2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Emilya Kalsum

Bangsa Indonesia seringkali mengalami konflik antar etnik, yang dapat terjadi karena kemajemukan suku dan kebudayaan yang dimiliki. Banyak penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa akar permasalahan konflik adalah perbedaan sistem nilai-nilai budaya dan kemudian konflik dapat menyebabkan segregasi yang berimbas pada pola permukiman. Padahal bukan tidak mungkin konflik tersebut terjadi karena suatu pola permukiman yang menegaskan perbedaan nilai-nilai di antara pemukimnya sehingga proses integrasi tidak dapat terjadi. Kajian ini menyusun model yang dapat digunakan untuk menelaah pengaruh pola permukiman terhadap konflik sehingga mampu dilakukan penelitian yang komprehensif. Kajian dimulai dengan mengupas pengertian pola permukiman dengan tiga unsur (wadah, isi, jaringan) dan melihat konsep hubungan sosial. Wujud proses interaksi sosial dapat membuahkan dua alternatif yang bersifat positif atau negatif. Hal bersifat negatif akan memunculkan suasana hubungan sosial yang tidak harmonis dan kemudian memunculkan konflik. Hubungan sosial antar etnik juga selalu diwarnai prasangka yang dilandasi sikap stereotip dan etnosentris juga karena adanya perbedaan kepentingan. Unsur-unsur dalam pola permukiman dikaitkan dengan hubungan sosial di antara penghuninya. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah pendekatan perilaku melalui konsep seting perilaku (behavior setting). Hasil kajian adalah sebuah model penelitian yang mengkaitkan antara pola permukiman sebagai wadah (space) kegiatan dan kondisi sosial yang tidak terlepas dari sikap stereotip dan etnosentris serta perbedaan kepentingan Indonesia, with its multi-cultural and ethnic diversity, has suffered many ethnic conflicts. Research has shown that the conflicts roots from the different system of cultural values. The conflicts can lead to segregation which impact on settlement patterns. However, it is possible that conflict occurs due to settlement pattern that asserts the difference in values between the settlers so that the integration process cannot occur. This study is to create a research model that can be used to investigate the effect of the settlement pattern to the conflict. It began with the definition of settlement pattern which includes three elements (place, content, network) and seek the concept of social relationship. Social interaction process can produce two alternatives that are positive or negative. Negative alternative will bring inharmonic atmosphere which let to conflict. Inter-ethnic social relations also always accompanied by prejudices based on stereotype and ethnocentric attitudes; also due to different interests. Elements in settlement pattern was studied with its connection with social relations among its inhabitants. The approach taken was behavioral approach by the concept of behavior setting. The study resulted in a research model which combine settlement pattern as space for activity with social condition which is closely related to stereotype and ethnocentric attitudes as well as different interests

Ruqaia Kareem Jar Allah

Malaysia's political system is a pioneering model in providing an appropriate mechanism to accommodate religious and ethnic differences in Malaysia and realistically addresses the economic and social imbalances prevailing in Malaysian society. Malaysia's political leadership has been able to leapfrog and jump over all ethnic problems at all levels (political, economic, and development), at a time when most of the world is unable to contain ethnic differences that threaten internal divisions and ethnic rivalries that sometimes reach To civil wars, and the Malaysians managed to develop their model, which managed the difference with great skill, and benefited from diversity as a state of enrichment and enrichment, not a state of conflict and conflict. Their system was not necessarily ideal but it was successful enough to spare the country political crises, religious and ethnic conflicts, and achieve high development and economic ratios. This model represents the case of impact handling with complexities and variables, without delinquency.

2011 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 393-399 ◽  
Alain Touraine

Two opposite statements must be rejected with the same rigor. First (1) is that a few countries have identified themselves with modernity by their scientific, technical and economic achievement and that the rest of the world, which is lagging behind the ‘advanced countries’, must follow in their footsteps and imitate their example. The article first of all sets out the falsity of such a statement, because there is not one but many western paths of modernization, and indicates that it is nothing but a colonialist ideology, which spread from European and American societies and cultures and destroyed all independent efforts of modernization in other countries, in particular China. The hegemony of the western capitalist model is more than challenged by other ways of modernization, for though the soviet model has failed, other countries are ‘emerging’ or have already emerged. Second (2) the opposite representation defends the idea of a complete multiculturalism including political regimes and human rights. It fights against the previous colonialist model and supports a total relativism. But this view makes impossible the communication between completely different countries and cultures and reciprocal fear leads to an extreme conflict between ‘civilizations’, such as S. Huntington has described. This view leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable if each civilization has a complete internal unity and a complete control on all its activities. But the world is not divided into various theocratic states: no single theocratic state commands the whole or the majority of Muslim population. The central problem remains real and difficult: how to combine unity and diversity, the difference between cultures and the capacity for them to communicate with each other? The most useful idea is to elaborate one general definition of modernity, as a culture which is based on universalistic principles. The western mode of modernization is not the only possible one; nor is it at all sure that the western process of separation of temporal and spiritual powers is the only possibility. We cannot assert that universalism must penetrate social life only through political institutions and citizenship. It is beyond any reasonable doubt that modernity, with its universalistic components, cannot be identified with only one type of social organization and cultural values.

Denis Tikhomirov

The purpose of the article is to typologize terminological definitions of security, to find out the general, to identify the originality of their interpretations depending on the subject of legal regulation. The methodological basis of the study is the methods that made it possible to obtain valid conclusions, in particular, the method of comparison, through which it became possible to correlate different interpretations of the term "security"; method of hermeneutics, which allowed to elaborate texts of normative legal acts of Ukraine, method of typologization, which made it possible to create typologization groups of variants of understanding of the term "security". Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the understanding of the term "security" in various regulatory acts in force in Ukraine. Typological groups were understood to understand the term "security". Conclusions. The analysis of the legal material makes it possible to confirm that the issues of security are within the scope of both legislative regulation and various specialized by-laws. However, today there is no single conception on how to interpret security terminology. This is due both to the wide range of social relations that are the subject of legal regulation and to the relativity of the notion of security itself and the lack of coherence of views on its definition in legal acts and in the scientific literature. The multiplicity of definitions is explained by combinations of material and procedural understanding, static - dynamic, and conditioned by the peculiarities of a particular branch of legal regulation, limited ability to use methods of one or another branch, the inter-branch nature of some variations of security, etc. Separation, common and different in the definition of "security" can be used to further standardize, in fact, the regulatory legal understanding of security to more effectively implement the legal regulation of the security direction.

Galen Strawson

This chapter examines the difference between John Locke's definition of a person [P], considered as a kind of thing, and his definition of a subject of experience of a certain sophisticated sort [S]. It first discusses the equation [P] = [S], where [S] is assumed to be a continuing thing that is able to survive radical change of substantial realization, as well as Locke's position about consciousness in relation to [P]'s identity or existence over time as [S]. It argues that Locke is not guilty of circularity because he is not proposing consciousness as the determinant of [S]'s identity over time, but only of [S]'s moral and legal responsibility over time. Finally, it suggests that the terms “Person” and “Personal identity” pull apart, in Locke's scheme of things, but in a perfectly coherent way.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 00013
Danny Susanto

<p class="Abstract">The purpose of this study is to analyze the phenomenon known as&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 1rem;">“anglicism”: a loan made to the English language by another language.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Anglicism arose either from the adoption of an English word as a&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">result of a translation defect despite the existence of an equivalent&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">term in the language of the speaker, or from a wrong translation, as a&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">word-by-word translation. Said phenomenon is very common&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">nowadays and most languages of the world including making use of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">some linguistic concepts such as anglicism, neologism, syntax,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">morphology etc, this article addresses various aspects related to&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Anglicisms in French through a bibliographic study: the definition of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Anglicism, the origin of Anglicisms in French and the current situation,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">the areas most affected by Anglicism, the different categories of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Anglicism, the difference between French Anglicism in France and&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">French-speaking Canada, the attitude of French-speaking society&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">towards to the Anglicisms and their efforts to stop this phenomenon.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">The study shows that the areas affected are, among others, trade,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">travel, parliamentary and judicial institutions, sports, rail, industrial&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">production and most recently film, industrial production, sport, oil industry, information technology,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">science and technology. Various initiatives have been implemented either by public institutions or by&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">individuals who share concerns about the increasingly felt threat of the omnipresence of Anglicism in&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">everyday life.</span></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-428
Miriam R. Lowi

Studies of identity and belonging in Gulf monarchies tend to privilege tribal or religious affiliation, if not the protective role of the ruler as paterfamilias. I focus instead on the ubiquitous foreigner and explore ways in which s/he contributes to the definition of national community in contemporary gcc states. Building upon and moving beyond the scholarly literature on imported labor in the Gulf, I suggest that the different ‘categories’ of foreigners impact identity and the consolidation of a community of privilege, in keeping with the national project of ruling families. Furthermore, I argue that the ‘European,’ the non-gcc Arab, and the predominantly Asian (and increasingly African) laborer play similar, but also distinct roles in the delineation of national community: while they are differentially incorporated in ways that protect the ‘nation’ and appease the citizen-subject, varying degrees of marginality reflect Gulf society’s perceptions or aspirations of the difference between itself and ‘the other(s).’

1987 ◽  
Vol 105 ◽  
Hisham Z. Massoud

AbstractThe magnitude of the dipole moment at the Si-SiO2 interface resulting from partial charge transfer that takes place upon the formation of interface bonds has been calculated. The charge transfer occurs because of the difference in electronegativity between silicon atoms and SiO2 molecules which are present across the interface. Results obtained for (100) and (111) silicon substrates indicate that the magnitude of the interface dipole moment is dependent on substrate orientation and the interface chemistry. Dipole moments at the Si-SiO2 and gate-SiO2 interfaces should be included in the definition of the flatband voltage VFB of MOS structures. CV-based measurements of the metal-semiconductor workfunction difference φms on (100) and (111) silicon oxidized in dry oxygen and metallized with Al agree with the predictions of this model. Other types of interface dipoles and their processing dependence are briefly discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 119-123

The features of linguistic conceptualization and representation of traditional confessional and cultural values in the linguocultural space of various societies are analyzed from ethnocultural, cognitive, socio-mental and linguo-confessional positions; identifies and characterizes constant and newest transformations and modifications of the denotative-semantic content of the most important concepts in the Russian and European mentality in the modern conditions of globalization. The theoretical significance lies in the presentation of a sharp socio-cultural "gap" in the definition of some confessional-conditioned phenomena in the Russian and Western cultural-historical traditions; in the representation of the mental and semantic transformation of some confessional value concepts in the Western linguocultural space while preserving, at the same time, the inviolability of the most important categorical and semantic features of the nominations of traditional axiological dominants in Russian culture as the foundations of the life of Russian society and Russian statehood as a whole. It is concluded that the linguistic representation of confessional-conditioned cultural values and their consolidation in the confessional memory of generations is a special mechanism for preserving the ethnocultural and spiritual identity of the people. It is shown that the so-called. “Cultural” globalization as an extralinguistic factor is currently in Western societies a process of gradual destruction of national, traditional and confessional values, which results in a significant change in semantics, denotative image and semantic code in the interpretation of some linguistic phenomena that represent the national axiological fund. The practical value of the presented material and observations lies in the possibility of its application in the practice of teaching university courses in language theory, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics, linguoconfessionology and intercultural communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 96-123
L.V. Shchennikova

Introduction: the article deals with the methodological problem of the meaning of the goal of civil law research. The author analyzes the dissertation abstracts from the point of view of goal setting, which were completed in different periods of the development of Russian civil law science, identifies the qualitative characteristics of the stages, and proves the connection of the achieved results with the researcher’s knowledge of the methodological methods of goal setting. Purpose: to show the value of goal setting in scientific research in general and in civil research in particular; to consider the relationship of goal setting with the achievement of specific scientific results on the examples of dissertations defended in the specialty 12.00.03; to justify the need to set as goals the fundamental problems associated with the identification of patterns of development of relations that are part of the subject of civil law regulation and the creation of effective mechanisms that mediate them. Methods: system-structural, system-functional, generalization, abstraction, analogy, logical, statistical, classification, legal modeling, comparative legal, forecasting, formal legal, historical. Results: civil methodology should take into account the importance of the goal in the organization of scientific work. Only a competent possession of goal setting skills can ultimately ensure the creation of scientifically-based mechanisms for effective impact of civil law norms on regulated social relations. Conclusions: 1) any science, including the science of civil law, is not only designed to study and describe existing problems, including legislative, doctrinal, and law enforcement. Research, in order to meet the criterion of scientific character, must attempt to identify the laws of development, both regulated relations and mechanisms that mediate them; 2) the significance of the goal in the development of science has been proven by outstanding philosophers. In addition, the very definition of science indicates that goal setting is one of its essential characteristics; 3) the analysis of the author’s abstracts of leading Russian tsivilists showed how the skilful setting of research goals helped to achieve them consistently, as well as to create a high-quality categorical apparatus of civil law science; 4) the analysis of modern dissertations showed that not all young researchers see the value of goal-setting and this methodological disadvantage is important for the author to eliminate.

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