scholarly journals Evaluation of the implementation of the sekolah penggerak curriculum using the context, input, process and product evaluation model in high schools

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 377
Anggarda Paramita Muji ◽  
Nurhizrah Gistituati ◽  
Alwen Bentri ◽  
Fris Okta Falma

Learning evaluation is to find out how far the progress, development, and success of students after carrying out the learning process within the specified time period is, including the evaluation of the innovative learning curriculum, namely the <em>sekolah penggerak</em> curriculum. The purpose of this study is to describe the evaluation of the school curriculum using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) evaluation model. Qualitative research designed in the form of case study research. The research subjects were the principal, curriculum representative, and school supervisor. Determination of research subjects was carried out purposively. Data collection techniques using observation sheets and data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics. Research findings using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) is seen from the Context, Input, Process and Product aspects that the implementation of the <em>sekolah penggerak</em> curriculum is in accordance with the learning objectives. The implementation of this curriculum innovation is expected to have an impact on the quality of learning outcomes, the quality of the main competencies, the quality of teachers, the acceleration of school digitization and the profile of Pancasila students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 663
I Gede Astawan ◽  
I Wayan Widiana ◽  
Muh Arafik

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, various changes have occurred in the world of education. Teachers are required to be able to develop online learning so that learning activities can run smoothly. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of online learning in universities. The research subjects were lecturers totalling 22 people. The research object includes the effectiveness of online learning programs in terms of context, input, process, and product. The approach used in this study is evaluative. The research model design used is the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process and Product Evaluation Model). The data were analyzed descriptively by calculating the percentage. Next, the data were analyzed by the T-Score formula. The level of effectiveness of online learning was analyzed through the quadrant of the "Glickman" model. The results of data analysis showed that online learning in PGSD, in terms of context, descriptively classified as very good, with an effectiveness percentage of 18.18%. Online learning at PGSD Undiksha in terms of input, descriptively is very good, with an effectiveness percentage of 0%. In terms of process, online learning at PGSD Undiksha is descriptively classified as very good, with an effectiveness percentage of -9.09%. In terms of products, online learning at PGSD Undiksha descriptively is classified as very good, with an effectiveness percentage of 18.18%. It can be concluded that the online learning that has been held is excellent and effective.

Khalif Ashhabul Umam ◽  
Iip Saripah

Evaluation of training program is made to establish the achievement of program objectives and to provide recommendations for program improvements. In this article, use of the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation model in training programs is discussed. It is an evaluation research, with a descriptive quantitative approach involving 16 training program participants as research subjects. The data collection techniques were based on questionnaires as the main instrument, with interview guides and observation guidelines as supporting instruments. The data analysis was made by comparing the scores obtained with the ideal score and multiplying by 100%; the results of these calculations were then grouped into a number of criteria that had been established. The results of the study indicate that the context dimension consisting of training objectives, training needs assessment, and state agency program organizers obtained a PE (Percentage of Effectiveness) score of 75.04%, placing it in the "fair" criterion. In the input dimension, consisting of participant description , instructor condition, infrastructure, training curriculum and instructional media, the PE score was 79.44% again in the "fair" criterion. In the process dimension, comprising lecture method, discussion method, demonstration method, question and answer method, practice method, field visiting method and evaluation of learning outcomes, the PE score obtained was 78.75%, which was also in the "fair" criterion. Finally, in the product dimension of knowledge aspect, attitude aspect and skill aspect, the PE score was 82.29%, in the “good" criterion. Based on the results of the dimension evaluation, the total PE score obtained was 78.88%, or overall in the "fair" criterion. It can be concluded that in general the execution of this training program was successful, so it is recommended that similar programs be conducted again, with some improvements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-33
Tintin Retno Pramesti ◽  
Rita Retnowati ◽  
Dolly Priatna

Forest restoration is needed to improve the condition of degraded ecosystems and boost up the ecological services. The existence of forest areas, especially in Indonesia, cannot be separated from the livelihoods of the people living around them. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the feasabiluty of the community-based forest restoration programme, implemented by the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Agency (BBGGPNP) and its partners, is feasible and can support efforts to restore forest ecosystem functioning and build community independence in managing the forest ecosystem. This study used the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) method. This is an evaluation model which provides an analytical and rational basis for programme decision-making, based on a cycle of planning, structuring, implementing and reviewing and revising decisions, examined through a different aspect of evaluation –context, input, process and product evaluation. Data were obtained from field observations, interviews and document analysis. Aspects of the programme ‘Context’ were found to be categorized as good and can become the basis for programme implementation, Programme ‘Inputs’ were also determined to be good, and fulfilled the criteria required to support the achievement of programme objectives. The ‘Process’ aspects were found to be sufficient, with key areas for improvement included the need for better coordination with partners and the need to respond to technical restoration requirements by adjusting the area of land to be restored, the number of trees to be planted, and by considering the technical rule of restoration. The ‘Product’ aspect of the programme were shown to be good, is shown by the achievement of the target amount and growth of trees and the increased capacity of human resources as well as the development of independent businesses in the ex-encroachers who were the programme participants. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the community-based forest restoration programme such as conducted by the GGPNP Agency is feasible and can be implemented in similar sites.Restorasi hutan diperlukan untuk memperbaiki fungsi ekosistem hutan yang terdegradasi. Keberadaan kawasan hutan, khususnya di Indonesia, tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan penghidupan masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi apakah program restorasi hutan berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh Balai Besar Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (BBTNGGP) bersama mitranya, layak serta dapat mendukung upaya pemulihan ekosistem dan membangun kemandirian masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode CIPP, yaitu model evaluasi pada aspek Context, Input, Process dan Product. Data diperoleh dari hasil observasi lapangan, wawancara dan analisa dokumen. Berdasarkan analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program restorasi hutan berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat layak untuk diterapkan sebagai upaya memulihkan ekosistem dan membangun kemandirian masyarakat di sekitar hutan. Aspek Konteks program berkategori baik dan dapat menjadi dasar utama pelaksanaan program, Aspek Input program baik, telah memenuhi kriteria yang mendukung tercapainya tujuan program, Aspek Proses berkategori cukup, perlu melakukan koordinasi yang lebih baik dengan pihak mitra untuk lebih berkomitmen dan perlu untuk melakukan penyesuaian antara target luasan lahan yang direstorasi dengan jumlah pohon yang ditanam dengan mempertimbangkan aturan teknis restorasi. Aspek Produk berkategori baik ditunjukkan dengan tercapainya target jumlah dan pertumbuhan pohon dan meningkatnya kapasitas SDM serta terbangunnya usaha mandiri pada masyarakat eks perambah yang menjadi peserta program.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Roudlotus Sholikhah ◽  
Soenarto Soenarto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) relevansi pelaksanaan Program Talent Scouting Guru SMK tahun 2013 ditinjau dari aspek konteks; (2) kesesuaian pelaksanaan Program Talent Scouting Guru SMK tahun 2013 ditinjau dari aspek input; (3) efektifitas pelaksanaan Program Talent Scouting Guru SMK tahun 2013 ditinjau dari aspek proses; dan (4) pencapaian hasil pelaksanaan Program Talent Scouting Guru SMK tahun 2013 ditinjau dari aspek produk. Jenis penilitian ini adalah evaluasi program dengan model evaluasi CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Hasil penelitian: (1) pencapaian relevansi program termasuk dalam kategori “sangat relevan” dengan persentase pencapaian 85%; (2) kesesuaian input SMK sasaran program, peserta program dan penyelenggara program termasuk dalam kategori “sesuai” dengan persentase pencapaian 76,38%; (3) keefektifan proses sosialisasi, seleksi dan pembekalan, proses pelaksanaan program serta proses monitoring dan pelaporan termasuk dalam kategori “efektif” dengan persentase pencapaian 74,52%; (4) pencapaian produk teaching dan non teaching termasuk dalam kategori “sangat tercapai” dengan persentase pencapaian 84,35%. AN EVALUATION OF THE TALENT SCOUTING PROGRAM FOR SMK TEACHERS IN 2013 DIREKTORAT P2TK DIKMEN KEMDIKBUDAbstractThis study aims to know: (1) the relevance of the Talent Scouting program for SMK teachers in 2013 in terms of the aspect of context, (2) the appropriateness of the Talent Scouting program for SMK teacher in 2013 in terms of the aspect of input, (3) the effectiveness of the Talent Scouting program for SMK teacher in 2013 in terms of the aspect of process, and (4) the attainment of the Talent Scouting program for SMK teacher in 2013 in terms of the aspect of product. This research is an evaluation of the program using CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model. The results of this study: (1) the relevance of the program achievement is included in the category of “very relevant” with the achievement percentage of 85%, (2) the input appropriateness of vocational program targets, program participants and program providers are included in the category of “appropriate” with the percentage achieved is 76.38%, (3) the effectiveness of the process of socialization, selection and provisioning, implementation process, monitoring and reporting process are included in the category of “effective” with the achievement percentage of 74.52%, (4) teaching and non-teaching product attainment are included in the category of ”very attainable” with the achievement percentage of 84.35%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Sapira Sapira ◽  
Haratua Tiur Maria Silitonga ◽  
Syukran Mursyid

This research aims to present the evaluation result of a remedial program using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model based on Technical Guidance by High School Directorate year 2010 in Physics Study in SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu. This study is evaluative research with a descriptive quantitative approach. The data collection techniques used are by employing a questionnaire to the students of the MIA (Mathematics and Natural Sciences) Program, interviews with the school principal, deputy head of curriculum, and one teacher of Physics, as well as documentation. The research data analysis is through steps such as data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The data validation techniques used are the source and technique triangulation. The findings showed that (1) context evaluation carried out results in a percentage of 74.73%, categorized as sufficient. (2) Input evaluation carried out results in a rate of 56.88%, classified as low. (3) Process evaluation conducted results in a value of 74.07%, categorized as sufficient. (4) Product evaluation administered results in a percentage of 78.70%, categorized as high. The overall score of assessment on the remedial program in Physic instructions using CIPP evaluation is 71,09% with a category corresponding to the technical guidelines for the remedial program by the directorate of high school development year 2010. Therefore, this research is expected to contribute to improvements in remedial programs as a continuous effort in improving the quality of education programs.Keywords: CIPP Model, Evaluation, Remedial Program

Ni Luh Putu Aristrawati

This article discusses the evaluation of giant effigy ogoh-ogohparade based on three aspects, such as the implementationof ogoh-ogoh parade, the contribution of ogoh-ogoh paradeto the development of cultural tourism in Denpasar and toprovide recommendations for strategy implementation of ogohogohparade. This article was used culture tourism theory andevaluation theory. The data presented in this article was collectedthrough observation and is complemented by interviews andother published sources with qualitative approach. The collecteddata analyzed by CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product)evaluation model, expert judgment and qualitative descriptive.The result shows that parade ogoh-ogoh meet the criteria as anevent that contributes in an effort to realize Denpasar as culturalcity. Ogoh-ogoh parade also contributes as a supporting Denpasarin developing cultural tourism. The implementation strategyof ogoh-ogoh parade can be done through by the competitionstrategy and the increasing promotion strategy. From this articleit can be concluded that as one of the cultural event in Denpasarcity ogoh-ogoh parade can support the development of culturaltourism in the city of Denpasar, although in its implementation itrequires sustain improvement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Nurhasanah Harahap ◽  
Fahmi Rizal

Abstract- Extracurricular program is a learning process in which performed outside of school. The study attempts to explore the components of context, input, process and product of extracurricular program at Al-Khoir Islamic boarding school. In this study, the evaluation model used by Stufflebeam namely the CIPP (context, input, process, product) evaluation model. This study used mixed method; qualitative and quantitative. interviewing was carried out with the teacher (qualitatively) while scoring students’ test result (quantitatively). The findings showed that the components of context, input, process, product and results of extracurricular program at Al-Khoir Islamic boarding school were categorized as good. Therefore, Al-Khoir boarding school could maintain the extracurricular program and continue to improve any perceived shortcomings after evaluating the program. Thus, in this study, students are suggested to be more active and serious in extracurricular programs because it is very useful for them to add their knowledge and skills. It is suggested to make the improvements to each component of the context, input, process and product and to be more active and innovative in designing curriculum and planning before doing the extracurricular programs.   Keywords : Mixed Method, CIPP, Extracurricular Program

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Heri Wahyudi ◽  
Hari Setijono ◽  
Edy Mintarto

This research is aimed to evaluate the quality of the International Sportsman School in East Kalimantan. The evaluations are context, input, process, and product. The CIPP model developed by Sufflebeam is used as a method. The results revealed that the context reviewed from the background and purpose of the establishment has been following the need for coaching the young athletes. Input selection shows that the athlete distribution in 10 districts has not spread equally, yet. Moreover, the infrastructures need more intensive improvement and treatment. Process evaluation shows that the implementation of the academic process and achievement coaching has been following the existing criteria. Then, the product evaluation shows that the academic report is good enough. But, for certain sports, it needs additional improvement in the achievement of all aspects. Hence, it can be concluded that the success of nursery, coaching, training, and management of the International Sports School cannot be separated from the human resources and other supporting systems such as funding and infrastructure.

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