2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  

This study aimed to analyze the influence of leadership, supervision systems and punitive sanctions against the level of employee discipline in the Regional Secretariat Bima. There are three independent variables in this study; leadership, supervision, and punitive sanction against the level of employee discipline. In this study population is 240 people with  a sample of 100 respondens selected by the simple random sampling. Simultaneously the results of the study concluded that leadership variable have an influence on work discipline but not significant, control variable have an influence on work discipline but not significant and punitive sanctions variable positive and significant impact on employee discipline. Punitive sanctions is a variable that has the most dominant influence compared with other variables. Of the research results can be recommended a few things, that isemployee discipline would be improved if good leadership, good supervision and sanctions fair punishment can be combined and synchronized with well by the leadership, either in the form of rules written and in it’s application. Keyword : Leadership, Supervision, Sanction, Employee Disciplin

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-81 ◽  
Dodi R. Setiawan ◽  
Yulianti Yulianti

The purpose of this research to know how much inflluence on the discipline of employee fingerprint attendance on employee work discipline in PT. Sanbio Laboratories. This study uses correlation to see how big the influence of independent variables and the dependent variable. The population of this study were all employees of PT. Sanbio Laboratories is 67 people, and that is sampled is 50% of all employees of PT. Sanbio Laboratories that is 34 people, with a sampling technique uses Simple Random Sampling. Each respondent was given 13 questions using a Likert scale.The results of data processing show that the influence of discipline of fingerprint attendance on employees at PT. Sanbio Laboratories in Gunung Putri is Strong. As evidenced by a simple regression analysis that can be Y = 1.10 + 0.75x , meaning that each increase in score of 1 , it will cause a change in the variable Y with a value of 0.75. This shows that the better attendance then increasing employee discipline.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Monica Cecilia ◽  
Novarianti Novarianti ◽  
Christine Christine

The unhygienic environment of the hospital will allow the transmission of diseases that can affect public health in that hospital.  Therefore, hospital sanitation services need to be organized in order to create a comfortable and clean hospital environment, so that it can support efforts to cure and prevent the transmission of nosocomial infections in the hospital environment.  The purpose of this study was to determine the number of germs on the inpatient bed of District Madani Hospital of Palu.  The method of this study used descriptive with observational approach. The study population was all inpatient beds in Melon, Jambu, Rambutan, Nangka, Semangka, dan Markisa treatment rooms at Madani Regional Hospital of Palu.  The sample of this study was a part of the impatient bed in rooms of Melon 10, Jambu 10, Rambutan 10, Rambutan 9,  Semangka 7, and Markisa 4, which were taken by simple random sampling.  The results showed that the number of germs did not meet the requirements of> 10 colonies / cm².  So it can be concluded that the number of germs on the inpatient bed of the treatment room at the Palu Madani Regional Hospital does not meet the requirements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (10) ◽  
pp. 2951-2953
Kenan Sivrikaya ◽  
Aygül Çağlayan Tunç ◽  
Leyla Alizadehebadi ◽  
Selçuk Tarakçi

Background: Assertiveness, which is defined as the way individuals express themselves and as a part of healthy life, is among the prominent features of people who do sports. Assertiveness is an element that increases the quality of people's relationships with their environment. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the assertiveness scores of the athletes engaged in individual sports in different branches according to independent variables. Methods: The research was designed according to the relational screening model. The sample of the research; The sample consists of 201 participants selected by simple random sampling method among the athletes dealing with different individual sports branches. The branches of the athletes; (Consists of taekwondo and cycling sports) Results: In the study, the personal information form created by the researcher to collect information about the independent variables (gender, age,) that are thought to be effective in the research, and the Rathus Assertiveness Inventory (RAE) were used. It is seen that 1% of the participants are in the avoidant group, 88.6% are in the moderately avoidant group, and 10.6% are in the assertive group. Conclusion: When the assertiveness scale mean scores of the participants by gender are examined, it is seen that the level of assertiveness by gender does not differ statistically significantly. When the assertiveness scale mean scores of the participants according to age are examined, it is seen that the level of assertiveness according to age does not differ statistically significantly. Keywords: Assertiveness, individual sport, Taekwondo, Cycling.

Neni Marlina Br Purba ◽  
Dian Efriyenty

Tax reporting is the responsibility of taxpayers after making tax payments. The mismatch between the number of registered taxpayers and the number of taxpayers who report taxes is a separate problem for the government in managing the tax results received. Where the number who report taxes is very small compared to the number of registered taxpayers. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence individual taxpayer reporting compliance. The population used by all individual taxpayers who are registered at KPP Pratama Batam Selatan. While the sample was taken through simple random sampling technique with the Slovin formula so that the sample used was 100 respondents. Data analysis techniques are data instrument test, classical assumptions, descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing with the help of SPSS. The results obtained, partially the application of e-filling and tax sanctions has a significant effect on tax reporting compliance while tax awareness and understanding have no significant effect. The f test results show that all the independent variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable.

Siti Marti'ah

Berlatar belakang keilmuan informatika para mahasiswa belum menunjukan minat menjadi seorang teknopreneur. Kegiatan-kegiatan selama proses pembelajaran, Lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat dan pendidikan merupakan faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi seseorang memiliki minat menjadi wirausaha. Faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi minat teknopreneur adalah faktor internal diantaranya sikap dan mental, intensi berwirausha, efikasi diri, kebutuhan akan prestasi, kesiapan instrument, gender, prestasi akademik dan pengalaman kerja. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh efikasi diri dan N-ach terhadap minat teknopreneuer. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Kuantitaif serta teknik analisis menggunakan regresi berganda dengan variabel terikat yaitu minat teknopreneur sedangkan variabel bebas adalah efikasi diri dan N-Ach. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner diberikan kepada 240 mahasiswa yang telah menerima mata kuliah kewirausahaan dan dipilih secara acak sederhana. Hasil penelitian yaitu efikasi diri dan N-ach turut mempengaruhi secara signifikan minat teknoprenuer. Minat mahasiswa informatika untuk menjadi teknopreneuer sebesar 40% dipengaruhi oleh efikasi diri dan N-ach dan sebesar 60% dipengaruhi faktor lain diluar model. Kata Kunci:  Teknopreneur, Minat, Efikasi diri, N-Ach AbstractStudents with informatics backgrounds have not shown an interest in becoming a technopreneur. Activities during the learning process, family environment, and the community are external factors that affect a person having an interest in being an entrepreneur. Other factors that can influence technopreneur interest are internal factors including attitude and mentality, entrepreneurship intentions, self-efficacy, need for achievement, instrument readiness, gender, academic achievement and work experience. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of self-efficacy and N-ach on teknopreneuer's interest. The research uses a quantitative approach and analysis techniques using multiple regression with the dependent variable is technopreneur interest while the independent variables are self-efficacy and N-Ach. Data collection using a questionnaire was given to 240 students who had received entrepreneurship courses and were chosen at simple random sampling. The results of the research explain self-efficacy and N-ach also significantly influence the interest of technoprenuer. The interest of informatics students to become a technopreneuer by 40% is influenced by self-efficacy and N-ach and by 60% is influenced by other factors outside the model.Keywords: Technopreneur, Interest, Self-efficacy, N-Ach  

Galuh Adriana ◽  
Nurmala K. Pandjaitan ◽  
Arya Hadi Dharmawan

<p>ABTRACT<br />The conditions of fishermen is very dependent with nature. Climate change that happening makes nature more difficult to predict. That can make the living of fishermen more vulnerabel. Communities that have a strong cohesiveness will have a collective action to deal with climate change. The purpose of this study is to see the level of cohesiveness fisherman in the face of climate change. The method used is mix method using questionnaire, observation and in-depth interviews. The number of respondents was 100 people. The selection of respondents was done by simple random sampling technique, where the study population are members of “raskin” program from government. The results are fisheries community have a strong social capital, sense of community and community collective efficacy, which is produced strong cohesiveness. However, in reality what is perceived is not necessarily reflected in everyday life. Collective action found only in activities that support public facilities. However, collective action for the economic interests only occurs in certain interest groups. According the results can be argued that the level of fishing community cohesiveness is high, but only produce preparadness for climate change.<br />Keywords: social cohesion, collective action, fisheries community</p><p><br />ABSTRAK<br />Kehidupan nelayan sangat bergantung dengan alam. Perubahan iklim yang terjadi membuat alam semakin sulit untuk diprediksi. Kondisi tersebut membuat kehidupan nelayan semakin vulnerabel. Komunitas yang memiliki kohesivitas yang kuat akan memiliki aksi kolektif untuk menghadapi perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat derajat kohesivitas komuitas nelayan dalam mengahadapi perubahan iklim. Metode yang digunakan adalah mix method dengan menggunakan kuesioner, observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Jumlah responden adalah 100 orang. Pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan teknik simple random sampling, dimana populasi penelitian adalah anggota komunitas penerima program beras raskin dari pemerintah. Hasil penelitian adalah komunitas nelayan memiliki modal sosial, sense of community dan community collective efficacy yang kuat, yang akan menghasilkan kohesivitas yang kuat. Akan tetapi, apa yang dirasakan belum tentu tercerimin pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Aksi kolektif hanya terdapat pada kegiatan yang mendukung fasilitas umum. Akan tetapi aksi kolektif untuk kepentingan ekonomi hanya terjadi pada kelompok-kelompok kepentingan tertentu. Berdasarkan hasil dapat dikatakan bahwa tingkat kohesivitas komunitas nelayan tinggi, tetapi hanya menghasilkan kesiapan untuk menghadapi perubahan iklim.<br />Kata kunci: kohesivitas, aksi kolektif, komunitas pesisir</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Mariyatul Qiftiyah ◽  
Eva Silviana Rahmawati ◽  
Aris Puji Utami ◽  
Nur Maziyah Hurin’in

Abstrak. ASI memberi semua energi dan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan bayi selama 6 bulan pertama hidup bayi, sehingga dianjurkan untuk enam bulan pertama bayi hanya diberi ASI Ekslusif tanpa tambahan makanan atau minuman lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan frekuensi perawatan payudara dengan kelancaran produksi ASI pada ibu nifas hari ke 4. Metode penelitian yang digunakanan adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh ibu nifas hari ke 4 di BPS Asri dan Polindes Permata Bunda Tuban bulan Juli - AgustusTahun 2020, sampel penelitian adalah sebagian ibu nifas hari ke 4 di BPS Asri dan Polindes Permata Bunda Tuban bulan Juli – Agustus Tahun 2020. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah frekuensi perawatan payudara sedangkan variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini kelancaran produksi ASI. Analisis data dalam penelitian menggunakan korelasi Spearman dengan batasan signifikan jika p-value < 0,05. Analisa hasil penelitian menunjukkan p-value = 0,000 yang berarti terdapat hubungan antara frekuensi perawatan payudara dengan kelancaran produksi asi pada ibu nifas hari ke 4. Pentingnya ASI bagi bayi maka ibu nifas diharapkan selalu menjaga kelancaran ASI dengan cara melakukan perawatan payudara secara rutin dan benar.  Kata kunci. Perawatan payudara, ASI, Nifas   The Correlation between The Frequency of Breast Care and The Smooth Production of Breast Milk on Day 4 Postpartum  Abtract.Breastmilk provides all the energy and butrition a baby needs for the first 6 months of baby life. The firts six months only exclusive breastfeeding is provided for babies without any additional food or drink. This study aims to analyze the correlation between the breast care frequency and the smooth production of breastmilk in post-partum mothers on day 4. The research method was observational analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was all-day 4 postpartum mothers and the study sample were some of the fourth days' postpartum mothers at BPS Asri and Polindes Permata Bunda Tuban in March-April 2020. The research sampling was simple random sampling. The independent variable was the frequency of breast care, while the dependent variable was the milk production smoothness. Data analysis used the Spearman correlation with significant limits of p-value <0.05. The analysis of the results showed a p-value=0.000, which means that there was a correlation between the breast care frequency and the breastmilk smooth production in postpartum mothers on day 4. The importance of breastfeeding for babies is that postpartum mothers are expected to always maintain the smooth running of breast milk by doing regular and correct breast care.  Keywords. Breast care, breast milk, postpartum

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Euis Dasipah ◽  
Dety Sukmawati ◽  
Dian Purwadi Faturachman

This study aims to determine and study "Institutional Farmers, Socio-economic and Technological Adoption of the Success of Java Preanger Arabica Coffee Farming (Survey of Coffee Farmers in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency)". Descriptive Analysis research method, with the research variables consisting of two independent variables namely, farmer institutions and farmers' socio-economic, and two Bound Variables namely Application of technology and success of coffee farming. The study population numbered 110, with a sample of 86 people, simple random sampling. / Simple random sampling, every subject in the population has the same chance of being selected as a sample. Main Hypothesis Testing Results indicate that farmer institutions, farmer socio-economics and application of technology Influence the success of coffee farming, the results of the Hypothesis Sub-tests are; (1) farmer institution influences the success of coffee farming in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency, (2) farmer socioeconomic influences on the success of coffee farming in Rancakalong District Sumedang Regency and the application of technology influences the success of coffee farming in Rancakalong District Sumedang Regency, (3) There is The relationship between farmer institutions and socio-economics in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency. Farmer institutionalization, farmer socio-economic condition and simultaneous application of technology have a positive effect on the success of coffee farming in Rancakalong Subdistrict, but when compared to the influence of all variables, the Farmer Institution has a smaller effect. While the cause of the influence of X2 is higher than X1, because the dynamics of farmer groups are common everywhere and at any time and are usually more directly related to how to improve farming yields so that the interaction is stronger. Considering the various limitations in this study, it needs to be followed up more broadly and deeply, so that it can provide more comprehensive benefits and look at other factors that influence the success of coffee farming.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Shuhymee Ahmad ◽  
Abdullah Abd Ghani ◽  
Rosli Mohd Saad

This paper examines the influence of the external environment on business performance of SMEs in Malaysia. Previous studies have show that there was inconsistent relationship between external environment variables and business performance. Three external environment variables were examined in this study namely dynamic, hostility and munifience. By using simple random sampling technique, a total of 143 SMEs in Malaysia were used as samples in this study. Correlation analysis and multiple regression were used to test the three hypothesis. Results of the analysis showed that the three independent variables, i.e., dynamic, hostility and munifience have positive significant relationships with business performance. It is hoped that the findings from this study can be utilized by the government, entrepreneurs, researchers and other stakeholders in the field of SMEs in Malaysia.  

John Nana Ekow Baiden

The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of board audit committee characteristics on the financial performance of selected commercial banks in Ghana during the period of 2008 to 2017. The correlational design was employed. The study population was 23 commercial banks licensed under the Bank and Special Deposit Taking Institution Act with audit committee on their board and offices in Ghana as at December 2018. The sample size for the study was 13 commercial banks in Ghana. The lottery method of simple random sampling technique was used to select the 13 banks. The study made use of only secondary data. Statistical tools such as means, standard deviations, Pearson product moment correlation, and linear multiple regression analysis were used to analyse the data. The findings of the study revealed that when banks audit committee increase the frequency of their meetings, increase the number and quality of financial qualifications of member on board and also increase the size of the audit committee members on total board membership, it will have a significant influence on the banks’ financial performance. It was recommended to Bank of Ghana (BoG) and managers of the various commercial banks to ensure that audit committee members are independent, meaningfully represented at boards of the banks, and are people with expertise in accounting/finance.

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