scholarly journals Penilaian Greenship GBCI Dalam Penerapan Reuse Material Di Café Day N Nite Bandung

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Agung Prabowo Sulistiawan

AbstrakPenerapan penggunaan kembali barang bekas (reuse material) sebagai bahan bangunan di Indonesia menjadi sebuah upaya dalam mewujudkan arsitektur ramah lingkungan. Salah satu contoh penggunaan material bekas yaitu penggunaan material peti kemas atau kontainer bekas. Peti kemas bekas sangat mungkin dijadikan unit dasar dalam perencanaan dan perancangan arsitektur hunian maupun komersial. Peti kemas bekas mungkin bukan termasuk limbah yang merusak lingkungan, karena peti kemas bekas dapat digunakan kembali (reuse), dan didaur ulang (recycle). Oleh karena itu, material peti kemas yang digunakan kembali pada bangunan, menjadikan bangunan yang unik dan ramah lingkungan serta membantu melestarikan lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menilai bangunan Cafe Day n Nite Bandung yang menggunakan material peti kemas bekas berdasarkan kriteria Sumber dan Siklus Material pada Greenship Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). Dalam penelitian ini metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah metodologi kualitatif berupa survey lapangan dan wawancara. Analisa yang dilakukan merujuk pada kriteria Sumber dan Siklus Material menurut Greenship GBCI yang meliputi Refrigeran Foundamental, Penggunaan Gedung dan Material Bekas, Material Ramah Lingkungan, Penggunaan Refrigeran tanpa ODP, Kayu Bersertifikat, Material Prafabrikasi, dan Material Regional. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa Cafe Day n Nite Bandung memenuhi total presentase sebesar 79% penilaian berdasarkan kriteria Sumber dan Siklus Material pada Greenshp GBCI.Kata kunci: reuse material, peti kemas, ramah lingkungan ABSTRACTThe application of reuse of materials as building materials in Indonesia is an effort to create environmentally friendly architecture. One example of using used materials is the use of used container. Used containers are very likely to be used as a basic unit in planning and designing residential and commercial architecture. Used containers may not include waste that damages the environment, because used containers can be reused and recycled. Nonetheless, container materials that are reused in buildings can make a building unique and environmentally friendly and help preserve the environment.The purpose of this study is to identify and assess the Cafe Day n Nite Bandung buildings that use used container materials based on the Sources and Material Cycle criteria at the Greenship Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). In this study, the research methodology used is a qualitative methodology in the form of field surveys and interviews. The analysis was carried out from the criteria for Source and Material Cycles according to the GBCI Greenship including Foundamental Refrigerants, Use of Building and Used Materials, Environmentally Friendly Materials, Use of Refrigerants without ODP, Certified Wood, Prefabricated Materials, and Regional Materials. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that Cafe Day n Nite Bandung fulfills a total percentage of 79% of the assessment based on the Sources and Material Cycle criteria at Greenshp GBCI.Keywords: reuse material, used container, environmentally friendly

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-157
Deni Setiawan ◽  
Michael Kristianto Marbun

Implementation of "Green Building" in construction is the responsibility of all parties involved in the construction project. The Office of the Federal Environment Executive (OFEE) defines green buildings or green buildings as “the practice of increasing the efficiency by which buildings and their sites use energy, air, and materials, and reducing the impact of buildings on health and the environment, through better siting, design work. construction, operation and removal - maintenance of the complete building life cycle. (Kubba, 2017). At the planning and implementation stage of a construction project the selection of building materials or materials must be precise but also efficient. The concept of eco-efficiency was introduced in 1991 by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development - WBCSD and includes “the development of competitively priced products and services that meet the needs of the quality of human life, while progressively reducing impact on the environment and consumption of raw materials throughout the life cycle accordingly. with the capacity that is on planet earth. "This concept means producing more products with less resources and less waste, and therefore this concept has less impact on the environment. Then it is necessary to assess all the environmental impacts caused by the extraction of raw materials from the start of the material being given (cradle) to the end of its service life (tomb). The research objective is to develop environmentally friendly materials for problem solving materials, electricity and plumbing. The results of the analysis show that the mechanical, electrical, and piping materials used in the Maranatha Sport Center project have not met the 7 overall environmentally friendly criteria for the material-life-span stage, however, each material used has the main green criteria that have been self-declared by each. -Each material manufacturer.

Seyed Meysam Khoshnava ◽  
Raheleh Rostami ◽  
Rosli Mohamad Zin ◽  
Dalia Štreimikienė ◽  
Abbas Mardani ◽  

Conventional building materials (CBMs) made from non-renewable resources are the main source of indoor air contaminants, whose impact can extend from indoors to outdoors. Given their sustainable development (SD) prospect, green building materials (GBMs) with non-toxic, natural, and organic compounds have the potential to reduce their overall impacts on environmental and human health. In this regard, biocomposites as GBMs are environmentally friendly, safe, and recyclable materials and their replacement of CBMs reduces environmental impacts and human health concerns. This study aims to develop a model of fully hybrid bio-based biocomposite as non-structural GBMs and compare it with fully petroleum-based composite in terms of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and human health impacts. Using a small chamber test (American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)-D5116) for VOC investigation and SimaPro software modeling with the ReCiPe method for evaluating human health impacts. Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is used, and the results indicate that switching the fully hybrid bio-based biocomposite with the fully petroleum-based composite could reduce more than 50% impacts on human health in terms of indoor and outdoor. Our results indicate that the usage of biocomposite as GBMs can be an environmentally friendly solution for reducing the total indoor and outdoor impacts on human health.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Agung Sedayu

ABSTRACTMadrasah as educational institutions have an important role in creating a nation that has a religious character by having competencies that can solve problems in the community. Madrasah Aliyah is an educational institution that is supported by several complex physical building facilities. This study aims to analyze and evaluate in determining the priority of improving the performance of Madrasah Aliyah building facilities based on the principles of environmentally friendly building (Green Building). The object and location of the study were Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo East Java. The method used is multiple linear regression analysis which create mathematic model to evaluate adn predict the performance of madrasah facilities. Research data is based on perceptions of Madrasah users, namely teachers and students. The results showed that the 5 performance factors that have the highest priority include natural air conditioning, natural lighting, environmentally friendly building materials, alternative energy sourced from the sun, and wind energy alternatives. This result can be used as a recommendation for Madrasah managers to improve the performance of Madrasah building physical facilities.Key words : Priority, performance, building, madrasah, green buildingABSTRAKMadrasah sebagai lembaga pendidikan memiliki peran penting dalam mencetak generasi bangsa yang memiliki karakter religius dengan memiliki kompetensi yang mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan di masyarakat. Madrasah Aliyah adalah lembaga pendidikan yang didukung oleh beberapa fasilitas fisik bangunan gedung yang cukup kompleks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis dan evaluasi dalam menentukan prioritas peningkatan kinerja fasilitas bangunan Madrasah Aliyah dengan berbasis prinsip bangunan ramah lingkungan (green building). Objek dan lokasi penelitian adalah Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda yang menghasilkan model matematika yang dapat mengevaluasi dan memprediksi kinerja fasilitas madrasah. Data penelitian bersumber pada persepsi pengguna Madrasah yaitu guru dan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 5 faktor kinerja yang memiliki prioritas tertinggi meliputi penghawaan alami, penerangan alami, bahan bangunan yang ramah lingkungan, alternatif energi bersumber dari matahari, dan alternatif energi bersumber dari angin. Hasil ini dapat dijadikan rekomendasi bagi pengelola Madrasah untuk melakukan peningkatan kinerja fasilitas fisik bangunan Madrasah.Kata kunci : Prioritas, kinerja, bangunan, madrasah, green building

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 155
Agung Prabowo Sulistiawan ◽  
Arif Abdur Rahman ◽  
Gildan Kantona Hamdani ◽  
Gieztha Saniy Faisal ◽  
Arie Ilham Agustian

The development of buildings is one of the largest contributors to global warming. This regard has seen in the use of building materials derived from non-renewable natural resources and the use of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). Therefore, it needs the regulation regarding the use of materials in buildings that lead to environmental sustainability and tailored to the stages of building material procurement. This regulation can lead to the criteria of a green building. Hence, this study focuses more on Green Material Standards on a building according to Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) and the application of Green Material aspects in the case study of Aruna Dine and Coffee. The purposes of this study are to determine (1) Types of building materials used in Aruna Dine and Coffee Cafe in terms of environmentally friendly materials. (2) The types of building materials used in Aruna Dine and Coffee are in accordance with environmentally friendly materials standards. (3). Advantages and disadvantages of building materials used in the cafe Aruna Dine and Coffee. (4). What are the impacts of using building materials that used in Aruna Dine and Coffee Cafe. The methodology used in this study is qualitative descriptive methods by comparing the Green Material criteria derived from the Government's policy role as well as the role of Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI), which based on the procurement cycle of building materials. Firstly, the stage of research is selecting the object of study. Secondly, the method of data collection is in the form of observation, discussion, interview, and documentation. Thirdly, conduct data analysis using qualitative descriptive method. In this research focused on several aspects related to the aspect / category of Source & Material Cycle (MRC), in Greenship 2013 version 1.2. The result of analysis can conclude that Aruna Dine and Coffe get 5 points from 7 points of Material & Cycle Criterion (MRC), so that this building categorized in Green Building in term of green material. The results show that the concept of Green Building needed to reduce the environmental impact that can affect global warming. This study expected to be a scientific reference in designing green buildings with attention to concepts that can make the bad impact to environment. Keywords: Green Building, Green Material, Aruna Dine and Coffee Cafe. AbstrakPerkembangan bangunan merupakan salah satu sektor penyumbang terbesar terjadinya pemanasan global. Hal ini terlihat pada penggunaan material bangunan yang berasal dari sumber daya alam yang tak terbaharukan serta penggunaan Bahan Perusak Ozon (BPO). Untuk itu, diperlukan aturan yang jelas mengenai penggunaan material pada bangunan yang mengarahkan pada keberlanjutan lingkungan dan disesuaikan dengan tahapan pengadaan bangunan. Aturan ini kemudian dapat mengarah pada kriteria bangunan hijau/Green Building. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini lebih memfokuskan pada standar Green Material pada sebuah bangunan menurut Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) dan penerapan aspek Green Material pada bangunan studi kasus Aruna Dine and Coffee.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1). Jenis-jenis material bangunan yang digunakan pada Kafe Aruna Dine and Coffee ditinjau dari segi material ramah lingkungan. (2). Jenis  material-material bangunan yang digunakan pada kafe Aruna Dine and Coffee yang sudah sesuai standar material ramah lingkungan. (3). Kelebihan dan kekurangan material-material bangunan yang digunakan pada kafe Aruna Dine and Coffee. (4). Apa saja dampak penggunaan material-material bangunan yang digunakan pada kafe Aruna Dine and Coffee. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah deskriptiif kualitatif dengan cara membandingkan kriteria Green Material yang berasal dari peran kebijakan Pemerintah serta peran Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) yang didasarkan pada siklus pengadaan material bangunan. Pertama, tahapan penelitiannya adalah pemilihan objek studi. Kedua, metode pengambilan data dengan cara observasi, diskusi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Ketiga, analisis data dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan aspek/kategori Sumber & Siklus Material (MRC), dalam Greenship 2013 versi 1.2. Dari hasil analisa yang dilakukan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Kafe Aruna Dine and Coffe mendapatkan 5 poin dari 7 poin kriteria Sumber & Siklus Material (Material Resources & Cycle/MRC), sehingga bangunan tersebut dapat dikategorikan kedalam bangunan Green Building bila ditinjau dari segi materialnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konsep Green Building sangat diperlukan untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap pemanasan global. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan ilmiah dalam mendesain bangunan hijau  dengan  memperhatikan konsep yang tidak berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan.Kata Kunci : Green Building, Green Material, Kafe Aruna Dine and Coffe.

2021 ◽  
Hannah Rae Roth ◽  
Meghan Lewis ◽  
Liane Hancock

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Abraham Yezioro ◽  
Isaac Guedi Capeluto

Improving the energy efficiency of existing and new buildings is an important step towards achieving more sustainable environments. There are various methods for grading buildings that are required according to regulations in different places for green building certification. However, in new buildings, these rating systems are usually implemented at late design stages due to their complexity and lack of integration in the architectural design process, thus limiting the available options for improving their performance. In this paper, the model ENERGYui used for design and rating buildings in Israel is presented. One of its main advantages is that it can be used at any design stage, including the early ones. It requires information that is available at each stage only, as the additional necessary information is supplemented by the model. In this way, architects can design buildings in a way where they are aware of each design decision and its impact on their energy performance, while testing different design directions. ENERGYui rates the energy performance of each basic unit, as well as the entire building. The use of the model is demonstrated in two different scenarios: an office building in which basic architectural features such as form and orientation are tested from the very beginning, and a residential building in which the intervention focuses on its envelope, highlighting the possibilities of improving their design during the whole design process.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1025-1026 ◽  
pp. 1160-1163 ◽  
Yu Ri Gong ◽  
Sung Ho Tae ◽  
Seung Jun Roh

The purpose of this study is to propose a method of environment assessment in the field of building materials within Korea Green Building Certification (G-SEED). The method of environment assessment in the field of building materials was examined using LEED of the United States and BREEAM of the United Kingdom, the representative environment-friendly building certification systems in other countries. Especially, each revision of BREEAM was investigated for assessment methods such as environment assessment guidelines and assessment programs. In addition, assessment process and items were analyzed in relation to BREEAM. As a result, for environment assessment in the field of building materials within G-SEED, the method of connecting essential elements such as building material assessment guidelines and database networks with G-SEED was proposed.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Ranjit K. Nath ◽  
M. F. M. Zain ◽  
Abdul Amir H. Kadhum

The addition of a photocatalyst to ordinary building materials such as concrete creates environmentally friendly materials by which air pollution or pollution of the surface can be diminished. The use of LiNbO3photocatalyst in concrete material would be more beneficial since it can produce artificial photosynthesis in concrete. In these research photoassisted solid-gas phases reduction of carbon dioxide (artificial photosynthesis) was performed using a photocatalyst, LiNbO3, coated on concrete surface under illumination of UV-visible or sunlight and showed that LiNbO3achieved high conversion of CO2into products despite the low levels of band-gap light available. The high reaction efficiency of LiNbO3is explained by its strong remnant polarization (70 µC/cm2), allowing a longer lifetime of photoinduced carriers as well as an alternative reaction pathway. Due to the ease of usage and good photocatalytic efficiency, the research work done showed its potential application in pollution prevention.

2013 ◽  
Vol 357-360 ◽  
pp. 1070-1073
Bao Zhu Sheng

Building material is the base of civil engineering construction, in the history of thousands of years of development, building materials also gradually change and change, and is closely related to the progress of human civilization and the development of science and technology.Green building materials has the vital significance to the construction of a conservation-oriented society and sustainable development, in accordance with China's social development.This paper introduces the importance of the development of green building materials,analyzes some factors influencing the development of green building materials in China,and discusses the development tendency of green building materials in China.

2011 ◽  
Vol 280 ◽  
pp. 165-170
Shi Jin Wang

Green building materials as an important factor plays important role in the promote sustainable development. However, at present a unified understanding on the green building materials in China have not been formed,the evaluation system of green building materials is not perfect.In this paper,the concept and features of green building materials are discussed deeply,and life cycle model is used to evaluate the green building materials.The status and future trend of green building materials are discussed too.

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