2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 4
T. Sirianto ◽  
V. A. Bondarenko ◽  
S. N. Kaznacheeva

Introduction:in the article the authors turn to the question of the development of the social competence of the teacher on the basis of media education. In the society at the present stage there are many changes concerning the sphere of education, which put forward new and higher requirements for students, teachers and the educational process. In an information society focused on innovation, the rapid introduction of technological innovations, data exchange, students of schools and universities carry out through the Internet, various social media and various information resources. They can easily receive various information that they need to be able to correctly assess and interpret, and they can easily check the information they have received from the teacher, who in this situation ceases to be the only source of knowledge. These circumstances justify the increased demands on the teacher. Trained in their professional careers and in the process of life in the modern society will need to be constantly involved in the processes of consciousness, processing, rethinking and broadcasting (transfer) media texts. For this reason, media education is of paramount importance in modern society. In the current reality, the educator must have media literacy and train the students within the framework of the media education paradigm, in order to be successful in a professional way. The authors have considered the possibility of developing social competence of a teacher on the example of a state in South-East Asia - Indonesia, since this country shows a steady growth of those who want to get a higher education.Materials and methods: The methods of investigation were determined based on the tasks of the problem being solved. We used methods such as analysis of scientific sources, comparative analysis, a method of comparison and generalization.Results:the carried out research has allowed to reveal essence of concept of social competence; quality of the teacher; the role of media culture in the educational process; the role of spiritual and emotional intelligence; key aspects of emotional intelligence; Characteristics of a teacher with spiritual intelligence.Discussion and Conclusions: emotional and spiritual intelligence are interrelated with communicative ability of teachers. The social competence of the teacher in a modern, informative society, focused on innovation, in which students spend their free time with the involvement of various media, is possible in full on the platform of media education. The teacher should correspond to the time and self-improvement, be able to build literate communications in society, and also transfer skills to critically think, comprehend, create and broadcast various media texts. These qualities, in turn, will help them to fully adapt in the society and realize their professional career trajectory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 915-919
Krasimira Stefanova Petrova

Pre-school age is an intensive period in the life of a person which offers great potential for development. The dimensions of the impact of the social environment (children, parents and other adults) on the child’s personality are multifaceted. This accounts for the emphasis on social norms, goals and ideals. Education is the one factor that can best provide the socialization of adolescents.The changes in modern society have led to redefining the parenting patterns for bringing up children. The role of the family as an environment for transferring social experience has never lost its significance. Children need continuous care in order to handle societal failures; they need support for mastering the culture of behavior, as well as timely and appropriate help for ensuring conflict-free communication and for enabling them to take responsibility for their own choices and actions.Psychological studies show that various factors influence both the upbringing of children as well as the parents’ attitudes towardsthem. The relevant factors include: the childhood experiences of the parents; the unrealized needs of the parents; interpersonal relations in the family that are characterized by emotional depth and style that are considered to have established "a standard".The parameters of the actuality of the research problem are based on the interrelationship of the social and educational aspects that are related to the position of the child and his personal assertion in society:- Atpre-schoolage, thechildgraduallyfitsintothesocialsystem, whichistheresult of learningexperiences, actionsandrelationships, awarenessandrediscovery of theselfandtheworld of otherpeople.- Thechildbecomesaware of thenorms of behaviorandthemeaning of actions–their ownandother people’s - andlearns to takeresponsibilityfortheiractions.- Oneyearbeforeschool starts, the childdevelopstheability to accepttheposition of othersand to takeintoaccounttheirownandothers’perspective.- For a successfulpersonalrealization, itisimportantforchildren to havetheskills to worktogetherandcommunicatein a group. Thisisthecompetencethatdirectstheirbehaviortowardsco-ordination, co-operationandsynergy.The abovementioned specific features of the child's personality are the result of the intentional educational interactions between the kindergarten and the family and are related to the acquisition of knowledge, rules and norms, and of value-oriented patterns that define behavior. The foundations for thisare laid during the pre-school age and are considered the most stable and lasting, often referred to as the "basic personality structure". Along with them, the "behavioral potential" of the child, which is demonstrated at different ages, is shaped and developedthrough upbringing. Consequently, behavior is seen as a specific manifestation of the personality associated with its selective attitude towards the influence of various factors in the social environment. The direction of the educational activitiesinspires the motivation for personal behavior aiming at growth and self-actualization. Hence, the presence of a certain skill level which imposes a new approach to learning - replacing the mechanical reproduction with the acquisition of competences for and attitudes towards interaction in a changing environment. What is appropriate for achieving these goals is the applicationof functional models for cooperation, individualization and differentiation of the educational process. These ensure that the child is provided with conditions for activity and for mastering basic, sustainable rules for conscious participation and development that are important for the success of each of his activities. This is a type of social education that is achieved through exploring the social fabric andacquiring the skills for learning, choosing and communicating.

S Rajeswari ◽  
S K Panneer Selvam

UNESCO has identified various tensions and crisis of modern society and suggested 4 pillars to be constructed for strengthening the education system. These pillars are: “Learning to Know, Learning to Do, Learning to live together and Learning to be.”The importance of education has been realized by everyone and by every nation. It is quite evident that the strength of the country depends on the strength of education, which in turn depends on the strength efficiency of teachers and the process of teaching. According to Tagore, “The widest road leading to the solution of all our problems is education.” Intelligence is one of the main characteristics that results in individual differences among peoples. This has been attended by humans from many years ago (Bakhtiarpor, 2009). Although study about intelligence has focused on its cognitive aspects such as memory, problem-solving, emotional, social, and spiritual ability have been attended by authors. The role of intelligence tests in predicting academic performance that the effective psychosocial and mental sources has an important role in predicting academic achievement especially in the higher academic levels (Furnham, Chamorro, and Premuzic, 2004).

2020 ◽  
pp. 329-341
Grazia Romanazzi

Freedom, autonomy and responsibility are the ends of every educational process, especially in the modern society: globalized, rapid, in transformation; society in which each one of us is called to make numerous choices. Therefore, it is urgent to educate to choose and educate to the choice, so that young people can emancipate themselves from possible conditionings. To this end, the Montessori method represents a privileged way: child is free to choose his own activity and learns "to do by himself" soon; the teacher prepares the environment and the materials that allow the student to satisfy the educational needs of each period of inner development. Then, Montessori gives importance to adolescence because it is during this period that grows the social man. Consequently, it is important to reform the secondary school in order to acquire the autonomy that each student will apply to the subsequent school grades and to all areas of life

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Irina N. Mysliaeva ◽  

The article examines the causes and directions of transformation of the social functions of the state. The role of liberal ideology in changing the forms and methods of state social policy in the context of globalization is determined. The interrelation between specific measures of social support of the population and the interests of large transnational capital in modern society is revealed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 89-90 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 102-115
Natalia Evstafyeva ◽  
Irina Wagner ◽  
Yulia Grishaeva ◽  

The article deals with methodological aspects of the development of ecological culture of schoolchildren in a multicultural educational environment. The authors identify two acute problems in modern society – multiculturalism and ecology. The Russian Federation is a multicultural country. Multicultural education is aimed at preserving the diversity of Russian society, carries the potential and tool for protecting ethnic and national communities in a multi-ethnic Russia, promotes the integration of all territorial-economic, political and national-cultural communities into a single Russian nation, allows a person to adapt to a multicultural world, helps a person understand himself and the people around him and promote the social role of a cultural person in society. The authors consider the relationship between multiculturalism and ethnopedagogy, identify the main pedagogical approaches and principles of development of multicultural education. The article notes the importance of integration of two significant areas in education and in the world - ethnology and ecology. Together they make an ethno-cultural module and an eco-cultural module which form the values for the society sustainable development. The possibility of using the technology of project activity through the implementation of ethno-ecological projects of students is considered. The authors note that ethnoecological projects on the dominant activity of students can be of different directions: research, educational, creative or practical ones. The most effective way to work on projects is through the implementation of a system of eco-oriented multicultural project weeks. Authors pay an important attention to the projects aimed at studying the ethnoecological traditions of the native land, the peculiarities of its geography, climate, natural landscape, flora and fauna, reflected in folklore, folk crafts, cults, rituals, holidays, legends, myths, etc.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 163-175
Adrian Sonea ◽  
Ovidiu Niculae Bordean ◽  
Eugenia Câmpeanu Sonea

Both the authors’ previous experience and the devoted literature highlight the particular role of teacher-student communication for the quality of graduates’ professional development and education. The research presented herein is based on a sociological survey conducted in a large university from north-west Romania, on more than 600 Economics Master’s students.The chief goal of our research is to determine efficient ways to improve the student training provided by the master programmes in Economics, by means of a better stimulation on the part of the teachers, a more efficient teacher – student communication, a better quality of the teaching materials employed and a greater relevance of the educational content for the particular area of specialisation pursued.After an initial review of the material resulted from the sociological survey, we continued to analyse the results in relation to the tiers of the communication process, the role of groups in the learning process and of the education process in the development of emotional intelligence.Within the current phase of our study, the underlying hypotheses are:(1) The training of Economics and Business Administration students provides them with opportunities of professional specialisation, while developing skills and abilities useful in everyday life.(2) The students’ training in Economics also entails an implicit educational process, which supports the development of their emotional intelligence.(3) Multiculturalism bears manifold benefits, both in terms of specialist professional training and on graduates’ attitudes and behaviour in the social life.This study allowed us to validate the hypotheses and to draw some interesting conclusions for the education of students enrolled in the university surveyed.

S.A. Styazhkina

The article deals with the issues of criminological characteristics of female crime, analyzes the data of official statistics. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the causes and conditions of female crime. The paper substantiates the need to study women's crime, study its causes and conditions. The peculiarities of women's crime are determined by the gender status and the role of women in modern society. In this regard, the article analyzes the social characteristics and psychological characteristics of women in modern Russia. Special attention is paid to the prevention of women's crime. It is proposed to develop a national program for the prevention of women's crime. The program should be comprehensive in nature, and also contain a system of interaction between various bodies and services in the prevention of women's crime, ranging from educational institutions to law enforcement agencies.

А.А. Костригин

Изучалась биография и творчество выдающегося отечественного психолога, философа и представителя российского психологического зарубежья В.В. Зеньковского (1881-1962 гг.). Рассмотрены его ранний период эмиграции и работа в г. Белграде (Королевство сербов, хорватов и словенцев) и г. Праге (Чехословакия) (1920-1926 гг.). Проанализированы фундаментальные психологические идеи В.В. Зеньковского в общей, детской и педагогической психологии, сформулированные им в его монографии «Психология детства» (1924 г.) и курсах лекций «Педагогическая психология» (1924 г.) и «Курс общей психологии» (1925 г.) (на основе архивных материалов). Рассмотрены также его научные концепции в области теории и методологии психологии (структура психологической науки, строение душевной жизни, о ведущей роли эмоциональной сферы в психике человека), детской психологии (педологические основы психологии ребенка, задачи и методы детской психологии, проблемы понимания и самостоятельности феномена детства, роль игры в биологическом, психическом и социальном развитии ребенка) и педагогической психологии (социально-психологические основы педагогической психологии, социально-психологические феномены педагогического процесса, классификация социальных ролей ученика и учителя, психология поведения класса). В.В. Зеньковский представляется как оригинальный теоретик и методолог психологии, разработчик основ изучения психики ребенка, создатель социально-психологического подхода в педагогической психологии. Его концепции этого периода могут быть востребованы в настоящее время при решении методологических вопросов психологии, социально-психологических проблем педагогики, проблем социального воспитания личности, при изучении развития психических процессов и личности ребенка. The author refers to the biography and work of the outstanding Russian psychologist, philosopher and representative of the Russian psychological abroad community V.V. Zenkovsky (1881-1962 y.). The early emigration period of his life and work in Belgrade (the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) and Prague (Czechoslovakia) (1920-1926 y.) is considered. The author discusses the fundamental psychological ideas of V.V. Zenkovsky regarding general psychology, child psychology and pedagogical psychology, which he formulated at that time in his monograph “Psychology of Childhood” (1924) and lecture courses “Pedagogical Psychology” (1924) and “The Course of General Psychology” (1925) (based on archival materials). There are significant scientific concepts of V.V. Zenkovsky in the field of theory and methodology of psychology (the structure of psychological science, the structure of mental life, the leading role of the emotional sphere in the human psyche), child psychology (pedological foundations of child psychology, tasks and methods of child psychology, the problem of understanding and independence of the childhood phenomenon, the role of the game in biological, mental and social development of the child) and pedagogical psychology (social-psychological foundations of pedagogical psychology, social-psychological phenomena of educational process, the classification of social roles of student and teacher, the psychology of class behavior). V.V. Zenkovsky is presented as an original theoretician and methodologist of psychology, pedologist, developer of the basics of studying the child’s psyche and creator of the social-psychological approach in pedagogical psychology. Nowadays the analyzed concepts of the Russian psychologist can be demanded when solving methodological issues of psychology, social-psychological problems of pedagogics, problems of social education of a person, when studying and designing the development of child’s mental processes and personality.

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