scholarly journals Penambahan Sari Kurma sebagai Substrat Antibakteri pada Minuman Whey Fermentasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-41
J. K. Negara ◽  
M. Arifin ◽  
E. Taufik ◽  
T. Suryati

Whey from cheese is still underutilized in Indonesia which has the potential to cause environmentalpollution. One alternative to whey processing is to make a fermented whey drink with the additionof date palm juice as a mixture. Dates juice is expected to provide additional nutrition for lactic acidbacteria (LAB) in the fermentation process. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterialproperties of whey fermented beverage products with the addition of date juice. The study was conductedusing a randomized block design (RBD) with six groups of sampling treatment with P0; 0% as a control(whey: date juice 100: 0 v / v), P2; 10% (90: 10 v / v), P2; 15% (85: 15 v / v) and P3; 20% (80: 20 v / v).The results of this study indicate that the fermented whey drink with the addition of date juice fermentedwith the bacteria Lactobacillus fermentum B111K (L. fermentum) for 24 hours has been shown to have ahigher antibacterial ability at the level of 20% compared to controls who were not given additional datejuice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Lukman Arif

This study aims to determine to determine the effect of land spinach plant growth due to the provision of liquid organic fertilizer palm sugar and to determine the right concentration of palm sugar palm POC to the growth of land spinach plants. This experiment used a single factor randomized block design consisting of 4 replications of 4 treatments. The best experimental results on plant height and number of leaves, leaf length and leaf width aged 14 and 24 HST were influenced by the use of palm juice 40 ml / L water with a height of 19.59 cm and 32.13 cm number of leaves 6.34 and 12.25 strands, leaf length 13.71 and 15.75 while leaf widths are 1.74 and 3.48 cm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 323
Nur Wienda Permata Wulandari ◽  
Dewa Gde Mayun Permana ◽  
Agus Selamet Duniaji

This research was aimed to determine the effect type of “ragi” on the fermentation process of cocoa and to determine type of “ragi” that can produce vinegar with the best characteristics. This research used Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four types treatment of “ragi”, these are: without the addition of “ragi”, addition of bread yeast, addition of “tape ragi”, and addition of combination “ragi”. “Ragi” additions were carried out as much as 1% in each treatment. This research was repeated three times, resulting in 12 experimental units. The data was analyzed with Anova test and continued with Duncan test if the treatment had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the observed variable. This research showed that the treatment fermentation addition of tape ragi was the best treatment with characteristic 5.05 pH, 0.88% total acid, 3.33% total soluble solids, 0.59% total sugar and 0% alcohol. Keyword: cocoa, ragi, vinegar, fermentation

2018 ◽  
pp. 162-167
I Istikomah ◽  
Bambang Purwanto ◽  
Tonang Dwi Ardiyanto

ABSTRAK Anak talasemia mempunyai risiko mengalami stress oksidatif. Suplementasi sari kurma bisa menjadi alternatif untuk mencukupi asupan gizi dan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efek suplementasi sari kurma sebagai sumber antioksidan dan teh hijau terhadap penurunan kadar MDA plasma sebagai salah satu penanda stress oksidatif pada anak dengan talasemia.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Magelang, pada komunitas penderita talasemia β mayor se-eks Karisidenan Kedu yang rutin menjalani terapi di RSUD Tidar Kota Magelang pada bulan Oktober 2014. Metode penelitian menggunakan randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Penderita talasemia    mayor usia 10- 15 tahun dipilih secara random dan dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok yang diberi suplementasi sari kurma bersama teh hijau dosis 20% dari Angka Kecukupan Gizi dan kelompok kontrol yang hanya diberikan teh hijau saja. Perlakuan selama 28 hari, sebelum dan sesudahnya dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah untuk pemeriksaan kadar MDA plasma.Berdasarkan analisis statistik uji t perpasangan diperoleh hasil bahwa anak dengan talasemia yang diberi suplementasi sari kurma bersama teh hijau mengalami penurunan kadar MDA plasma yang signifikan (t: 3.0222, Sig. (2-tailed): 0.014) dengan rata-rata penurunan 0.71 ± 0.07 μmol/l. Pada kelompok kontrol, hasil t: 2.502, Sig.(2-tailed): 0.034, signifikan dengan rata-rata penurunan 0.65 ± 0.82 μmol/l. Pemberian suplementasi sari kurma bersama teh hijau dan konsumsi teh hijau saja pada anak talasemia berefek menurunkan kadar MDA plasma secara signifikan.   Kata kunci: talasemia, stress oksidatif, sari kurma, teh hijau, kadar MDA plasma.       ABSTRACT Children with thalassemia have a risk of experiencing oxidative stress. Date juice supplementation can be an alternative to improve nutritional and antioxidants intake. This research aims to analyze the effects of date palm supplementation and green tea as a source of antioxidants to decrease MDA levels as one of the markers of oxidative stress in children with thalassemia.The research was conducted in Magelang City, in the community of β major thalassemia patients in Kedu Residency who were routinely undergoing therapy at Magelang Regional Public Hospital Tidar in October 2014. The research used randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Children with    major thalassemia age of 10-15 years were selected randomly and grouped into supplemented group with palm juice and green tea with a dose of 20% of the Nutrition Adequacy Rate and control group given only green tea alone. Treatment was given for 28 days, before and after the blood samples were taken for examination of plasma MDA levels. Based on statistical analysis of paired t-test, it was found that children with thalassemia supplemented with date juice and green tea had decreased plasma MDA levels significantly (t: 3.0222, Sig. (2-tailed): 0.014) with decrease averages were 0.71 ± 0.07 μmol / l. In the control group, the result shows there is significant decreased of plasma MDA levels (t: 2.502, Sig. (2-tailed): 0.034), average of decreases were 0.65 ± 0.82 μmol / l.   Provision of date palm juice supplementation with green tea and consumption of green tea alone in children with thalassemia effected in decreased plasma MDA levels significantly.   Keywords: thalassemia, oxidative stress, date juice, green tea, plasma MDA levels.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Puspita Adriani ◽  
Irmayanti Irmayanti ◽  
Siti Nurrahmah

Wanita mempunyai risiko terkena anemia paling tinggi terutama pada remaja putri, hal ini disebabkan karena aktivitas perkuliahan yang padat sehingga banyak membutuhkan energi, namun kebanyakan mahasiswa kebutuhan nutrisinya tidak tercukupi karena seringnya mengkonsumsi makanan siap saji (mie instant dan sebagainya). Selain itu, tidak adanya kesadaran untuk mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah pada saat menstruasi. Penelitian mengenai suplemen zat besi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan zat besi telah banyak dilakukan, namun herbal belum mendapat perhatian dan hal ini perlu dikembangkan salah satunya adalah sari kurma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh sari kurma (phoenix dactylifera) terhadap  peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pada remaja putri. Jenis penelitian menggunakan Quasi Eksperimen dengan rancangan Non Equivalent Control Grup. Teknik sampling secara purposive sampling dan diperoleh 38 responden. Analisa penelitian menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat (uji Chi Square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sari kurma secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kadar hemoglobin dengan nilai asympt sig (0,023) < nilai probabilitas (0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian, terdapat peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pada remaja putri yang mengkonsumsi sari kurma dibandingkan yang tidak mengkonsumsi sari kurma. Kata kunci : sari kurma; hemoglobin; remaja putri; anemia The Effect of Date Seed (Phoenix Dactylifera) Towards the Increase of Hemoglobin Levels in Female Adolescents Women have the highest risk in getting anemia, especially in adolescents girls, this is due to dense lecture activities that required a lot of energy, but most of the students' nutritional needs are not fulfilled because they often consumed junk food (instant noodles and so on). In addition, there is no awareness to consume iron supplement during menstruation. A number of researches on iron supplements to fulfill iron needs have been done, but the herbs have not received attention and need to be developed, one of the herbs is date juice. This study was aimed to identify the effect of date palm extract (phoenix dactylifera) on increasing hemoglobin levels for female adolescents. This study used Quasi Experiment with Non Equivalent Control Group design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and obtained 38 respondents. The data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis (Chi Square test). The results showed that date palm juice had a significant effect on increasing hemoglobin levels with asympt sig value (0.023) < probability value (0.05). The conclusion is that there is an increase in hemoglobin levels in adolescent girls who consume date palm juice compared to those who do not consume date juice. Key words: date palm extract; hemoglobin; female adolescent; anemia

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
St. Sabahannur ◽  
Nirwana Nirwana

This study aim to influence seed weight per box of fermentation and stirring time on the success of the fermentation process. Research using a randomized block design with two factors. The first factor seed weight per box consists of: 15 kg, 20 kg and 25 kg. The second factor, while stirring during fermentation: stirring during 48 hours (1 time), and a stirring time of 48, 72, and 96 hours (3 times) fermentation. The results showed fermentation of cocoa beans each 15 kg, 20 kg and 25 kg has no effect on changes in temperature, pH, total acid and fermentation index. The highest temperature during fermentation at 44-45oC, while stirring time (aeration) significantly affects the pH, fermentation index and slaty beans. Stirring 3 times better than one times in terms of pH (5.6), fermentation index of 1.62 and 3.4% slaty beans.Keywords: fermentation, seed weight, stirring, index fermentation

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Rachmawati Suprayoto Rachmawati ◽  
Ahmad Syauqi ◽  
Hari Santoso

The rambutan rind and the papaya fruit waste can be hydrolyzed to produce glucose through fermentation process. The research has a purpose to find out the differences in the various comparisons of glucose that resulted by fermentation of rambutan rind and papaya fruit waste. This research uses experimental methods of Randomized Block Design with 5 kind of the treatment; the RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5 with 4 replications and that were 20 unit experiment. This research used a consortium of the fungus of Trichoderma viride, Aspergillus niger, Hansenula sp., and Candida sp. The addition of HCl 10 % until pH 5. Fermentation process for 4,671 day ( 112,104 hours ). The glucose levels by method sulphuric acid – phenol with UV- vis spectrophotometer technique. Analysed data with ANOVA α = 0.95% and test BNT. Comparison of raw materials fermentation the rind of rambutan and waste fruit of the papaya was RP5 treatment with glucose levels 2,533 %.ABSTRAKKulit buah rambutan dan limbah buah pepaya dapat dihidrolisis menjadi glukosa melalui proses fermentasi. Penelitian mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan berbagai  perbandingan glukosa hasil fermentasi kulit buah rambutan dan limbah buah pepaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 macam perlakuan yaitu RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5 dengan 4 ulangan sehingga berjumlah 20 unit percobaan. Penelitian ini digunakan konsorsium jamur Trichoderma viride, Aspergillus niger, Hansenula sp, dan Candida sp. Dilakukan penambahan HCl 10% hingga pH 5. Serta proses fermentasi selama 4,671 hari (112,104 jam). Penentuan kadar glukosa menggunakan metode asam sulfat – fenol dengan teknik spektrofotometer UV – sinar tampak. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA, α = 0,95% serta uji lanjutan dengan menggunakan uji BNT. Perbandingan kuantitas glukosa pada media fermentasi dari kulit buah rambutan dan limbah buah pepaya berbeda nyata kadar glukosa tertinggi didapatkan pada perlakuan RP5 (9 gram kulit buah rambutan : 3 gram limbah buah pepaya) dengan kadar glukosa 2,53 %.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rika Agustina ◽  
Rita Sunartaty ◽  
Teuku Makmur

Coconut frond ash is one of the wastes from coconut trees which has not been maximally utilized. Coconut frond ash contains MgCl2 and KCl so that it can be used as a salt substitute in the process of preserving fish. In this study coconut frond ash was used as a basic ingredient for making dried mackerel with a long time of drying to storage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of drying time on mackerel storage. The research design used was a Randomized Block Design (RCBD) with 2 factors studied. The first factor is the drying time consists of 3 levels, namely P1 = 3 days, P2 = 4 days, P3 = 5 days. The second factor is storage which consists of 3 levels, namely S1 = 30 days, S2 = 60 days, S3 = 90 days. Each treatment was repeated 2 times to obtain 18 experimental units to observed hedonic tests. From the results of the study it can be stated that the treatment has a very significant effect (P≥0.01) on the hedonic test which includes (color, aroma, taste and texture).

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Muhammad Ade Salim ◽  
Muhammad Nur Ihsan ◽  
Nur Isnaini ◽  
Trinil Susilawati

ABSTRAKAir kelapa muda varietas viridisdapat dijadikan pengencer aletrnatif semen cair bagi program IB di daerah minim sarana semen beku. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan air kelapa muda viridissebagai bahan pengencer terhadap kualitas semen cair kambing Boer setelah didinginkan. Dilaksanakanselama 3 bulan di Laboratorium Fakultas Peternakan UBUnit SumberSekar,Malang. Metodenya yaitu eksperimen. Semen dari  3 pejantan Boer umur 3-5 tahun, dikoleksi seminggu sekali dengan VB. Air kelapa mudaviridis umur 5-7 bulan serta tris aminomethane sebagai kontrol. Didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu P0 (tris aminomethane + 10% KT) dan  P1 (air kelapa muda viridis + 10% KT) masing-masing diulang 10 kali. Data dianalisis dengan analisis Ragam (Anova) dengan software Genstat 18. Variabelnya yaitu motilitas individu, viabilitas dan abnormalitas. Hasil penelitian yaitu motilitas individu pada P1bertahan sampai 4 hari (40,5± 24,3%), viabilitas terbaik sampai hari ke-5 (42±24,6%), abnormalitas terendah di hari ke-7(1,31± 0,6). Kesimpulannya, Pengencer air kelapa muda viridis dapat mempertahankan kualitas semen cair kambing Boer selama 4 hari untuk motilitas dan 5 hari untuk viabilitas.Kata Kunci:pengencer, air kelapa, varietas viridisABSTRACTYoung viridis coconut water could be used as an alternative to liquid semen diluent for artificial insemination program in the area with limited facility for frozen semen production. This study evaluated the use of young coconut water as a diluent on liquid semen quality of Boer goat after cold storage. This study was carried out for 3 months at Sumber Sekar Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang. The semen was collected from 3 Boer bucks aged at 3 to 5 years old. The semen collection was done once a week with the aid of artificial vagina. The diluents used were young Viridis coconut (5 to 7 months old) and tris aminomethane. The method used was an experiment in a randomized block design with 2 treatments and 10 replicates. The treatments used were T0: tris aminomethane + 10% egg yolk (control) and T1:  young Viridis coconut water + 10% egg yolk. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance using Genstat 18 software. The variables measured were sperm individual motility, viability, and abnormality. The results showed that the sperm individual motility in T1 survived up to 4 days (40.5± 24.3%), the best viability at 5 days (42.0±24.6%),  while the lowest abnormality at 7 days (1.31±0.6). It could be concluded that: 1. Tris aminomethane diluent has higher quality with the storage length up to 9 days, 2. Young Viridis coconut water diluent could preserve liquid semen quality of Boer goat up to 4 days for sperm motility and 5 days for sperm viability.Keywords: diluents, coconut water, viridis variety

2011 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-102 ◽  
S. Sood ◽  
N. Kalia ◽  
S. Bhateria

Combining ability and heterosis were calculated for fourteen lines of linseed in a line × tester mating design using twelve lines and two diverse testers in two different environments. The hybrids and parental lines were raised in a completely randomized block design with three replications to investigate seed and fibre yield and their component traits. Genetic variation was significant for most of the traits over environments. Combining ability studies revealed that the lines KL-221 and LCK-9826 were good general combiners for seed yield and most of its components, whereas LMH-62 and LC-2323 were good general combiners for yield components only. Moreover, KL-221 was also a good general combiner for fibre yield. Similarly, B-509 and Ariane were good general combiners for fibre yield and most of its components. Among the specific cross combinations, B-509 × Flak-1 was outstanding for seed yield per plant and B-509 × KL-187 and LC-2323 × LCK-9826 for fibre yield per plant, with high SCA effects. In general, the hybrids excelled their respective parents and the standard checks for most of the characters studied. Based on the comparison of mean performance, SCA effects and the extent of heterosis, the hybrids LC-2323 × LCK-9826 and B-509 × KL-221 appeared to be the most promising for both seed and fibre yield. Other promising combinations were LC-2323 × KL-210 and B-509 × Ariane for seed and fibre yield, respectively. The superiority of LC-2323, LCK-9826, KL-221, B-509 and Ariane as good general combiners was further confirmed by the involvement of these parents in the desirable cross combinations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 277
Usman Usman ◽  
Neltje Nobertine Palinggi ◽  
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin ◽  
Makmur Makmur ◽  
Rachmansyah Rachmansyah

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kebutuhan optimum kadar protein dan lemak pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan komposisi badan ikan kerapu macan ukuran konsumsi. Sembilan pakan uji dibuat dalam bentuk moist pelet dengan tiga dosis protein (46%, 49%, dan 52%) dan tiga dosis lemak (9%, 11%, dan 13%). Ikan uji dipelihara dalam 27 keramba jaring apung ukuran 1 m x 1 m x 2 m selama 140 hari, diberi pakan uji secara satiasi dua kali sehari dan diset dalam rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial berdasarkan kelompok ukuran bobot awal ikan yaitu (i) 122,0±4,2 g; (ii) 144,0±7,1 g; dan (iii) 172,9±10,5 g. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju pertumbuhan spesifik dan sintasan ikan relatif sama (>0,05) di antara perlakuan. Efisiensi pakan cenderung meningkat dengan meningkatnya kadar protein dan lemak pakan. Tingkat efisiensi pemanfaatan protein cenderung menurun dengan meningkatnya kadar protein pakan, tetapi meningkat dengan meningkatnya kadar lemak pakan. Hasil analisis proksimat badan ikan menunjukkan bahwa kadar bahan kering dan lemak ikan relatif tidak dipengaruhi (P>0,05) oleh peningkatan kadar protein pakan, namun kadar bahan kering dan lemak ikan tersebut sedikit naik dengan meningkatnya kadar lemak pakan. Kadar protein dan abu ikan relatif tidak dipengaruhi oleh perubahan kadar protein dan lemak pakan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini tampak bahwa pakan dengan kadar protein 49% dan lemak sekitar 11% mampu memberikan pertumbuhan dan komposisi badan ikan kerapu macan yang baik.This experiment was conducted to investigate the optimum dietary protein and lipid level for growth and body composition of tiger grouper. Nine dietary experiments were formulated to moist pellet contain three levels of protein (46%, 49%, and 52%) and three levels of lipid (9%, 11%, and 13%). The fish were fed twice daily to satiation for 140 days in twenty seven net cages of 1 m x 1 m x 2 m, were set up factorial randomized block design based on fish size group i.e. (i) 122.0±4.2 g, (ii) 144.0±7.1 g, and (iii) 172.9±10.5 g. The results shown that specific growth rate and survival rate were not significant different (P>0.05) for all treatments. Feed efficiency increased when protein and lipid content increased. Protein efficiency decreased when protein diets increased and increased when lipid diets increased. No interaction occurred between protein and lipid content to all observable biological variables. Dry matter and lipid content of test fish were not affected by protein diets increase but by lipid diet content. Protein and ash of test fish were not affected by either protein or lipid contained in diet. To assure high growth rates and high quality of fish product, it is suggested to feed tiger grouper with diet containing 49% protein and 11% lipid. 

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