Widyaparwa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-64
Farida Nugrahani ◽  
Ali Imron A.M. ◽  
Mukti Widayati

This study aims to describe the values of character education in the school literacy movement. local wisdom-based 'traditional herbal medicine' in Sukoharjo Regency. This descriptive qualitative research object of study was literacy activities in five elementary schools in Sukoharjo Regency. The source of the data is the literacy event, which involves the teacher and his students. Data collected through observation and in-depth interviews, analyzed with interactive models. Data validity is attempted through triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the character values of nationalism, independence, and mutual cooperation can be instilled in students through the local wisdom-based school literacy movement 'traditional herbal medicine'. Literacy activities are carried out by introducing 'empon-empon' as traditional herbal ingredients, and their health benefits. The hope is that students will be able to understand, appreciate, and develop the 'traditional herbal medicine' as a proud cultural heritage of their ancestors, and become a branding area.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam gerakan literasi sekolah berbasis kearifan-lokal ‘jamu herbal tradisional’ di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Pene-litian kualitatif deskriptif ini objek kajiannya adalah kegiatan berliterasi di lima Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Sumber datanya peristiwa literasi,  yang melibatkan  guru beserta siswa-nya. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam, dianalisis  dengan model interaktif. Keabsahan data diupayakan melalui triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai karakter nasionalisme, kemandirian, dan gotong royong dapat ditanamkan kepada peserta didik melalui gerakan literasi sekolah berbasis kearifan-lokal ‘jamu tradisional’.  Kegiatan literasi dilakukan dengan mengenalkan  ‘empon-empon’sebagai bahan jamu tradisional,  dan man-faatnya bagi kesehatan. Harapannya agar peserta didik  mampu memahami, menghargai, dan me-ngembangkan ‘jamu tradisional’ tersebut sebagai budaya warisan leluhurnya yang mem-banggakan, dan menjadi branding daerahnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sri Yunita Suraida Salat ◽  
Ahmaniyah Ahmaniyah ◽  
Emdat Suprayitno

<p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> With the progress and development of medicine that is currently happening, there are still many people in Sumenep who choose Madur</em><em>ese traditional herbal medicine in an effort to prevent </em><em>and to cure disease, in the process of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.</em><em> This habit was inherited from their ancestors. Jamu is supposed to provide benefits and safe with no side effects. People in Sumenep still consuming herbal medicine during postpartum period as habit. </em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Objectives:</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><em>This study aimed to describe views and opinions of postpartum mothers on the puerperal herbal medicine that they consumed during the postpartum period. </em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Methods:</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><em>This study exploring the local culture, postpartum mothers’ knowledge about postpartum herbal medicine and their perception about its benefits. This study design was qualitative study with a phenomenological approach with total participants were 20 postpartum mothers and their families and 2 postpartum herbal medicine makers. Data were collected by direct observation through in-depth interviews. </em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Results: </em></strong><em>The results showed 5 themes describing the dynamics of the Madurese traditional herbal medicine in the viewpoint of post-partum mothers, namely their reasons for consuming postpartum traditional herbal medicine, the form of the herbal traditional medicine consumed, their knowledge of postpartum herbal medicine, the benefits of postpartum traditional herbal medicine, and the mother's desire to consume the puerperal herbal medicine in the future. </em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Conclusions:</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><em>It can be concluded that there was different viewpoint that described by postpartum women about consuming postpartum herbal medicine. In general, they found that postpartum herbal medicine had benefits directly in the recovery process of the postpartum period and increasing breast milk production</em>.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Suwarna Dwijonagoro ◽  
Avi Meilawati ◽  
Nurhidayati Nurhidayati ◽  
Sri Hertanti Wulan

Character education is very essential. Good character brings peace, happiness and peace of mind, both personally and socially, even for the nation. Character education reflection is shown in many puppet shows. Wayang as a spectacle and guidance. Wayang as a spectacle is for entertainment, while as a guidance is a vehicle for character education. Which is indeed full of character education. The data source of this research was "Banjaran Bima Play" in the video of Ki Seno Nugroho's puppet show, and is done by exploring and collaborating character education in the Banjaran Bima puppet play and its implications in education. This research used an instrument in the form of data cards. Data collection was done through the stages of observing, transcribing, identifying, and coding. The data validity was established through in-depth observation, repeated studies, extended participation, peer discussions, and source triangulation. Data analysis technique used the steps of classification, description, interpretation, elaboration, and conclusion. The results of the study show the character of (1) Godhead, (2) obedient to teachers and parents, (3) nationalism, (4) integrity, (5) responsibility, (6) discipline, (7) respect for others, ( 8) independent, (9) mutual cooperation, (10) hard worker, and (11) smart. These various characters can be implicated in the field of education, both at the education center (informal, formal and non-formal) and at every level of education (elementary school to university). This is evidenced that these characters are always contained in the Education Curriculum in Indonesia since 1947 to 2013 with various developments. Keywords: character, puppet, Banjaran Bima, spectacle, guidance,  PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM LAKON BAJARAN BIMA DAN IMPLIKASINYA  DALAM PENDIDIKAN Pendidikan karakter amatlah penting. Karakter baik membawa kedamaian, kebahagiaan, dan ketenteraman jiwa, baik secara personal maupun sosial, bahkan bagi bangsa dan negara. Pendidikan karakter banyak ditentukan dalam pertunjukan wayang. Wayang sebagai tontonan dan tuntunan. Sebagai tontonan wayang untuk hiburan, sebagai tuntutan wayang sebagai wahana pendidikan karakter.  Sumber data penelitian adalah Lakon Banjaran Bima dalam video pagelaran wayang oleh Ki Seno Nugroho dengan mengeksplorasi dan mengalobari pendidikan karakter dalam lakon wayang  Banjaran Bima dan implikasinya pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen yang berupa kartu data. Pemerolehan data melalui tahapan mengamati, mentranskripsi, mengidentifikasi, dan kodifikasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan pengamatan yang mendalam/cermat, kajian berulang, perpanjangan keikutsertaan, diskusi teman sejawat, triangulasi sumber.  Analisis data menggunakan langkah klasifikasi, deskripsi, interpretasi, elaborasi, dan inferensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakter (1) Berketuhanan, (2) patuh pada guru dan orang tua, (3) nasionalisme, (4) integritas, (5) bertanggung jawab, (6) kedisiplinan, (7) menghormati orang lain, (8) mandiri, (9) gotong royong, (10) pekerja keras, dan (11) cerdas. Berbagai karakter tersebut dapat diimplikasikan dalam bidang pendidikan, baik pada tripusat pendidikan (informal, formal, dan nonformal) maupun pada setiap jenjang pendidikan (Sekolah Dasar  hingga Perguruan Tinggi). Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa karakter-karakter tersebut selalu termuat dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan di Indonesia semenjak 1947 hingga 2013 dengan mengalami berbagai perkembangan. Kata kunci: karakter, wayang, Banjaran Bima, tontonan, tuntunan

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-202
Rony Sandra Yofa Zebua

Nowadays, online learning has forced educational stakeholders to sufficiently involve online learning by handling the fundamental difference from traditional learning platforms. While educative interaction is vital but very limited to online learning, the teachers should condition the new environment to enable the learning process. However, educative interaction on online learning requires exact syntax to help the teachers implement it correctly. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the implementation of educative learning on online learning and formulate the syntax to help teachers create educative interaction. The study focused on Islamic and Character Education subjects. The research method is qualitative, using in-depth interviews to gather the data. The informants were from 2 different elementary schools. The study result revealed two types of syntax for educative interaction on online learning: the syntax of educative interaction on real-time chatting app and syntax of educative interaction on the video conference app. Every syntax has similar general phases: preparation, introduction, core, and closing. However, every phase has different details, adjusted to the service provided by the application used. Eventually, the teachers' competence and spirit and supporting infrastructure become the primary factors in maximizing the interaction. Besides, application choice determines the strategy that will be done.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 118-130
Ahmad Arif Widianto ◽  
Rose Fitria Lutfiana

Kearifan lokal berperan penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat, utamanya di tengah gencarnya arus modernisasi. Hal ini berdampak terhadap perubahan sosial di masyarakat. Kabumi sebagai salah satu kearifan lokal menjadi media penting bagi internalisasi nilai-nilai karakter masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kearifan lokal kabumi sebagai media internalisasi pendidikan karakter bagi masyarakat di Desa Bader, Kecamatan Jatirogo, Kabupaten Tuban. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Bader, Kecamatan Jatirogo, Kabupaten Tuban. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kepala desa, sesepuh desa, dan masyarakat Desa Bader. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Hubberman. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses internalisasi nilai-nilai karakter dilakukan melalui lima tahapan, yaitu penerimaan nilai, respon, seleksi nilai, internalisasi, dan aktualisasi. Di sisi lain, nilai-nilai karakter yang muncul sebagai bentuk internalisasi kearifan lokal kabumi antara lain nilai religius, gotong royong, toleransi, dan peduli lingkungan.   Local wisdom plays an important role in people's lives, especially in the midst of modernization. This phenomenon has an impact on social change in society. Kabumi as one of the local wisdoms is an important medium for internalizing character values ​​in society. This study aims to describe the local wisdom of Kabumi as a medium for internalizing character education for the community in Bader Village, Jatirogo District, Tuban Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This research was conducted in Bader village, Jatirogo district, Tuban district. The subjects in this study were the village head, village elders and the Bader village community. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Hubberman technique. The data validity test used source triangulation. The results showed that the process of internalizing character values ​​was carried out in five stages, namely acceptance of value, providing response, value selection, internalization and actualization. On the other hand, the character values that appear as a form of internalization through local Kabumi wisdom include religious values, mutual cooperation, tolerance, and environmental care.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 408
Priyaji Agung Pambudi

The COVID-19 pandemic was outbreak since January 2020 has now spread out to 213 countries, infected 29,227,348 people and 929,263 deaths. In Indonesia, 221,523 people were infected and 8,841 of them died. Neither the vaccine nor the cure has been found, but the researchers recommend that people consume various types of rhizome plants, moringa, guava, and others as prevention. The opportunity for the Indonesian people to increase their sovereignty in facing the COVID-19 pandemic is very overt because it has a geographical advantage as a tropical country traversed by the equator and fertile soil. This study aims to determine the use of backyards and its importance in promote family health amid the COVID-19 outbreak. This research was conducted in Pacitan Regency, East Java, from March 16 to April 17, 2020 through a qualitative approach with a combined method of questionnaires (162 people), in-depth interviews (18 people), and desk study. The findings showed that 95.06% of respondents agreed that the backyard was an environmental asset, 100% agreed that the backyard could be used to fulfill the needs of vegetables and toga. As 78.4% of respondents have planted vegetables and toga in their backyards and 64.2% feel calmer in facing the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of availability of the need for vegetables and traditional herbal ingredients. This is stated as an ease of concocting traditional herbal medicine and fulfilling kitchen needs for 86.42% of respondents and 57.41% assessed that their families do not depend on market uncertainty because the pattern of backyard use is carried out by growing vegetables and toga plants. The backyard as an environmental asset can promote the realization of food sovereignty (non-rice) and family health if it is managed properly, both flat and vertically.

2019 ◽  
Wuri Wuryandani ◽  
Fathurrohman Fathurrohman ◽  
Suparlan Suparlan

This study aimed to explore the character education through the school literacy program in Elementary School. This research is motivated by the importance of character education, one of them was school literacy program in elementary school. This research was a descriptive research with qualitative approach. Research subjects were principals, teachers, school literacy teams, and students at Muhammadiyah Sapen Elementary School in Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. Technique of examination of data validity used triangulation. The analysis technique used inductive analysis technique, that is analysis which depart from data and boils down to general conclusions. The steps of data analysis include: data reduction, unitization and categorization, display data,andconclusions.TheresultsshowedthatliteracyactivitiesatSDMuhammadiyah Sapen Yogyakarta had been implemented long before the government launched the school literacy program. Literacy activities at the school are implemented by maximizing collaboration between teachers and school librarians. Along with the school literacy movement program from the government, the school fix the literacy activities undertaken. School literacy movement activities conducted in 3 stages of habituation, development, and learning. In school literacy movement there are values of character that are grown the responsibility, discipline, appreciate achievement, confidence, creative, reading, and communicative.

Yulius Rustan Effendi ◽  
Ibrahim bafadal ◽  
I Nyoman Sudana Degeng ◽  
Imron Arifin

This research described the fundamental inspiration behind the implementation of a humanistic approach to the principal's leadership and the steps of the principal's humanistic approach that have an impact on optimizing the implementation of the program for strengthening character education. This research used a qualitative approach, a case study design. The data collection was performed through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies to achieve the research objectives. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. The level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability was the basis of data validity. The research findings explained that personal excellence (integrity, wholeness, and self-authenticity) and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figures inspired the principal’s humanistic approach. In addition, the application of the principal's humanistic approach had adequate impacts on optimizing the implementation of a program for strengthening character education and influenced the strengthening of the student's character. Through the principal's humanistic approach, school becomes an environment for empowering the character of the students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Muhammad Isa Indrawan

The high level of technological and information progress has resulted in the decline of people's love for local wisdom so that people do not understand the meaning of the existence of Ulos as a cultural heritage that is rich in the values of life's wisdom. This study aims to analyze the strengthening of character education based on local wisdom through learning Ulos weaving in Balige North Sumatra. The qualitative research analysis unit with this case study approach is that the people in Balige were selected by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques with observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Interactive models then analyze data validity by source triangulation. The results showed that through Ulos Balige weaving learning in tutoring can be achieved a balance of the conscience, spiritual, and intellectuality of the community related to the creator through the content of philosophical values in the symbol of Ulos. Ulos weaving learning which is done classically through theory and practice has a positive impact on the formation of the character of the community by the values of local wisdom.

Perspektif ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-74
Fadillah Annisa

This study aims to describe the implementation of disciplinary character education in elementary schools and is expected to be able to find policies that support the success of character education. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. The study was conducted at SDN 29 Lubuk Alung, with the subject of principals, teachers, and students. Data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data validity checking technique used is the triangulation technique. The results showed that in carrying out disciplinary character education at SDN 29 Lubuk Alung through six policies, namely (1) making character education programs, (2) establishing school rules and class rules, (3) doing Dhuha prayer and Dhuhur prayer in congregation, ( 4) making affective posts in each class, (5) monitoring the discipline behavior of students at home through a daily activity logbook, (6) involving parents (7) involving the school committee.Keywords: Discipline Character Education, Elementary School

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Dita Ihsaniah Putri

Character Education Strengthening (KDP) is an educational movement in schools to strengthen students' character through harmonization of heart (ethics), taste (aesthetics), thinking (literacy), and sports (kinesthetic) with the support of public involvement and cooperation between schools , family and community. The five main values ​​of KDP priority characters are Religious, Nationalist, Mutual Cooperation, Integrity, Mandiri. But we now know that character education at this time seems to be still low in morale of students. For this reason the aim of this study is to find out the Implementation of Character Education through Extracurricular Activities in the dance arts of Semarang and surrounding elementary schools, and to know the supporting and inhibiting factors of the character education of students. This research is a qualitative description research. The technique of retrieving data and observations is obtained through using questionnaires or questionnaires, interviews, and documentation.   Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) adalah gerakan pendidikan di sekolah untuk memperkuat karakter siswa melalui harmonisasi olah hati (etik), olah rasa (estetis), olah pikir (literasi), dan olah raga (kinestetik) dengan dukungan pelibatan publik dan kerja sama antara sekolah, keluarga, dan masyarakat. Lima nilai utama karakter prioritas PPK adalah Religius, Nasionalis, Gotong Royong, Integritas, Mandiri. Namun kita ketahui sekarang bahwa pendidikan karakter saat ini tampak masih rendahnya moral peserta didik. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Impelementasi Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler Seni tari di SD Semarang dan sekitarnya, serta mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat pendidikan karakter peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskripsi kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data dan observasi diperoleh melalui menggunakan angket atau kueisioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.

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