scholarly journals The Language Choice as A Reflection of Islamic Communication in The Quran-Japanese Translation

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Ely Triasih Rahayu ◽  
Ahmad Fauzan

Ittishâl in Arabic language means message connectivity within a communication process. In Islam, a communication process requires the precision of language users in choosing a language. Language choice in Islamic communication aims at maintaining a positive relationship among humans (hablumminannâs), and humans’ sincere love to God (hablumminallâh). This qualitative research which data source is from surah An-Nisâʼ discusses how the Quran translated into Japanese language distinguishes language choices for humans (as God Servants) and those intended to praise God. There are noun word choices for God which are initiated with the kanji marker go/o (御) and not found in those referring to humans. Furthermore, there are respectful verbs (songkeigo) to praise the God’s actions, yet not for humans’. These language choice’s differences are intended to educate humans not to be arrogant or to always be humble because only God is the Sublime. The other objective is as the communication guidance in Islam, especially in performing prayers to always use polite languages to praise God that a sincere love will be created from the servants to the God.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-224
Nazilatus Syukriyah

The ethics in educational process occupies the most significant place in Islamic intellectual tradition. One of the greatest Islamic education’s forms in Indonesia is Pesantren so its success signifies the success of this nation. The ethics between Santri (Pesantren’s learner) and Kyai (Pesantren’s lecture) is the identical tenet there, so it’s necessary to explore it in Al-Quran as our way of life. Hereby this study is purposed to obtain a deep understanding about the ethics of santri to Kyai by analyzing the interpretation of Al Kahfi verse 66 – 70. This is a qualitative research using literature method (library research) with the book Mafatih al-Gaib, written by Fahrudin Al – Razi, as the primer data source and the other related literature data as the secondary source. This study found that there are 10 ethical values in Al Kahfi verse 66 – 70 associated with the ethics of santri to Kyai i.e : a. Tawadlu’, b. Asking permition to study, c. feeling more stupid d. asking the kyai to teach e. believing that Allah gives the more knowledge for Kyai, f. Tawakkal and asking Allah’s guidance, g. studying seriously, h. absolute obedience, i. khidmah and j. doesn’t ask the other but knowledge.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Yani Heryani

The aim of this research was to analyze the character of Miles Halter and the influences of the other characters towards Miles�s character in Looking for Alaska novel. The primary data source was transcribed from Looking for Alaska Novel directed by John Green (2005). Here, the researcher applied a descriptive qualitative research design based on theories of Roberts and Freud. To know how Miles�s character presented in the novel, the researcher used several ways such as from what Miles does and says and from what the other characters says about Miles. As result, the reseracher found that Miles�s characters were nice, independent, diligent, hard worker, naughty, curious, smart, and unique. Besides, the reseracher also found the influences from the other characters such as habitual in reading, smoking, drinking, and pranking.Keywords: Young� adult literarure, Novel and Character

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Ely Triasih Rahayu

Sonkeigo Expressions in Japanese Translation of the Quran. This study discusses sonkeigo expressions in Japanese translation of the Quran as a form of honorific to Allah, The Creator. This study focuses on surah al-Baqarah [2] verse 7-30. The sonkeigo is analyzed based on the changes of verbs referring to the acts of Allah, The Creator. A reference study is a method used to collect the data in this qualitative research. The data source is derived from the Japanese translation of the Quran scripture. The data is validated against Japanese native speakers and Arabic tafsir experts. Kayaba theory on the use of sonkeigo form as the honorific language in social interactions is employed. The research conclusion shows that one of the ways for men to respect Allah is by using sonkeigo expressions.

Kandai ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Azizatur Rahma ◽  
Muhammad Nur Hanif

Kemerdekaan dapat menjadi sebuah konsep yang mengandung prasangka. Kemunculan prasangka tersebut bergantung pada identitas individu maupun kelompok. Identitas pun dipahami sebagai sebuah konstruksi ruang. Apabila kemerdekaan adalah milik suatu bangsa, maka semangat kolektivitas tersebut berupaya didekonstruksi dalam cerpen “Kemerdekaan” karya Putu Wijaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konstruksi ruang dan identitasserta terciptanya bangsa (nation) tanpa harus ada negara (nation-state) dalam cerpen tersebut. Sumber data berupa teks cerpen “Kemerdekaan”. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori ruang pascakolonial Sara Upstone. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ruang dan identitas pascakolonial dalam cerpen "Kemerdekaan” ditampilkan secara oposisional sebagaimana konsep dasar orientalisme. Ruang dalam sangkar beroposisi dengan ruang luar sangkar. Hal tersebut akhirnya memengaruhi prasangka atas konsep kemerdekaan; di satu sisi sebagai“pembuangan” (alienasi) dan di sisi lain sebagai kebersamaan. Selanjutnya, hasil dari kemerdekaan dapat pula berbentuk bangsa (nation) secara konseptual, tidak harus selalu (nation-state) secara material.(Independency can be a concept which contains the prejudice. The emergence of prejudice depends on individual or group identity. The identity is conceived as a part of space construction. If independency belongs to a nation, then the collectivity zeal is trying to be deconstructed within “Kemerdekaan” short story by Putu Wijaya. This study aims to know the construction of space and identity and the creation of nation without having to have a nation state in the short story. The data source of this study is ”Kemerdekaan” short story. The study is qualitative research and contains analysis method. The teory that used is spatial theory by Sara Upstone. The results of the study indicate that postcolonial space and identity in  “Kemerdekaan” short story are displayed as oppositional, as basic orientalism concept. Space in a cage is an opposition of outside cage space. It affected prejudice over the concept of independence; on one hand as “exile” (alienation) and on the other hand as togetherness. Furthermore, the results of independence can also be in the form of a nation (nation) conceptually, not necessarily (nation-state) materially.)

2019 ◽  
Fatimatuzzahra Nasution ◽  
Robert Sibarani ◽  
Gustianingsih . ◽  
Khairina Nasution

Thalibah Arabic language proficiency can be assessed from the speech act process. There are several types of speech acts that can be used, but in this study the type of speech acts used are directive speech acts. This study aims to analyze the form and context of speech contained in the type of directive speech acts used by ustadzah to thalibah in communicating in Arabic. This study uses a qualitative research approach with an interactive model popularized by Miles and Huberman. The data source in this study is the form of speech spoken by the ustadzah and the context of speech produced by the ustadzah after the form of speech is obtained. Data collection techniques in this study were referenced techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. The results of this study found that directive speech acts that are more dominantly spoken by the ustadzah are governing, asking, and giving advice. The form of speech in the type of directive speech act found includes orders, requests, advice and prohibitions. The context of speech that is found is to rule, tell, instruct, require, request, advise, advise, direct, admonish, and prohibit.

Humaidi Humaidi

Social linguistics is the science that benefits our lives. One of the benefits of social linguistics is choosing the best languages ​​when we want to speak. Language has the norm in conversation when we communicate with the other person, for example, if we talk with a son or daughter, we must use good words when speak with our parents, and in contrasts when we talk with our friend, so we has used generic words without thinking about the ethics of speaking. In this case, everyone has to choose the language with a best and most beneficial language. There are three types of popular language choice in social linguistics, It is the code transformation, code mixing, and a method in the same language. In this research, the focuses on the study is form and type of code mixing among students of the Department Arabic Language Teaching, because code mixing has happened a lot to students on the other. The aim of this research is to know the forms and types of code mixing. This research used qualitative method, with three method of date collecting – observation, interview and collect date, and the basic of observation is the hearing and writing (sima 'catat) about the aspects of languages. Conclusion - Forms of code mixing that happened to university students, in Department of Language Teaching STAI Syaichona Moh. Cholil, is focuses on two forms, namely code maxing of words, for example   Afwan saya datang terlambat ustadz .  And the Vocabulary code maxing, for example hidupkan mirwahah. As for the types of code mixing that happened to university students, in Department of Language Teaching STAI Syaichona Moh. Cholil, is also focused on mixing the external code and does not happen much about mixing the internal code. Keyword: Forms and type of code mixing, Arabic language, Indonesian language

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 228-232
Bimo Putra Wicaksono ◽  
M.R. Nababan Algouti ◽  
Dyah Ayu Nila Khrisna

This research focuses on analyzing the typografi aspect of the translation of utterances that accompany the emotional expressions in the comic entitled “Avatar, The Legend of Aang; The Promise, The Search, and The Rift”. The purposes of this research are; 1.) to find out the emotional expressions and the utterances that accompany the emotional expressions found in the comic entitled “Avatar, The Legend of Aang; The Promise, The Search, and The Rift”, 2.) to find out the impact of the typography aspect found in the comic entitled “Avatar, The Legend of Aang; The Promise, The Search, and The Rift” on the quality of the translation. This research applied descriptive qualitative research. There are 273 data of utterances that accompany the emotional expressions found in the data source. The other data are translation quality assessments done by the raters. The data sources of this research are the English comic of “Avatar, The Legend of Aang; The Promise, The Search, and The Rift”, its translation in Indonesian and also raters and respondents. All of the informants were chosen by the purposive sampling technique. The quality of utterances that accompany the emotional expressions in the comics entitled “Avatar, The Legend of Aang; The Promise, The Search, and The Rift” in terms of the accuracy of the messages as follows: the messages of 166 data are fully delivered and the messages of 107 data are not fully delivered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-198
Aria Abdillah ◽  
Yudi Suryadi ◽  
Eko Kurniawan

The Japanese language has a variety of respectful languages that are used in Japanese social ethics. This variety of respectful language is known as keigo. Keigo is a speech level that functions to express respect for the speech partner. The expression to express respect is not only used to fellow human beings, but also Allah as the Creator. The purpose of this research was to determine the types of sonkeigo and kenjougo in the Japanese translation of the Qur'an, to describe the word-formation process and the grammatical meaning. This research is qualitative research by applying a qualitative descriptive method. The method of collecting data using a listening method with the writing technique. The data source in this research is the Japanese translation of the Qur'an surah Maryam chapter 4 to 32. In the data source, 14 data were found which is divided into 10 sonkeigo data and 4 kenjougo data. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the sonkeigo word-formation process used the ~rareru pattern with 7 data, the o~ni naru pattern with 1 data, and the o~kudasai pattern with 2 data. The kenjougo word-formation process used a special form of verb patterns with 3 data and an o~suru pattern with 1 data. The sonkeigo speech level is used in the context of Allah's actions, Allah's decree to Zakaria, Maryam, and Isa. The kenjougo speech level is used in the context of Zakaria's pray to Allah and Allah's decree to Maryam which was conveyed through Jibril.  

Arifuddin Arifuddin

ملخص البحث: يمثل السياق العامل المعول عليه في تحديد معانى الكلام، وهو في الدراسة النحوية والدلالية موضع اهتمام اللغويين ومثار كلامهم، ويتناول هذا البحث أحوال السياق ودلالاته على معانى الزمن النحوي،  وتقع أهمية هذا البحث في أن دراسة النحاة العرب المحدثين أدت إلى أن الزمن في اللغة العربية يتميز بين الزمن الصرفي والزمن النحوي، وإن علاقة السياق مع الزمن النحوي علاقة سببية؛ من حيث إن السياق سبب وحيد في دلالة الزمن النحوي.  هذا البحث وصفي تحليلي، يسعى إلى وصف مظاهر السياق وآثاره في تحديد معاني الزمن النحوي، معتمداً على مصادر أساسية متمثلة في كتب علوم اللغة العربية الحديثة وأبحاث ومقالات علمية. وتوصل البحث إلى أن السياق العنصر الأبرز في الكشف عن الدلالات الزمنية لفظياً كان أو معنوياً، ولا يجوز دراسة الدلالة الزمنية للصيغ والتراكيب بمعزل عن السياق الواردة فيه، وأن الفعل قد يوافق دلالته الزمنية في السياق دلالته الصرفية وقد يختلف، وأن السياق وأثره في الزمن النحوي يجعل اللغة العربية ثرية في إيجاد طرائق التعبير عن معاني الزمن؛ ما يدفع قول القائل إن اللغة العربية لا تملك أدوات كافية للتعبير عن معاني الزمن مثلما تملك اللغات الأوروبية. الكلمات المفتاحية: السياق - الزمن النحوي - الزمن الصرفي – الصيغ -  التراكيب.   Abstract Context is an important factor to determine the meaning of the text. In syntactic and semantic studies, it takes a wide linguist’s concern and discussion. This article examines some effects of the context on meanings of syntactic tense. Urgency of this study lies in the way that studies of Modern Arabic Grammarian reveal the time or tense in Arabic linguistic can be distinguished between morphological and syntactic tense. The morphological tense refers to verb patterns and their functions outside context, whereas the syntactic tense is the function of context that is represented by verb, adjective, or gerunds. Then, the relation between context and syntactic tense is causative, that is to say the context is the only cause of meanings of syntactic tense. Methodically, this article comes under descriptive and qualitative research, which makes efforts to describe the phenomenon’s and effects of the context on determining meanings of syntactic tense based on primary modern linguistic references, articles, and researches. This study finds that context, whether verbal or situational, is significant marks to determine meanings of tenses in Arabic language, and studying of the times meanings of verbs patterns and compounds should fully consider on it. On the other hand, the temporal meaning of verb in the syntactic tense sometimes accords to temporal meaning in morphological tense, the context and its effects on syntactic tenses also makes Arabic language can express temporal meanings in high number of ways, sometimes in verbal patterns, or nominal, or compounds patterns. The ability of Arabic language to express temporal meaning strongly counters the opinion says that Arabic language have no sufficient means to express temporal meaning. Keywords: context, syntactic tense, morphological tense, patterns and composition.   Abstrak Konteks adalah satu faktor penting untuk menentukan makna sesuatu teks. Dalam kajian tatabahasa dan semantik, bidang ini menarik perhatian dan perbincangan para pengkaji bahasa. Makalah ini cuba mengkaji beberapa kesan konteks terhadap makna masa kata kerja dalam tatabahasa. Keperluan kajian sebegini ialah pada mengenalpasti cara terbaik mengkaji tatabahasa Arab moden untuk menunjukkan masa untuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Arab boleh dibezakan di antara kata kerja morfologi dan tatabahasa. Unsur masa bagi morfologi merujuk kepada bentuk-bentuk kata kerja dan fungsi mereka diluar konteks. Pada masa yang sama unsur masa bagai kata kerja ialah fungsi konteks yang ditampilkan oleh kata kerja, kata sifat dan kata nama perbuatan. Hubungan di antara konteks and masa kata kerja perbuatan adalah tertakluk kepada sebab musabab; iaitu kontek adalah merupakan penyebab tunggal makna untuk unsur masa kata perbuatan. Kajian ini merupakan kajian deskriptif dan kualitatif untuk memperinicikan keadaan ini dan kesannya kepada konteks dalam menentukan makna masa kata kerja perbuatan berdasarkan kepada sumber linguistik moden, makalah dan kajian yang berkenaan. Ia mendapati bahawa konteks samada seccara lisan atau keadaan merupakan tanda yang penting dalam menentukan makna lata kerja dalam bahasa Arab. Oleh itu kajian unsur masa kata kerja perbuatan serta bentuk-bentuknya sepatutnya diambil kira. Disamping itu juga, maksud masa kata kerja perbuatan dalam kata perbuatan tatabahasa kadang-kadang menepati maksud masa daripada bentuk morfologi kata perbuatan. Konteks dan kesannya terhadap kata perbuatan tatabahasa juga menjadikan bahasa Arab boleh menyatakan maksud masa dalam bentuk-bentuk yang banyak dan pelbagai; dalam bentuk kata kerja, kata nama atau bentuk gabungan perkataan. Kebolehan bahasa Arab untuk menyatakan maksud masa membuktikan bahawa dakwaan bahawa bahasa Arab tidak mempunyai cara yang cukup untuk menyatakan kepelbagaian masa adalah tidak tepat. Kata kunci: konteks, bentuk masa tatabahasa, bentuk masa morfologi, bentuk-bentuk, penggabungan perkataan

Taqdir ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Athoillah Islamy

One of the impacts of the development of science and technology is that it occurs in the development of various languages. This also happened to various terminology in Arabic. This study aims to find the significance of naht in the formation of various modern Arabic terminologies. This research is a qualitative research in the form of literature review. The data source of this research is various literatures on the study of naht in the formation of various terminologies in contemporary Arabic. The method of this research is qualitative descriptive analysis method. This study concludes that naht is a method of decapitation and summation of two or more words into one term (words). The existence of the naht pattern can provide great urgency related to the adaptation of Arabic in the development of language in the current modern global era, which can give birth to various new Arabic terminology.

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