scholarly journals Desain Lanskap Pekarangan Terpadu di Pekon Negeri Ratu, Pesisir Barat

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Indah Prastiwi

Community empowerment in optimizing integrated housing is aimed at making the community to be able to utilize the houses in order to improve the quality of the environment and people's lives. In addition, community empowerment must be able to run sustainably so as to provide sustainable benefits for the community. Proper yard management in this case is an integrated yard by combining various yard management technologies. In the community empowerment program, it adopts technology from an integrated farming system that are utilizing fish, plants and livestock. The series of activities in the community empowerment program for the yard utilization include providing various training in managing the yard and supporting technology. The provided training including composting from livestock manure and inorganic waste, introduction of biopore, and planning an integrated yard making. The series of activities carried out within a period of 2 months. Training is given so that the community can be independent in making integrated yards, so that this program can provide benefits on an ongoing basis. In this empowerment program, training is carried out and making sample yards using an integrated system. Integrated yard management design includes chicken coops or cattle, fish ponds, and vegetable or medicinal plants. The three components are designed to provide integrated benefits. The main design is a cattle pen placed above the fish pond, and plants placed around the pond. In general, the system is built so that manure will be disposed into the fish ponds to become feed. Then the water from the fish pond can be recirculate to irrigate the plants. Keywords: Aquaponic, Integrated Yard, Landscape Management, Pekarangan

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Dicky Rachmanzah ◽  
Bambang Widigdo ◽  
Yusli Wardiatno

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menilai kesesuaian pelaksanaan dan capaian tujuan program penberdayaan melalui penilaian Indeks Pelaksanaan Program dan Indeks Pencapaian Tujuan;  (2) mengidentifikasi  pengaruh  variabel  pelaksanaan  sebagaimana  disebutkan  dalam  pedoman pemberdayaan terhadap tujuan program pemberdayaan dalam dimensi ekologis, ekonomi, dan  sosial, serta; (3) merumuskan strategi perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan sehingga pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir dapat terlaksana dan berlanjut secara efektif. Metode penelitian  yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Indeks Pelaksanaan Program adalah sebesar 2,39 dengan kategori ‘Baik’. Indikator yang memerlukan upaya perbaikan  yaitu indikator ketepatan waktu penyaluran bantuan; (2) Indeks Pencapaian Tujuan sebesar 2,11 dengan kategori Cukup. Indikator capaian tujuan peningkatan kualitas lingkungan dan peningkatan kelembagaan kelompok memerlukan upaya perbaikan guna pencapaian kategori yang lebih baik; (3) Terhadap pencapaian tujuan dalam dimensi ekonomi berupa peningkatan produksi budidaya, variabel ketepatan waktu penyaluran, kecukupan jumlah bantuan, dan aktivitas pendampingan berpengaruh positif, sedangkan variabel kejadian kekeringan berpengaruh negatif; (4) Untuk pencapaian tujuan dalam  dimensi  sosial,  hanya  variabel  aktivitas  pendampingan  yang  berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap peningkatan kelembagaan kelompok, dan; (5) Keseluruhan variabel pelaksanaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap capaian tujuan dalam dimensi ekologis berupa peningkatan kualitas lingkungan. Dengan memperhatikan hasil analisis, beberapa opsi kebijakan yang perlu dilakukan oleh Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan yaitu: (1) penyesuaian waktu penyaluran bantuan dengan musim tanam untuk meningkatkan efektifitas capaian tujuan dalam dimensi ekonomi; (2) peningkatan dukungan terhadap aktivitas pendampingan oleh tenaga penyuluh, untuk meningkatkan capaian tujuan dalam dimensi sosial, dan; (3) peningkatkan capaian tujuan dalam dimensi ekologis, berupa peningkatan kualitas lingkungan melalui pemberian intensif bagi pembudidaya yang memiliki sertifikat cara budidaya ikan yang baik (CBIB)(Title: Implementation Study of The Coastal Communities Empowerment Program Based on Sustainable Management of Milkfish Cultured In The Coastal Regency of Karawang)This study aimed to: (1) assess the suitability of the empowerment program implementation and  goals through the introduction of programs implementation Indexes and achievement of goals indexes;  (2) identify influences of enforcement variable mentioned in empowerment guidelines against goals of empowerment programs, the objectives in the form of economic, social, and ecology dimensions, and; (3) formulate strategy that needs to be done so the program can continue and be implemented effectively  in achieving its goal. Survey was used as the research method. The result of studies have shown that:  (1) Program Implementation Index that states performance level of coastal community empowerment program is worth 2.39 with the Good category. Performance indicators that require improvement efforts in order to achieve a better category , i.e. punctuality indicators of aid distribution; (2) Achievement Index that states the level of achievement goals of empowerment program is worth 2.11 with moderate 14 categories. The whole purpose of indicators that include increased production, increased institutional  farmer group, and improving the quality of the environment in the category of quite and require attention  and improvement efforts in order to achieve a better category; (3) against the objectives in the form of economic, variable aid delivery timeliness,adequacy of the amount of aid, and mentoring activity has a positive effect, while the incidence of drought has negative impact; (4) against the objectives in the form of social, only mentoring activities has a positive effect, and; (5) all of implementation variable hasn’t  effect against the objectives in the form of ecology. By considering the results of the analysis, some policy options that need to be done by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries are: 1) timing adjustment aid to the fish cultivation to increase the effectiveness of objectives in the form of economic; (2) Improved support for mentoring activities, to increase the objectives in the form of social; (3) and improvement of objectives in the form of ecology objectives through the rovision of intensive to the farmers who are  certified best aquaculture practiced

2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 387-396 ◽  
Jeniffer Sati Pereira ◽  
Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante ◽  
Julio Vicente Lombardi ◽  
André Martins Vaz-dos-Santos ◽  
Clóvis Ferreira do Carmo ◽  

Aquaculture is composed of various themes of interest, particularly does eutrophization due to feeding have direct effects on fish ponds and the whole aquatic system. This study focused on the study of the water quality of an aquatic system related to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) rearing. Sampling was done at six sites during one rearing cycle (six months), taking water from the source of water supply, the fish pond itself, the effluent of the fish pond and the mixed waters. A principal component analysis revealed that, among all the environmental variables analyzed, chlorophyll-a, total nitrogen and phosphorus and organic matter were responsible for the variations observed during the rearing cycle. Other sources of variability extrinsic to the fish pond make it evident that the assessment must take the entire aquatic system related to the rearing into consideration, minimizing negative effects.

Listya Sugiyarti ◽  
Nur Asmilia

One of Mina Kahuripan fish cultivators in Jampang village located in Bogor Regency has innovation and achievements in managing fish and its fish feed, and is the largest fish producer in Bogor Regency. One of the innovations of fish cultivators is the use of a 4G (Four G) fish pond. Besides the fish pond innovation, there is another innovation, namely the use of the Azolla plant. This research aims to analyze the collaboration between Azolla and the 4G pond in waste management scenarios and cycle costing. This research is a qualitative research phenomenon. The data collection technique is done by using observation, interview, documentation, and experiment techniques. Respondents of this study were fish cultivators Mina Kahuripan in Jampang Bogor Village. The results showed that the cycle costing analysis between conventional and 4G fish ponds, it was seen that the production costs in conventional ponds were higher because the media used were all purchased by new categories, while the production costs for 4G fish ponds were lower even though there was a budget for Azolla plant ponds, the quality of the fish produced was guaranteed. Lower production costs are due to the fish cultivators doing waste management from the waste in making 4G fish ponds, resulting in cost efficiency. Another advantage of Waste management scenarios utilizes waste from vegetable and fruit plants that are above the 4G fish pond

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  

The study of physico-chemical parameters in fish ponds in Candaba, Pampanga was conducted to determine the quality of water for fish pond from July to August, 2014. Water samples were tested in-situ using probe meter: Thermo Orion Model A920. The results showed variation in the observed parameters at the different sampling stations and two sampling dates. Temperature ranged from 29±16.74 to 35.23±1.01˚C. pH values were 8.70±5.02 to 9.57±1.11. Dissolved oxygen values were 5.20±3 to 7.57±0.77mg/l. Electrical conductivity ranged from 220±0.01 to 489±0.57µS/cm. The values for temperature and DO were higher than accepted values for fish culture while those of other parameters favored for good fish production. The observations in this study suggest that fish production in some fish ponds of Candaba, Pampanga could be practiced without adverse effects posed by the quality of water.

2020 ◽  
Fisma Janusuri

Community empowerment in education is needed especially to support the implementation of good schools. The level of community participation in the education process in this school seems to have a major influence on the progress of the school, the quality of learning services in schools which will ultimately affect the progress and learning achievement of children in school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-250
Estiningsih ◽  

Community empowerment is a form of development which directly involves the community. In community empowerment program, the position of the community is as program consumer but as program producer instead. Community empowerment aims to achieve community independence and welfare. Zakat is a subsystem which can support community empowerment program. It’s consistent with the objective of zakat, which is material and spiritual wellbeing. To encourage the success of the program, there should be support from various parties, including companion and social capital supports.The purpose of the present study was determining the direct effects of companion and social capital on participant of zakat recipient and its impact of economic performance of zakat-receiving micro businessman. The present study used primary data by involving 72 zakat-receiving micro businesspeople (mustahik businesspeople) in Wonosari Sub-district, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The research instrument was questionnaire with likert-5 scale which has high reliability and validity based on Cronbah Alpha and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin values. The empirical model was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).The result of hypothesis test shows that companion and social capital affected the participation of zakat recipient, and the participation of zakat recipient affected the economic performance of zakat-receiving micro businessman.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 209
Maria Raimondo ◽  
Francesco Caracciolo ◽  
Concetta Nazzaro ◽  
Giuseppe Marotta

While there is growing recognition of the positive role played by organic farming in the reduction of the negative externalities due to conventional agriculture, there is uncertainty about the effect of the latter on the economic performance of the farms. In this scenario, the present paper aims at investigating the effect of organic farming on technical efficiency in Italian olive farms. A cross-section dataset was analyzed through the stochastic frontier function, where the adoption of organic farming was explicitly modeled. Then, to obtain an unbiased estimate of the impact of organic farming on technical efficiency, a propensity score matching method was implemented. The findings reveal that organic farming increases technical efficiency in Italian olive farms by approximately 10%. The highest impact of organic farming is observed in small farms. As for the propensity to become organic, we found that the production and the direct sales of a higher quality of gross marketable output, as well as the intensity of labor and machines, increase the probability to adopt organic farming. Conversely, farm localization, the availability of family labor, and financial capital discourage conversion to the organic farming system.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 215-226
Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui masalah Partisipasi dalam Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat yang ada di RW 20 Kelurahan Citrodiwangsan. Peneliti menggunakan metode riset kualitatif . Responden dalam penelitian ini yaitu kader dan warga RW 20 Kelurahan Citrodiwangsan. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga temuan. Pertama, partisipasi perencanaan masih tergolong kurang pro aktif dalam mengedukasi warga dikarenakan masih banyak RT yang tidak bisa mewadahi dan mengedukasi masyarakat untuk aktif dalam kegiatan Posyandu Gerbangmas. Kedua, terkait partisipasi pelaksanaan kegiatan masih banyak masyarakat yang memandang sebelah mata kegiatan ini meskipun seluruh warga telah diikutkan secara menyeluruh, hal ini karena kurangnya sosialisasi dari pengurus kader. Ketiga, faktor penghambat yaitu kurangnya memahami arti partisipasi yang rendah dimana masyarakat masih sibuk dengan kesibukannya sendiri serta kurangnya peran RT untuk mendorong masyarakatnya dalam memberikan pengertian akan pentingnya kegiatan posyandu. Oleh karena itu, dari beberapa masalah-masalah yang telah peneliti temukan maka peneliti memiliki saran yang bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan kader maupun RT dalam mengajak masyarakat. Saran tersebut diantaranya adalah pelaksanaan posyandu dilaksanakan pada hari libur, kegiatan posyandu tidak hanya ditempatkan pada satu titik tetapi dijadwalkan untuk berpindah ketempat kawasan lainnya dan memanfaatkan fasilitas media sosial untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan informasi kesehatan balita dan lansia. Kata kunci: masalah partisipasi, program pemberdayaan masyarakat, partisipasi perencanaan, partisipasi pelaksanaan, faktor penghambat partisipasi   This study aims to determine the problem of participation in the Community Empowerment Program in RW 20 Citrodiwangsan Village. Respondents in this study were cadres and residents of RW 20 Citrodiwangsan Village. Data were collected by interview and observation. This study resulted in three findings. First, planning participation is still classified as less proactive in educating residents because there are still many RTs that cannot accommodate and educate the public to be active in Gerbangmas Posyandu activities. Second, with regard to participation in the implementation of activities, there are still many people who underestimate this activity even though all residents have been included as a whole, this is due to the lack of socialization from the cadre management. Third, the inhibiting factor is the lack of understanding of the meaning of low participation where the community is still busy with their own activities and the lack of the role of the RT in encouraging the community to provide an understanding of the importance of posyandu activities. Therefore, from some of the problems that researchers have found, the researcher has suggestions that aim to maximize cadres and RTs in inviting the community. These suggestions include that the implementation of posyandu is carried out on holidays, posyandu activities are not only placed at one point but are scheduled to move to another area and utilizing social media facilities to provide socilization and health information for toddlers and the elderly. Keywords: participation problems, community empowerment programs, planning participation, implementation participation, inhibiting factors for participation

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 137-144
Hidajet Salkić ◽  
Amir Softić ◽  
Amer Salkić

The electric power system, as an integrated system for transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity, is one of the most complex technical and economic systems today. Customers affect on the voltage quality of power network, but the network also has an impact on customers. All disturbances in the network can disrupt operation of the network and affect on operation of the customers, as well as reduce the level of efficiency and operation life or even seriously damage network. Number of customers is increasing every day, as well as proportion of customers who generate disturbances in the network and, at the same time, are sensitive to them. These circumstances impose the need for frequent monitoring of the network, so the analysis of power quality is not unjustified cost but extremely important and profitable investment. The quality of electricity, as part of the overall quality supply of electricity customers in deregulated conditions of liberal electricity market becomes significant regulatory parameter for network operators and a significant contracting parameter on the electricity market. Network operators are obliged to establish a system of individual measurements and a system of permanent monitoring of power quality parameters to determine the state and improve the parameters to the standardized level. Technical parameters are determined by the recommendations made at the international level and may, but do not need, be legally binding. Maintaining a certain level of voltage quality at some point of the network is the responsibility of electricity distributor. This task distributor executes by limiting of negative effects of producer/customer to the network. Therefore, each electricity producer/customer is obliged to reduce own negative feedback effects (injection of higher harmonics, taking of reactive power, emissions of flickers and loads unbalances) to a prescribed, prearranged, limited values. There are many norms that describe the quality of electricity, but in Europe the best known is EN50160 (issued by CENLEC). This paper presents the approach to measuring the voltage quality at the point of electricity delivery from distributed source into distribution network from the aspect of limiting the negative feedback of distributed source on the voltage quality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Tete Saepudin ◽  
Acuviarta A

This study aims to generate key strategies of sector development community empowerment to reduction poverty in Banjar. The analysis uses SWOT presented in three parts: SAP (Strategic Advantages Profile), ETOP (Environmental Threats and Opportunity Profile), and SWOT Matrix. The analysis showed the government’s attention to the program that was launched (district development program and the urban poverty program) where is by provision of Counterpart Funds from APBD has been increasing steadily every year. The mechanism has been implemented according to some regulations. The urban empowerment program should further focus and involve on the interests and needs of urban communities. The obstacles faced on the research to determine the program are, the execution (based onmain interest), the lack of human resources who understand and the plan ownership in preparing programs of community development and the lack of human resources with reliability in manufacturing reporting on the program implementation. 

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