scholarly journals Pengaruh Susunan Multimedia Filter dalam Kolom Filtrasi terhadap Penurunan Parameter Zat Organik (Effect of Multimedia Filter Composition in Filtration Column Against the Decrease in Organic Matter Parameters)

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 045
Rozy Medi Wilian ◽  
Laili Fitria ◽  
Hendri Sutrisno

AbstractGenerally, the artesian well water has a reddish or brown color after contact with air, leaving a yellow color on clothes and kitchen equipment, and potentially causing disease. Therefore, treatment is needed so that the well water is fit to be used as clean water. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of each filter media combination in reducing the parameters of organic matter in well water. Multimedia filters are used with shell sand media, manganese greensand and activated carbon with a height of 25 cm each media. Inlet discharge used is 0.05 m3/hour. The initial concentration of artesian well water parameters of organic matter 147.6 mg/L has exceeded the PERMENKES No. 32 the Year 2017 quality standard. The best results obtained after processing with multimedia filter namely a decrease in organic matter 147.6 mg/L to 6 mg/L with an efficiency of 95.94%.Keywords: artesian well water, activated carbon, manganese greensand and sand shells, Indonesia. AbstrakUmumnya air sumur bor memiliki warna kemerah-merahan atau coklat setelah terjadi kontak dengan udara, sehingga meninggalkan warna kuning pada pakaian dan peralatan dapur, serta berpotensi menimbulkan penyakit. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengolahan agar air sumur layak digunakan sebagai air bersih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas setiap kombinasi media filter dalam menurunkan paramater zat organik pada air sumur. Digunakan multimedia filter dengan media pasir kerang, manganese greensand dan karbon aktif dengan ketinggian masing-masing media 25 cm. Debit inlet yang digunakan ialah 0,05 m3/jam. Konsentrasi awal air sumur bor parameter zat organik 147,6 mg/L telah melebihi batas baku mutu PERMENKES No 32 Tahun 2017. Hasil terbaik yang didapat setelah pengolahan dengan multimedia filter yakni terjadi penurunan zat organik 147,6 mg/L menjadi 6 mg/L dengan efisiensi 95,94%.Kata Kunci: air sumur bor, karbon aktif, manganese greensand dan pasir kerang, Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 064
Novianti Novianti ◽  
Laili Fitria ◽  
Ulli Kadaria

Abstract The availability of clean water in peat areas is limited, for the color of the water in these areas are having some shade of dark brown, the content of organic matter is high, but has a level of acidity (pH), thus making the peat water not fit for consumption and a treatment is needed in advance to use the water suitable for daily use. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the ability of the filter media with a variety of chicken egg shell thickness of 20 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm to increases of pH level of peat water. The use of debit inlet in this matter is 8,3 x 10-3 m3/h and is repeated 2 times (Duplo) on trial. Peat water test results prior to the processing of pH is 4.63 and doesn’t fullfil the quality standard of PERMENKES (minister of health regulation) No. 32 of 2017. The best results were obtained for pH of 4.63 becomes 7.78 with 40.45% efficiency. Optimum results obtained at a thickness of 20 cm filter media has been able to increase pH become 7,31.Keywords: Peat water, Chicken Egg Shells, Filtration  Abstrak Ketersediaan air bersih menjadi terbatas pada wilayah dengan jenis tanah gambut yang memiliki air berwarna merah kecoklatan, kandungan zat organik yang tinggi, namun mempunyai derajat keasaman (pH) yang relatif rendah sehingga membuat air gambut tidak layak konsumsi dan diperlukan pengolahan sebelum menggunakan air tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan media filter cangkang telur ayam dengan variasi ketebalan 20 cm, 30 cm dan 40 cm dalam meningkatkan pH pada air gambut. Debit inlet yang digunakan yaitu 8,3 x 10-3 m3/jam. Dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 2 kali (duplo) pada percobaan. Hasil uji air gambut sebelum pengolahan untuk pH sebesar 4,63 dan tidak memenuhi baku mutu PERMENKES No 32 Tahun 2017. Hasil terbaik yang diperoleh untuk pH 4,63 menjadi 7,78 dengan ketebalan 40 cm dengan efisiensi sebesar 40,45%. Hasil optimal diperoleh pada ketebalan media filter 20 cm telah dapat meningkatkan pH menjadi 7,31.Kata Kunci: Air Gambut, Cangkang Telur Ayam, Filtrasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
G M Saragih ◽  
Hadrah Hadrah ◽  
Herman Herman

The need for clean water continues to increase with changing times and the passage of time, however, clean water that is suitable for consumption is not easily available in some areas, considering that the physical conditions of regional geomorphology and hydrology have different forms. Water that is suitable for drinking must be clean and minimal from pollutant loads and substances that can interfere with the health of the body, this is different from the water obtained by people in Rantau Karya Village, Geragai District, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, because the hydrological conditions of the area are dominated by peatlands so that the water consumed is included in peat water, where the majority of the people use dug well water, therefore a simple technology is needed in dug well water treatment by utilizing local wisdom filter media. The results showed the efficiency of removal of organic substances (KMnO4) where the initial parameter was 22.5 mg / l to be 11.218 mg / l. The efficiency of turbidity reduction is 56%, where the initial result of the turbidity parameter is 31 NTU and the final result is 15 NTU, and the final pH of well water is 6.26, where the initial test shows the number 5.6. Each thickness of the filter media to get optimum results with a thickness of 15 cm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Sri Indra Trigunarso ◽  
Rifai Agung Mulyono ◽  
Riyanto Suprawihadi

<p>In areas that have not received clean water services, residents usually use well water, river water which sometimes even often the water used does not meet the standards of healthy clean water. To treat well water/ ground water is usually the community. build a processing unit in the form of a sand filter. The problem that is often encountered in treatment is cleaning the filter media. This condition is often difficult for the community to do because it requires time and energy, resulting in the sand filter that is supposed to be operational continuously and finally stops and is not even used at all. To overcome this problem, it can be done by improving the design of water treatment units with a system of combination of aeration and upflow flow filtration. This study is to determine the ability of the tool to improve the quality of shallow groundwater in terms of turbidity, Fe, Mn, color and odor to clean water and saturation point of filtering. Research Design is a "quasi-experiment" in the form of "Time Series Design" using a "pre and post test" design without control. The tool is designed in the form of an application prototype to determine its ability to reduce turbidity, Fe, Mn, color and odor and the length of saturation point. The results showed that iron content before processing 2.12 after processing 2,058. pre-treatment manganese content 0.080 after processing 0.078. Color and smell before color processing and odor after processing are colorless and odorless. Microbiological quality for stool coly before processing week 1 32 after treatment 0, week 2 coly of feces before processing 26 after processing 0 and weeks 3 coly of feces before processing 21 and after processing 0. Length of processing up to saturation point filter media total contact time processing is 30 minutes.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
Anggit Prameitya ◽  
Darjati . ◽  
Ernita Sari

Water is the element of life that is essential for survival. Along with the rapid growth of the human being, the demand for water increases. Now this, many water sources are contaminated, clean one of the impacts that cause pollution is that there is content of Fe in the water. Fe is the secondary contaminants that become problems in the provision of clean water is especially groundwater. The content of Fe exceeds quality raw processing must be done first before used to clean water. This research aims to analyze Fe levels before and after filtration is done using ceramic membrane media with a thickness of 5 cm and 7 cm in well water.This research is experimental research, using design research True Experiment with form One Group Pretest-Posttest. The object of this research that is well water containing Fe levels with a total of 32 Research sample sample. Further data obtained were analyzed using analytical test in Paired-Samples T Test.The results showed that the ceramic membrane filter media thickness 5 cm and 7 cm is capable of lowering the average rate of 8.11 Fe mg/l be 5.9 mg/l and 3.6 mg/l. The results of statistical tests using Paired T-test Test earned the result that there is a difference Fe levels before and after treatment using ceramic membrane filter media with variations in the thickness of 5 cm and 7 cm.The conclusion of this research is the ceramic membrane thickness 7 cm has the difference decreased most in lowering levels of Fe on well water. It is recommended to increase the creativity in applying appropriate technology in filtration method. Keywords: water well, levels of Fe, ceramic membranes

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 624
Marita Wulandari ◽  
Rahmania Rahmania ◽  
Nia Febrianti

ABSTRAKSalah satu unsur utama dalam kehidupan adalah air. Balikpapan memiliki sumber air baku yang berasal dari waduk untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih warga Kota Balikpapan. Namun masih banyak warga yang menggunakan air sumur.  Air sumur yang digunakan masyarakat masih berwarna coklat dan agak kekuning-kuningan yang diakibatkan konsentrasi besi dan mangan yang tinggi. Salah satu yang masih menggunakan air sumur bor ini ialah tempat penyedia pendidikan yaitu di Pondok Pesantren  Al- Izzah yang terletak di Jalan Sei Wein KM 15 Kelurahan Karang Joang Kecamatan Balikpapan Utara. Salah satu bentuk pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melakukan optimalisasi instalasi pengolahan air bersih yang terdapat di Pondok Pesantren Al- Izzah, agar proses pengolahan air bersih menjadi optimal dan air bersih yang dihasilkan dapat sesuai standar dengan cara mengganti media filter yang ada pada bak filtrasi dengan menggunakan media filter karbon aktif, pasir silika, ijuk, dan kerikil. Berikut prodesur kerja pembuatan instalasi pengolahan air bersih, survei dan peninjauan untuk menentukan media filter berdasarkan karakteristik air baku, persiapan media filter, pembersihan bak filtrasi, pengisian media filter, dan tahapan yang terakhir ialah pengujian kualitas air sebelum dan sesudah media filter diganti. Hasil yang didapat setelah media filter di ganti dan dioptimalkan ialah bahwa efisiensi  penyisihan kekeruhan sebesar 99,86 %. Efisiensi penyisihan TDS sebesar 55,83 %. Penurunan konsentrasi besi dan mangan masing masing sebesar 99,37 % dan 87, 44 %.  Kata kunci: air bersih; media filter; besi dan mangan; kekeruhan ABSTRACTOne of the important thing in human life is water. To provide the the need of water in Balikpapan, Balikpapan has a sorce of raw water was come from reservoar . However, many residents still use well water. The well water used by the community is still brown and slightly yellowish due to the high concentration of iron and manganese. Al-Izzah Islamic Boarding School which is located on Jalan Sei Wein KM 15, Karang Joang Village, North Balikpapan District has a problem with water. The student, teacher, and some people in there used well water.  This community service was optimizing the clean water treatment installation at the Al-Izzah Islamic Boarding School, so that the clean water treatment process can be optimal and the clean water produced can be up to standard by replacing the existing filter media in the filtration tub using media activated carbon filter, silica sand, palm fiber, and gravel. The following was a work process for making a clean water treatment plant, a survey and a review to determine the filter media based on the characteristics of raw water, preparation of filter media, cleaning the filtration tub, filling the filter media, and the last step is testing the water quality before and after the filter media is replaced. The results obtained after the filter media were replaced and optimized was that the turbidity removal efficiency was 99.86%. TDS removal efficiency of 55.83%. The decrease in iron and manganese concentrations was 99.37% and 87.44%, respectively. Keywords: clean water; filter media; iron and manganese; turbidity

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-264
Azhari Hasibuan ◽  
Tulus Ikhsan Nasution ◽  
Koko Sujatmoko ◽  
Astrid Fauzia Dewinta

Sei Siarti Village, Panai Tengah District, Labuhanbatu Regency have problems in the form of limited clean water sources that are suitable for use. There are several potentials including peat water, drilled well water, and Barumun river water that crosses the village. The condition of peat water that does not comply with quality standards for water that is fit for consumption has a brownish color, high acidity, and the organic matter contained in peat water is high enough to cause an odor. The well water has a salty taste (high salt content) so that what has the potential is Barumun river water even though it has a cloudy color. The method used to purify cloudy river water is through the processes of coagulation (deposition), filtration (filtering), absorption (absorption), and adsorption (ion exchange). This water purifier is made using 2 tubes filled with silica sand, MGS, activated carbon, and zeolite sand so that the water produced is clear and fit for consumption and can be utilized by the surrounding community. The results obtained from this water purification are water that does not have a smell, taste, and is clear in color so that it is suitable for use by the surrounding community

EcoNews ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Elvi Syahrina ◽  
Mirna Ilza ◽  
Amilia Linggawati

The objectives of this reserch are to analysis the wastewater content of Ruminasiat RPH Pekanbaru City and compare it with the quality standard of waste water, namely PermenLH No.5/2014. Then analysis the quality of bore well water used by the community around the RPH Ruminansia and compare it with Permenkes No.416 / Men.kes / Per / IX / 20 and analysis the social economic impact of the community living around the RPH. The wastewater parameters measured were BOD, COD, TSS, fatty oil, organic nitrogen and pH. While the parameters of the wellbore water are color, odor, taste, TDS, pH, nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, and total coliform.The results of reseach show indicate that Ruminansia RPH wastewater is above the quality standard, except for the pH parameter. Meanwhile, drilled well water with a distance of approximately 5 meters does not meet the quality standards for clean water quality including total coliform and nitrate parameters, well water with a distance of 50 meters meets the requirements for clean water quality that can be utilized by the surrounding community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Vina Lestari Riyandini ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal

Organic substances in peat water cause smell, have a brown color and taste, in addition to that it can interfere the processing process by forming carcinogenic trihalomethane which is produced from the reaction between organic compounds and chlorine. Peat water used in this study came from the village of Tuah Indrapura, Siak Regency with a concentration of organic matter of 95.2 mg/L. Based on Permenkes No. 492 of 2010 the concentration of organic substances exceeds the quality standard, so it needs to be treated before being used as a source of clean water. Therefore, in this study, uses the coagulation method of flocculation by utilizing natural coagulants, namely tamarind seeds (Tamarindus Indica). The study was conducted using variations in the size of biokoagulan by 200 mesh, 230 mesh, and 270 mesh with a dose variation of 1 gr, 2 gr, 3 gr, 4 gr dan 5 gr. The result showed that using 270 mesh biokoagulan particle size as much as 2 grams can set aside organic matter by 64%. This allowance is not large enough because tannins only form aggregates with organic substances in the form of proteins and alkaloids.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Gita Fitriani ◽  
Firra Rosariawari

The source of water that is still widely used by the community is well water, but there are still many wells that exceed the water quality standard. Like well water around Medayu, Surabaya. After testing the well water, several parameters were founds to exceed the specified clean water quality standard. These parameters are iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), detergent, and KMnO4. This shows that the well water is not suitable for use. This study aims to treat well water that exceeds clean water quality standards using a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) by using media variations. The research variables are media variations (activated carbon, zeolite, and kaolin), detention time (20, 40, 60, and 80 minutes), and air pressure (2, 4, and 6 bars). The most effective results in this study are the use of zeolite as a media at a detention time of 60 minutes with an air pressure of 6 bars. Each % of parameter allowance for these results are Fe at 89,88%, Mn at 89,13%, Pb at 93,75%, Detergent at 90,74%, and KMnO4 at 95,38%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Novirina Hendrasarie ◽  
Rani Prihantini

Air tanah atau biasa disebut air sumur umumnya terdapat ion besi (Fe) dan mangan (Mn) bervalensi dua secara bersamaan. Menurut hasil uji awal air sumur didapatkan parameter besi (Fe) 3,66 mg/L dan mangan (Mn) 2,75 mg/L. Fe dan Mn dalam air jika melebihi baku mutu (Fe 1 mg/L dan Mn 0,5 mg/L) dapat menyebabkan kekeruhan, korosi dan, bersifat neurotoksik. Teknologi yang umum digunakan untuk menyisihkan Fe dan Mn adalah adsorpsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan sampah plastik sebagai adsorben dalam menyisihkan parameter Fe, Mn dan, kekeruhan secara fixed bed column. Pada penelitian pendahuluan rasio Cn/Co 0,05 berada tepat pada waktu 40 menit dan jenuh pada 120 menit. Pada penelitian ini debit ditetapkan 10 ml/menit, kemudian digunakan variasi jenis plastik (PET, PVC, BPA free, LDPE) dan berat adsorben (60, 70, 80 gram). Dari hasil penelitian ini jenis plastik PET paling optimal menyisihkan Fe 94%, Mn 94% dan, kekeruhan 89% dengan berat 80 gram. Nilai kapasitas serap (qo) dalam pemodelan Thomas Fe 0,146 mg/g dan Mn 0,134 mg/g. Kata kunci: Adsorpsi, air sumur, kandungan besi dan mangan, pemodelan thomas, pirolisis, sampah plastik.  Water is one of the natural resources that has a very function important for human life, besides that water is also an important component of the environment for the survival of humans and other living things. Ground water or commonly called well water generally contains iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) ions with two valves simultaneously. According to the results of the initial test well water parameters Fe 3.66 mg/L and Mn 2.75 mg/L. Fe and Mn in water if they exceed the quality standard (Fe 1 mg/L and Mn 0.5 mg/L) can cause turbidity, corrosion and, are neurotoxic. The technology commonly used to remove Fe and Mn is adsorption. This study aims to utilize plastic waste as an adsorbent in removing Fe, Mn and, turbidity parameters by fixed bed column. In the preliminary study the 0.05 Cn/Co ratio was precisely at 40 minutes and was saturated at 120 minutes. In this study the discharge is set at 10 ml/min, then variations in the type of plastic (PET, PVC, BPA free, LDPE) and weight of the adsorbent (60, 70, 80 grams) are used. From the results of this study the most optimal type of PET plastic is to set aside 94% Fe, Mn 94% and 89% turbidity with a weight of 80 grams. The value of absorption capacity (qo) in modeling Thomas Fe is 0.146 mg/g and Mn 0.134 mg/g. Keywords: Adsorption, iron and manganese, pyrolysis of plastic waste, thomas modeling, well water.

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