2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 40

The implementation of tourism in Law No. 10 of 2009 in detail is explained in Chapter III of article 5 on the principle of the implementation of tourism. Stating that tourism is carried out with the principle of upholding religious norms and cultural values as an embodiment of the Tri Hita Karana concept; uphold human rights, cultural diversity and local wisdom; maintain the preservation of nature and the environment; empower the local community; ensuring integration between sectors, between regions, between the center and regions which constitutes a systemic unit within the framework of regional autonomy, as well as integration among stakeholders. Basically the organization of tourism in the village is aimed at improving the standard of living and welfare of the people through economic development through the development and development of sustainable tourism based on local wisdom. The implementation of tourism is then carried out by tourism institutions in order to create sustainable tourism development.This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research with data collection methods in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants in this study were determined through purposive techniques and snowball sampling. This research was conducted in Jatiluwih Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. There are three indicators used in the study, namely: Implementation of policies consisting of Communication, Resources, Disposition, bureaucratic structures have been applied properly. Keywords: Policy implementation, sustainable tourism, local wisdom  

Hafsah Hafsah ◽  
Yusuf Yusuf

Desa Batu Layar merupakan salah satu daerah yang berada di Kecamatan Batu Layar dijadikan sebagai tempat strategis bagi para wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara sebagai tempat berlibur karena adanya sarana pariwisata yang mendukung, seperti tersediannya tempat-tempat hiburan, keindahan pantai, keindahan alamnya.Hal tersebut penelitian ini menggambaran eksistensi kepariwisataan dan pergeseran nilai sosial budaya di Desa Batu Layar Kec.Batu Layar Kab.Lombok Barat.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif.Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat di Desa Batu Layar.Pemilihan informan dilakukan secara purposive sampling dan Snowball Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan wawancara dan observasi serta teknik analisa data dilakukan dengan cara mereduksi (memilih) data kasar kemudian menyajikan secara deskriptif menjadi kalimat baku yang mudah dimengerti dan terakhir menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan data-data yang telah disajikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepariwisataan di Desa Batu Layar, pada umumnya telah dilengkapi dengan sarana dan prasarana  yang cukup memadai untuk sebuah kawasan pariwisata. Dampak kepariwisataan masyarakat Desa Batu Layar  telah mengalami pergeseran struktur sosial masyarakat dan pergeseran dalam struktur kebudayaan. Pergeseran struktural terjadi perubahan jenis pekerjaan dari petani dan nelayan beralih profesi sebagai pedagang, karyawan hotel, café, bar, restoran dan lain sebagainya. Dalam pergeseran kultural telah terjadi perubahan gaya hidup dan cara berpakaian yang sebelumnya masyarakat Desa Batu Layar memakai pakaian tradisional dan sekarang memakai gaya berpakaian modern.  Batu Layar Village is one of the areas in Batu Layar Sub-district which is used as a strategic place for local and foreign tourists as a vacation spot because of supporting tourism facilities, such as the availability of entertainment venues, the beauty of the beach, its natural beauty. This research illustrates the existence of tourism and a shift in socio-cultural values in Desa Batu Layar, Kec. Batu Layar Kab.West Lombok. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Informants in this study were religious leaders, community leaders in Desa Batu Layar. The selection of informants was done by purposive sampling and Snowball Sampling. Data collection techniques are carried out by conducting interviews and observations as well as data analysis techniques done by reducing (selecting) rough data then presenting descriptively into standard sentences that are easy to understand and finally drawing conclusions based on the data presented. The results of this study indicate that tourism in the village of Batu Layar, in general, has been equipped with adequate facilities and infrastructure for a tourism area. The impact of the tourism of Batu Layar Village community has experienced a shift in the social structure of the community and a shift in the structure of culture. Structural shifts have changed the type of work of farmers and fishermen to switch professions as traders, hotel employees, cafes, bars, restaurants and so on. In the cultural shift there have been changes in lifestyles and ways of dressing which previously the people of Desa Batu Layar wear traditional clothes and now wear modern dress styles.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Asar Said Mahbub ◽  
Andi Wahyunira ◽  
Amran Achmad

Sambueja Village is one of the villages in Maros Regency which has a karst area that must be protected in total because its function as a water storage and has a variety of ecotourism potential that can be developed and can support the development of ecotourism activities. The role and participation of the community in ecotourism is an important thing that distinguishes it from other forms of tourism. Because perception is a fundamental element that needs to be known before planning activities that will involve the local community. This study aims to determine the public perception of the karst ecotourism development plan in Sambueja Village, Simbang District, Maros Regency. The results of the study can be seen that the perception of the people of Sambueja Village is a positive perception of the karst ecotourism development plan. The majority of the community stated that they did not object if the village of Sambueja was built and developed as an ecotourism village, but it requires that its development and development must refer to the concept of tourism which takes into account the preservation of environmental functions, ecological potential and maintaining cultural values in the local communityKey words: Sosial Perception; Karst Ecotourism

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Ubaidillah ◽  
Misbahul Khoir

The objectives of research include; first, to describe what local Islamic working ethos are as the basis for the resilience of songkok, whip and slap handicraft businesses in Serah Panceng Gresik Village. Second, to describe the resilience of the songkok, whip and slap handicraft business in the village of Serah Panceng Gresik. This study is a qualitative-descriptive study with the aim of understanding the phenomena experienced by the subject of research including behavior, perception, motivation, and action holistically by utilizing various scientific methods. Data collection methods include; Observation, In-depth Interview or Focus Group Discussion, Documentation. Data analysis techniques include: processing and preparing data for analysis, reading the entire data, analyzing in more detail by coding data, considering detailed instructions that can help the coding process, giving descriptions that will be presented in the report, interpreting and interpreting data. The results showed that in Serah Village local Islamic working ethos were preserved by the community, such as alms giving, reading dziba', reading tahlil, attending haul akbar, and reading sholawat together every Friday. Although in the tradition it does not involve songkok, whip, and slap directly, there is a good impact to support the resilience of songkok, but not whip, and slap production. Religious rituals by praying together asking Allah to facilitate and carry out business in production songkok, whip, and slap are an expression of gratitude for what God gave to the people of Serah Village. All economic activity done by Serah community is meant to get God’s willing. Keywords: Islamic Working Ethos, Handicraft Businesses

2020 ◽  
Askar Nur

This research explains the mysticism of mappadendang tradition in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency, which is believed by the local community as a form of shielding from danger and can resist reinforcemen such as Covid-19 outbreak. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative method and an ethnographic approach. This research was carried out with the aim of identifying the mystical space in mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village. After conducting the tracing process, the researcher found that mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency in July 2020 was not a tradition of harvest celebration as generally in several villages in Bone Regency, especially Bugis tribe, but mappadendang was held as a form of shielding from all distress including Covid-19 outbreak. This trust was obtained after one of the immigrants who now resides in the village dreamed of meeting an invisible figure (tau panrita) who ordered a party to be held that would bring all the village people because remembering that in the village during Covid-19 happened to almost all the existing areas in Indonesia, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village were spared from the outbreak. Spontaneously, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village worked together to immediately carry out the mappadendang tradition as a form of interpretation of the message carried by the figure.

2018 ◽  
Rois Ainul Umah ◽  
Tian Fitriara Huda ◽  
(Prosiding Seminar Nasional FKIP Univeristas PGRI Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi is an area rich in various cultures and customs, this is because Banyuwangi district is inhabited by various ethnic groups. The majority of the sub-districts of Banyuwangi are osing tribe who live in the village of fern and urban village of rejo. Joglo building as one of the traditional Javanese buildings in it contained philosophy that suits the life of the people. The arrangement of the room in Joglo is generally divided into three parts, namely the meeting room called pendopo, the living room or the space used to hold the show called pringgitan, and the back room called dalem or omah jero as the family room. For the people of Banyuwangi especially those who still preserve the joglo house just like the osing tribe have begun to experience the shifting of its role and function where in this case joglo house serve as additional need for home decoration, private residence of the citizen, until used as permanent building of cafe and restaurant. From the description above, the researcher felt that the community did not understand the function of the role and shape of the architecture of the Javanese house which has become the culture of the inheritance slowly changed by causing a shift to the cultural values contained within it. The shift in value will sooner or later bring changes to traditional architectural forms, structures and functions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Dade Prat Untarti

ABSTRAK: Permasalahan pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Apa latar belakang terbentuknya Desa Talaga Besar Kecamatan Talaga Raya Kabupaten Buton Tengah? (2) Bagaimana berkembangan Desa Talaga Besar Kecamatan Talaga Raya Kabupaten Buton Tengah Tahun 1977-2017? Metode sejarah tersebut adalah: (a) Pemilihan topik (b) Heuristik (Pengumpulan Data) (c) Verifikasi (Kritik Sejarah) (d) Interpretasi (e) Historiografi (kritik sejarah). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) Desa Talaga Besar awalnya hanya dijadikan tempat untuk berkebun atau bercocok tanam, misalnya menanam jagung dan ubi kayu sebagai makanan pokok masyarakat setempat dan pada umumnya masyarakat Buton. Karena seiring berjalannya waktu dan peradaban serta jumlah penduduk semakin bertambah banyak. Pemerintah daerah berinisiatif memekarkan desa Talaga Besar menjadi desa definitif. Faktor-faktor yang mendukung terbentuknya Desa Talaga Besar ini ialah: (a) Adanya peranan pemimpin yang selalu memberikan motivasi kepada warga untuk aktif dalam setiap kegiatan yang sifatnya membangun. (b) Faktor pendukung diantaranya faktor geografis (wilayah), faktor demografi (penduduk), dan faktor ekonomi. (2) Perkembangan Desa Talaga Besar dalam bidang ekonomi, sebagian besar masyarakat Talaga Besar menggantungkan hidupnya di bidang pertanian dan perdagangan yang telah dilakukan dan dikembangkan secara turun temurun. Di bidang sosial, hubungan sosial kemasyarakatan antara warga Desa Talaga Besar cukup harmonis. Di bidang pendidikan, perkembangan pendidikan di Desa Talaga Besar pada khususnya dan Kecamatan Talaga Raya pada umumnya mengalami perkembangan pendidikan yang boleh dikatakan sudah cukup baik dan infrastruktur lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan keadaan sebelumnya. Kata Kunci: Sejarah, Desa, Talaga BesarABSTRACT: The main problems in this study are: (1) What is the background of the formation of Talaga Besar Village, Talaga Raya District, Buton Tengah Regency? (2) How did the development of Talaga Besar Village, Talaga Raya District, Buton Tengah Regecy Year 1977-2017? The historical methods are: (a) Selection of topics (b) Heuristics (Data Collection) (c) Verification (Historical Criticism) (d) Interpretation (e) Historiography (historical criticism). The results of this study indicate that: (1) Talaga Besar Village was originally only used as a place for gardening or farming, for example planting corn and cassava as a staple food for the local community and in general the Buton people. Because over time and civilization as well as the population increases. The regional government took the initiative to split the village of Talaga Besar into a definitive village. The factors that support the formation of the Talaga Besar Village are: (a) There is a role of leaders who always motivate citizens to be active in any constructive activity. (b) Supporting factors include geographical factors (region), demographic factors (population), and economic factors. (2) The development of Talaga Besar Village in the economic field, most of the Talaga Besar people depend their lives on agriculture and trade which have been carried out and developed for generations. In the social field, social relations between the people of Talaga Besar Village are quite harmonious. In the field of education, the development of education in the village of Talaga Besar in particular and the Talaga Raya sub-district in general experienced a development of education which was arguably quite good and the infrastructure was better when compared to the previous situation. Keywords: History, Village, Great Talaga

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Kamaruddin Mustamin ◽  
Muhammad Gazali Rahman ◽  
Arhanuddin Salim

ABSTRACT This article aims to discover and probe deeper into the acculturation process of local culture with the practices and traditions of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad in the Gorontalo community. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. Data collection methods applied are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study found that the presence and expansion of Islam in Gorontalo also influenced the religious perspective held by the people of Gorontalo. The willingness of the local community to adapt to the new teachings of Islam that they believe is a reinforcement of the acculturation of local cultural practices with the implementation of the tradition of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad. The early Islamic preachers in Gorontalo managed to distinguish between the part of the local culture that still worth preserved and the part that must be preserved. This combination and acculturation effort between Islam and local culture is able to engender a new version and level of culture that is unique and has a local character. The innovative ability of the preachers to communicate Islamic rituals to the local culture of the Gorontalo people, can lead to a critical appreciation of the local values of the community's culture and the characteristics that accompany these values. Keywords: tradition; political; culture.ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menggali lebih dalam proses akulturasi budaya lokal dengan praktik dan tradisi maulid Nabi Muhammad saw. dalam masyarakat Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kehadiran dan ekspansi Islam di Gorontalo turut mempengaruhi cara pandang keagamaan yang dianut oleh masyarakat Gorontalo. Kesediaan masyarakat lokal untuk mau beradaptasi dengan ajaran Islam yang baru mereka yakini menjadi penguat dari akulturasi praktik budaya lokal dengan pelaksanaan tradisi maulid Nabi Muhammad saw. Para pendakwah Islam awal di Gorotalo berhasil memilah antara bagian budaya lokal yang masih layak dipertahankan dan bagian yang harus dilestarikan. Upaya kombinasi dan akulturasi antara Islam dan budaya lokal ini mampu melahirkan versi dan level budaya baru yang khas dan bercorak lokal. Kemampuan inovasi para pendakwah mendialogkan ritual Islam dengan budaya lokal masyarakat Gorontalo, dapat mengantarkan diapresiasinya secara kritis nilai-nilai lokalitas dari budaya masyarakat beserta karakteristik yang mengiringi nilai-nilai itu.Kata kunci: tradisi; politik; budaya.

Cipriana Dos Santos Guterres

Vatuvou beach, located in the Village Vatuvou, Liquica District      of East Timor, has the potential to be developed into a tourist attraction, but until now its potential has not fully developed yet. The aim of this study is to determine the potential of Vatuvou Beach, to know how the local community have been involved to develop Vatuvou beach, to formulate the most effective strategies to develop it has a community based tourist attraction. The results of this study indicated that Vatuvou coastal region could be used as a tourist attraction in the District of Liquisa, because it has the existing potential such as beach panorama with sunset, black sandy beaches and under–sea wealth, availability of facilities and infrastructure to support tourism, such as water, electricity, road, telecommunication, public toilets, parking, and accommodation (but still limited). Socio-cultural potential as hospitality of the people in the village of Vatuvou, traditional activities, such as handcrafted, and rituals performed by people in the village of Vatuvou. In addition, the strategic location of the Vatuvou beach easily leads to some nearby tourist attraction, such as lake Maubara, Maubara Fort, historical buildings of Portuguese’s heritage, and souvenir center. The involvement of community participation in the coastal development of Vatuvou has been through the initial proceses, namely planning stage, development and evaluation of activities that have been implemented. Through the description, it can be concluded that the strategy of tourism development of Vatuvou beach can be made by the following procedures (1) Increasing the quality and quantity of human resources in tourism, (2) Inviting foreign or local investors to the potential of the existing tourism sectors, (3) Developing the potential of cultural as tourist attractions, and (4) Improving tourism facilities and infrastructure to support tourism activities in Vatuvou coastal areas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 365
R. Maulana Aliif AKBAR

The increasing number of community plantation forests in Indonesia, specializing in plywood, has improved the size of this market. Many companies succeed in this business, creating fierce competition for raw material supplies. Additionally, the Indonesian government has intensified the wood industry production in 2015 so that several fast growing and shortage timber species were introduced. However, this great opportunity is also faced with the challenge that timber exported overseas must be certified. The existence of middlemen in the business supply chain can potentially disrupt the business with unsustainable procedures and can harm the environment. In this study, we investigated the requirements of a partnership to establish a sustainable partnership with the local communities, to provide a sustainable environmental development in Lombok and to deliver profitable business prospects to the wood industries. This research focused on investigating Dharma Satya Nusantara Group (DSNG)’s challenge to obtain and to secure raw materials of wood to maintain and to sustain its future plywood manufacturing businesses. A qualitative method was employed by using snowball sampling of 17 individuals, including farmers, landowners, NGOs, middlemen, and logistic companies. Finally, a triangulation method was employed to analyze the data. Our findings proved that a mediator was needed to find mutual goals between private sectors in the local community. The mediator position should be neutral and prohibit from taking a side. DSNG as the buyer could utilize an expert practitioner that would act as a mediator to connect with the people, while the farmers would be supported by cooperation as their connector to DSNG. Finally, a collectivist culture, mutual trust, solidarity, teamwork, and education were essential factors for sustainable partnership.

Michał Roman

The main objective of the research was to present the opinion of the local community on the tourist attractiveness of the commune of Siemiatycze (Podlasie province) and selected factors of agritourism development. In order to fully and objectively recognise such factors, empirical material was collected with the use of the diagnostic survey method and survey questionnaire. Research was conducted in May 2019 and the questionnaire was sent to commune inhabitants. 52 respondents took part in the research. In addition, the author used the method of CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviewing) with 11 owners of overnight accommodation facilities operating in Siemiatycze commune. Research shows that the tourist attractiveness of the commune has a significant impact on the level of agritourism development. In addition, the majority of surveyed residents (73.1%) considered the area of the Siemiatycze commune as conducive to the development of tourism and agritourism. In their opinion, the area of the commune is rich in natural and cultural values and is characterized by high forest cover, the occurrence of meadows, ponds and rivers. The majority of respondents (80.1%) believed that the development of agritourism could increase the income of the population and raise the standard of living. Only 15.4% of respondents believed that agritourism could bring negative effects, e.g. taking over negative patterns of behaviour (especially young people), destroying traditional equipment and buildings, and the aversion of the community towards visitors.

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