record-keeping; and (3) the determination of the unit. The validity of the data is discussed and consulted on data findings to experts and peers.  Technique of data analysis used ie classifies, combine, interpret, and conclude. Research results in QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and indicates that there are educational standards, namely: (1) whence are education; (2) education dedicated to both parents; (3) education of discipline and obedience of the law; (4) private education independent and responsible; and (5) education akhlaqul karimah. And the standards process in respect of QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82, namely: (1) the value of patience and determined; (2) the value of the urgenitas prepare; (3) tawadhu' attitude; and (4) the value of the urgency to explain the subject matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
A Fatoni ◽  
Deni Lesmana

The various verses of the Quran explain that zikr and Tafakkur  are always related. They should have become the spirit of the education system so that the graduates could possess a balanced zikr and Tafakkur . On the contrary, education is more focused on the development of knowledge. The dichotomy of knowledge affects education where ideally Islamic education includes zikr and Tafakkur  education. Therefore, the integration of zikr and Tafakkur  is something important, urgent, and beneficial for the improvement of the nation's morality. The purpose of this study is to ensure the importance of the concept of zikr and Tafakkur  in the perspective of the Qur'an by providing thought on the importance of the integration of zikr and Tafakkur  in Islamic education so that it could be the basis for the development of Islamic education. The approach used in this study was the qualitative approach by employing the library research method. The integration of zikr and Tafakkur  in Islamic educational institutions can be realized if the Qur’an is made as to the main base of knowledge source by researching, understanding, and deepening the science and technology based on Qur’an.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 272-293
Syandri ◽  
Iskandar ◽  
Sulaiman Kadir

This study aimed to identify the process and purpose of the grave pilgrimage tradition after marriage in Manisa village, Baranti subdisctrict, Sidrap district, South Sulawesi, and also to examine the law of the custom in the view of Islamic law. This research employed a qualitative approach with the field study method (Field Research) and library research. The study shows that: 1. People ini Manisa village after celebrating their wedding they make grave pilgrimage in forms of such as: Determining a certain time according to the agreement of the bride and groom, preparing the necessary preparations such as water, kettles, and pandanus leaves, making ablution before going to the graveyard, praying before entering the cemetery, watering the grave with water mixed with pandanus leaves, holding the gravestone, praying for the late by reciting certain chapters finalized by surah Al-Fatihah. 2. Grave pilgrimage is one of the prescribed acts of worship but it should be in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet. As for what is found in the people of Manisa Urban Village, there are still a number of differences between what they do and what had been exemplified by the Messenger of Allah such as the determination of a special time for the grave pilgrimage, watering the grave, and seeking for blessing from the graves visited.

Moh. Hasim

AbstractThis study is motivated by the rampant violence among students. Islamic Education (PAI) as part of character education is seen to give a hand in influencing students’ attitudes and actions. This study aims to answer the question on how to shape the potential radicalism in the material books of PAI for Elementary Schools. Through qualitative approach with library research method, the study found the value of radicalism in the Islamic education material. The radical value which may affect the attitude of the students is the attitude of religious militancy driven by the spirit of jihad and towards other group / faiths, as well as narrow religious understanding. AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh maraknya tindak kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh para pelajar. Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) sebagai bagian dari pendidikan karakter dipandang ikut memberikan andil dalam mempengaruhi sikap dan tindakan siswa. Penelitian ini dimakudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan bagaimana bentuk potensi radikalisme dalam materi buku Ajar PAI Sekolah Dasar. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode library recearch, penelitian ini menemukan adanya nilai radikalisme dalam materi pembejaran pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar. Nilai radikal yang dapat mempengaruhi sikap siswa yaitu sikap militansi keagamaan, yang didorong oleh ajaran jihat dan anti terhadap kelompok/penganut agama lain, serta pemahaman keagamaan yang sempit.

Muhammad Yusrizal Adi Syaputra

The political party's position as a determinant of government head nomination in Indonesia made the political party a central and strong role in the determination of the Cabinet in the presidential government of Indonesia and allowed the political party to determine the Cabinet domination established by the President elected. This research aims to determine the model of the presidential institution strengthening in the multi-party era in Indonesia and to know the political and juridical construction of the presidential institution in determining the cabinet in Indonesia. The method used is a normative legal research method with a conceptual approach. The results of this research are, firstly that the strengthening of the presidential institution in the multi-party era can occur when done with the restriction of political parties through the mechanism of the parliamentary threshold. Secondly, that the political construction of the cabinet determination by the President is based on the coalition of political party supporters of the government, and the juridical construction of the President may elect the Minister of the party proposal because it is based on article 6A paragraph (2) The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945. Kedudukan partai politik sebagai penentu pencalonan kepala pemerintahan di Indonesia menjadikan Partai Politik memiliki peran sentral dan kuat dalam penentuan kabinet di Pemerintahan Presidentiil Indonesia dan memungkinkan partai politik untuk menentukan dominasi kabinet yang dibentuk oleh Presiden terpilih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model penguatan lembaga kepresidenan pada era multi partai di Indonesia, dan untuk mengetahui konstruksi politis dan yuridis lembaga kepresidenan dalam menentukan kabinet di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pertama, penguatan lembaga kepresidenan di era multi partai dapat terjadi apabila dilakukan dengan pembatasan partai politik melalui mekanisme parlementary threshold. Kedua, bahwa konstruksi politis penentuan kabinet oleh presiden didasarkan atas koalisi partai politik pendukung pemerintahan, dan konstruksi yuridis presiden dapat memilih menteri dari usulan partai karena didasarkan pada Pasal 6A ayat (2) UUD 1945.

Umi Atia Hanik

This study aims to determine the principle of mutual tolerance (tasamuh) in the all you can eat restaurant from the istihsan perspective. The research method used in this research (library research) is a qualitative approach. The data sources of this research are books and journals that are analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis method which includes three lines, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of this study conclude that the principle of mutual tolerance (tasamuh) in all you can eat restaurant according to the istihsan perspective is allowed based on ‘urf because it has become a habit of today’s society which will be difficult to avoid but still we should not go to waste in taking food because it is hated by god.Keywords: Buying and Selling, tasamuh, istihsan

Melda Rahmi ◽  
Lusiana Andriani Lubis

This study aims to analyze the communication strategies and barriers of the proactive socialization team in capturing high-achieving Polri candidates at the North Sumatra Regional Police in 2020. The research method used a qualitative approach with the phenomenological method. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and observations, then checking the validity of the data by using triangulation techniques. The results of the study show that the communication strategy created is an attempt by the National Police to be able to provide early notification to the public regarding Polri's acceptance and as a means of keeping people from exploiting the situation of acceptance for personal gain. Obstacles to the socialization team, including the inadequate budget support to be able to visit all schools in the North Sumatra province, the lack of support from the incumbent leadership (Kabag Sumda) at the time of proactive socialization activities in October 2019, Not making or compiling materials that should be made to be presented to students so that the students 'understanding and attention are more focused on what goals will be conveyed, the difficulty is to be able to coordinate with the school to be able to fill the time with expected proactive socialization activities and students' low enthusiasm and trust in the message what the socialization team wanted to convey regarding clean, transparent, accountable and humanist recruitment.

Yustitia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-107
Saefullah Yamin ◽  
Nurwahyuni Nurwahyuni

Post reformation of the role and function of the House of Representatives of Republik Indonesaian (DPR RI) is returned to its corridor as a legislative institution that runs the legislative function (making laws/constitution), besides running budgeting fungction together with the president, and the oversight function of the implementation of the law and the budget in the administration of government carried out by the executive. Related to the lack of productivity of The House of Representatives (DPR) to carry out the legislative function, The performance evaluation of this legislation is not only seen in terms of the quantity of products made but its quality is also an important factor in assessing legislation products. The identification problems in this research are: What is the Position of the House of Representatives in the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, and What is the Process of the Growth of the Post-Reformation House of Representatives.  In this research the library research method will be used or library research. Regarding this kind of research it is usually also called "Legal Research" or "Legal Research Instruction”. The position of The House of Representatives (DPR) after the amendment of the 1945 Constitution four times turned out to further strengthen its existence as the sole legislator. Although in the 1945 Constitution the amendment results also gave the President authority, but the authority he owned was not as big as The House of Representatives (DPR). And the process of the growth of the House of Representatives (DPR) Post-Reformation has strengthened the authority of the legislative instituion, in this case the House of Representatives of Republik Indonesian (DPR-RI) to maximize its role and function as a check and balances institution, after being strengthened, the House of Representatives (DPR) becomes tyrannical over the executive even over the state, because of its power and authority so great.

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