scholarly journals Pribadi yang Bertumbuh dalam Roman Trois Femmes Puissantes Karya Marie Ndiaye

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-248
Diajeng Sofyanti ◽  
Yeni Artanti

Semua manusia menjalani kehidupannya dengan bertumbuh, baik secara fisik maupun secara psikis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pertumbuhan kepribadian sebagai sosok perempuan yang menunjukkan superioritasnya dalam roman "Trois Femmes Puissantes" karya Marie Ndiaye. Sumber data penelitian adalah cerita bagian pertama pada roman "Trois Femmes Puissantes" karya Marie NDiaye yang diterbikan oleh Gallimard tahun 2009. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan membaca, mengidentifikasi, mencatat, membuat tabel, dan mengkategorisasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tokoh Norah pada awalnya memiliki kepribadian inferior dan pendendam, lalu terdapat perubahan kepribadian, yaitu menjadi pribadi yang cerdas, pekerja keras, kreatif, tepat janji dan pemaaf. Proses pendidikan yang dilaluinya dan lingkungan yang positif membuat Norah mampu berdamai dengan dirinya sendiri dan sekitarnya. Selain itu, tokoh Norah menujukkan wujud superioritas baik sebagai pribadi sehingga menjadi pribadi yang sehat dan tumbuh. Tokoh Norah menunjukkan bahwa 'growth mindset' diperlukan untuk terus bertumbuh menjadi pribadi yang sehat. Kata kunci: kepribadian; superioritas; psikologi individual; Adler; growth mindset[Becoming Growth Person in Marie Ndiaye’s Trois Femmes Puissantes] All humans do their task by growing, both physically and psychologically. This study aims to describe the process of personality growth as a female figure that shows her superiority in Marie Ndiaye's "Trois Femmes Puissantes". The source of the research data is the story of the first part of the novel "Trois Femmes Puissantes" by Marie NDiaye published by Gallimard in 2009. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with reading, identifying, taking notes, making tables, and categorizing as data collection techniques. The results showed that Norah initially had an inferior and vengeful personality, then becoming a smart, hard-working, creative, right on promise and forgiving. The educational process and the positive environment made Norah able to make peace with herself and her surroundings. In addition, Norah shows a form of superiority both as a person so that he becomes a healthy and growing person. So, this character shows that a "growth mindset" is needed to continue to grow into a healthy person.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-138
Norma Atika Sari

This study focused on the analysis of irregularities featured form in the novel Kiat Sukses Hancur Lebur by Martin Suryajaya. The research variables were forms of lexical, grammatical, paragraph, discourse, plot, and forms of narrative delivery. This research was a qualitative descriptive study and data collection was conducted by reading and note taking techniques. The results found that many deviations such as selection of odd words, the formation of incoherent sentences and paragraphs, the discourse that presents a critique of capitalism and postmodernism through symbols, as well as the emergence of unusual forms of novel structures namely footnotes, charts, diagrams, schematics, paintings, drawings, line types, pictures, photographs, tables, balance sheets, formulas, maps and bibliography. These deviations show the author’s unique style and novelty in the form of aesthetic absurdity in the treasury of contemporary Indonesian literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Maftuhah Maftuhah

This study aimed to describe the personality of the id, ego and super-ego character in the novel Rembulan Rey Drowning In Your Face Tere Liye work. This study was a qualitative descriptive study and included in this type of library research. The data used in this study is novel Rembulan Drowning In Your Face Tere Liye work. The data collection technique used is the technique of documentation and observation techniques.The results showed that the personality Ray in the novel Rembulan Drowning In Your face has the id that is present in the form of hatred against a dark past, the curiosity over his true identity, as well as the ambition to destroy those he considered duplicity. Ego Ray looked at the rebellion he often did to help the people he loved. Super ego Ray looked at the behavior that always decide things according to his conscience desires

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-142
Dwi Puji Asrini

This research is a qualitative descriptive study to find out the pragmatic errors of student conversations in the video assignments of Kaiwa Chukyu Zenhan Course, and the factors that influence these errors. The object of this research is the conversations of students on the Kaiwa Chukyu Zenhan course assignments recorded on video. Research data collection was carried out by observing, taking notes, and recording methods to get an overview of the pragmatic errors in the video assignments of Kaiwa Chukyu Zenhan Course. The video, which contains student conversations on the theme of jikoshokai, is analyzed in order to get an overview of pragmatic errors and the factors that affect the pragmatic errors that occur.

Lire Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-176
Margono Margono ◽  
Atiqa Sabardilla ◽  
Harun Joko Prayitno

The writing of the Student Creativity Program (SCP) titles has its appeal and uniqueness. One of which can be seen in the process of forming words in the form of acronyms. This article aims to describe the process and results of the formation of acronyms on the writing of SCP titles funded in 2018. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research data are in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the SCP titles. The source of research data is the SCP titles from 5 fields in 2018. Data collection uses observation and note-taking techniques. The method of data analysis is the constituent analysis method and its expansion techniques, namely techniques of removing, inserting, replacing, and expanding. The data validity test uses theory triangulation. The results show that the formation of acronyms produced five forms of acronyms on the writing of the SCP titles, namely acronyms derived from two words, three words, four words, five words, and more than five words. Three acronym formation processes are found, namely using the initial letters of words, using syllables or fragments of words, and using mixes of initial letters of words and syllables or fragments of words.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Dian Erika Rachmawati ◽  
Rizki Agung Ravitasari

This research is based on the development of feminism values in the community. In a patriarchal environment, women have a low position compared to men. Women are subordinated in various fields of life, such as in the fields of education, social affairs and economics. This study aims to describe the values of feminism contained in the novel “Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” by Alberthiene Endah. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study with a feminist literary criticism approach. The research method used is content analysis with data collection techniques read and record. The data source in this study is the novel “Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” by Alberthiene Endah. Based on the results of the research, in the novel “Merry Riana: Mimpi Sejuta Dollar” by Alberthiene Endah there are values of feminism which include: (a) the value of feminism in education, (b) the value of feminism in the social field, and (c) the value of feminism in the economic. Keywords: values of feminism, the study of feminism, novels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Melinda Wahyuni

This study aims to: (1) describe the structure of hoax on Facebook social media, (2) describe the contents of hoax messages on Facebook; and (3) describe the characteristics of using hoax in Facebook social media. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research was carried out on Facebook. Data collection was carried out during August 2019 - January 2020. The research design used was descriptive qualitative. The focus of this research is hoax information and hoax information disseminating accounts. Research data sources, namely hoax information disseminating facebook account. Data collection techniques are done by reading Facebook account posts, identifying hoax information, making screenshots or screenshoots, copying hoax-identified messages, verifying, determining hoax-categorized information, and analyzing based on data analysis guidelines. The research instrument consisted of the main instrument namely the researcher and the observation guide table. The results of the study reveal the structure, content of hoax messages, and the linguistic characteristics of hoax texts. The structure of the hoax text found consists of 10 patterns, namely (1) Recognition of issues, Reaffirmation, Series of arguments, and Statement of solicitation, (2) Statement of solicitation, Recognition of issues, Sequence of arguments, and Reaffirmation, (3) Recognition of issues, Sequence arguments and solicitation statements, (4) recognition of issues, series of arguments, and reaffirmation, (5) recognition of issues, invitation statements, and series of arguments, (6) recognition of issues and series of arguments, (7) recognition of issues, and solicitation of invitations , (8) solicitation statement and series of arguments, (9) introduction of the issue, and (10) solicitation statement. The contents of the message found consisted of 5 types, namely (1) scary hoax messages, (2) emotional hoax messages, (3) hoax messages full of promises, (4) encouraging messages, and (5) humorous messages. The linguistic characteristics found consist of 3 namely (1) the use of technical words, (2) the use of argumentative conjunctions, including (a) the use of the conjunction "if", (b) the use of the conjunction "cause", ( c) the use of the conjunctions "because", (4) the use of the conjunctions "so", (5) the use of the conjunctions "their consequences". (3) use of command sentences, including (a) viral (b) distribute.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-148

Abstrak: Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang upaya kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi Covid-19 pada SMAN 2 Kahayan Hilir. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah para guru dan peserta didik di SMAN 2 Kahayan Hilir. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan penyebaran kuisioner melalui google form, berisikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang berbagai upaya yang dilakukan kepala sekolah untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran daring, serta dokumen-dokumen terkait. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahapan: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengabsahan data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber dan metode. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berbagai upaya yang dilakukan kepala sekolah efektif dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan guru sekaligus mengatasi berbagai kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaaan pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi Covid-19 pada SMAN 2 Kahayan Hilir.  Abstract: This qualitative descriptive study aims to describe the principal's efforts in improving teacher discipline in the implementation of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 2 Kahayan Hilir. Sources of data in this study were teachers and students at SMAN 2 Kahayan Hilir. Collecting data using interview techniques and distributing questionnaires via google form, containing questions about the various efforts made by school principals to improve teacher discipline in carrying out online learning, as well as related documents. Data analysis was carried out through stages: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Validation of this research data using triangulation of sources and methods. The results showed that the various efforts made by the principal were effective in improving teacher discipline as well as overcoming various obstacles faced in implementing online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 2 Kahayan Hilir.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Lilis Farkhatin ◽  
Wulan Purnama ◽  
Cintya Nurika Irma

Stylistics is basically the activity of writers using language, especially language that triggers creativity to sort out the use of language. In this research using the study of stylistics in the poetry anthology of "Negeri Dongeng" by the students of Peradaban University. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data in this study are descriptive words in the Poetry Anthology of "Negeri Dongeng" by Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students at the Peradaban University  and reference books related to research. Data collection techniques with document analysis that starts from the stages of reading, recording, and analyzing data in the Anthology Poem "Negeri Dongeng". The data validity technique in this research is data triangulation. The purpose of this research is to explain the study of stylistics in the anthology of "Negeri Dongeng" poetry by Peradaban University  Students. The results of this study are to explain 6 problems regarding the use of sound style, word style, sentence style, discourse style, the existence of figurative language in the use of figurative language types: metaphor, personification, paradox, hyperbole. While the use of images, namely: vision, hearing, smell, motion, touch. Which is dominated by figurative language imagery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-250
NFN Nursyamsi ◽  
NFN Faisal ◽  
NFN Sakaria

AbstractInjustice towards women in the environment concerns the exploitation by humans of nature. Conceptually, women's feminist issues have a relationship to ecological issues. The novel Chemistry Cinta di Wakatobi by Dedi Oedji tells the story of the Bajo fishing community of various ecological problems in Wakatobi. This study aims to examine the relationship between nature and women in the novel Chemistry Cinta di Wakatobi based on the perspective of Keren J Werren socialist ecofeminism theory. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The research data comes from the novel Chemistry Cinta di Wakatobi. The research data were collected using reading and note-taking techniques. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed based on studies of socialist ecofeminism. The results showed that the form of the relationship between nature and Wakatobi women is reflected in the figures of Anisa, Wa Dambe, and Wa Tanihi. Relationships that exist in the form of conservation or provision of protection of nature, utilization, and preservation of nature maintain food security and strengthen women's access to the use of natural resources.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Rifa Dewi Zulaikha ◽  
Endang Rahmawati

This study discusses the directive acts of the novel Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy and the directive acts of the directive acts of the novel Cinta Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The theory used is the theory of Harun Joko Prayitno. The data source of this research is a speech in the novel Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The research data consisted of utterances cited by directive speech acts which included directive speech acts and directive speech acts in the novel Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Data were obtained by referring to the competent free engage listening technique obtained by note taking. The validity of the data in this study uses theory triangulation. Research results in the novel Bumi Cinta found six forms of directive speech acts, on request, request, invitation, approval, criticism and prohibition. When viewed, the directive speech function of the novel Bumi Cinta has a variety of functions. The form of directive speech acts requires the functions of ordering, commanding, asking, activating and letting. The form of directive speech acts requests, requests, hopes and offers. The form of speech act directive invitation has the function of inviting, persuading, supporting and asking. The form of directive speech acts to support the functions of advising, asking, asking and reminding. The form of directive speech acts of criticism has the function of reprimanding and winning. The form of directive speech acts have a ban function.

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