scholarly journals TUTURAN DALAM PROSESI LAMARAN PERNIKAHAN DI TOMIA KABUPATEN WAKATOBI [Speech In The Wedding Purpose Procession In Tomia Kabupaten Wakatobi]

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Risman Iye

Purpose procession is a sacred process that is occupied by a part of society is an obligation of a culture. the event is not only present instantaneously, but requires a long process with various stages. So does marriage at Tomia Wakatobi. This study aims to describe the form of speech in the marriage purpose procession in Tomia and explain the meaning of speech in the process. This research is a kind of qualitative descriptive research Field Research, which is based on the results obtained through field research. Regarding the object discussed according to the reality that occurs in society, especially in the community in the East Tomia Subdistrict, Wakatobi Regency. The results showed that the stages in the purpose process in Tomia consisted of four forms. 1) Pa’epe. 2) Pa’rara; 3) Po’ema-ema and 4) Nga’a Nualo. Of the four forms of application processions the utterances spoken vary. On form Pa’epe, Pa’rara and Nga’a Nualo the form of the speech is declarative and interrogative. while in form Po’ema-ema the form of the speech is in the form of declarative, imperative and interrogative. The meaning in the speech purpose procession means connotation.Prosesi lamaran merupakan proses sakral yang dianggap oleh sebagian masyarakat adalah kewajiban dari suatu budaya. Peristiwa tersebut bukan hanya hadir secara instan, namun memerlukan proses yang panjang dengan berbagai tahapan. Begitu pula pernikahan di Tomia Wakatobi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan wujud tuturan dalam prosesi lamaran pernikahan di Tomia dan menjelaskan makna tuturan dalam prosesinya. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif Field Research, yaitu berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan. Mengenai objek yang dibicarakan sesuai kenyataan yang terjadi di masyarakat khususnya pada masyarakat di Kecamatan Tomia Timur, Kabupaten Wakatobi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahapan dalam proses lamaran di Tomia terdiri atas empat bentuk. 1) Pa’epe. 2) Pa’rara; 3) Po’ema-ema, dan 4) Nga’a Nualo. Dari keempat bentuk prosesi lamaran tersebut tuturan yang dituturkan bervariasi. Pada bentuk Pa’epe, Pa’rara, dan Nga’a Nualo wujud tuturannya berbentuk deklaratif, dan interogatif. Akan tetapi pada tahapan Po’ema-ema wujud tuturannya berbentuk deklaratif, imperatif, dan interogatif. Makna dalam tuturan prosesi lamaran bermakna konotasi.

Ilham Nur Kholiq ◽  
Arika Nasiroh

This study aims to describe the method used by the teacher in teaching Arabic and the factors that support and hinder the learning process of Arabic, especially in Madasah Aliyah al Amiriyyah Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi. And this type of research is field research (field research) and this research is classified as qualitative descriptive research. The subjects in this study were Arabic teachers, students and principals. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation.Based on the observations made by the author on the Arabic Language Learning Medote applied at Madrasah Aliyah al Amiriyyah, it can be concluded that the methods applied by the Arabic teacher at Madrasah Aliyah are: translation method qiro'ah method direct method, audio visual method and mixed methods. As for the inhibiting factors in learning, namely: different backgrounds of students, students who are less active in participating in learning Arabic, and Madrassas whose facilities are lacking in the learning process. Supporting factors in learning are students' high interest in learning Arabic and a comfortable environment for the learning process.

Syukur Kholil ◽  
Yusnadi Yusnadi ◽  
Ibrahim Sihombing

This study about Interfaith Figures Communication Model in Building Religious Harmony in North Labuhanbatu Regency deals with the awareness of interfaith leaders in Labura of the importance of living harmoniously between religious communities, it is important for them to disseminate their understanding of how to build harmony and harmony between religious communities at the root of the clump (community). Therefore, religious figures "berkampenye" to the community about the importance of building a harmonious and harmonious life among communities adhering to different religions in Labura. Research that researchers do is field research (Field Research) which is included in the type of qualitative descriptive research, therefore, in the data collection process, researchers will make field observations behavior in Paud Al Ummah delitua. Thus the creation of dialogue (communication) between religious leaders has rational reasons behind it, including such as the existence of religious plurality in society, the desire to communicate in an effort to understand each other, and the creation of cooperation in society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Eni Sri Mulyani ◽  
Hunainah Hunainah

The research objective was to describe the improvement of student learning discipline through habituation of Dhuha prayer at SD Negeri Kadingding, Kibin District. The data type of this research is descriptive qualitative using three data analyzes, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach which includes field research (Field Research) with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study were students of SD Negeri Kadingding, Kibin District. Data were collected from 33 grade V students, 17 male students and 16 female students. Class V was taken as the sample because grade V children are in the high grade level between grades IV, V, VI. This research was conducted for 40 days starting from 23 July to 8 October 2019. The results of this study indicate 1) thatwith the implementation of the practice of the Dhuha prayer at SD Negeri Kadingding, Kibin District, which is held every Tuesday to Friday at 06.30 - 07.00, the Duha prayer is carried out in congregation starting from grade I to grade VI, the number of cycles of dhuha prayer from the school recommends a minimum of 2 cycles of prayer in advance to improve time discipline and get used to performing Duha prayers. 2) the percentage of the implementation of this Dhuha prayer habit has an effect on increasing student discipline in learning; 3) The condition of the place used for the Dhuha prayer is inadequate, because it uses the school yard field by laying out a mat, so it takes time to prepare for the Dhuha prayer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-112
Baidhillah Riyadhi ◽  
Henri Prasetyo ◽  
Fiorintari Fiorintari

Purpose - This research aims to determine the implementation of Indonesia Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 109 at the National Zakat Management Agency (Baznas) of West Kalimantan Province.Method - The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive research method to describe events in the research field, in the form of reports and distribution of Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah (ZIS) in 2017 and 2018, then compared with PSAK 109.   Result - The results showed that the implementation of PSAK 109 in the recognition and measurement section of Baznas in West Kalimantan Province can be stated in accordance with PSAK 109. Meanwhile, the implementation of PSAK 109 in the presentation, disclosure and component of financial statements in Baznas of West Kalimantan Province has not fully implemented PSAK 109 as a whole.Implication - The implication of this research is expected to help Baznas of West Kalimantan Province in implementing PSAK 109 so that public trust can increase in the management of ZIS funds.Originality - The uniqueness of this research compared to several previous researches can be seen from the object of research that was first conducted at Baznas of West Kalimantan Province and the research used the data in the last 2 years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-128
Syukbertien Kariani Lombu ◽  
Eny Suprihatin

AbstractThe research entitled The Study of the Development of Patience of Children 4-5 Years through Queuing Culture at Bina Kasih Terpadu Kindergarten, Rumah Sumbul Village, Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, aims to explore the results of queuing cultural habituation for Kindergarten A students in terms of development. patience. This type of research is field research (field research) using qualitative descriptive methods, which try to reveal the facts as they are. Qualitative research is an indepth study. Field research steps were carried out using descriptive data in the form of written and spoken words, observations of behavior and phenomena. Qualitative research emphasizes the meaning, reasoning, and definition of certain situations in certain contexts. Researching everyday life. The study was conducted on 9 children. From observations, it appears that children push each other and overtake when getting off the school bus, push friends when shaking hands with the teacher, place shoes carelessly on the shelf when entering class, run while washing their hands and run around on the bus when they come home from school. Therefore it is interesting to study the development of patience for children aged 4-5 years through the habit of queuing. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The habit of queuing starts at 08:00 WIB when the children get off the bus, at 08:30 WIB when entering class, at 10:30 WIB when washing their hands and at 11:00 WIB when the children take the bus back home. The results showed that through habituation queuing was able to develop patience in Bina Kasih Terpadu Kindergarten children group A. The conclusion was that children's patience could be developed through habituation. In this case it is the cultural habituation of queuing.AbstrakPenelitian dengan judul Studi Tentang Perkembangan Kesabaran Anak 4-5 Tahun Melalui Budaya Antre di TK Bina Kasih Terpadu, Desa Rumah Sumbul, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, bertujuan untuk mendalami hasil pembiasaan budaya antre bagi siswa TK A dalam hal perkembangan kesabaran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian lapangan (field research) menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yang berusaha mengungkapkan fakta apa adanya. Penelitian kualitatif merupakan penyelidikan mendalam (indepth study). Dilakukan langkah-langkah penelitian lapangan menggunakan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis maupun lisan, pengamatan perilaku serta fenomena-fenomena. Penelitian kualitatif memberikan penekanan pada makna, penalaran, definisi situasi tertentu dalam konteks tertentu. Meneliti kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian dilakukan pada 9 anak. Dari pengamatan tampak anak saling dorong dan mendahului saat turun dari bus sekolah, mendorong teman saat bersalaman dengan guru, meletakkan sepatu dengan sembarangan di rak ketika masuk kelas, berlari saat mencuci tangan dan berlarian naik bus saat pulang sekolah. Oleh sebab itu menarik untuk diteliti perkembangan kesabaran anak usia 4-5 tahun melalui pembiasaan antre. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pembiasaan antre dilakukan mulai jam 08:00 WIB saat anak-anak turun dari bus, jam 08:30 WIB saat masuk dalam kelas, jam 10:30 WIB saat mencuci tangan dan jam 11:00 WIB saat anak-anak naik bus pulang ke rumah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui pembiasaan antre mampu mengembangkan kesabaran pada anak TK Bina Kasih Terpadu kelompok A. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa kesabaran anak dapat dikembangkan dengan jalan pembiasaan. Dalam hal ini adalah pembiasaan budaya antre.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Uky Firmansyah Rahman Hakim ◽  
Rima Fadillah

<p>Anak autis merupakan seseorang yang memiliki gangguan komunikasi, yang membuat penderitanya tidak mampu mengadakan interaksi sosial dengan baik. Sehingga keberadaan anak autis masih dipandang sebagai orang lain di masyarakat. Padahal, anak autis mampu melakukan komunikasi, meskipun komunikasi yang dilakukan berbeda dengan orang non-autis. Kaitannya dengan dakwah, anak autis seharusnya mampu menerima pesan-pesan dakwah, sehingga penelitian mengenai anak autis dari sudut pandang mad’u dakwah sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SLB Autis Jalinan Hati Payakumbuh dengan tujuan mengetahui tentang apakah anak autis dapat digolongkan sebagai mad’u dakwah, dan bagaimana perkembangan sosial dan komunikasi anak autis sehingga ia mampu menerima pesan dakwah. Melalui penelitian lapangan (<em>field research</em>), penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, data diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa (1) dilihat dari pengertian dan kriteria mad’u, anak autis dapat digolongkan sebagai mad’u dakwah; (2) anak autis memiliki pola komunikasi interpersonal yang berbeda dengan anak non-autis, dalam perkembangannya ia tetap mampu melakukan komunikasi dengan orang lain, baik mengirim ataupun menerima pesan, melalui 3 tahapan, yaitu <em>the</em> <em>own agenda stage </em>(tahapan perkembangan komunikasi yang mendasar)<em>, </em><em>the requester stage</em><em> </em>(perkembangan komunikasi mengalami kemajuan yang baik, tetapi masih terbatas)<em>, </em>dan<em> </em><em>the early communication stage</em><em> </em>(tahapan kemampuan berkomunikasi sudah lebih baik).</p><p>Child with autism is someone who has a communication disorder, which makes the sufferer unable to have good social interactions. So that the existence of autistic children is still seen as another person in society. In fact, autism can communicate, even though communication is different from non-autism. With regard to da'wah, autism should be able to receive da'wah messages, so research on autism from the point of view of mad'u da'wah is very important to do. This research was conducted at SLB Autism Jalinan Hati Payakumbuh to know whether autism can be classified as mad'u da'wah, and how the social development and communication of autism so that they can receive da'wah messages. Through field research (field research), this study uses qualitative descriptive methods, data obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. The results show that (1) seen from the definition and criteria of mad'u, autism can be classified as mad'u da'wah; (2) autism has different interpersonal communication patterns from non-autism, in their development they are still able to communicate with other people, either sending or receiving messages, through 3 stages, namely the own agenda stage (basic stages of development of communication) , the requester stage (communication development has progressed well, but is still limited), and the early communication stage (the stage of communication skills is better).</p>

Tamaddun ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Andi Rukayah ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin ◽  
Rezki Fadilah

The purpose of this study is to know the local culture in Sinjai. As we see today is the technology and foreign cultures that keep us from the life and culture of our ancestors gradually been worn. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method that given images or facts. The writer needed library research, field research, observation, interview, and documentation to support the data. Marimpa Salo is dispels activities from upstream to the mouth of the fish is done in two villages namely Sanjai Village and Bua Village, both of which are mediated by Appareng River. This tradition has been carried out in the time of Bulo Bulo kingdom are still preserved Sinjai district until now. The results of this study are expected to be fruitful thought "let 's preserve our culture for posterity and for Indonesia”.

Muhammad Muhammad Zubaidi ◽  
Suhartono Suhartono

ABSTRACTThis research discusses and analyzes the mechanism of using Brizzi E-money issued by BRI Bank Blora Branch Office, as well as the perspective of Sharia Economic Law on the use of the card mechanism. Especially the electronic payment instruments issued by Bank BRI namely E-Money Brizzi. This research not only examines law theoretically, but also looks at it from the practice and application side in the field. This type of research is field research, namely research activities carried out at BRI Bank Blora Branch Office. The research approach which used is a qualitative descriptive research approach, which is an approach used to understand the phenomena about what is experienced by the subject and object of research.The results of this study concluded that the use of Brizzi E-money cards had met the legal and legal requirements for consent. In addition, when viewed from the aspect of cases that in validate the legality of the sale and purchase law, the use of Brizzi e-money cards in the sale and purchase transaction does not include elements that cancel the sale and purchase such as elements of gharar, maysir, and usury. The deduction of administrative funds due to transactions using the Brizzi e-money card has a similarity to the wakalah bil ujrah system in Sharia Economic Law. However, base on the results of the analysis conducted by the author, it is found that th euse of Brizzi e-money cards is not in accordance with the theory of wadi'ah dueto the unfulfillment of conditions and harmony in theuse, alsois not in line with the concept of wadi'ah yad amanah and wadi ' ah yad dhamanah from the aspect of the burden of responsibility for the party entrusted. Besides that, the use of Brizzi e-money cards is also not in accordance with the qardh theory. This is because in addition to not fulfilling one of the pillars and qardh validity requirements, also in the qardha fter the contract is said, the goods or asset swhich become the object of qardh automatically be come the property of the party receiving the loan. Where as in the system of using Brizzi e-money cards, the electronic money that is on the card after being deposited to the bank remains the property of the card holder. Keywords: E-Money, Brizzi, Sharia Economic Law, BRI Bank

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 116-131
Nadyatunnisa Nadyatunnisa ◽  
Wahyudi Buska

This study aims to discuss the translation style in the Islamic Boarding School Al-Baqiyatushhalihat Kuala Tungkal-Jambi. Specifically the objectives of this researcher are: 1) to find out the style translation (uslub) used in the Al-Baqiyatushhalihat Islamic Boarding School 2) to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the methods used in the Al Baqiyatushhalihat Islamic boarding school 3) What are the efforts of the teachers (asatidz) to increase understanding of the book. This research is a type of field research field research, namely research where data collection is carried out in the field, such as in community environment, institutions and social organizations and government agencies. This research is a qualitative research that is a research that aims to explain social phenomena or a event. This is in accordance with the definition of qualitative research, namely a research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and from observable behavior. The research pattern that the researcher uses is a qualitative pattern, namely observing people (subjects) in their environment, interacting with them, trying to understand their language and their interpretation of the world around them. While the type of research used is descriptive research. Descriptive research is a type of research that provides an overview or description of a situation as clearly as possible without any treatment of the object researched. The results of the study explain that 1) Style (Uslub) used in the Al-Baqiyatushhalihat Islamic boarding school is a literal translation method 2) The advantage of translation is knowing grammar rules such as nahwu sharf and the drawback is that it is still difficult to find the essence of the discussion 3) The efforts of the ustadz increases the understanding of the book by scientific discussion (bahsul masail).The conclusion that the translation used is the translation of harfian and bahsul masail is an attempt by ustadz to increase understanding of the book

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Abdul Rozak ◽  
Irwan Fathurrochman ◽  
Dina Hajja Ristianti

This study aims to determine the description of the Planning program preparation of counseling program especially PKO Services with the field of Tutoring and to know the extent to which the implementation of Tutoring Teachers Teachers in overcoming students' learning difficulties in SMA Simpang Semambang. The subjects of this study are teachers, principals and students. This type of research is field research (field research), with qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques by observation, documentation, interview and distribution of KPMP data. Data analysis technique used qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of research and data analysis have concluded that Program Guidance and Counseling Service (Tutoring) in Simpang Semambang State Senior High School has been planned and made in accordance with the needs of schools and guidelines. In fact the implementation of tutoring in SMA Simpang Semambang sometimes not fully able to solve every problem of student learning difficulties that occur due to the service process or guidance is implemented minimal intensity and minimal continuity, it could be from other factors that influence it. The services are done with classical format that is in the classroom as for the service materials only in the form of advice and motivation, while the service with the field of tutoring is still minimal. Keywords: Implementation of Tutoring Program, Learning Difficulty

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