scholarly journals Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Pakan Ternak dengan Kombinasi Proses Aerasi dan Biologi Aerob

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-256
Ketut Sumada ◽  
Novika Cahya Chaerani ◽  
Melandy Dwi Priambodo ◽  
Erwan Adi Saputro

ABSTRACT Wastewater is unclean and contains various substances that can risk the lives of humans and animals. This waste usually comes from the results of human actions (including industrialization). Industry must apply the principle of waste control in a careful and integrated system. Aeration is one of the most widely used techniques for improving the physical and chemical characteristics of wastewater. The aerobic microbiological wastewater treatment process utilizes aerobic microbial activity in aerobic conditions to decompose organic matter in wastewater into stable inorganic substances that don’t provide pollution impacts on the environment. This study determines the best time for the aeration process to reduce Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) or Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of animal feed wastewater and the volume ratio of waste, that is, the number of microorganisms to reduce COD and BOD of animal feed wastewater. The study results show that the longer the aeration contact time, the more significant the decrease in COD and BOD values. In addition, the greater the addition of microbial concentration, the more effective the reduction in COD and BOD values. Furthermore, the aeration process time with microbial concentration, which will produce the best COD and BOD reduction, is 6 hours. Unfortunately, the COD and BOD values ??still do not meet the wastewater quality standards in the aeration process. Still, with microbial concentrations, COD and BOD values ??reduction targets will be obtained in the aerobic biological process, following the wastewater quality standards. Finally, wastewater processing from the animal feed industry with a combination of aeration and aerobic biology can meet quality standards. Keywords: aerobic, anaerobic, animal feed, BOD, COD, wastewater   ABSTRAK Air limbah merupakan air yang tidak bersih atau yang mempunyai kandungan berbagai zat yang berbahaya bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan. Biasanya limbah dihasilkan dari kegiatan manusia (termasuk industrialisasi) sehingga sudah sepatutnya perindustrian mengelola hasil buangannya sesuai kaidah pengolahan limbah secara terpadu, efisien, dan efektif. Aerasi merupakan salah satu teknik yang paling banyak digunakan dalam perbaikan karakteristik fisik dan kimiawi air limbah. Terdapat berbagai proses pengolahan limbah di mana salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan aktivitas mikroba aerob untuk menguraikan zat organik dalam kondisi aerob menjadi zat anorganik yang stabil yang tidak mencemari lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui waktu terbaik proses aerasi terhadap penurunan Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) atau Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) limbah cair pakan ternak dan mengetahui rasio volume limbah, yaitu jumlah mikroorganisme terhadap penurunan COD dan BOD limbah cair pakan ternak. Kesimpulan hasil kajian yaitu waktu pengontakan aerasi semakin lama dan penambahan konsentrasi mikroba berpengaruh pada penurunan nilai COD dan BOD dengan penurunan terbaik didapatkan pada waktu 6 jam. Nilai COD dan BOD proses biologi aerob dengan penambahan konsentrasi mikroba pada proses aerasi dan kombinasi aerasi dan biologi aerob telah memenuhi standar baku mutu limbah tetapi pada proses aerasi belum. Kata kunci: aerob, anaerob, BOD, COD, limbah cair, pakan ternak

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-34
Ade Heri Mulyati ◽  
Leny Heliawati ◽  
Sutanto . ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Diana Widiastuti ◽  

Increased human activities will cause various problems, one of which is water pollution in water sources because it receives a pollution load that exceeds its carrying capacity. In the context of environmental conservation, the government has set quality standards for liquid waste produced by various industries and other activities in a Decree of the State Minister for the Environment. COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) is one of the most important parameters in wastewater quality standards. This study aims to validate the COD analysis method which refers to COD Thermoreactor System (LOVIBOND brand) at Pakuan University Service Laboratory, to ensure the validity of COD analysis results at Pakuan University Service Laboratory. Spectrodirect COD analysis method provides results that meet the requirements of accuracy, precision, LOD, and LOQ which is quite good. The results of the Coefficient of Variation give good results with a value of 1.8841% indicating the accuracy of the analysis method is good. The accuracy parameter also gives good results and meets the requirements with a% recovery value of 98.70351%. Overall, it can be stated that the spectrodirect analysis method tested is an accurate, precise, simple, and economical method for determining COD levels

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-186 ◽  
Gamze Dalgic ◽  
Ilter Turkdogan ◽  
Kaan Yetilmezsoy ◽  
Emel Kocak

The study investigated the pretreatment of real paracetamol (PCT) wastewater of a pharmaceutical industry by Fenton process. At the best experimental conditions (COD/H2O2 = 1/1, Fe+2/H2O2 = 1/70, settling method:centrifuging, pH 6 at settling step), 92.7, 92.7, 95.5, 99.1, 99.9 and 99.4% of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), 5-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), PCT, para-amino phenol (PAP) and aniline were removed, respectively. Changes in the concentrations of these parameters were also investigated for both oxidation and settling steps of Fenton process. It was found that COD and TOC were removed at the settling step (precipitation) whereas PCT, PAP and aniline were removed at the oxidation step. Mass balance calculations were also studied to show the mass distributions of COD in different phases (gas + foam, effluent and sludge). Fenton process was found as an effective method for the pretreatment of real PCT wastewater for discharging in a determined collective treatment plant.

Jurnal Ecolab ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-109
Dewi Ratnaningsih ◽  
Retno Puji Lestari ◽  
Ernawita Nazir

Kualitas air di suatu wilayah yang merupakan salah satu indikator lingkungan dapat dievaluasi menggunakan parameter fisika, kimia, dan biologi. Indeks Kualitas Air Indonesia (IKA-INA) dapat digunakan untuk menilai kondisi kualitas air secara menyeluruh pada lokasi dan waktu tertentu. IKA-INA dihitung dengan menggunakan sepuluh (10) parameter yaitu pH, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), NO3, NH3, Total Phosphate (TP) dan fecal coliform. IKA-INA tersebut merupakan indeks kualitas air yang dapat memberikan informasi secara sederhana. Dalam pemanfaatannya, tidak semua data parameter dalam IKA-INA tersebut dapat terpenuhi karena adanya data tidak valid atau data yang hilang. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memberi alternatif rumusan IKA-INA dengan parameter yang tidak lengkap atau jika tidak semua data dalam parameters tersebut tersedia. Metode yang digunakan dalam menyusun rumusan adalah dengan melakukan koreksi faktor bobot parameter IKA-INA terhadap parameter yang hilang dan nilai Q (nilai sub-indeks). Setelah itu dilakukan uji coba pada nilai baku mutu air dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No. 22/2021 Lampiran VI serta pada data kualitas air sungai yang mewakili kualitas baik dan buruk. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa bobot parameter terkoreksi dapat digunakan untuk penanganan parameter yang hilang dalam penilaian kualitas air dengan metode IKA-INA. Hasil IKA-INA dengan parameter hilang yang menggunakan bobot terkoreksi dan hasil IKA-INA dengan parameter lengkap mayoritas memberikan status IKA yang tidak berbeda, kecuali untuk parameter fecal coli dan parameter yang mempunyai kadar jauh berbeda terhadap kondisi air secara keseluruhan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-306
Erick Samuel Frederico Hasibuan ◽  
Endang Supriyantini ◽  
Sunaryo Sunaryo

Perairan Silugonggo merupakan area pemukiman warga dengan banyak aktivitas perikanan dan kelautan seperti: pertambakan, industri perikanan dan merupakan alur pelayaran. Tingginya aktivitas pemukiman dan industri akan menghasilkan limbah organik dalam jumlah besar. Bahan organik yang melimpah dapat menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan bahan organik di perairan sungai Silugonggo, Kecamatan Juwana, Kabupaten Pati. Kandungan bahan organik diketahui melalui analisis parameter TOM (Total Organic Matter), BOD5 (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) dan COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). Pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 Desember 2019 dan 20 Januari 2020. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kasus dengan pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan dan penentuan lokasi penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil pengukuran parameter penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai TOM sebesar 8,11 – 11,9 mg/L. Hasil pengukuran parameter (a) BOD5 sebesar 8,07 – 24,66 mg/L dan (b) COD sebesar 26,04 – 79,21 mg/L, hasil tersebut berada di bawah baku mutu yang ditetapkan menurut Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 51 Tahun 2004 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah. Tingginya nilai TOM dikarenakan banyaknya masukan limbah bahan organik dari aktivitas di perairan sungai Silugonggo, seperti: pertambakan, industri perikanan, dan alur pelayaran. Silugonggo waters is a residential area with many fishery and marine activities such as: aquaculture, fishing industry and shipping lanes. High residential and industrial activities will produce large amounts of organic waste. Abundant organic matter can cause environmental pollution. This study aims to determine the content of organic matter in the waters of the Silugonggo River, Juwana District, Pati Regency. The content of organic matter is known through parameter analysis of TOM (Total Organic Matter), BOD5 (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). Sampling was carried out on December 20, 2019 and January 20, 2020. The method used in this study used the method of direct observation in the field and the date of the research location using the purposive sampling method. The results of the measurement of research parameters were analyzed using analysis of variance. The results showed that the TOM value was 8.11–11.9 mg/L. Parameter measurement results (a) BOD5 of 8.07–24.66 mg/L and (b) COD of 26.04–79.21 mg/L, these results are below the quality standard stipulated according to the Decree of the Minister of the Environment No. 51 of 2004 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards. The high value of TOM is due to the large number of inputs of organic matter from activities in the waters of the Silugonggo river, such as: aquaculture, fishing industry, and shipping lanes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 153-162
Nada M. Al-Baghdadi ◽  
Abdulaziz M. Abdullah ◽  
Entisar N. Sultan

The current study has evaluated Shatt Al-Arab water using organic pollution index. The study included three stations, the first Al-Sharash, the second Al-Salhiya and the third area Al-Dweab. Water samples were monthly collected from December 2017 to November 2018. Five environmental parameters were used to calculate the organic pollution index (OPI) including Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Active nitrate (NO3), Ammonium ion (NH4) and Total Phosphate (TP). The highest biological oxygen demand was 9 mg.l-1 at Al-Sharash station in July and the lowest values 1mg.l-1 in the Al- Dweab station during December, January, February and April. The highest chemical oxygen demand (250 mg.l-1 was recorded at Al-Sharash station in September and the lowest value was 6.2 mg.l-1 in Al-Dweab station during December. Nitrates was recorded the highest value 41.51 mg nitrogen-nitrate.l-1 at Al-Salhiya station in May and lowest value 1.49 mg nitrogen- nitrate.l-1 at Al-Sharash station during December. The ammonium ion was recorded in highest value 7.7 mg.l-1 at Al- Salhiya station in December and the lowest value 0.5 mg. l-1 at Al-Sharash station during June, while phosphate value was 0.23 and 1.99 mg.l-1 were recorded at Al-Sharash station in August and July respectively. The highest value of organic pollution index was 2.56 at Al-Salihiya station in August and lowest value 0.69 in the Al-Dweab station in April, while the annual rate of organic pollution index for the first, second and third stations were 1.55, 1.81 and 1.47 respectively, and 1.61 for Shatt Al-Arab water.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-138
Hafasatya Maharani Putri ◽  
Sri Puji Saraswati ◽  
Johan Syafri Mahathir

Sebuah Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) di asrama mahasiswi UGM, Yogyakarta memiliki unit reaktor yang terdiri dari ekualisasi, aerasi 1, aerasi 2 dan clarifier dengan proses aerasi secara intermiten menggunakan Microbubble Generator (MBG) dengan fase aerasi dan tanpa aerasi masing-masing selama 15 menit. IPAL tersebut dibangun sebagai upaya dalam memenuhi standar Green Building bagi bangunan lama asrama di UGM untuk mengolah air limbah grey water. Hasil olahan air limbah akan dimanfaatkan di lingkungan asrama. Selama 208 hari beroperasi, kajian mengenai performa IPAL belum pernah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kajian untuk mengetahui performa dan konsumsi energi pada IPAL dalam menyisihkan parameter pencemar berupa COD, nitrogen dan fosfat. Kajian dilakukan selama 81 hari pengamatan dengan menguji parameter kualitas air limbah pada setiap unit pengolahan. Parameter COD dan amonia telah memenuhi baku mutu Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan No. 68 Tahun 2016 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Domestik, sedangkan parameter fosfat masih belum memenuhi baku mutu Peraturan Daerah D.I.Y. No.7 Tahun 2016 mengenai kegiatan IPAL Komunal. Hasil pengamatan pada performa IPAL, menunjukkan kedua tangki aerasi memiliki performa yang hampir sama, namun keberadaan tangki aerasi 2 tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam menyisihkan parameter pencemar. Pada tangki aerasi 1, efisiensi penyisihan COD mencapai rata-rata sebesar 73,6±17,46%, penyisihan PO4-P sebesar 39,12±14,96%, penyisihan total nitrogen sebesar 56,15±19,6%, efisiensi nitrifikasi sebesar 73,1±20.07% dan efisiensi denitrifikasi sebesar 61,72±27,48%. Total konsumsi energi pada IPAL dengan proses aerasi intermiten, dengan debit rerata 537,84 l/hari sebesar 14,12 kWh/m3 dan biaya sebesar Rp. 20.414/m3. Urutan konsumsi energi terbesar adalah penyisihan fosfat sebesar 5,10 kWh/gPO4-P, kemudian penyisihan amonia sebesar 1,79 kWh/gNH3-N, penyisihan TN sebesar 1,95 kWh/gTN dan penyisihan COD sebesar 0,45 kWh/gCOD. ABSTRACTA Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in the student dormitory of UGM, Yogyakarta has a reactor unit consists of an equalization, aeration 1, aeration 2, and clarifier with intermittent aeration process using a Microbubble Generator (MBG) with or without aeration for 15 minutes each. The WWTP was built as an effort to meet the Green Building standards for the old dormitory at UGM to make better process of grey water. The processed wastewater will be used for the dormitory environment. Operated for 208 days, there was no former studies for the WWTP.  Therefore, a study is needed to determine performance and energy consumption of the WWTP in removing pollutant parameters consisting of COD, nitrogen and phosphate. The study was carried out for 81 days of observation by testing the wastewater quality parameters in each treatment unit. COD and ammonia parameters have met the quality standards of the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 68 of 2016 concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards, while phosphate doesn’t meet the quality standards of Regional Regulation D.I.Y. No. 7 of 2016 concerning Communal WWTP Activities. Results shows the performance from two aeration tanks are almost the same, but the existence of aeration tank 2 doesn’t have a significant effect. The results in aeration tank 1 showed the COD removal efficiency reached an average of 73.6±17.46%, PO4-P removal 39.12±14.96%, total nitrogen removal 56.15±19.6%, the nitrification efficiency 73.1±20.07%  the denitrification efficiency 61.72±27.48%. The total energy consumption with intermittent aeration process with an average discharge of 537.84 l/day is 14.12 kWh/m3 and a cost of Rp. 20,414/m3 with the largest energy use being phosphate removal at 5.10 kWh/gPO4-P, then ammonia removal at 1.79 kWh/gNH3-N, TN removal at 1.95 kWh/gTN and COD removal at 0.45 kWh/gCOD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 538-549
Maoqing Duan ◽  
Xia Du ◽  
Wenqi Peng ◽  
Cuiling Jiang ◽  
Shijie Zhang

Abstract In northern China, river water originating from or flowing through forests often contains large amounts of oxygen-consuming organic substances, mainly humic substances. These substances are stable and not easily biodegradable, resulting in very high detection values of chemical oxygen demand. However, under natural conditions, the dissolved oxygen demand is not as high. Using experimental values to evaluate river water quality and the impact of human activities on water quality is thus unscientific and does not meet national development goals. In this study, the potential sources of high-concentration chemical oxygen demand in river water in two areas exposed to virtually no anthropogenic activities and strongly affected by humic substances, were analysed. The chemical oxygen demand contributed by humic substances (COD-HSs) was quantified using three methods. The results of water quality monitoring in 2017 and 2018 revealed that the chemical oxygen demand concentrations (5–44 mg/L) predominantly exceeded the standard (15 mg/L). The study results suggest that COD-HSs should be considered separately for objective evaluation and management of water quality, particularly in areas that are seriously affected by COD-HSs, to provide a scientific basis for formulating sustainable water quality management policies.

2006 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-157 ◽  
F. Grognard ◽  
O. Bernard

This paper presents a saturated proportional controller that achieves depollution of wastewater in a continuous anaerobic digester. This goal is reached by defining a region of the state-space where the depollution is achieved and forcing attractivity and invariance of this region. The control variable is the dilution rate and the controlled variable is a linear combination (Sλ) of the substrates concentrations, that could be the chemical oxygen demand or the biological oxygen demand, depending on the value of λ. No measurement of the substrates concentrations in the input flow is required: the only necessary measurement is Sλ.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-62
Sigma Wahyuni ◽  
Sugito Sugito

Limbah cair PT. Interbat berasal dari kegiatan domestik meliputi laundry (menggunakan detergen bebas phospat), kegiatan hygiene personal (mandi, keramas dan cuci tangan), kegiatan dapur dan kantin, toilet/WC (buang air), kegiatan kebersihan (pembersihan lantai dan kamar mandi); kegiatan produksi (penisilin, sefalosporin, dan non betalaktam) dan laboratorium meliputi pencucian alat-alat produksi dan alat laboratorium, pencucian botol, air cucian vial, air buangan dari wet scrubber HVAC (sistem tata udara). Beban dan jumlah limbah cair yang masuk dalam IPAL sentral PT. Interbat sering mengalami fluktuasi konsentrasi dan fluktuasi jumlah air. Sehingga beberapa kali hasil olahan tidak memenuhi standart baku mutu Pergub Jatim No. 72 Tahun 2013 untuk industri farmasi. Teknologi sistem biofilter anaerobik aerobik telah banyak dimanfaatkan untuk mengolah limbah cair dan dapat menurunkan BOD dan COD hingga 95%. Salah satu kelebihan teknologi ini adalah tahan terhadap fluktuasi jumlah air limbah maupun fluktuasi konsentrasi. Bahan koagulan digunakan pada aplikasi ini untuk membantu proses pengikatan padatan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini akan dikaji tentang pengaruh penggunaan koagulan pada biofilter anaerobik aerobik dalam menurunkan COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) dan BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) limbah cair industri farmasi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data sekunder, survei lapangan, perhitungan reaktor, dokumentasi, kajian literatur dan analisis laboratorium. Dimensi reaktor biofilter anaerobik aerobik dalam penelitian ini adalah skala 1:10. Debit air limbah pada skala 1:10 adalah sebesar 50ml/menit. Digunakan tambahan koagulant dengan variasi 0 ppm (tanpa), 200 ppm dan 300 ppm. Rata-rata efisiensi penurunan COD dan BOD dalam penelitian ini pada dosis tanpa penambahan koagulan penurunan COD sebesar 60% dan BOD sebesar 60%; pada dosis koagulan 200 ppm penurunan COD sebesar 54% dan BOD sebesar 46%; dan pada dosis koagulan 300 ppm penurunan COD sebesar 67% dan BOD sebesar 65%. Kemampuan dalam efisiensi penurunan COD dan BOD tertinggi dalam penelitian ini adalah pada koagulan dosis 300 ppm. Hasil COD dan BOD outlet adalah COD outlet sebesar 67 mg/l dan BOD outlet sebersar 49 mg/l. Bila dibandingkan dengan Pergub Jatim No.72 Tahun 2013 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Bagi Industri Dan/Atau Kegiatan Usaha Lainnya, maka hasil COD dan BOD outlet sudah dibawah baku mutu. Kata Kunci : Biofilter anaerobik aerobik, koagulan, PAC, COD, BOD

LaGeografia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Muhammad Musawantoro ◽  
Mustifa Shafany

The importance of research is to provide a description of wastewater content in Makassar polytechnics in the kitchen, through  experimental research methods, by taking wastewater samples from practical kitchens, laboratory test results provide results data obtained from chemical Oxygen Demand supply, wastewater discharged directly into sewers Will not meet the requirements for wastewater quality standards. The wastewater treatment model in polytechnics is still not feasible and is not environmentally friendly, steps need to be taken to make wastewater installations.

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