Meinius Erwin ◽  
Alvin Hadiwono

Japanese culture is a Indonesian colonizer’s culture that most stand out and preffered than other Indonesian colonizer’s culture like Netherlands, England, Spanish, and Portuguese. In the other hand, the local value of Indonesia preffered to be left out because Indonesian preffered the foreign culture. The Japanese that followed modern western culture without leaving their original culture can be an example for Indonesian not to lose their local values so that this project designed for Indonesian still can consume and learn Japanese Culture without forget their local culture. The space for make that happen starts from the daily life of people related to third place. The design method for this design based on the site existing as a basic for building mass with the purpose of using the existing one like as thought by Louis Isadore Kahn. Edutown BSD is the right location to design a proposed project entitled Japan Cultural Hybrid Space because there are various buildings with different functions like shopping centers, entertainment, and education, and culturally there are Japan and Indonesia; Edutown BSD is planned to be an education and research center that is integrated with shopping centers, recreation, and other needs so that it supports the project design in the form of assimilation space. The design results in the form of buildings with material and physical form follow Japan / modern while non-physical is more on Indonesian culture because locality is not merely displaying physical form, so that the meaning of design title does not reflect Japanese culture exclusively.  AbstrakKebudayaan Jepang adalah kebudayaan negara penjajah Indonesia yang paling menonjol dan cukup diminati dibanding dengan negara penjajah Indonesia lainnya seperti Belanda, Inggris, Spanyol, dan Portugis sementara nilai-nilai lokal Indonesia cenderung ditinggalkan karena orang Indonesia lebih cenderung memilih budaya luar dibanding budaya lokal. Sikap Jepang yang mengikuti budaya modern dari barat tanpa meninggalkan budaya asal mereka menjadi contoh untuk Indonesia agar tidak kehilangan nilai-nilai lokalnya sehingga proyek ini bertujuan agar Indonesia tetap dapat menikmati dan mempelajari kebudayaan Jepang tanpa melupakan kebudayaan lokal. Wadah untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut dimulai dari keseharian orang-orang terkait third place. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah dengan memanfaatkan kondisi eksisting tapak perancangan sebagai dasar pembentukkan massa bangunan dengan maksud memanfaatkan yang sudah ada seperti yang dipikirkan oleh Louis Isadore Kahn. Edutown BSD menjadi lokasi yang tepat untuk dirancang sebuah proyek yang diusulkan yang berjudul Ruang Asimilasi Budaya Jepang Tradisional dan Modern karena terdapat berbagai bangunan dengan fungsi berbeda-beda seperti pusat perbelanjaan, hiburan, dan pendidikan serta secara kebudayaan terdapat Jepang dan Indonesia; Edutown BSD direncanakan untuk menjadi pusat pendidikan dan riset yang diintegrasikan dengan pusat perbelanjaan, rekreasi, dan kebutuhan lainnya sehingga ikut mendukung perancangan proyek berupa ruang asimilasi. Hasil perancangan berupa bangunan dengan material dan bentuk fisik mengikuti Jepang / modern sementara non fisik lebih kepada budaya Indonesia karena lokalitas tidak hanya sekedar menampilkan wujud fisik saja, sehingga pengertian judul perancangan bukan mencerminkan kebudayaan Jepang secara eksklusif.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-49
Sukartini ◽  
Firman Surya ◽  
Welsi Haslina ◽  
Yusnani ◽  
Ulfi Maryati

This study aims to create a database application program that is able to process data on lecturer course activities and generate reports on the calculation of teaching fees periodically during the pandemic which requires lecturers to report lecture activities online. The system design method approach used is prototyping, namely by creating a program that most closely resembles user needs in a relatively short time. The prototype was generated using the Microsoft Access 2010 database application. The selection of microsoft access to create a prototype was based on the availability of complete facilities in Microsoft Access to design table relations, input forms, query processing, reports and the visual basic programming language for applications. Google Forms used to receive lecture data input online. The application development stages consist of design, testing and implementation stages. This application has succeeded in providing the right solution for the Padang State Polytechnic Accounting Department during the pandemic in calculating and reporting lecture activities and lecturers teaching fees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 398
Adilla Chairiah ◽  
Lestari Lestari ◽  
Irwin Irwin

Children are the future successors of the nation who must be equipped with supporting knowledge and education. One of the factors that influence the development of children are children’s creativity. Creativity is important for children because creativity is useful as a human need to be creative, creativity allows children to express themselves and thoughts in solving problem and many more. Creativity activities in schools are limited, namely 4-5 hours due to strict curriculum (Kemendikbud, 2012). The facilities that support the development of children's creativity in Pontianak is quite limited. This condition shows that Pontianak needs facilities that support the development of children's creativity, namely the Child Creativity Center in Pontianak. The design method starts from identifying the problem by looking at the issues, data collecting consists of primary data and secondary data, and then the data is analyzed which produced pre design drawing. The emphasis on the design is child-friendly which includes aspects of safety, comfort, freedom and stimulates children's potential. This concept produces a mass building design with a circular shape that has been transformed. The use of the right colors, shapes, materials and dimensions is the core of the design of the Children's Creativity Center in Pontianak.

Oscarius Lufti ◽  
Agustinus Sutanto

Starting from the issue where there is a physical boundary that separates the world of life and the world of death which gives a bad impression of death. Living humans can perform rituals to interact spiritually with the world of the dead. From this it can be said that there are still opportunities for interaction between the living world and the world of death. Utilization of technology is applied in the design of projects to create architecture that becomes a container where interactions occur between the living world and the world of death. The world of death will mingle with visitors and vice versa so that interaction occurs. Carrying the theme ‘Third Place” in the proposed project design concept, the design of the columbarium will not be closed. Columbarium can be used as an architectural space that can be enjoyed by the community without exception. Interaction not only occurs with fellow human beings who are still alive, but also can occur with those who have died with the help of existing technology. With this view of the closed columbarium  can be removed. Keywords:  Columbarium; Death; Interaction; Life Abstrak Berawal dari isu dimana terdapat sebuah batasan secara fisik yang memisahkan antara dunia kehidupan dan dunia kematian yang menimbulkan kesan yang tidak baik terhadap kematian. Manusia yang masih hidup dapat melakukan ritual untuk berinteraksi secara rohani dengan dunia kematian. Dari hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa masih terdapat peluang untuk terjadinya interaksi antara dunia kehidupan dan dunia kematian. Pemanfaatan teknologi diterapkan dalam perancangan proyek untuk menciptakan arsitektur yang menjadi wadah dimana terjadi interaksi antara dunia kehidupan dan dunia kematian. Dunia kematian akan berbaur dengan pengunjung dan sebaliknya sehingga terjadi interaksi. Membawa tema “Third Place” dalam konsep perancangan proyek yang diusulkan, perancangan rumah abu tidak akan bersifat tertutup. Rumah abu dapat dijadikan sebagai ruang arsitektur yang dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat tanpa terkecuali. Interaksi tidak hanya terjadi dengan sesama manusia yang masih hidup, tetapi juga dapat terjadi dengan mereka yang sudah meninggal dengan bantuan teknologi yang ada. Dengan ini pandangan terhadap rumah abu yang bersifat tertutup dapat dihilangkan.

Nitesh Bharosa ◽  
Marijn Janssen ◽  
Satiesh Bajnath

Driven by the rising customer expectations and decreasing budgets, organizations are searching for means to improve service encounters with their citizens and businesses. However, many initiatives take an organizational perspective, whereas service encounters emphasize the client perspective. This research follows a participative design research approach that focuses on the derivation, demonstration and infusion of principles for improved service encounters. A role-playing game refers to a situation in which human participants play a certain role and follow a script to simulate complex service encounters. From the perspective of the professional, these principles emphasize “doing the right things” in their service encounters with customers. The authors found that the approach for deriving principles not only enables capturing the experience of professionals in a fun and entertaining manner, but also expands their view on customers and the back-office. This paper makes two contributions to existing work: (1) a participative design method based on role-play games and (2) six principles for service encounters resulting from the role-playing game.

Mikael Wiberg

Computing is increasingly intertwined with our physical world. From smart watches to connected cars, to the Internet of Things and 3D-printing, the trend towards combining digital and analogue materials in design is no longer an exception, but a hallmark for where interaction design is going in general. Computational processing increasingly involves physical materials, computing is increasingly manifested and expressed in physical form, and interaction with these new forms of computing is increasingly mediated via physical materials. Interaction Design is therefore increasingly a material concern. In this book, “The Materiality of Interaction – Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design”, Mikael Wiberg investigates this trend towards material interactions. In doing so he describes how the field of human-computer interaction has moved, through the material turn, from a representation-driven design paradigm, towards a paradigm which he calls material-centered interaction design. Wiberg examines what this emergent paradigm implies for the practice of doing interaction design, he proposes a design method for doing material-centered interaction design, and he discusses the implications for moving forward given an interaction design paradigm that focuses on the materiality of interaction.

Agnieszka Cichocka ◽  
Pascal Bruniaux ◽  

This paper presents a garment pattern generation process and modelling of virtual garment design method in 3D. This work characterize our global project on virtual clothing design contains of the conception of virtual adaptive mannequin, and also of the creation and modelling of garment in 3D. According to the ideas of mass customization and e-commerce, as well the need of numerical innovations in garment industry we employ our model of virtual garment and methodology enabling to conceive the virtual clothing directly on a mannequin morphotype in 3D. This method gives us possibility to create a perfect garment and taking into account all peculiarities of human body. In 2D method we made two patterns: left and right side separately to obtain best result and to get possibility to compare two cases: when symmetric pattern is used and when we use pattern consisted of two parts specially made for each side of the body. In the present context we use the example of a basic women's shirt: bodice and sleeve. We used the method of making pattern employed in Russia compared with French method. Finally the superposition of virtual and real pattern was done in order to visualise the right results.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Haiyong Zhang ◽  
Dong Han ◽  
Kai Ji ◽  
Zhong Ren ◽  
Chi Xu ◽  

An efficient technique of designing spatial matrix filter for array signal preprocessing based on convex programming was proposed. Five methods were considered for designing the filter. In design method 1, we minimized the passband fidelity subject to the controlled overall stopband attenuation level. In design method 2, the objective function and the constraint in the design method 1 were reversed. In design method 3, the optimal matrix filter which has the general mean square error was considered. In design method 4, the left stopband and the right stopband were constrained with specific attenuation level each, and the minimized passband fidelity was received. In design method 5, the optimization objective function was the sum of the left stopband and the right stopband attenuation levels with the weighting factors 1 andγ, respectively, and the passband fidelity was the constraints. The optimal solution of the optimizations above was derived by the Lagrange multiplier theory. The relations between the optimal solutions were analyzed. The generalized singular value decomposition was introduced to simplify the optimal solution of design methods 1 and 2 and enhanced the efficiency of solving the Lagrange multipliers. By simulations, it could be found that the proposed method was effective for designing the spatial matrix filter.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-23
Dewi Ratnawati ◽  
Sulistyorini Sulistyorini ◽  
Ahmad Zainal Abidin

Abstract. Educational discrimination often occurs in people's lives. This is influenced by the distinction that appear from the community itself. This distinction can be seen from the perspective of the community to educational rights of men and women. The main factors that influence the emergence of discrimination against the right to education include normal or traditional rules that kill the character of women, the physical form of women, the economic pace, misinterpretation of religious teachings, and cultural beliefs that grow in the lives of rural communities. This requires a maximum effort in aligning the paradigm between rural communities and communities by involving religious teachings as supporters of the realization of equal educational rights for men and women. By using exploratory-descriptive eruption studies, it results in findings that the viewpoints related to equality of education rights of men and women are divided in two. First, the viewpoint of the community which encompasses patriarchal culture, humanism, economics, and education. Second, the viewpoint of the Hadith and the Al-Qur'an. Abstrak. Diskriminasi pendidikan kerapkali terjadi di dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh distingsi yang muncul dari masyarakat itu sendiri. Distingsi itu dapat dilihat dari sudut pandang masyarakat terhadap hak pendidikan laki-laki dan perempuan. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi munculnya diskriminasi terhadap hak pendidikan meliputi normal atau aturan tradisional yang membunuh karakter perempuan, bentuk fisik perempuan, laju ekonomi, penafsiran yang salah terhadap ajaran agama, serta keyakinan budaya yang tumbuh dalam kehidupan masyarakat pedesaan. Hal ini membutuhkan usaha maksimal dalam penyelarasan paradigma antara masyarakat pedesaan dan masyarakat perkotaan dengan melibatkan ajaran agama sebagai pendukung terhadap realisasi kesetaraan hak pendidikan laki-laki dan perempuan. Dengan menggunakan studi leterasi berupa eksploratif-deskriptif, mengahasilkan temuan bahwa sudut pandang terkait kesetaraan hak pendidikan laki-laki dan perempuan dibagi dua. Pertama, sudut pandang masyarakat yang meliputi budaya patriarki, budaya humanisme, ekonomi, dan edukasi. Kedua, sudut pandang perspektif hadits dan Al-Qur’an. 

Wewin Febriana Dewi ◽  
Maria Veronica Gandha

Pondok Kelapa is an area located on the edge of East Jakarta and is dominated by settlements, according to data from BKKBN the dominance of age in Pondok Kelapa ranges from 6 years old to 22 years old, the age at which people prefer to gather to exchange information with their friends. The third place is a space for humans to meet and exchange information, this research of Third Place uses criteria from The Great Good Place, a book by Ray Oldenburg(1999). It is not home and it is not a place to work, the third place is often used as teenagers to gather. The third place has an important role for humans, therefore all humans have the right to have it in the environment they live. The lack of a third place in the Pondok Kelapa causes its citizens to go downtown where the third room is better and this causes traffics on weekends. The purpose of this research is to apply the criteria of the third place in the arts and culture building as a positive container as well as a community forum for the environment. Keywords:  Art and Culture; Expression; Third place Abstrak Pondok Kelapa adalah Kelurahan yang berada di tepi Jakarta Timur dan didominasi oleh pemukiman, menurut data dari Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (disingkat BKKBN)[1] dominasi umur di pondok kelapa berkisar 6 tahun hingga 22 tahun, umur dimana lebih suka berkumpul bertukar informasi dengan teman seusianya. Ruang ketiga adalah ruang untuk manusia bertemu dan bertukar informasi, penilitian ini menggunakan kriteria dari buku Ray Olderburg tahun 1999 yang berjudul The Great Good Place. Ruang ketiga bukan rumah dan bukan tempat berkerja, Ruang Ketiga sering dijadikan remaja untuk berkumpul. Ruang Ketiga memiliki peran penting untuk manusia, maka dari itu semua manusia berhak memilikinya di lingkungan Ia tinggal. Kurangnya ruang ketiga di pondok kelapa menyebabkan warganya pergi ke pusat kota dimana ruang ketiga lebih baik dan hal ini menyebabkan kemacetan di akhir minggu. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah menerapkan kriteria ruang ketiga pada bangunan seni dan budaya sebagai wadah positif juga wadah komunitas bagi lingkungan.

Felicia Setiawan ◽  
Sidhi Wiguna Teh

Most people are trapped by their monotonous activities, they tend to look for more practical entertainment through smart phones, the internet or television. That might  reduce  the real meaning of social interaction. The existence of public space itself is one of many factors that encourgage people to do social interaction. Therefore, as what the author has read in  a literature study, that third place able to be one of the bridges of social interaction. Third Place provides a catalyst space between home and work, making the third place a comfortable haven. Third Place is not a place of work or home, but a place to relax that can allow you to have a open community life. The selection of a cultural center as a third place because the cultural center can pour various expressions of human needs, dreams and desires. In addition, the location of the site is next to Taman Ismail Marzuki. Seeing that there are several programs that cannot be accommodated by Taman Ismail Marzuki and the need to reintroduce Betawi cultural values that are starting to fade in the present,  encouragge us to create programs that can support this. The design method used by this project is the dis-programming method, a program that is mutually contaminating with other programs, The location is close to the education center and cultural the center which drives both programs to support one another, here the writer combines programs in the cultural center with educational programs such as dance studios, music studios and libraries. AbstrakSebagian besar masyarakat terjebak dengan aktivitas mereka yang monoton, mereka cenderung mencari hiburan yang lebih praktis melalui ponsel pintar, internet atau televisi. Hal tersebut mengurangi esensi dari interaksi sosial yang seharusnya dilakukan. Keberadaan ruang publik sendiri merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mendorong terjadinya interaksi sosial. Oleh karena itu penulis melakukan studi literatur, berdasarkan hasil studi penulis dapat menyimpulan bahwa third place dapat menjadi salah satu jembatan interaksi sosial. Third Place menyediakan ruang katalis antara rumah dan tempat kerja, menjadikan third place sebagai tempat singgah yang nyaman. Third Place bukanlah tempat kerja ataupun rumah, melainkan tempat bersantai yang dapat memungkinkan kehidupan komunitas yang terbuka. Pemilihan pusat kebudayaan sebagai third place dikarenakan pusat budaya dapat menuangkan berbagai ekspresi kebutuhan manusia, mimpi dan keinginan. Selain itu, lokasi tapak berada disebelah Taman Ismail Marzuki. Melihat ada beberapa program yang belum dapat diakomodir oleh Taman Ismail Marzuki dan perlunya pengenalan kembali akan nilai-nilai budaya betawi yang mulai pudar di zaman sekarang, mendorongnya diciptakan program – program yang dapat mendukung hal tersebut. Metode perancangan yang digunakan proyek ini adalah metode dis-programming, program yang sifatnya saling mengkontaminasi dengan program lainnya. Letak tapak yang dekat dengan pusat pendidikan dan pusat kebudayaan mendorong terjadinya program yang saling mendukung satu sama lain, disini penulis menggabungkan program yang ada di pusat kebudayaan dengan program pendidikan seperti studio tari, studio musik dan perpustakaan.

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