The Effectiveness of Durante Hemodialysis Packed Red Cells (PRC) Transfusion on Hemoglobin Levels

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 013-018
Pria Wahyu Romadhon Girianto ◽  
Mega Wahyu Mulyasari

Renal Disease was a chronic disease that the most attacking people in Indonesia. Damage to this vital organ in the human body greatly affected a person's health condition, one of which was anemia. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Durante hemodialysis PRC transfusions on hemoglobin levels. The method used was Pre-experimental design, with the One group pre-post test design approach. With a sample of 49 patients who underwent regular hemodialysis at RSUD dr. Iskak Tulungagung. Data were obtained by direct observation. Processed by computerized methods with a statistical t-test, the significance level (α) was 0.05. The study results showed that the hemoglobin levels of the pre-Durante hemodialysis PRC transfusion patients were 4-5 mg/dl (53.06%), and the hemoglobin levels of the post-Durante hemodialysis PRC transfusion patients were 6.1-7 mg/dl (34.69%). The results of statistical tests showed that there was an increase in hemoglobin levels in patients who received Durante hemodialysis PRC transfusion by 1.22 mg/dl because p-value = 0.000 < 0.05 (α) means that there was an effect. It could be concluded that the delivery of Durante hemodialysis PRC transfusion could help increase hemoglobin levels. This finding was very helpful for chronic Renal Disease patients undergoing hemodialysis, who have been using erythropoietin preparations because PRC transfusions were cheaper and more effective when compared to using erythropoietin preparations

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-219
Bela Putri Karisma ◽  
Ninik Christiani

Optimizing spiritual intelligence requires a long process and requires practice, the earlier the child is trained to develop spiritual intelligence, the greater the benefits include being able to recognize themselves, being able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses that exist in themselves, being sensitive to the surrounding environment, having a sense of empathy and compassion for God’s creation and will have peace of mind. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of children’s yoga on pre-school children’s spiritual intelligence in Kebonromo village, Ngrampal sub-district, Sragen district. The design used in this research is Pre-Experimental with the One Group Pre-Post Test Design approach. The population of this study were pre-school children’s in Kebonromo village, Ngrampal sub-district, Sragen district. Sample of 10 pre-school children respondents. Spiritual intelligence questionnaire instruments and children’s yoga SOP. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis. The bivariate test results show that the Zcount value of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test is -2.825 with a significance value (p-value) of 0.005. The significance value of the test is less than 0.05 (0.005 < 0.05) so that the test decision is H0 rejected, which means there is a significant difference in spiritual intelligence scores between the pre test and post test. The conclusion is there is an effect of children’s yoga on pre-school children’s spiritual intelligence in Kebonromo village, Ngrampal sub-district, Sragen district. The suggestion from this research is that it is hoped that children will be able to carry out child yoga regularly to get the benefits of children’s yoga, especially to develop children’s spiritual intelligence. ABSTRAK Dalam mengoptimalkan kecerdasan spiritual diperlukan proses panjang serta memerlukan latihan, semakin dini anak dilatih untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan spiritual maka akan semakin besar manfaatnya antara lain anak mampu mengenali diri sendiri, mampu mengenali kelebihan dan kekurangan yang ada pada dirinya, peka terhadap lingkungan sekitar, memiliki rasa empati dan belas kasih terhadap ciptaan Tuhan serta akan memiliki ketenangan dalam berpikir. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual dengan melakukan yoga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh yoga anak terhadap kecerdasan spiritual anak pra sekolah di Desa Kebonromo Kecamatan Ngrampal Kabupaten Sragen. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pra Eksperimental dengan pendekatan One Group Pra-Post Test Design. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah anak pra sekolah di Desa Kebonromo Kecamatan Ngrampal Kabupaten Sragen. Sampel 10 responden anak pra sekolah. Instrumen angket kecerdasan spiritual dan SOP yoga anak. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis Univariat dan bivariat. Hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan bahwa nilai Zhitung uji Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test adalah sebesar -2,825 dengan nilai signifikansi (p-value) 0,005. Nilai signifikansi uji ternyata lebih kecil dari 0,05 (0,005 < 0,05) sehingga keputusan uji adalah H0 ditolak yang bermakna terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan skor kecerdasan spiritual antara pre test dan post test. Kesimpulannya adalah ada pengaruh yoga anak terhadap kecerdasan spiritual anak pra sekolah di Desa Kebonromo Kecamatan Ngrampal Kabupaten Sragen. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah diharapkan anak-anak mampu melaksanakan yoga anak ini secara rutin untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari yoga anak terutama untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan spiritual anak.

2020 ◽  
pp. 62-67
Lilis Maghfuroh ◽  
Ely Nurkhayana ◽  
Heny Ekawati ◽  
Dia Eko Martini ◽  
Dadang Kusbiantoro

BBLR didefinisikan sebagai bayi yang berat  badan  lahirnya  pada  saat  kelahiran kurang dari 2500 gram (WHO,2011). Mekanisme reflek menghisap dan menelan belum berkembang dengan baik pada bayi BBLR. Reflek yaitu suatu gerakan yang terjadi secara otomatis dan spontan tanpa disadari pada bayi normal. Menghisap adalah refleks yang sangat penting pada bayi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh terapi oral motor exercise terhadap reflek hisap bayi BBLR. Desain penelitian pra eksperimental dengan pendekatan one Group Pretest-post test design dengan tehnik sampling consecutive. Dilakukan selama satu bulan pada 35 bayi BBLR dengan reflek hisap lemah. Tehnik pengumpulan data dengan lembar observasi menggunakan uji statistik paired t test. Hasil penelitian dari 35 bayi BBLR dengan reflek hisap lemah sebelum diberikan oral motor exersise didapatkan hampir seluruhnya bayi BBLR (88,6%) memiliki reflek hisap kuat setelah diberikan oral motor exersise 15 menit selama 7 hari. Dari hasil analisis uji statistic Paired t-test taraf signifikansi ? 0,05 dengan menggunakan Statistical Product and Service Solution atau SPSS for windows versi 16.0.  diperoleh t= -16.233, p=0,000 dimana p<0,05 yang artinya H1 diterima yaitu ada pengaruh terapi oral motor exersise terhadap reflek hisap bayi BBLR. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terapi oral motor dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu intervensi bagi bayi BBLR untuk meningkatkan reflek hisap.    LBW is defined as a baby whose birth weight is less than 2500 grams at birth (WHO, 2011). The reflex mechanism of sucking and swallowing is not well developed in LBW infants. Reflex is a movement that occurs automatically and spontaneously without being realized in normal babies. Sucking is a very important reflex in infants. The aim of the study was to identify the effect of oral motor exercise therapy on LBW infants' suction reflexes. Pre-experimental research design with one Group Pretest-post test design approach with consecutive sampling technique. Performed for one month on 35 LBW infants with weak suction reflexes. Data collection techniques with an observation sheet using paired t-test statistical tests. The results of the study of 35 LBW infants with weak suction reflexes before being given oral motor exercise found that almost all LBW infants (88.6%) had strong suction reflexes after being given oral motor exercise 15 minutes for 7 days. From the results of the statistical analysis of Paired t-test significance level ? 0.05 using Statistical Product and Service Solution or SPSS for windows version 16.0. obtained t = -16.233, p = 0.000 where p <0.05 which means H1 is accepted that there is an influence of oral motor exercise therapy on LBW infants suction reflexes. Based on the results of the study, oral motor therapy can be used as an intervention for LBW infants to improve suction reflexes

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-81
Eko Arik Susmiatin ◽  
Melani Kartika Sari

AbstractMental disorders are a global health problem that still requires effective treatment. One way to improve the quality of handling people with mental disorders (ODGJ) is by increasing the knowledge of mental health cadres in providing nursing care for people with mental disorders. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of mental health training on the knowledge of mental health cadres. The number of respondents in this study were 34 mental health cadres. The research design used was pre-experiment with pre-post test design. The results of statistical tests using the paired T-Test showed a significance level of p = 0.00 with a significance level of α = 0.05. These results indicate that there is an effect of mental health training on the knowledge of mental health cadres. Good knowledge will affect the ability of cadres to treat mental patients and their families.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 472
Tarianna Ginting ◽  
Rapael Ginting ◽  
Theresia Rianita Panjaitan ◽  
Delpitasari Marbun

At the Minang Traditional House Chips Factory, located in Tadukan Raga Village, Deli Serdang, this still uses manual labor in its production. This of course can cause various health problems for workers such as musculoskeletal complaints which are influenced by non-ergonomic work postures,excessive use of energy.etc. This study aims to determine the effect of stretching on musculoskeletal complaints in workers of the Minang Traditional House Chips Factory in Tadukan Raga Village, Deli Serdang. This research method uses Quasi Experiment with Pre-Test and Post-Test designs. The sample of this study were 50 people. The statistical test used the Wilcoxon test with a significance level of α = 0.05. The results of statistical tests for the effect of giving muscle stretching on musculoskeletal complaints in workers showed that in 8 hours of work, the p value was obtained = 0.000 (p <0.05) and at 6 hours of work the p value was = 0.001 and 0.002 (p < 0.05). The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant effect of stretching on musculoskeletal complaints on workers of the Minang Traditional House Chips Factory in Tadukan Raga Village, Deli Serdang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-103
Bagus Putra Krisdiana

Speaking skill can be practiced in various ways. To master it, the researcher researched by using one of them by integrating it with word cards. The researcher used monologue integrated with word cards to investigate whether the integration was effective or not in increasing speaking skill. This study was restricted to the eleventh graders of the public upper level of secondary school. By using a one-group pre-test and post-test design, treatments were given to the 30 learners for six meetings. To achieve the aim of the study, two tests were constructed, in which a pre-test was given before while a post-test was given after the treatments. After the treatments finished, the scores of both tests were compared. The data analysis showed that the mean score of the pre-test was 42.3 while the post-test was 71.4 where tvalue = 31.753 with significance = .000 or ttabel of df = 29 with significance level .05 = 2.045, which means tvalue ttabel or significance .05. The result showed that the learners gained a significantly higher score in the post-test if it was compared to the one in the pre-test. It means that monologue integrated with word cards was effective in increasing speaking skill.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-33
I Gusti Agung Manik Karuniadi ◽  
Luh Putu Widiastini

The proportion of women under 35 who suffer from cervical cancer increases from 9% to 25%. The risk of cervical cancer is important to be known by every woman early on, especially those who have experienced menstruation, namely in the teenage phase. This study aims to determine the effect of communication, information, and education through Whatsapp social media on the knowledge and behavior of young women about cervical cancer. Pre-experimental research design with one group pre-test and post-test design. The study was conducted on 40 midwifery students of STIKES Bina Usada Bali with a total sampling technique in May to July 2019. The results of this study found that there was no effect of providing communication, information, and education through Whatsapp on the knowledge of young women. This can be seen from the results of statistical tests conducted p-values obtained 0.768, but has a significant effect on the behavior of adolescent girls, indicated by the results of p-value 0.044 (p<0.05). The results of this study get the results that there is an influence of provision of communication, information, and education through Whatsapp social media on teenage girl behavior about cervical cancer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Tutwuri Prihatin ◽  
Nanik Setyaningsih

Program kader Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) diharapkan meningkatkan keterlaksanaan UKS dengan baik. Namun pada kenyataannya seorang kader UKS seringkali tidak berfungsi dengan baik karena keterbatasan dalam pemahaman akan tugasnya. Salah satu langkah pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kader UKS dilakukan dengan menggunakan media edukatif yang memiliki konsep belajar sambil bermain, seperti permainan snake ladder. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui efektifitas pemanfaatan media edukatif snake ladder terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan pada kader UKS di SD Negeri Pedurungan Tengah 02 Semarang. Metode : Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan quasy experiment melalui pendekatan one group pretest and post test design pada sampel 20 kader UKS. Uji statistik menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil : terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan kader UKS sebelum dan sesudah diberikan permainan edukatif snake ladder dengan perbandingan rerata sebesar 11,7 (pengetahuan cukup) dan sebesar 16,2 (pengetahuan baik), serta dengan p value  0,000.  Pembelajaran dengan media permainan edukatif snake ladder dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kader UKS. Kata Kunci : kader; usaha kesehatan sekolah; pengetahuan; snake ladder.THE USE OF SNAKE LADDER EDUCATIVE MEDIA IN IMPROVING KNOWLEDGE OF SCHOOL HEALTH UNIT AbstractSchool Health Unit cadre program is expected to improve the implementation of health at school. This function does not meet properly due to limitations of the understanding of job description. One of the learning steps that can increase the knowledge of School Health Unit cadres is using educational media that have the concept of learning while playing, such as snake ladder games. This study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of snake ladder educative media to increase knowledge of School Health Unit cadres at Pedurungan Tengah Elementary School 02 of Semarang. This study was quantitative research with quasy experiment through on-group pretest and post-test design approach in a sample of 20 UKS cadres. Statistical tests used Wilcoxon test. The result obtained that there was a difference in the knowledge of School Health Unit cadres before and after given the snake ladder educative media with an average ratio of 11.7 (enough knowledge) and 16.2 (good knowledge), and with a p value of 0,000. Learning with snake ladder educational game media can increase the knowledge of UKS cadres.Keywords: cadre; school health; knowledge; snake ladder.  

Alvin Abdillah

             Hernia postoperative pain is the sensation of pain felt by the patient's postoperative irritation caused by thestimulation of peripheral nerves along due to surgery. Fromthe results of the preliminary study in ward Irna A HospitalSyarifah Ambami Rato Ebu Bangkalan, it is found that thehigh incidence pain of postoperative hernia. The purpose ofthis study is to determine the effect before and after therapySEFT and listen Qur'an in patients with postoperativehernia in Irna ward A Hospital Syarifah Ambami Rato EbuBangkalan. The study design used "pre-experimental" approachwith one-group pre-post test design. Population estimates istaken 15 respondents and the samples were taken by 13respondents. Sampling technique was using a quotasampling independent variables of Research is therapeuticSEFT and listen Qur'an and the dependent variable ofresearch was pain of postoperative hernia. While the datacollection tool used observation sheets with numerical scaleof 0-10 with Wilcoxon statistical tests. The results showed that pain of postoperative herniaon the respondent before therapy was given SEFT andlistening reading the Qur'an 8 (61.5%) of respondents with amean of 3.08 experiencing severe pain, while the therapywas given after SEFT theraphy and listening to reading AlQur'an 6 ( 46.1%) of respondents with a mean of 1.23experiencing mild pain. Based on the results statisticallyusing the Wilcoxon, showed P Value: 0,002 <α: 0.05, whichmeans there were significant pain of postoperative herniabefore and after given therapy listening to the recitation ofAl-Qur'an.Based on the above results, that therapeutic SEFT and listen Qur'an is very effective in lowering pain of postoperativehernia. So when experiencing pain of postoperative hernia,respondents are expected to use the therapy SEFT andreading Al-Qur'an as a non-pharmacological solutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 331
Wahyudi Daud ◽  
Asri Nofa Rama

he objective of this study is to investigate the effects of using zoom conference system on students’ speaking skill. This research is classified into pre-experimental research that uses one group pre-test and post-test. In the one group pre-test and post-test design, a single group is measured or observed not only after being treatment, but also before the treatment. The data of this research analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS, version 24.0) where the data of this study include quantitative data, namely students speaking skill on pre-test and post-test. Therefore, the data are analyzed by using descriptive statistic, while to test the hypothesis, the researcher used Paired Sample t-test to draw the conclusion whether or not it is accepted. The finding revealed that Zoom conferencing strategy has a noteworthy impact on students’ Speaking Skill. The probability value (p value) is less than the level of significant which p value is 0.000 < 0.05 (alpha value). Means, there is difference mean score on pre-test and post-test in experimental class.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Iwan Samsugito

Nyeri adalah suatu keadaan respon dari seseorang akibat adanya kerusakan jaringan yang mempengaruhi seseorang dan eksistensinya diketahui bila seseorang pernah mengalaminya. Rangsangan nyeri diterima oleh nosireseptor dan dihantarkan ke otak, pada saat perawatan luka terjadi gesekan atau rangsangan pada nosireseptor sehingga setiap perawat melakukan perawatan luka selalu terjadi nyeri dari intensitas ringan sampai berat. Hipnoterapi adalah suatu metode terapi menggunakan hipnosis, yang membuat pasien merasa rileks dan pikiran bawah sadarnya aktif sehingga mudah menerima sugesti dan mengabaikan respon yang lain.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh hipnosis dalam mengurangi nyeri saat perawatan luka di RS. A. Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda. Jenis penilitian yang digunakan dengan metode quasi eksperiment dengan rancangan penelitian satu kelompok prepost-test design without control (the one group pre-post test design). Dengan populasi 16 responden, teknik pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling berdasarkan kreteria penelitian yang ditetapkan. Skala nyeri di ukur dengan dengan menggunakan Skala nyeri numerik rating scale (NRS). Analisa univariat menggunakan prosentase dan nilai rata-rata dan bivariat menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Hasil analisa data didapatkan nyeri pasien dengan luka setelah operasi sebelum dihipnosis terbanyak adalah nyeri sedang 56,25 %, sedangkan setelah dihipnosis mayoritas nyeri ringan sebanyak 93,75 %. berdasarkan hasil uji wilcoxon didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat perbedaan skala nyeri pasien setelah operasi sebelum dan sesudah dihipnosis dengan nilai p value 0,000 < a 0,005 . Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna nyeri pasien saat perawatan luka sebelum dan sesudah dihipnosis

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