scholarly journals Hubungan Motivasi Bermain Game Online Dan Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya Dengan Adiksi Game Online Pada Remaja di SMPN Kota Padang

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Dwi Christina Rahayuningrum ◽  
Zabidah Putit ◽  
Ira Erwina

ABSTRAK Adiksi game online saat ini menjadi permasalahan global. Adiksi game online akan membuat pemainnya asik bermain game online hingga melupakan waktu dan menimbulkan hal negatif seperti melupakan kewajiban dan terganggu pola tidur. Faktor yang mempengaruhi adiksi game online motivasi dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya, motivasi yang tinggi bisa dari diri sendiri dan lingkungan akan mempengaruhi adiksi seseorang terhadap game online. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi dan dukungan sosial dengan adiksi game online pada remaja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 7 dan 8 SMP N 13 Padang yang bermain game online yang berjumlah 150 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner adiksi game online (GASA), motivasi bermain game online¸ dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya (ISEL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 64,7% remaja yang mengalami adiksi game online, motivasi bermain game online tinggi pada remaja 66,7%, dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya yang tinggi 76,7%. Terdapat hubungan antara motivasi dengan adiksi game online dengan p value=0,000 (p<0,05), serta tidak ada hubungan dukungan sosial dengan adiksi game online dengan p value=0,450 (p<0,05). Disarankan kepada pihak sekolah untuk melakukan konseling terkait dampak game online pada guru dan meningkatkan kegiatan ekstrakulikuler juga untuk keperawatan jiwa disarankan untuk melakukan kegiatan berupa promosi dan preventif seperti melakukan konseling atau psikoedukasi pada keluarga serta anak terkait dengan dampak bermain game online. Kata Kunci       : game online, motivasi, dukungan sosial, adiksi¸ psikososial, remaja Relationships Motivation Playing Online Games And Social Support Peers With Online Game Addiction Adolescents in SMPN Padang City ABSTRACT Online game addiction is now a global problem. Online game addiction will make the players cool to play online games to forget about time and give rise to negative things like forgetting its obligations and disturbed sleep patterns. Getting addicted to online game could ense from oneself and or being motivated and supported by peers. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between motivation and social support with online game addiction in adolescents. This study is a descriptive with cross sectional design. The samples of this studi include 7th and 8th grade students of SMPN 13 Padang the total sample are 150. The research instrument used questionnaire online game addiction (GASA), the motivation to play online games and social support peer (ISEL). The results showed 64.7% of adolescents who experience addiction online games, play online games high motivation in adolescents 66.7%, and peer social support high 76.7%. There is a relationship between motivation and addiction online games with p value = 0,000 (p<0,05), and no social support relationships with online gaming addiction with p value = 0.450 (p<0,05). It suggested to the school counseling online game-related impacts on teachers and increase extracurricular activities also for the soul of nursing are advised to carry out promotion and preventive activities such as counseling or psycho-education in family and child related to the impact of online gaming. Keywords: online games, motivation, social support, psychosocial addiction, teen

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Yanuar Fahrizal ◽  
Bima Yoga Pratama

The Online game is a technological product that is quite popular among adolescents. Violent characters in online games can affect the game players. Hurting the enemies in the games every day will gradually lead adolescents to think that hurting people is a fun and common thing to do. The adolescent delinquency cases in Yogyakarta occur every year, and the most frequent cases are klitih (maltreatment) and brawls. This study aims to discover the relationship between the level of addiction to violent online games and the intensity of violent behavior in adolescents. This study employed a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach. Data were collected through Game Addiction Scale for Adolescent questionnaires by  about the adolescents’ addiction to online games and violent behavior in adolescents. The respondents of the study were 96 adolescents, recruited using the Lemeshow formula. Data were analyzed using the Spearmen rho test. Results showed that 48 adolescents (50%) were addicted to online games at a moderate level. The majority of adolescents (44.8%) had a low intensity of violent behavior. The p-value was 0.000 (<0.005). The correlation value was 0.731, indicating a strong correlation between online gaming addiction and intensity of violent behavior, and the positive value suggests a unidirectional relationship. The level of online gaming addiction in adolescents in Yogyakarta is moderate. Online gaming addiction and violent behavior have a significant relationship with a strong correlation coefficient and a unidirectional relationship. Future researchers are suggested to add research variables to discover other factors contributing to violent behavior in adolescents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rainatha Anggreyani ◽  
Nopi Nur Khasanah ◽  
Herry Susanto

Background: Teens of online game users from year to year have increased. The impact of online games on children are depression, anxiety, and social phobia will get worse and academic achievement will decrease. In addition, the addiction to online games can lead to the emergence of aggressive behavior in adolescents. Researcher is interested to examine the correlation between online game addiction with aggressiveness behavior in adolescents in Semarang game center.Methode: The design of this study is quantitative and type of  the research used Cross sectional study. The data were collected by using questionnaires. The number of respondents is 40 people used total sampling technique. The data obtained is processed statistically by using somers'd test.Result: Based on the results obtained from 40 respondents, with the characteristics of respondents 30% aged 18 years. The results showed that 52.5% showed addiction to heavy online games, 32.5% showed a moderate online game addiction and 15% showed an addiction to light online games. A total of 17.5% showed severe aggressiveness, 77.5% showed moderate aggressiveness and 5% showed mild aggressiveness.Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between online game addiction and aggressive behavior in adolescents in Semarang game center (p = 0.042), with weak correlation (r = 0.290)

Atik Rohmawati Mulyaningsih ◽  
Tantut Susanto ◽  
Latifa Aini Susumaningrum

Playing online games is a favorite activity for adolescents to fill their free time. This habit affects the occurrence of addiction if done for a long time. In addition, the long duration of play leads to sedentary lifestyle behaviors, which contribute to overweight among adolescents. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between online gaming addiction and being overweight among adolescents in Jember district. The cross-sectional study design was conducted among 162 overweight students from 16 senior high schools in Jember with stratified random sampling. The development of the Indonesian online game addiction questionnaire is used to assess online game addiction, weight scales, and stature meters are used to measure body mass index (overweight). The Spearman Rank test was performed to answer the objective of this study. The results of this study indicate that body mass index in 162 adolescents is overweight (Median=1,44; Standard Deviation=0,26) which indicates obesity. Adolescents who were identified as having addiction in the study were (27,2%) and mild addictions were (72,8%). There was a significant relationship between online game addiction and overweight (r=0.212 ; p-value = 0.007). The sedentary lifestyle of online game addiction contributes to the occurrence of overweight among adolescents. Therefore, regular physical activity patterns need to be applied to reduce sedentary lifestyle and overweight problems among adolescents.ABSTRAKBermain game online menjadi kegiatan favorit bagi remaja untuk mengisi waktu luang. Kebiasaan ini berdampak pada terjadinya kecanduan jika dilakukan dalam waktu yang lama. Selain itu, durasi bermain yang cukup lama mengarah pada perilaku gaya hidup yang menetap, yang berkontribusi pada terjadinya kelebihan berat badan di kalangan remaja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara kecanduan game online dan kelebihan berat badan di kalangan remaja di Kabupaten Jember. Desain penelitian cross sectional dilakukan di antara 162 siswa yang kelebihan berat badan dari 16 SMA di Jember dengan stratified random sampling. Kuesioner The development of Indonesian online game addiction questionnaire digunakan untuk menilai kecanduan game online, timbangan berat badan dan stature meter digunakan untuk mengukur indeks massa tubuh (kegemukan). Analisis uji menggunakan uji spearman rank untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa indeks massa tubuh pada 162 remaja adalah (M = 1,44; SD = 0,26) didapatkan median >1 untuk Z score antropometri yang mengindikasikan kegemukan. Remaja yang diidentifikasi mengalami kecanduan pada penelitian adalah (27,2%) dan kecanduan ringan adalah (72,8%). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecanduan game online dan kegemukan (r = 0,212; p value = 0,007). Gaya hidup menetap dari kecanduan game online berkontribusi terhadap terjadinya kegemukan di kalangan remaja. Oleh karena itu, perlu diterapkan pola aktivitas fisik secara teratur untuk mengurangi gaya hidup yang menetap dan masalah kelebihan berat badan di kalangan remaja. [Penel Gizi Makan 2020, 43(1):11-20]

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Nindar Oktavian ◽  
Saiful Nurhidayat ◽  
Ririn Nasriati

Abstract Background: As the rapid development of Internet technology, online games are also experiencing development. Online Game presents a more varied challenge compared to offline games, this makes the players feel at home and play long enough. Online game is seductive which means it can cause addiction, Addictive online game is marked by how far someone play excessive game so that can interfere its life everyday.Method: Design of research using Cross Sectional with a population of 78, a sample of 45 respondents using purposive sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires with data processing using Chi Square test.Result: From the result of research from total 45 respondent 24 (53,3%) respondent playing game excessively, and 21 (47,7%) not excessive. And 24 (53.3%) respondents experienced addiction. Statistical analysis showed significant result with p-value 0,002 <0,05. Then H1 accepted which means there is influence between the duration of playing online games towards online game addiction.Conclusion: Playing games with a long duration is one of the factors causing online game addiction among teenagers. So there needs to be self-control of online game play behavior.Keywords:Game Online, Addiction, Teenagers Abstrak Latar Belakang: Seiring pesatnya perkembangan teknologi internet, game online juga mengalami perkembangan. Game online. Game Online menyajikan tantangan yang lebih bervariasi dibandingkan dengan game offline, hal ini membuat para pemain betah dan bermain cukup lama. Game online bersifat seduktif yang berarti dapat menyebabkan kecanduan, Kecanduan game online ditandai oleh sejauhmana seseorang bermain game secara berlebihan sehingga dapat mengganggu kehidupannya sehari-hari.Metode:Desain penelitian menggunakan Cross Sectional dengan jumlah populasi 78, sampel 45 responden dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan pengolahan data menggunakan uji chi square.           Hasil: Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan dari total 45 responden 24 (53,3%) responden bermain game secara berlebihan, dan 21 (47,7%) tidak berlebihan. Dan 24 (53,3%) responden mengalami adiksi. Analisis statistika menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan dengan p-value 0,002 < 0,05. Maka H1 diterima yang artinya ada pengaruh antara durasi bermain game online terhadap adiksi game online.Kesimpulan: Bermain game dengan durasi waktu yang cukup lama menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab adiksi game online di kalangan remaja. Sehingga perlu adanya kontrol diri terhadap perilaku bermain game online.Kata kunci: Game Online, Adiksi, Remaja

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Amelia Andrita Alika Rondo ◽  
Herlina I. S. Wungouw ◽  
Franly Onibala

that is of particular concern at this time is aggressive behavior and has become a universalproblem, and lately it tends to increase, one of the causes is the influence from theenvironment such as Online Game addiction. The purpose of this study is to knowrelationship between Online Game Addiction and Aggressive Behavior in students at SMANegeri 2 Ratahan. The method of this study uses cross sectional study design. The sampleof this study amounted to 78 students with total sampling method. The Results of thisstudy, out of 78 nurses most of them were had uncontrolled onlie game addiction (76.9%)and aggressive behavior (57.7%) by using the chi-square test at significance level of 95%,it was found that p-value was 0.035 smaller than significant value of 0.05. In conclusionof this study, there is a relationship between Online Game Addiction and AggressiveBehavior in students at SMA Negeri 2 Ratahan.Keywords: Online Game Addiction, Aggressive Behavior, Students.Abstrak : Perilaku anak selalu menjadi topik yang hangat untuk diperbincangkan. Salahsatu perilaku anak yang menjadi perhatian khusus saat ini adalah perilaku agresif dansudah menjadi masalah yang universal, dan akhir-akhir ini cenderung semakin meningkatsalah satu penyebabnya ialah pengaruh dari unsur lingkungan seperti kecanduan GameOnline.Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Kecanduan Game Onlinedengan Perilaku Agresif pada siswa di SMA N 2 Ratahan. Metode studi ini menggunakandesain penelitian cross-sectional. Sampel studi ini berjumlah 78 siswa dengan metodepengambilan sampel Total Sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini, didapatkan dari 78 Siswayang diteliti sebagian besar memiliki kecanduan game onlie yang tidak terkontrol (76,9%)dan berperilaku agresif (57,7%), dengan menggunakan uji chi-square pada tingkatkemaknaan 95%, didapat bahwa nilai p-value adalah 0,035 lebih kecil dari nilai signfikan0,05. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa terdapat hubungan antara Kecanduan GameOnline Perilaku Agresif pada siswa di SMA N 2 Ratahan.Kata Kunci : Kecanduan Game Online, Perilaku Agresif, Siswa

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Mardiah ◽  
Mina Marlina

From result in medical record at Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital Palembang in 2013 the died patient of amount 501 people while on 2014 in rise 610 people caused by terminal illness. The patient terminal have to get his palliative care that is to relieve symptoms of disease and improve the quality of life for the patient as well as the handling of pain and other issues such as physical, psychosocial and spiritual.The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between physical factors, social support, and spiritual support to palliative care to patients at Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital Palembang. The method of this is quantitative with survey analytic through cross sectional approach. The total sample of this study 38 respondents by using the total population. The questionnaire was used to collect the data. The Chi-Square statistic was used in this study, analysis the data used by univariate and bivariate. From statistic test found that there are a correlation among physical factors in palliative care with p value 0,005 < α (0,05), a correlation among social support in palliative care with p value 0,018 < α (0,05), a correlation among spiritual support in palliative care with p value 0,028 < α (0,05). To Siti Khadijah Islamic Hospital Palembang hope that inputed and judgment in do measure leadership care most to patients terminal.

2018 ◽  
Vol 128 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-13
Beata Pawłowska ◽  
Emilia Potembska ◽  
Jolanta Szymańska

Abstract Introduction. Dependence on the Internet and online games is a growing problem worldwide. Aim. The aim of this study was to determine the differences between girls and boys as well as between adolescents living in urban vs. rural areas in regard to prevalence of playing online games, the amount of time devoted to playing games, the severity of symptoms of online gaming addiction, and preferences for game genres. Also, significant predictors of online game addiction in the studied group of young people were identified. Material and methods. The study involved 827 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years. When it comes to 488 (60.02%) of them, they lived in the countryside and 325 (39.98%) in a city. The following instruments were used: a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Online Gaming Addiction Questionnaire and the Disturbed Family Relations Questionnaire, all developed by Pawłowska and Potembska. Results. Statistically significant differences were found between girls and boys and between adolescent urban and rural dwellers in prevalence of playing online games, severity of online gaming addiction symptoms, preferences for specific game genres, and the amount of time spent playing online games. Conclusions. 1. Significantly more boys than girls played online games. Boys devoted more time to playing and had more severe symptoms of addiction to online games. 2. Adolescent city dwellers spent significantly more time playing online games, mainly to relieve boredom and experience new sensations, than young people living in the countryside. 3. Major predictors of online gaming addiction included male gender, urban residence, domestic violence, mother’s child-raising rules being challenged by the father, and the child’s sense of responsibility for his/her parents.

Irmayani Irmayani ◽  
Muhammad Anas

Research objectives 1) determine the symptoms of students addicted to the online game Mobile Legend. 2) find out the factors that influence students addicted to the Mobile Legend online game. 3) find out the impact of Mobile Legend online game addiction on students. 4) the role of self-management techniques to reduce addiction to the Mobile Legend online game. This research is qualitative with a type of case study research. The research subjects are 2 students who are addicted to the legendary online mobile game. The research instruments used were interviews, observation and documentation. Research results: 1) Symptoms of students who are addicted to online games: a) cognitive salience b) behavioral salience c) euphoria d) external conflict e) internal conflict f) tolerance g) withdrawal symptoms. h) relapse and reinstatement 2) Factors affecting students addicted to online games are: a) reward, feedback on games b) reduce boredom towards real life c) eliminate the loneliness streotype d) social inability for players who are addicted e) low self esteem and self efficacy f) virtual environments. 3) The impact on students' learning achievements addicted to online games namely; lazy to do the task, low report card grades, feeling weak and lacking enthusiasm when I wake up in the morning, and his emotions are not stable, enthusiasm for learning is low. 4) Tutor teacher's efforts to overcome online game addiction on two students namely: a) Using an individual counseling approach, b) Conducting home visits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (F) ◽  
pp. 260-274
Eni Purwaningsih ◽  
Ira Nurmala

Abstract: Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019 determined that Internet Gaming Disorders (IGD) were included as mental health disorders. Among adolescents, excessive online gaming has become a lifestyle and is associated with psychological symptoms (psychopathological symptoms and life satisfaction), social health (social interactions) and physical health (general health and body mass index). The IGD has now become a problem all over the world.   AIM: This study aims to analyze the impact of online game addiction on adolescents using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) approach.   MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects were searched extensively from the Pubmed, Sage, Science Direct, and Scopus databases. The search used the keywords "online game addiction", "mental health", and "youth". The inclusive criteria for the included  literature in this study  were as follow; the literature had to be sourced from journal article, written in English, available in full text, the published between  2011-2021, and the age of the adolescent subject should be 13-18 years. We identified 81 articles of which 20 were deemed relevant for this systematic review.   RESULTS: This review study shows that problematic online gaming behavior has a strong negative correlation with various subjective health outcomes.   CONCLUSION: Early relevant prevention for  adolescents from the IGD is the appropriate use of  internet/ gadgets as the only option to avoid or to reduce the symptoms of internet addiction and online games.   Keywords : Online game addiction; Mental health; Adolescents; Good Health and Wellbeing

2021 ◽  
pp. 003329412110167
Yanhua Wang

Many studies have documented the close association that exists between interparental conflicts and the symptomatology of online game addiction. However, the underlying mechanism that drives this association has not been fully investigated. This cross-sectional study explores the effect of interparental conflicts on online game addiction symptomatology in adolescents, focusing on the mediating effects of the parent-adolescent relationship and of adolescent loneliness. A total of 553 middle school students completed a questionnaire that included: a perception of interparental conflict scale, a level of closeness to parents scale, a short UCLA Loneliness scale, and an online game addiction symptomatology scale. Results showed that interparental conflicts, parent-adolescent relations, and adolescent loneliness are all significantly related to online game addiction symptomatology in adolescents. Structural equation modeling results indicate that the effects of interparental conflicts on adolescent online game addiction symptomatology are partially mediated by the parent-adolescent relationship and by adolescent loneliness.

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