2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 172-182
Jatmiko Indriyanto ◽  
Imam Bukhori ◽  
Eko Budihartono

Researchers began to research UKM, Tegal City Cooperative Service and region in Tegal City, researchers found in UKM, a location that has businesses in various places in the village, especially regarding UKM. However, many of these UKM locations are unknown to the public. One problem is the lack of data regarding the address and location of UKM. So now it is very much needed an android application using GIS and LBS that will facilitate and help the people of Tegal to be able to obtain data and find out more about UKM in the city of Tegal. Google Maps is an application on Android smartphones and computers that can be accessed via the internet so that Google Maps can display on Android. The purpose of this study is to facilitate the Tegal community to find information on locations, products, and UKM owners, based on a survey by researchers. The implementation of the UKM location mapping system in the city of Tegal will certainly make it easier for the people of Tegal to find data about the addresses and products of UKM in the city of Tegal. Because every data needed becomes more accurate, fast and efficient.

Юлия Сергеевна Овчинникова

В статье рассматривается специфика бытования музыкального фольклора теленгитов селения Язула Улаганского района Республики Алтай в условиях транзитивности (по материалам полевых исследований 2003 и 2019 гг.). Музыкальный фольклор теленгитов обособленного селения характеризуется полистадиальностью, «вероятностной» (поливекторной, нелинейно меняющейся) природой развития, увеличением культурного разнообразия и трансформацией моноязычной культурной среды в многоязычную в лингвистическом, музыкальном и бытовом планах. Каналами инокультурного влияния на интонационное поле теленгитской музыкальной традиции сегодня выступают радио, Интернет и телевидение, сельский клуб, доступная транспортная связь с городом, международные курултаи сказителей . При расширении сферы бытования различных форм фольклоризма (советского, российского, алтайского) песенная фольклорная традиция теленгитов продолжает существовать исключительно в обрядовом контексте (закрыто от глаз приезжих). Владение каем - особым типом интонирования, характерным для тюрков Горного Алтая, маркирующим их этнокультурную идентичность, - востребовано сегодня со стороны туристов, региональной администрации и общественности, что ведет к миграции носителей этой традиции из обособленных селений в центральные. Трансформация искусства кая обусловлена единым процессом глобализации/глокализации, переходом от традиционного контекста бытования к сценическому фольклоризму, проникновением инокультурных интонационных форм в звуковой ландшафт теленгитских селений. This article focuses on the current state of Telengit music culture in Yazula Village (Ulagan Region, Republic of Altai) in conditions of transitivity. The material presented is based on field studies in 2003 and 2019. The Telengit musical folklore of this territorially isolated village is characterized by polystadiality; the “probabilistic,” non-linear nature of its development; by an increase of cultural diversity; and by the transformation of a monolingual environment into a multi-lingual one in linguistic, musical and ontological terms. Channels for outside cultural influence on the intonational field of the Telengit musical tradition include: radio, television, the Internet, the local club, transportation to the city; and International Kurultai of storytellers. In the presence of different forms of folklore (Soviet, Russian, Altaian) performed in the village club, the village folksong tradition continues to live on exclusively in a ritual context (inaccessible to outsiders). The mastery of kai as a specific type of intonation, typical for the Turks of Gorny Altai, that marks their ethnocultural identity, is in demand today by tourists, regional administrations and the public. This leads to the migration of carriers of this tradition out of isolated settlements into more central ones. The transformation of the art of kai in modern Telengit culture is conditioned by the process of globalization/glocalization; by the change of kai’s function in a traditional context to that of staged folklorism; and by the penetration of other cultural intonational forms into the soundscape of Telengit villages.

Respati ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Erna Kumalasari Nurnawati ◽  
Milzam Hibatullah

INTISARIFasilitas umum adalah fasilitias yang diadakan untuk kepentingan umum, seperti jalan, angkutan umum, saluran air, jembatan, fly over, under pass, halte, alat penerangan umum, jaringan listrik, tempat ibadah, banjir kanal, trotoar, jalur busway, tempat pembuangan sampah, dan lain sebagainya. Fasilitas umum diberikan oleh pemerintah untuk menunjang kebutuhan aktivitas masyarakat sehari – hari. Setiap fasilitas umum yang dibangun, memiliki fungsi atau kegunaan yang berbeda – beda. Kenyamanan atau keamanan menjadi suatu hal penting untuk menunjang penggunaan setiap fasilitas umum.Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data yang diperoleh dari observasi dilapangan. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan observasi. Sistem Pengaduan Masyarakat untuk Melaporkan Kerusakan Fasilitas Umum Berbasis Perangkat Bergerak ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman JAVA, API, database MySQL, web server Apache, Google Maps Android API dan IDE Android Studio.Sistem pengaduan masyarakat untuk melaporkan kerusakan fasilitas umum berbasis perangkat bergerak ini dibangun dalam bentuk aplikasi Android. Sistem ini terbagi menjadi 2 aplikasi Android, antara lain aplikasi untuk masyarakat dan aplikasi untuk petugas. Aplikasi Android untuk masyarakat dibangun untuk melakukan pengaduan tentang kerusakan fasilitas umum  dengan mudah dan sederhana. Sedangkan aplikasi Android untuk petugas dibangun untuk membantu pengecekan terhadap laporan masyarakat dengan mudah dan tepat.Kata kunci— Fasilitas  umum, Sistem Pengaduan Masyarakat, Perangkat Bergerak.  ABSTRACTThe public facilities are facilities that provided for public purposes, such as road, public transport, waterways, bridge, fly over, under pass, bus stops, public lighting, power line, place of worship, canal flooding, sidewalks, busway lanes, laystall, etc. Public facilities provide by government to support daily activities of the people. Each of the public facilities has different functions or uses. Confortability or security becomes an importan thing to support the use of every public facility.Materials used in this research is the data that obtained from field observation . The methodology used is literature study and observation. Community Complaint System was built using the programming language JAVA, API, MySQL database, Apache web server, Google Maps Android API, and Android Studio IDE.                Community complaint system to report damage of public facilities based on mobile device was built in Android application. The Community Complaint System is divided into 2 Android applications, including application for community dan application for officer. Android application for community was built to complaint the damage of public facilites easily and simple. Whereas the Android application for officer was built to verify report from the people easily and accurate.Kata kunci— Public Facilities, Community Complaint System, Mobile Device

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Nurwan Nurwan ◽  
Ali Hadara ◽  
La Batia

ABSTRAK: Inti pokok masalah dalam penelitian ini meliputi latar belakang gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna, Faktor-faktor yang mendorong gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna, proses gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna dan akibat gerakan sosial masyarakat Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna? Latar belakang gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba yaitu keadaan kampungnya yang hanya terdiri dari beberapa kepala keluarga tiap kampung dan jarak yang jauh masing-masing kampung membuat keadaan masyarakatnya sulit untuk berkomnikasi dan tiap kampung hanya terdiri dari lima sampai dengan tujuh kepala keluarga saja. Kampung ini letaknya paling timur pulau Muna terbentang dari ujung kota Raha sekarang sampai kampung Wakuru yang saat ini. Kondisi ini juga yang menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab kampung ini kurang berkembang baik dibidang ekonomi, sosial politik, pendidikan maupun di bidang kebudayaan. Keadaan ini diperparah lagi dengan sifat dan karakter penduduknya yang masih sangat primitif. Faktor yang mendorong adanya gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna adalah adanya ketidaksesuaian antara keinginan pemerintah setempat dan masyarakat yang mendiami Kampung Labaluba pada waktu itu. Sedangkan proses gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna bermula ketika pemerintah seolah memaksakan kehendaknya kepada rakyat yang menyebabkan rakyat tidak setuju dengan kebijakan tersebut. Akibat yang ditimbulkan dari adanya gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna terbagi dua yaitu akibat positif dan akibat negatif.Kata Kunci: Gerakan Sosial, Factor dan Dampaknya ABSTRACT: The main issues in this study include the background of the social movement of Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District, Muna District, Factors that encourage social movements of Labaluba Kampung Sub-village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District, Muna District, the social movement process of Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District Muna Regency and due to Labaluba community social movements Kontumere Village Kabawo District Muna Regency? The background of the Labaluba Kampung community social movement is that the condition of the village consists of only a few heads of households per village and the distance of each village makes it difficult for the community to communicate and each village only consists of five to seven households. This village is located east of the island of Muna stretching from the edge of the city of Raha now to the current village of Wakuru. This condition is also one of the factors causing the village to be less developed in the economic, social political, educational and cultural fields. This situation is made worse by the very primitive nature and character of the population. The factor that motivated the existence of the social movement of Labaluba Village in Kontumere Village, Kabawo Subdistrict, Muna Regency was the mismatch between the wishes of the local government and the people who inhabited Labaluba Village at that time. While the process of social movements in Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo District, Muna Regency began when the government seemed to impose its will on the people, causing the people to disagree with the policy. The consequences arising from the existence of social movements in Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo District, Muna Regency are divided into two, namely positive and negative effects. Keywords: Social Movements, Factors and their Impacts

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (513) ◽  
pp. 420-434
M. S. Pasmor ◽  
S. V. Demchenko ◽  
D. V. Zaitseva ◽  

The topic of development and involvement of marketing instruments in business is relevant nowadays. In the era of the Internet, social networks and open information space, it is extremely important for companies and organizations to learn and implement new marketing instruments in order to utilize and fill the communication channels used by modern human in everyday life. Most marketing instruments, applied by the business environment before 2014–2016, are already becoming irrelevant due to the lack of feedback from the younger generation. From the off-line format, the interaction of business – buyer is increasingly moving to the on-line format. Thanks to the rapid development of digitalization in recent years, enterprises have received new channels of communication with their target audience, and, accordingly, new channels of communication and marketing instruments, which are covered in the publication. The article is aimed at theoretical studying the latest marketing instruments and analyzing their introduction into the creative industries of the city of Kharkiv. The latest marketing instruments are analyzed, examples of their use in the modern business environment of Ukraine are provided. Their adaptability is considered and recommendations for their use in commercial structures are made. Systematized and allocated are purely new marketing instruments used by business in the 21st century. The efficiency of their introduction into the activities of companies and organizations is substantiated and proved on specific examples. In addition, special attention is paid to the extended presentation of their use and disclosure of the essence on the example of the public organization «Kharkiv IT Cluster».

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Yevis Marty Oesman ◽  
Ida Farida Oesman

Balai Pertemuan Bumi Sangkuriang is one heritage building  in Bandung. However, its existence as a Heritage Building is still less known by the public in society Bandung. The attitude of the people of Bandung to Balai Pertemuan Bumi Sangkuriang just a meeting place that can only be visited by people of Bandung that are members of the society. This study aims to determine the attitude of the people of Bandung to the existence of Balai Pertemuan Bumi Sangkuriang as a heritage building. This study took a sample of 100 respondents by job. Data were processed using simple regression models.The results showed a significant influence on the attitude of the people in Bandung against BPBS Building existence as a Heritage Building. Perceptions of Attitudes Bandung society to Buildings BPBS rated Good. Similarly, public assessment of the existence of the building BPBS Bandung as a Heritage Building also rated Good.A good assessment of the attitude of the people of Bandung to the existence BPBS building as a heritage building, but managers still need to increase efforts to inform BPBS building as one of the heritage building in the city of Bandung. Keywords: Heritage building  , Attitude 

Stephen Lovell

This chapter tells the story of public speaking in Russia from the imposition of greater restrictions on the public sphere in 1867 through to the eve of Alexander II’s assassination in 1881. It shows that in this period the focus of the Russian public switched from the zemstvo to the courtroom, where a number of high-profile trials took place (and were reported, sometimes in stenographic detail, in the press). The chapter examines the careers and profiles of some of Russia’s leading courtroom orators. It also explores the activities of the Russian socialists (populists), in particular the ‘Going to the People’ movement of 1873–4 and later propaganda efforts in the city and the courtroom. It ends by considering the intensification of public discourse at the end of the 1870s: the Russo-Turkish War saw a surge of patriotic mobilization, but at the same time the populist adoption of terrorism seized public attention.

Patricia Ebrey ◽  
Margaret Meserve

This chapter explores the similarities and differences in methods of conveying information to common people in two societies where printing was coming into greater use — the huge agrarian empire of Song China (tenth to thirteen centuries) and the city of Renaissance Rome (fourteenth to fifteenth centuries). The Song material is strongest on the bureaucratic reasons for posting notices and the language used in them. Authors preserved hundreds of notices, probably seeing in them proof of their serious commitment to promoting the welfare of the people under them. The sources for notice-posting in Renaissance Rome are fuller on the practices associated with circulating notices throughout the city on church doors both by the papacy and by its critics, who sometimes posted satirical or contemptuous notices at the same sites. The posting of notices in Renaissance Rome was a bureaucratic practice that had strong ritualistic overtones, was often highly politicized, and therefore could easily be subverted by critics of the regime.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-235
Endang Suryana ◽  
M. Devi Adiansyah ◽  
Imami Fatimatun

Sukasari Urban Village is one of the villages located in the district Rajeg Tangerang District, Banten. Currently, the development of information technology very rapidly to take advantage of the android application system as enhancing the effectiveness and flexibility of activities to get the information, in this case related to the public service. It is important to get public information faster in the village Sukasari. Observations on public service activities in the Village Sukasari are less effective if it is not included with public service information applications based on Android. With information still use the public services at the village office mading so is difficult to get information society wards. Also the location of the residence community and urban village office to be the cause. By design kiForm app (android app) as a form of use of information technology will facilitate the public to get information public services wherever they are.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Saras Sarita ◽  
Siti Nurbayani

This study is about the changing role of traditional leaders called punyimbang in pepadun community. This research was conducted in the village of Terbanggi Besar, Terbanggi Besar District of Central Lampung regency. This research was motivated by the social and cultural changes taking place in society. The research is a qualitative research method of case study that compares difference conditions punyimbang role ago and today. The results of this study are firstly the social and cultural changes that occurred in the community so that the role punyimbang the first switch and always involved in every aspect of community life is starting at left, second, the factors that cause changes in this role is the modernization that began touching indigenous peoples pepadun village Terbanggi great so that people began to leave things that are traditional, third, these changes have an impact on the conflict in the community, due to the people lost figure punyimbang that exemplifies the good things that people are starting to do a lot of irregularities such as conflict between villages, spoliation, and the conflict between generations, fourth, related to the changing role of public response punyimbang happens is people still assume the existence punyimbang needed as long as there customary held by the public but does not bind as before.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Brintan Yonaka Dhea Dani ◽  
Baiq Farhatul Wahidah ◽  
Andang Syaifudin

<em>The potential of  Moringa tree related to health properties is still not fully utilized by the people in Pati. Mrs. Muryati, a resident of Kedungbulus Village, Gembong Subdistrict, Pati, was one of the residents who was moved to campaign for the use of Moringa leaves. The purpose of this study was to determine public perceptions about the potential of Moringa plants in the village of Kedungbulus Gembong Pati. This research uses survey methods which include: literature study, field observations, interviews using questionnaires, semistructure interview techniques and using random sampling techniques and purposive sampling. Random sampling sampling from the community taken randomly, while purposive sampling sampling from community leaders such as informants of production houses, village heads, shamans etc. The results obtained from the relationship between community and Moringa plants are explained from interviews with the public perception of  Moringa plants.</em>

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