scholarly journals Tourism Development Based On Sharia Models On Tourist Destinations In Padang City

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 444
Yanuar, Agus Zainul Arifin, Yulasmi

This study aims to make a description of attractions to tourist destinations in North Sumatra. Sharia area is in the object of observation in West Sumatra province. The research subject is a tourist destination in the city. Sharia description analysis method (comparing between reality and expectations) the potential of sharia tourism is carried out through, a tourism manager survey of tourists on visits to tourism sites, and local government. This research was conducted by spreading, questionnaire, interview, and observation. The method of analyzing of data-fired different methods than Levene’s test for equality of SPSS variances and software. The result of the research proved that all tourists’ variables attraction, amanitas, accessibility and ancillary shows of the values were lower than the hope Levene’s Test for equality of variances proved which are considerable.

2015 ◽  
pp. 47-57
Nawary Saragih

The purpose of this study was to: (1). Describe the main attraction of tourism potential prospects night snacks in Medan. (2). Examines the characteristics of tourists who visit the centers of business prospects night snacks Medan. (3). Assessing the behavior patterns of tourists visiting in the centers of business prospects night snacks Medan. (4). Assessing the perception of tourists to the potential business prospects night snacks in Medan. In order for the city of Medan can become a tourist destination evening snack can be achieved, the necessary development strategies: (1) .Menjaga and create the taste of food and beverages, for example Typical City of Medan. (2). Improve comfort and security of tourists in the centers of the evening snacks. (3). Maintain and enhance the overall area of cleanliness in the centers of the evening snacks. (4). Improve and maintain the appearance of employees in serving tourists. (5). Prices of food and beverages made cheap but the quality is maintained. To take advantage of the vast opportunities, the local government of Medan city are expected to participate more intensively to support the development of snacks in the evening in the city of Medan. The existence of policies and extension is considered to be very helpful in the completion of cooking the evening snacks. In addition, local governments also need to facilitate the growth and development of tourism products industry night snacks with supporters as hardwares local regulations that can accommodate the interests of employers / principals hari.Terkait evening snacks of local government funding can also be a bridge to help the funding recommendation to the entrepreneur evening snacks through cooperatives and banks, one of which is a government-owned bank, Bank of North Sumatra.

A Zahid A Zahid ◽  
Nikmatus Sa’adah ◽  
Taufik Alamin

Abstrak: Arus globalisasi saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri terdapat fasilitas-fasilitas bagus dan modern yang sangat diminati oleh khalayak. Sehingga mampu menggeser segala sesuatu yang dianggap ketinggalan jaman dengan lebih memilih dan mengedepankan hal-hal yang dianggap lebih kekinian. Misalnya di daerah-daerah yang saat ini berlomba-lomba membangun pariwisata yang menghadirkan unsur modern dengan segala fasilitas kekinian yang dapat dinikmati oleh para wisatawan. Pembangunan pariwisata sangat menjadi prioritas utama sebagai upaya untuk kemajuan dan peningkatan terhadap potensi yang dimiliki, baik dari masyarakat maupun daerah. Hadirnya destinasi wisata modern yang juga mengusung pasar tradisional papringan dengan memasukkan budaya Jawa sebagai upaya untuk melestarikan serta mengenalkan kepada para pengunjung, menjadi tujuan utama masyarakat yang ada di Desa Jambu. Segala wujud tindakan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat menurut Parson memiliki tujuan yang ingin dicapai, sehingga dengan memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan segala potensi yang dimiliki, kini desa tersebut menjadi destinasi wisata yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan baik dari dalam maupun luar kota. Adanya pasar tradisiona,l juga memberikan kesempatan bagi para wanita yang notabennya adalah ibu rumah tangga untuk bisa lebih mandiri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Pada era modernisasi saat ini dianggap memberikan kemudahan untuk dapat mempromosikan segala keunikan dan keistimewaan yang dimiliki oleh desa wisata tersebut. Kata Kunci: Pasar Tradisional Papringan, Masyarakat Desa Jambu, Fungsioanlisme   Abstract: Current globalization can not be denied that there are good and modern facilities that are very popular with the public. So as to be able to shift everything that is considered outdated by preferring and prioritizing things that are considered more contemporary. For example in areas that are currently competing to build a tourism business that presents a modern element with all the current facilities that can be enjoyed by tourists. Tourism development is a top priority as an effort to progress and increase the potential of the community and region. The presence of modern tourist destinations that carry Papringan traditional markets by incorporating Javanese culture as an effort to preserve and introduce to visitors, became the main destination of activists in Jambu Village. All forms of actions taken by the community according to Parson have goals to be achieved. So that by utilizing and developing all the potential that is owned, the village has now become a tourist destination that is visited by many tourists both from within and outside the city. The existence of traditional markets also provides opportunities for women who incidentally are housewives to be more independent in meeting family needs. In the current era of modernization, it is considered to be easy to be able to promote all the uniqueness and privileges that are owned by the tourist village. Keywords: Papringan Tradisional Market, Jambu Village Community, Fungsionalisme.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Titien Saraswati ◽  
Feby Astrid br. Pinem

Abstract: Ragi Hotang Meat Traditional Village, in Tampahan Subdistrict, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province, has been inaugurated as a traditional village by the Ministry of Education and Culture's Director General of Culture on 11 February 2017. In the village there are several traditional houses that have been revitalized, original traditional houses, ulos woven crafts and the typical sarong of the village, as well as traditional dances. After being inaugurated as a traditional village, the community was asked to do the development of the village themselves as a tourist destination. As academics, it is required to be able to provide input, to the local government and to the villagers. The question is: how was the Ragi Hotang Traditional Village developed into a tourist destination that was not detrimental, but could provide benefits to nature and its inhabitants? The purpose of this study is to provide input to the local government and villagers on how to develop their villages so that they become tourist destinations that do not harm nature or the population. Analysis by examining data is associated with Tourism theory and Deep Ecology. Keywords: traditional village, tourism, Deep EcologyAbstrak: Desa Adat Ragi Hotang Meat, di Kecamatan Tampahan, Kabupaten Toba Samosir, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, telah diresmikan sebagai desa adat oleh Dirjen Kebudayaan Kemendikbud pada 11 Februari 2017. Di desa itu terdapat beberapa rumah adat yang telah direvitalisasi, rumah adat asli, kerajinan tenun ulos dan sarung khas desa itu, serta tarian adat. Setelah diresmikan sebagai desa adat, masyarakat diminta untuk melakukan sendiri pengembangan desa itu sebagai destinasi wisata. Sebagai akademisi, dituntut untuk bisa memberikan masukan, baik bagi pemerintah setempat maupun bagi penduduk desa itu. Pertanyaannya: bagaimana Desa Adat Ragi Hotang dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata yang tidak merugikan, namun bisa memberikan keuntungan bagi alam dan penduduknya? Tujuan studi ini ialah memberikan masukan kepada pemerintah setempat maupun penduduk desa itu cara mengembangkan desanya agar menjadi destinasi wisata yang tidak merugikan alam maupun penduduknya. Analisis dengan mengeksaminasi data dikaitkan dengan teori Pariwisata dan Deep Ecology.Kata Kunci: desa adat, pariwisata, Deep Ecology

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (14) ◽  
pp. 3854
Luis Alfonso Escudero Gómez

Historic centers have become first-line tourist destinations. In order to achieve sustainable development, it is essential to get to know the opinions of the host community on the impact of tourism, the positives, as well as the negatives. This paper aims to understand the residents’ opinions and perceptions of destinations as the historic cities. This research looks into the residents’ opinions on the impact of tourism in the historic city of Toledo, Spain. The results of a quantitative survey among 442 residents in the city of Toledo are presented. The study is a revision of the literature and analysis and explanation of an empiric study’s results. Descriptive statistics have been used, as well as factor analysis and non-parametric tests to analyze data. The main results point out that residents have a positive vision of tourism development, rather than negative. The economic importance of tourism and its ability to create jobs stand out. However, they also think that the historic center is being turned into a museum for tourists. Analyzing their opinions according to certain demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, some major differences come up, such as that the inhabitants of residential areas have a more positive opinion than those who live in the historic center. Understanding the perspective of the residents can help the managers and planners of the tourism in the city to play down the potential negative impact of tourism and to achieve support from the host community in regards to tourism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Devin Cahya Triansya ◽  
Beta Budisetyorini

 AbstractThe continuous rapidly growth of tourism sector with the tight competition in the field of tourismmakes not all tourist destinations in the world always experience an increase in the number of tourist visits each year. Banjarmasin City, dubbed the “Kota Seribu Sungai” or "City of Thousand Rivers" and is known as the Thousand Rivers tourist destination has experiencedfluctuate number of tourist arrivals and tend to decline. The fluctuate number of tourist arrivalssourced from tourist visiting decisions can be influenced by various factors, including tourism destination productsand image. This study aims to see the effects of tourism destination products consisting of physical products, people, packages, and programsalsothe image of tourism destinations consisting of cognitive image and affective image on tourists visiting decision to the city of Thousand River Banjarmasin. The data obtained were taken by questionnaire to 123 tourists by accidental sampling. The results of the research were analyzed using multiple linear regression with two equations, namely (I) The influence of tourism destination products on tourist visiting decision and (II) The impact of tourism destination image on tourist visiting decision. The resultsfound the positive influence of tourism destination products to thetourist visiting decision of 54.5% and the image of tourism destination on the tourist visiting decision of 53.4% and the rest of 45.5% and 46.6% influenced by other factors not examined. The results of the analysis also showed the effect of tourism destination products variable partially consisting of physical products, packages, and programs have an effect on the decision of tourists while people have no influence. As for the variable image of tourism destinations in partial consisting of cognitive image and affective image affect the decision of tourists visiting to Kota Seribu Sungai Banjarmasin. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 21219-21228
Ni Luh Putu Suratini ◽  
I Ketut Arnawa ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Alit Wiswasta

The purpose of the study is to: (1). Analyzing the attractiveness of Pasut Beach as one of the tourist destinations in Tabanan Regency. (2). Analyze the strategy of developing Pasut Beach as a tourist destination in Tabanan Regency. The research location was determined by purposive sampling Pasut Beach, located in Tibubiu Village, Kerambitan District, Tabanan on the basis of having a very suitable potential to be developed into a tourist destination. The sample of the study was taken by 49 people consisting of elements from the Government, community leaders and tourism actors. This study uses qualitative qualitative analysis method (giving more detailed reviews and interpretations of the data obtained and SWOT analysis. Furthermore, in the SWOT method the External Strategy Factor Matrix (EFAS) model and the Internal Strategy Factor Matrix Model (IFAS) are used, followed by IFE matrix and EFE matrix to determine the weight, rating and score and to determine the strategy and position of the quadrant I - E matrix, Beach Pas po is in the position in quadrant I, with the S-O strategy where the values ​​of strength and opportunity are equally high ( use the power to get opportunities) by improving the quality of human resources, especially in the field of mastering technology, communication and information.

Edy Sahputra Sitepu ◽  
Rismawati Rismawati ◽  
Dewi Comala ◽  
Edi Putra Berutu ◽  
Jamardua Haro ◽  

Medan City is currently designated as one of the 20 national tourism destinations that implement Sustainable Tourism Development (STD) in Indonesia. The commitment to implement STD nationally is marked by the signing of the text of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of 20 Regional Heads who are committed to implementing STD together with the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism. Furthermore, under the supervision of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Tourism, 20 existing Regencies / Cities made various improvements in each region so that they were finally eligible for STD certification from the STD international certification body. Medan City itself, through the Medan City Tourism Office, related to the implementation of the STD, has established a number of leading tourism destinations. It is hoped that in the future, Medan City will have tourist destinations that have received STD certification. This research was conducted to formulate a model of implementing sustainable tourism development in Medan with a total sample of 220 people spread over 11 leading tourist destinations in the city of Medan, samples were taken with a purposive random sampling technique. The research variables used include; sustainable management, socio-cultural benefits, economic benefits for the surrounding community, environmental benefits and the application of sustainable tourism. Data analysis was carried out with a structural model of the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the help of Amos 22 software. The results showed that the management aspects, economic aspects, socio-cultural aspects of environmental aspects, and the impact of tourism, directly and indirectly, have a positive effect on the implementation of sustainable tourism in the city of Medan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 03009
Tristano Edwan Cancer Ananta ◽  
M. H. Dewi Susilowati ◽  
Ratri Candra Restuti

The city of Surakarta is one of the cultural and historical tourist destinations that continues to develop in Indonesia. The trend of an increase in the number of tourists in 2016-2018 has led to the emergence of many accommodation facilities in the city of Surakarta. Differences in location characteristics in each accommodation facility will affect tourists in choosing accommodation facilities. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the location of accommodation facilities chosen by domestic and foreign tourists in the city of Surakarta, as well as the relationship between the characteristics of the location of accommodation facilities with the characteristics of tourists based on the age and place of origin of tourists. This study uses a spatial comparison analysis method and uses a chi-square statistical analysis to see the relationship between variables, such as the characteristics of the location of accommodation facilities and characteristics of tourists. The results of this study indicate that the location characteristics of the accommodation facilities chosen by foreign and domestic tourists are different. Foreign tourists tend to choose star hotels, while for domestic tourists the choice varies, namely star hotels and non-star hotels. In addition, there is a relationship between the characteristics of domestic tourists with the characteristics of the location of selected accommodation facilities, while for the characteristics of foreign tourists there is no relationship with the characteristics of the location of selected accommodation facilities.

Tomas Lopez-Guzman ◽  
Jesús Claudio Pérez Gálvez ◽  
Guzmán Antonio Muñoz-Fernández ◽  
Miguel Jesús Medina-Viruel

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to conduct an analysis of the relationships existing among three basic constructs in the visitor’s decision-making process (motivation and satisfaction) in a tourist destination that is a World Heritage Site, such as the city of Cordoba (Spain). Bearing in mind the perception of heritage by the foreign visitors, the following four types were determined: alternative tourists, cultural tourists, emotional tourists and heritage tourists. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses the multivariate technique of grouping cases (K-means clusters) to analyse the similarity existing among the surveyed persons. From the groups or segments obtained, statistics and measurements of association were applied that provide the information necessary to study the possible trends of association existing between variables from a table of bidimensional contingencies. In the same way, non-parametric statistical procedures were used (Kruskal–Wallis H test and the Mann–Whitney U test). Findings The results show the existence of four diverse motivational dimensions among the foreign tourists to visit it: hedonic, cultural, convenience and circumstantial. Of the four dimensions, the hedonic and the cultural are the most relevant. The results show the existence of a common cultural identity: the Arabic cultural identity. Originality/value This paper contributes to complete the academic literature existing on the links of the tourist with the historical and monumental heritage that he visits, and with the tourist’s behaviour.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
Ary Sulistyo

<p><em>The function of a city is not only for economic development, but also the city tells the story of the collective memory of its citizens who still exist in their past culture. These culture are the city's cultural resources for tourism. One of them is the Kotatua area of Jakarta, there is a Chinatown area, known as Glodok. This study aims to describe how the Glodok Chinatown cultural area was transformed into an urban tourist destination from the 18th century to the present. This area has many historical attractions or historical tourist destinations such as centers of sacred activity (temples / temples, and churches), as well as profane activity centers (markets, roads / alleys, etc.). Therefore the future development must refer to Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage that the use of cultural heritage must be based on protection and development not the other way around. So that it is expected that conservation-based tourism in the Glodok Chinatown area can sustain well without any changes which certainly damage the element of authenticity as Chinatown areas in Jakarta and Indonesia in general.</em><em></em></p><p> </p><p>Keyword: <em>Kotatua, Glodok, City, Cultural Heritage, Tourism</em></p>

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