2021 ◽  
pp. 1279
Cindy Cindy ◽  
Lydia Imelda Rachmat ◽  
Yahya Abdi Nugroho ◽  
Tatang Ruchimat

Information technology has important functions both now and in the future. Advances in technology make it easier for us to get information, but apart from having a good impact, technology can also have a bad impact, such as breaking the law. One example of a violation of the law on social media is cyber crime, which uses computers as a tool or target for criminal means (Widodo: 2011). The spread of fake news is an example of cyber crime that is quite rampant in Indonesia. no exception in the current pandemic, it also makes people afraid of information on social media and sometimes panics. The rise of this incident has made law enforcement in Indonesia run a cyber patrol system with the aim of monitoring the activities of spreading fake news (hoaxes), or the movement of terrorist networks, as well as other crimes related to social media. This is regulated in the ITE Law, Article 390 of the Criminal Code, Articles 14 and 15 of Law No.1 Year 1946 which is the legal basis for handling cyber crimes. The police are trying to overcome all the impacts of hoaxes and cybercrimes by establishing the Directorate of Cyber Crime. using research methods that focus on secondary data processing and data analysis is carried out qualitatively using deductive logic (Soekanto and Mamudji 2007). The results of this study are known that cyber crimes, especially hoax news, create panic in the community and solutions that can be done in overcoming these crimes that occurred. Teknologi informasi memiliki fungsi penting baik sekarang maupun di masa depan. Kemajuan teknologi mempermudah kita untuk mendapatkan informasi, namun selain berdampak baik teknologi juga bisa berdampak buruk, seperti pelanggaran hukum. Salah satu contoh pelanggaran hukum di media sosial adalah cyber crime, yang menggunakan komputer sebagai alat ataupun sasaran untuk sarana kejahatan (Widodo:2011).Penyebaran berita bohong merupakan salah satu contoh kejahatan siber yang cukup marak terjadi di Indonesia .Persentase penyebaran berita bohong sangatlah tinggi tidak terkecuali di masa pandemi seperti saat ini,juga membuat masyarakat menjadi ketakutan dengan informasi yang ada di media sosial dan  terkadang membuat menjadi panik.Maraknya kejadian ini membuat penegak hukum di indonesia menjalankan sistem patroli cyber dengan tujuan untuk memantau aktivitas penyebaran berita bohong (hoaks), atau pergerakan jaringan terorisme, serta kejahatan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan media sosial. Hal ini diatur dalam UU ITE, Pasal 390 KUHP, Pasal 14 dan 15 UU No.1 Thn.1946  yang menjadi landasan hukum terhadap penanganan kejahatan dunia maya. Kepolisian berupaya untuk menanggulangi semua dampak dari berita bohong (hoaks) maupun kejahatan dunia maya dengan membentuk Direktorat Tindak Pidana Siber.Artikel ini dibuat dengan tujuan agar masyarakat bisa lebih kritis terhadap setiap berita yang disebarkan di media sosial dan semakin bijak dalam menggunakannya .Dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian yang berfokus pada data sekunder pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan logika deduktif(Soekanto dan Mamudji(2007). Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kejahatan siber terutama berita hoaks membuat panik masyarakat dan penyelesaian yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengatasi kejahatan-kejahatan yang terjadi

2021 ◽  
pp. 1111
Yuwono Prianto ◽  
Nabila Annisa Fuzain ◽  
Afif Farhan

Digital activity during the pandemic is increasing this is because people are asked to stay at home doing all activities online, this makes people vulnerable to becoming victims of cyber crime. Cybercrime itself is a cyber crime by using a computer or computer network as a tool, or as a target, as well as the location of the crime, the absence of space and time limits makes it easier for cyber criminals to carry out their actions in the cyber world. The author's purpose in conducting this analysis is to discuss what are the obstacles in handling cybercrime cases during the Covid-19 pandemic and how to enforce the law for cybercrime perpetrators. This article is the result of normative legal research that focuses on the use of secondary data. Cyber crimes need special attention from law enforcement, both national and international. The perpetrators of cybercrime have not been fully prosecuted due to the weakness of the cyber legislation system in Indonesia and the limited number of experts to handle this case. Cyber law has not been clearly spelled out in the regulations governing the technical implementation. The perpetrators of cyber crime come from various countries, limited human resources and infrastructure are the main obstacles. It requires a strong commitment from the leadership, law enforcement institutions to improve the quality and quantity of human resources as well as to prepare an adequate budget for the procurement of facilities and infrastructure as well as to establish cooperation with higher education to accelerate the handling of existing limitations. Aktivitas digital pada masa pandemi semakin meningkat hal ini disebabkan masyarakat diminta untuk tetap di rumah melakukan semua kegiatan dilakukan secara daring, hal ini membuat masyarakat rawan menjadi korban kejahatan cyber. Cybercrime sendiri adalah kejahatan dunia maya dengan menggunakan komputer atau jaringan komputer sebagai alat, atau sebagai sasaran, serta lokasi terjadinya kejahatan, tidak adanya batasan ruang dan waktu memudahkan penjahat cyber untuk melakukan aksinya di dunia cyber. Tujuan penulis melakukan analisis ini  adalah untuk membahas apa saja yang menjadi kendala dalam menangani kasus cybercrime di saat masa pandemi Covid-19 dan bagaimana penegakan hukum bagi para pelaku cybercrime. Artikel ini meruupakan hasil dari penilitian hukum normatif yang fokus pada penggunaan data sekunder. Kejahatan cyber  crime perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus dari penegak hukum baik nasional maupun Internasional. Pelaku cybercrime belum seluruhnya dapat di proses hukum karena lemahnya sistem perundangan-undangan siber di Indonesia dan terbatasnya tenaga ahli yang dimilki untuk menangani kasus ini, Undang-Undang cyber belum dijabarkan dengan jelas didalam Peraturan yang mengatur mengenai teknis pelaksanaannya. Pelaku cyber crime berasal berbagai dari negara, terbatasnya SDM dan prsarana menjadi kendala utama. Diperlukan komitmen yang kuat dari pimpinan, Institusi penegak hukum untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitaf SDM serta penyiapan anggaran yang memadai untuk pengadaan sarana dan prasana serta menjalin kerjasama dengan pendidikan tinggi untuk mempercepat penanganan keterbatasan yang ada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Elsa Intan Pratiwi

This study aims to analyze the forms of action that are categorized as body shaming crimes and criminal law enforcement against body shaming crimes on social media. This study uses a normative juridical approach. The data used is in the form of secondary data consisting of primary and secondary legal materials. The data collection method uses literature study and descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that, the forms of action that are categorized as body shaming crimes, namely: the words uttered contain elements of physical insult and have humiliated and lowered one's self-esteem because they can be seen/witnessed by many people, making them feel sad and depressed. Perpetrators of body shaming can be charged under Article 315 of the Criminal Code, with a maximum imprisonment of four months and two weeks or a maximum fine of four thousand and five hundred rupiahs. And if it is done on social media, the perpetrator can be charged under Article 27 paragraph (3) jo. Article 45 paragraph (3) of the ITE Law with a maximum imprisonment of four years and/or a maximum fine of seven hundred and fifty million rupiah. The police also offer a settlement process in a non-litigation context, namely by maximizing penal mediation to reduce the build up of cases in court.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-53
Suparwi Suparwi

The purpose of this study is to find out about the legal basis for prostitution service providers and for perpetrators of prostitution. In this study included in normative law. In this study the authors used the method of regulation approach.  Provisions in the Criminal Code can only be used to ensnare service providers / pimps / pimps based on the provisions of Article 296, Article 297, jo. Article 506 of the Criminal Code: People who provide pornographic services as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (2) of the Pornography Law No. 44 of 2008. If words or writings and images broadcast by prostitutes (prostitute) through social media contain obscenity or sexual exploitation in violation moral norms in society, the prostitute can be charged with Article 27 paragraph (1) of Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning ITE jo. Article 45 of Law Number 19 Year 2016 Regarding Amendment to Law No. 11 of 2008. If the advertisement carried out by prostitutes is accompanied by photographs containing pornographic content, then he may also be subject to criminal sanctions under Article 8 jo. Article 34 of the Pornography Law No. 44/2008. Law enforcement on cyber prostitution is increasingly difficult because there are some people who actually support cyber prostitution by considering it as a business commodity. There is even a paradigm of thought that regards cyber prostitution as natural and expected to be legalized immediately.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Budi Kristian Bivanda Putra

Abstract The government initiated the birth of the Law on Information and electronic transactions in an effort to prevent the occurrence of ciber crimes. The percentage of cyber crimes in Indonesia is 32%. This figure is certainly not a small number and certainly can have a serious impact on the protection and welfare of the Indonesian people This research emphasizes first, how the cyber crime policy in Indonesia in mitigating the second, how cyber prevention efforts in the future. The research method in this research is normative juridical using primary and secondary data analyzed qualitatively. First, law enforcement in dealing with cyber crimes in Indonesia has not been optimally implemented. Factors that influence law enforcement against cyber crimes include legal factors, law enforcement factors, facilities and facilities in law enforcement and community factors Second, prevention of cyber crimes in the future can be done by increasing facilities, knowledge and specialization and training of law enforcement officers in the cyber field as well as efforts to secure information systems through collaboration with Internet Service Providers (ISP).Keywords:  Policy, Criminal Act,  Cyber 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Hendral Veno ◽  
Chepi Ali Firman ◽  
Dey Ravena ◽  
Aji Mulyana

The spread of fake news (hoax) is increasingly prevalent nowadays. Hoax is fake news that often appears on the internet and aims to spread panic and mass fear. Many irresponsible individuals carried out an activity to achieve a goal that can cause unrest, chaos, and disrupt state security. The research objective is to understand the criminal provisions in the ITE Law into conditions that follow the development of the criminal act of spreading hoaxes—knowing the policy formulation in handling the spread of fake news (hoax) through social media in Indonesia in the future. The approach method used in this research is a normative juridical approach. The types of data used in this study are secondary data and primary data. This research is classified as a kind of qualitative research. The results of this study indicate that: The provisions that follow the development of the criminal act of spreading fake news (hoax) are seen from several aspects. First, the factory itself, the second legal factor of law enforcement officers, the third is facilities and infrastructure, fourth, the community factor. In terms of this aspect, the formulation of criminal law in dealing with fake news in the future looks better and more complete, especially in the concept of the Criminal Code, which regulates things that can be convicted regarding fake news and hate speech, the form of fake news and hate speech in cyberspace. The current criminal law policy still has shortcomings, especially in terms of policy formulation.

Ius Poenale ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Ridho Grisyan ◽  
Sunarto DM ◽  
Heni Siswanto

Criminal acts related to hate speech are one of the crimes that occur as a result of the misuse of information technology carried out by a person or group by conveying forms of provocation, seditious actions, or in the form of insults to someone or certain other groups in terms of various indicators, namely race, skin, gender, religion and others. Research problems: how are the efforts to deal with the criminal act of distributing electronic information containing hate speech at POLDA Lampung and why there are obstacles to efforts to overcome the criminal act of distributing electronic information containing hate speech at the Regional Police located in Lampung Province. This type of research is a normative juridical research. The data analysis was done qualitatively. The approach to the problem used is the statute approach. The results of this study indicate that the law enforcement of hate speech using social media is carried out by the Sub-Directorate for Cyber Crime of POLDA Lampung through non-penal and penal means. Non-penal efforts are carried out by carrying out cyber patrols and socializing the prohibition on hate speech using social media. Penal efforts carried out by investigation and investigation. The factors that hinder efforts to overcome criminal acts of hate speech by using social media are in the aspects of legislation, aspects of law enforcement officials, facilities and infrastructure, community conditions and cultural aspects of these factors, there are dominant factors being weaknesses, namely in the aspect of law enforcers who are not yet competent and have mastered the development of types of crimes related to information technology, precisely at the Cyber Police Unit in Lampung Province.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Apen Diansyah

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui penerapan denda terhadap pelanggar berlalu lintas di kota Bengkulu ditinjau dari Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009, serta untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam penerapan pidana denda terhadap pelanggar barlalu lintas di Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian dilaksanakan disatuan lalu lintas Polres dan Polda Kota Bengkulu. Adapun data yang didapatkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder melalui penelitian lapangan dan penelitian kepustakaan, kemudian data dianalisis dengan cara deskriptif. Peraturan yang tertera pada undang-undang yang tertera sepenuhnya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran untuk setiap pelanggar yang melakukan pelanggaran, tetapi pada kota Bengkulu undang-undang tersebut tidak sepenuhnya berjalan efektif. Menurut pandangan Undang-undang 22 Tahun 2009, penerapan pidana denda masuk dalam kategori pidana pokok (sesuai Pasal 10 KUHP) sebagai urutan terakhir atau keempat, sesudah pidana mati, pidana penjara dan pidana kurungan. Selain dari itu, faktor penghambat keefektifan Undang-undang seperti faktor ekonomi, faktor kedekatan emosional dan faktor kekebalan institusional.Kata kunci: tindak pidana; hukum pidana; dendaABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the application of violators from cities in Bengkulu in terms of Law Number 22 of 2009, and to find out the inhibiting factors in the application of fines to traffic violators in the city of Bengkulu. The research was carried out in the traffic city of the City Police of the City of Bengkulu. The data obtained are primary data and secondary data used for library research and research, then the data are analyzed descriptively. The regulations stated in the law that are fully stated to increase awareness for every offender who commits an offense, but in the city of Bengkulu the law is not fully effective. According to the view of Law 22 of 2009, the application of criminal fines falls into the main criminal category (according to Article 10 of the Criminal Code) as the last or fourth order, after the death penalty, imprisonment and imprisonment. Apart from that, factors inhibiting the effectiveness of the law such as economic factors, emotional proximity factors and institutional immune factors.Keywords: crime; criminal law; fines

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Oktasari Putri Pramisela ◽  
Yulia Hesti

A crime or criminal act, usually perpetrators of criminals because of an encouragement based on the importance of fulfilling the necessities of life that is relatively difficult to fulfill. In principle the crime problem does not stand alone, but it relates to other issues such as social, economic, political and cultural which is as a phenomenon that affects each other. To tackle crimes and criminal acts such a thorough enforcement and anticipation policy is required. One of the most common criminal acts in the community is the violence of violent blackmail. Perpetrators can be assessed by the community, therefore it is necessary to be handled by the law enforcement officers intensively with the severity of the criminal that was dropped. The problem in this study is how the judge's consideration in dropping a criminal against perpetrators of criminal offenses with violence against motorcycles belonging to others, what are some factors causing perpetrators of criminal extortion with violence. The method of study used is the normative juridical approach and empirical approach obtained directly at the District Court of Kls II Kalianda, state Attorney of South Lampung. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that the judge's judgment in the criminal offence against the perpetrator of violent criminal offence is in accordance with the element contained in article 368 paragraph (1) of the criminal CODE and was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment. Factors affecting the cause of perpetrators of criminal extortion in violence are environmental factors, economic factors on society, the law enforcement. The advice given is to be expected to the Tribunal, the attorney general and the police in providing or establishing the article can be in accordance with its elements and actions, to the rationing punishment against the defendant is considered fair and give a deterrent effect so that the defendant can not repeat it again. There is cooperation between law enforcement and the community in minimizing the crimes that occurred.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-25
Ni Made Trisna Dewi,Reido Lardiza Fahrial

Abuse in the electronic transaction because it is formed from an electronic process, so the object changes, the goods become electronic data and the evidence is electronic.  Referring to the provisions of positive law in Indonesia, there are several laws and regulations that have set about electronic evidence as legal evidence before the court but there is still debate between the usefulness and function of the electronic evidence itself, from that background in  The following problems can be formulated, How do law enforcement from investigations, prosecutions to criminal case decisions in cybercrimes and How is the use of electronic evidence in criminal case investigations in cybercrimes This research uses normative research methods that are moving from the existence of norm conflicts between the Criminal Procedure Code and  ITE Law Number 19 Year 2016 in the use of evidence.  The law enforcement process of the investigator, the prosecution until the court's decision cannot run in accordance with the provisions of ITE Law Number 19 of 2016, because in interpreting the use of electronic evidence still refers to Article 184 paragraph (1) KUHAP of the Criminal Procedure Code stated that the evidence used  Legitimate are: witness statements, expert statements, letters, instructions and statements of the accused so that the application of the ITE Law cannot be applied effectively The conclusion of this research is that law enforcement using electronic evidence in cyber crime cannot stand alone because the application of the Act  - ITE Law Number 19 Year 2016 still refers to the Criminal Code so that the evidence that is clear before the trial still refers to article 184 paragraph (1) KUHAP of the Criminal Procedure Code and the strength of proof of electronic evidence depends on the law enforcement agencies interpreting it because all electronic evidence is classified into  in evidence in the form of objects as  so there is a need for confidence from the legal apparatus in order to determine the position and truth of the electronic evidence.   Penyalahgunaan didalam transaksi elektronik tersebut karena terbentuk dari suatu proses elektronik, sehingga objeknya pun berubah, barang menjadi data elektronik dan alat buktinya pun bersifat elektronik. Mengacu pada ketentuan hukum positif di Indonesia, ada beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah mengatur mengenai alat bukti elektronik sebagai alat bukti yang sah di muka pengadilan tetapi tetap masih ada perdebatan antara kegunaan dan fungsi dari alat bukti elektronik itu sendiri, dari latar belakang tersebut di atas dapat dirumuskan masalah sebagai berikut, Bagaimana penegakkan hukum dari penyidikan, penuntutan sampai putusan perkara pidana dalam kejahatan cyber dan Bagaimanakah penggunaan bukti elektronik dalam pemeriksaan perkara pidana dalam kejahatan cyber Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yakni beranjak dari adanya konflik norma antara KUHAP dengan Undang-undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 dalam penggunaan alat bukti. Proses penegakkan hukum dari penyidik, penuntutan sampai pada putusan pengadilan tidak dapat berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016, karena dalam melakukan penafsiran terhadap penggunaan alat bukti Elektronik masih mengacu pada Pasal 184 ayat (1) KUHAP disebutkan bahwa alat bukti yang sah adalah: keterangan saksi, keterangan ahli, surat, petunjuk dan keterangan terdakwa. sehingga penerapan Undang-undang ITE tidak dapat diterapkan secara efektiv. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penegakan hukum dengan menggunakan alat bukti elektronik dalam kejahatan cyber tidak bisa berdiri sendiri karena penerapan Undang-Undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tetap merujuk kepada KUHP sehingga alat bukti yang sah di muka persidangan tetap mengacu pada pasal 184 ayat (1) KUHAP dan Kekuatan pembuktian alat bukti elektronik tersebut tergantung dari aparat hukum dalam menafsirkannya karena semua alat bukti elektronik tersebut digolongkan ke dalam alat bukti berupa benda sebagai petunjuk sehingga diperlukan juga keyakinan dari aparat hukum agar bisa menentukan posisi dan kebenaran dari alat bukti elektronik tersebut.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Arief Rahman Siregar ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto

This study tried to answer the problem formulation is What position and Function of Notary in using the State symbol? What if Notaries do malpractices in the using of State Symbol and how sanctions against malpractice Notary Public who use the State Symbol? The purpose of this study to determine the position and Function of Notary in using the State Symbol, and determine sanctions against notaries who do mal practice in the using of State Symbol.This research was conducted using the normative method, means testing and reviewing secondary data, using literature data in the form of positive law relating to Legislation relating to the issues discussed.The results of this study concluded that a Notary Public in the office using the Symbol State under Article 16 paragraph (1) letter k of Notary law) and use of the State symbol of Notary's Stamp or Head Letter Position as stipulated in Article 54 paragraph (1) letter j Act No. 24 of 2009 and as Stamp of Department Office as stipulated in Article 54 paragraph (2) letter j Act No. 24 of 2009, while the Notary malpractice in the using of State symbol is not necessarily directly given to criminal sanctions as a form of application of the law ultimum remidium. because there are several steps that must be passed given the Notary has its own rules in the Law on Notary. Notary of the behavior is also governed by a special organization that Indonesian Notary Association (INI), but still asked the criminal responsibility under Act No. 24 of 2009 and Article 154 of the Criminal Code letter if indeed Notary proven legally and convincingly to have malpractice against the using of State Symbol.Keywords: Notary Authority; Notary Position; Sanctions Against Notary.

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