scholarly journals A Case Study into the Environmental Context of Walking School Buses and Other Modes of Travel Used for the Journey to School

2021 ◽  
John Forne

<p><b>The journey to school involves a number of different modes of travel. Approximatelyhalf of all journeys to school in New Zealand rely on the use of an automobile. Thisheavy dependence on automobiles involves a number of environmental detractions.</b></p> <p>Walking School Buses provide an alternative to cars as a mode of travel for thejourney to school. This mode of travel compares favourably in a number of respectswhen compared to other modes of travel and is generating considerable interest.</p> <p>Based on a case study involving in-depth interviews with ten caregivers this papercompares whether and how Walking School Buses emerged from a different socialand cultural background when compared to other modes of travel. Four keyinfluences, in particular parenting culture, the work commitments that caregivershave, the risks posed by strangers and traffic, and the social fragmentation ofneighbourhoods were found to be significant in shaping the journey to school. Basedon finding a number of similarities between different modes of travel to school it isconcluded that the journey to school is embedded in a wider system of social andcultural ideas that shape Walking School Buses and other modes of travel alike.</p>

2021 ◽  
John Forne

<p><b>The journey to school involves a number of different modes of travel. Approximatelyhalf of all journeys to school in New Zealand rely on the use of an automobile. Thisheavy dependence on automobiles involves a number of environmental detractions.</b></p> <p>Walking School Buses provide an alternative to cars as a mode of travel for thejourney to school. This mode of travel compares favourably in a number of respectswhen compared to other modes of travel and is generating considerable interest.</p> <p>Based on a case study involving in-depth interviews with ten caregivers this papercompares whether and how Walking School Buses emerged from a different socialand cultural background when compared to other modes of travel. Four keyinfluences, in particular parenting culture, the work commitments that caregivershave, the risks posed by strangers and traffic, and the social fragmentation ofneighbourhoods were found to be significant in shaping the journey to school. Basedon finding a number of similarities between different modes of travel to school it isconcluded that the journey to school is embedded in a wider system of social andcultural ideas that shape Walking School Buses and other modes of travel alike.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 516-532 ◽  
Makayla Hipke ◽  
Frauke Hachtmann

This study used a case-study approach to develop an understanding of how social-media strategy is developed and deployed in Big Ten Conference athletic departments and to explore the issues associated with it. Based on in-depth interviews with department officials, the following 6 themes emerged: connecting with target audiences, varied approaches in coordination of postings, athletic communications as content gatekeepers, desire to incorporate sponsors and generate revenue, focusing on building fan loyalty through engagement, and challenges of negativity and metrics. The social-media strategy in Big Ten Conference athletic departments appears to be driven by athletic communications/sports information departments as opposed to marketing departments. The greatest benefit of social media has been the ease of engagement and instantaneous connection between fans and the teams they love, which can lead to building greater loyalty to a team. Some of the challenges departments face include having to deal with the reality of crises and negative attention around programs more quickly than with traditional media and to measure social-media success accurately.

2021 ◽  
Karen Coulton

<p>International and New Zealand research continues to show that there is concern about boys being less successful than girls in writing at all levels of the school. This study examines to what extent year 7 and year 8 boys are motivated to advance their writing when they collaborate with a peer and choose to use a drama strategy. A qualitative approach was taken to explore the insiders‟ view of writing from eight year 7 and year 8 boys in an intermediate school in New Zealand. Data gathered were from semi-structured interviews, in class observations and samples of writing. Sociocultural theory was used to inform the investigation of the social and cultural influences on the boys‟ learning about writing. The findings illustrate that the drama intervention was successful as the boys were motivated to write through their social interaction of role- playing characters from a choice of topics represented in their everyday lives. The boys revealed their metacognitive knowledge by showing their awareness of their thought processes about writing and how to use this knowledge to develop their writing abilities. The study makes recommendations for teachers, including the need for teachers to recognise the boys‟ position of authority over their knowledge, which is essential for their motivation and learning to write successfully.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Ika Hariyani

Campaigns nowadays are oftenly carried through social medias, including campaigns concerning the environment. Based on previous studies, effectivity of campaigns through social medias were affected by many factors, such as the activity of the online administrator, additional socialization that were carried off- line, and also the involvement of the active followers in social medias. However, this paper views environmental campaign in social medias could be effective if viewed from another side,that is social network. This study sees how social network can improve the effectivity of environmental campaigns in social medias,therefore it’s safe to say that this study brings an addition to previous studies related tofactors that influenced the effectivity of environmental campaigns that utilized social medias as a channel of communication. The method used for this paper is qualitative method, with case study on Melawan Asap (Fight the Haze) campaign initiated by BEM UI (Executive Board of Students of University of Indonesia) in 2015 to form an alliance consisting several organizations from inside and outside of the university. Collection of data for this study was done with in-depth interviews with certain informants, based on a criteria established previously by the author, beside an observation upon social media accounts that were used for Fight the Haze campaign. The result shows that the involvement of networks in social media affects the effectivity of Fight the Haze campaign. Also, the social relation between organizations that are united under the alliance of Fight the Haze campaign are based on sentimental network.Kampanye kian marak dilakukan dengan menggunakan media sosial, tidak terkecuali kampanye lingkungan. Berdasarkan kajian-kajian sebelumnya, keefektifan kampanye dengan menggunakan media sosial dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti adanya administrator online yang aktif, adanya sosialisasi tambahan yang dilakukan secara offline, dan juga terlibatnya pengikut/followers di media sosial secara aktif. Namun, tulisanini melihat kampanye lingkungan di media sosial dapat efektif dari sisi lain yaitu dari jaringan sosial. Kajian ini melihat bagaimana jaringan sosial berperan dalam membuat efektif kampanye lingkungan di media sosial, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kajian ini menambahkan penemuan dari kajian-kajian sebelumnya yang berbicara mengenai faktor yang membuat efektif kampanye lingkungan dengan menggunakan media sosial sebagai media komunikasinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan studi kasus pada kampanye melawan asap yang diinisiatori oleh BEM UI 2015 untuk membentuk sebuah aliansi dengan menggandeng beberapa organisasi di UI dan juga dari luar UI. Pengambilan data dalam studi ini dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan informan- informan tertentu berdasarkan kriteria yang penulis tetapkan dan melakukan observasi terhadap akun media sosial yang digunakan untuk menyebarluaskan kampanye melawan asap. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan peran jaringan di media sosial mempengaruhi efektifitas kampanye melawan asap, serta hubungan sosial antar organisasi yang tergabung dalam aliansi gerakan melawan asap terbentuk berdasarkan jaringan perasaan/sentiment.

ملخص: هدفت الدراسة للتعرف إلى بعض الصعوبات والمشكلات، والأوضاع المعيشية كما تراها الأسر المقيمة بمراكز الإيواء بمدارس وكالة الغوث الدولية واستخدم الباحثان المنهج الوصفي التحليلي ومنهج دراسة الحالة، وقد تكونت عينة الدراسة من 13 أسرة من المقيمين في مدرسة ذكور الزيتون الابتدائية “ب” بتل الهوى وتم عقد مقابلات متعمقة معهم للتعرف على الأوضاع المعيشية بشيء من التفصيل، وأيضاً تم مقابلة عدد 6 من الإخباريين الذين عايشوا الأحداث وقد أشارت النتائج المتعلقة بمكان الإعاشة وتجهيزاته إلى أن المعيشة صعبة، وأن كل الأسرة كانت تقطن في غرفة صف واحدة فى المدرسة، كما أن غرفة الصف غير معدة للمعيشة، وفيما يتعلق بالجانب الاقتصادي أكدت النتائج أن الجميع بدون عمل، وفيما يتعلق بالإخباريين؛ أكد الجميع أن كل القاطنين في مراكز الإيواء ليس لديهم أي مصدر دخل ولا عمل، وبالنسبة للجانب النفسي للنازحين وأبنائهم، أكدت كل العينة من خلال المقابلات أن أبناءهم وزوجاتهم يعانون من مشكلات نفسية عديدة تتمثل في الخوف، والتبول اللاإرادي، والأمراض النفسية، وتم تحويل جزء كبير منهم إلى عيادات خارجية، وفيما يتعلق بالجانب الاجتماعي وعلاقاتهم مع المحيطين بهم، أكدت غالبية العينة أن ليس لديهم علاقات اجتماعية مع المحيطين، حيث تقتصر علاقاتهم مع بعضهم داخل المدرسة، وبالنسبة للجانب السياسي ومستقبل عودتهم إلى بيوتهم بعد إعادة الإعمار، فيرى الجميع أنه سيكون بطيئا وسيستغرق وقتا طويلا.الكلمة الافتتاحية / الأوضاع المعيشية للأسر الفلسطينية Abstract This study aims to investigate some of the difficulties, problems and living conditions perceived by families living in shelter centers in schools of international relief agency. Researchers used descriptive analytical approach in their case study. The study sample consisted of 13 families residing in the Elzaytoon male elementary school ‘b’ in Tel al-Hawa district. It held in-depth interviews with families to know the living conditions in details. Also six news reporters were included in interviews that witnessed the events. The results concerning the place of living and its materials indicated that the living conditions were difficult; each family was living in one classroom in the school not intended for living. In regard to the economic aspect, results confirmed that inhabitants were jobless with no income. On the psychological aspect of displaced persons and their descendants, results showed that their sons and wives suffered from various psychological problems such as the fearbedwetting and mental illness. As a result of this a large part of them had been transferred to psychological clinics. In regard of the social aspect, the majority of sample individuals confirmed that they do not have social relations with those around them; relations were confined within the school only. On political level, they had no hope in returning to their homes. Moreover, they believed that house reconstruction would be slow and it will take a long time.

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Fino Susanto ◽  
Mora Claramita ◽  
Sri Handayani

Role of posyandu cadres in empowering the community of BintanPurposeThis study aimed to determine the role of posyandu cadres in empowering the community in Kawal village, Gunung Kijang district, Bintan regency.MethodsThis study used a qualitative method with a case study design and purposive sampling technique, with the cadres of posyandu. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews and focus group discussion (FGD), with triangulation of sources and methods.ResultsThe role of cadres are as a health motivator, with the extension officers of the health and medical services as well as cadres being able to identify the needs, barriers and help to coordinate in providing health services.ConclusionPosyandu cadres have high social spirit created by the combination of internal and external motivation, resources and potential as well as experience developing ability, with the social spirit capable of inspiring, activating, stimulating, mobilizing and motivating people. 

2021 ◽  
ALison Julie Hopkins

<p>Little has been published about the ascending trajectory of lesbian characters in prime-time television texts. Rarer still are analyses of lesbian fictions on New Zealand television. This study offers a robust and critical interrogation of Sapphic expression found in the New Zealand television landscape. More specifically, this thesis analyses fictional lesbian representation found in New Zealand's prime-time, free-to-air television environment. It argues that television's script of lesbian desire is more about illusion than inclusion, and that lesbian representation is a misnomer, both qualitatively and quantitively. In order to assess the authenticity of television's lesbian fictions, I sampled the opinions of New Zealand's television audience through focus group and survey methodology, and analysed two primary sources of lesbian representation available between 2004-2006. Television and other media provide the social and cultural background - the milieu - against or within which their fictions, dramas and comedies are set. Even when media texts are clearly non- or anti realistic (fantasy films, for instance), they usually attempt to produce their narratives as consistent, familiar and in keeping with the cultural characteristics, values and proclivities of mainstream contemporary society. This is not realism so much as a set of arbitrary conventions that are read as, or stand for, reality and the real. In short, the media is a teller of stories and fairy tales; and since mainstream Western culture has naturalised homonormativity, television's fairy tales are almost exclusively tales of heterosexuality. Television, from this perspective, reinscribes and reinforces what Pierre Bourdieu refers to as the 'masculine order'. Television uses reality to frame messages of compulsory heterosexuality, and it rarely presents homonormative messages. Lesbian representation is, therefore, difficult for a heteronormative medium to render without effort. Homonormativity is, for lesbian audiences, a central part of the cultural background - the components of realism, if you like, within which representations of lesbians would 'play out' their stories in media texts. Television stories which ignore this imperative deny both the audience's ability to interpret for themselves the integrity of the representation, and their ability to acquire new knowledge of lesbians.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 115 ◽  
pp. 01003
Nikoleta Hutmanová ◽  
Peter Dorčák

The paper focuses on how social media usage by children determines their interactions with consumer brands. First it describes how and when young children develop brand awareness and which are the most important predictors of this development. Those findings are then put in connection with the impact of social media. We elaborate on a deeper level how children approach online communications with brands in the social media context. Our assumptions are supported by a research conducted on a group of New Zealand children, both boys and girls in the age group of 11-14 years. This qualitative approach was implemented using in-depth interviews and identifies three key modes of brand interaction behaviour when young consumers use social media. According to these findings we assume that there is a connection between the use of social media and children´s relationship with consumer brands.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Prima Ayu Rizqi Mahanani ◽  
Irwan Abdullah ◽  
Ratna Noviani

<p>Industry of fashion that get into the life of Salafi members makes shar'i hijab become aesthetics. Approximately 30% of Salafi women in Imam Muslim Islamic Boarding School Kediri have worn hijab shar’i as their preference. This article describes the aesthetic practices of shar’i hijab and the factors behind it. This study applies a qualitative approach using a case study as a research method in which it observes the social reality of shar’i hijab aesthetic practices among Salafi women at Imam Muslim Islamic Boarding School. The research analyzes the case and situation that occurred and also attempts to understand the informants’ point of view. Through literature studies, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews, the study found that the informants have been wearing two different shar’i hijab; dark colors and bright colors. The informants also combine their "gamis" in terms of its pattern consisting of ornaments and accents in different colors. The informants also prefer to wear a unique and funny, in order to make them look flexible, younger and up to date.</p>

Marhisar Simatupang

Abstract. This study aims to determine the description of the happiness of Plari Depo women. The method used in this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach by presenting the socio-cultural background that occurs in Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The informants in this study were couples who married without following the marriage procedures in accordance in Sikka District etnic, which numbered 30 pairs and had only been married for less than 3 years. The 30 pairs were randomized for in-depth interviews to get the real data. 7 families were selected as primary informants consisting of young and old ages. The results found that the level of happiness of Plari Depo women in the first year was classified as low due to negative responses from the social environment, loss of family support and conflict with partners. In the third year the level of happiness began to improve due to the presence of children and women who do not care about the environment that gives a negative effect.   Keywords: Happiness, Plari Depo Women     Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kebahagiaan wanita plari depo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan menyajikan latar sosial-budaya yang terjadi di Kabupaten Sikka Nusa Tenggara Timur. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pasangan yang menikah tanpa mengikuti prosedur perkawinan sesuai dengan adat di Kabupaten Sikka yang berjumlah 30 pasang dan baru menikah kurang dari 3 tahun. 30 pasang tersebut diacak untuk dilakukan wawancara secara mendalam untuk mendapatkan data yang sesungguhnya. 7 keluarga terpilih menjadi informan primer yang terdiri dari usia muda dan tua. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tingkat kebahagiaan wanita plari depo pada tahun pertama adalah tergolong rendah disebabkan adanya respon negatif dari lingkungan sosial, hilangnya dukungan keluarga dan terjadinya konflik dengan pasangan. Pada tahun ketiga tingkat kebahagiaan mulai membaik disebabkan kehadiran anak dan wanita sudah tidak perduli terhadap lingkungan yang memberikan efek negatif. Kata Kunci: Kebahagiaan, Wanita Plari Depo

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