scholarly journals Peranan Humas Pemerintahan (Government Public Relations) dalam Menciptakan Reputasi Pemerintahan yang Baik

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-140
Oktri Permata Lani ◽  
Beni Handayani

The role of government public relations in the era of technological and information advancement is now no longer as a transmitter of information, but as a strategic element in supporting the successful implementation of government programs. Especially creating a reputation for good governance in the community. Therefore, the role of Public Relations Public Relations needs to be developed to be more proactive so that it is able to package information, oblique news that develops in the community and straighten it according to true, balanced and proportional facts so that people do not have bad perceptions about the government. The focus of the problem is the role of government public relations (Government Public Relations) in creating a good government reputation in the eyes of the community, as well as the objectives and functions of Government Public Relations (Government Public Relations) in creating a good government reputation in the eyes of the public. The research method uses literature study. Public Relations is designed based on serious research, planning and evaluation. The work process of Public Relations is a continuous circular process, and is a continuous process in the form of a spiral. In the implementation of the function of public relations or Public Relations requires, a variety of reliable expertise, people who can be trusted, supervision, coordination, attention to every detail and carried out in a professional manner. Public Relations must be able to master technical skills in disseminating information to achieve the goals that have been determined by the Public Relations. In this approach, Public Relations can use various communication channels, including interpersonal, public, group communication, mass media, both print and audio-visual and New Media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Silvia Widya Kusumaningtyas ◽  
Zon Vanel

<span lang="IN">Social media is one type of new media that facilitates the process of communication among human. Social media makes it easy for users to communicate and share information in a wider range. At present, not only people use Instagram, but the government also needs to keep up with the time to participate in using Instagram as an online information media. Public Relations of the Salatiga Government is one of the public relations departments that uses Instagram as an online information media to provide information needed by the community.<br /> This research aimed to find out how the content of the information was<span>  </span>and how the role of instagram was as an information deliverance to the citizen by the public relations of Salatiga. Through qualitative methods research, data is collected by means of interviews and observations. The results showed that the Salatiga <span> </span>Government Public Relations Instagram account had a role to increase brand awareness, connect many people and as a source of information/ business promotion.Public Relations of the Salatiga Government considers that Instagram plays an active role in conveying information to the public. This is seen from the many positive responses received by the Salatiga City Government Public Relations during managing Instagram as a modern information deliverance.<span>     </span></span>

2012 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 1

The development policy in the reformation era gives priority to the paradigm of human development that puts people as the development actors and places local economy as a vehicle for community welfare. However, the government policy as stated in the national budget precisely contradicts with the role of government that should create the community welfare. This study uses the qualitative approach by using historical and verstehen methods. The management of the national budget shows the existence of the government's role in regulating the sources of general revenue and expenditure budget. The practices of the state financial management used for development purposes to create the public welfare have been conducted since the time of Prophet Muhammad. The management of the national budget in the reformation era uses performance-based budget structure that aims to improve the performance of government with good governance that requires the effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, and accountabilicy in its management. However, the abuse of the budget in the form of corruption still occurs in the management of this national budget. Key words: National Budget, Budget-Politics, Corruption, Islamic Economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 261-277
Masembe Michael

Governments are weak at promoting and endorsing their gains and programmes. Taking Uganda in context, this paper explored the current tools for public tax awareness on Domestic Revenue Mobilisation (DRM), an oft-neglected area yet crucial for tax revenue generation. The note overviewed the DRM initiatives and the public tax awareness programmes in place to promote them. Using content analysis, the inquiry noted gaps in the planning of public tax awareness initiatives, which inf luences the execution, impact and appraisal of the campaigns, which in turn, affects the uptake of DRM initiatives. It calls for government accountability where all government agencies use public tax awareness tools to account for their plans and gains. It furthermore requires not leaving accountability to the finance ministry and the tax agency. Highlighting successful government programmes courtesy of tax revenue motivates citizens aboard DRM. This paper therefore averred that concerted government public relations will motivate citizenry participation and support for DRM.

InterKomunika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Muhammad Reyzha Noorsyam Arkian ◽  
M Subur Drajat ◽  
Dadi Ahmadi

Abstract. Film is a mass media that has a function as entertainment, besides that the film also contains an informative, educative, and persuasive function. Film is also known as a medium of communication, film is an effective means to shape the perspective of society at large. A movie titled “Hancock” is a movie about a public relations practitioner who tries to restore the image of a superhero. This movie also tells a story about the troublesome life of a superhero who has bad image in the eyes of public and media.  The purpose of this research is to understand the Reality Level, Representation Level and Ideology Level of public relations role in the movie “Hancock”.  The research method is using the qualitative methods with semiotics approach, which is a science about signs. The theory used is John Fiske’s theory of Television Codes which focuses on the Reality Level, Representation level and Ideology Level.  In this research the data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, literature study, and interviews.  The results of this study conclude that at the reality level it is seen in the form of behavior and appearance which includes expert advisors who provide input, problem solvers in crisis, media relations, providers as well as media relations, communication technicians, public tranquilizers, and case development informants. showed that the role of public relations and Ray Embrey's Appearance tended to be stable when meeting with the public and Hancock as management, namely by using formal equipment in the form of shirts, suits, ties, material trousers and loafers. At the level of representation in the form of a camera code and dialogue code which includes, Framing with Background, Group Shot, Walking Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot, Eye Level, and, Point of View Shot and dialog used by Ray Embrey in this film too very shows the role of public realtions that show that it is an expert communicator and expert advisor by persuasive communication. At the ideological level, there was an ideology that appeared in the Hancock film with discrimination between white and black race and based on the eighth point of the Public Relations International code of ethics. The suggestion for further research is to look for references to books related to semiotics and the role of public relations. This is needed to be able to better understand the forms of the role of public relations in a film.Keywords: Mass Media, Reality, Semiotic, Television Codes, John FiskeAbstrak. Film merupakan media massa yang memiliki fungsi sebagai hiburan, disamping itu juga film mengandung fungsi informatif, edukatif, dan persuasif.  Film juga dikenal sebagai media komunikasi, film merupakan salah satu sarana yang efektif untuk membentuk perspektif masyarakat secara luas.  Film “Hancock” merupakan sebuah film yang mengangkat kisah tentang perbaikan citra dari seorang pahlawan oleh seorang praktisi public relations. Film ini juga mengangkat persoalan kehidupan seorang pahlawan yang memiliki citra buruk di mata publik dan media.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana level realitas, level representasi, dan level ideology peran public relations dalam film “Hancock”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah  metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotika, yaitu suatu ilmu yang mengkaji tentang tanda-tanda. Teori yang digunakan adalah kode-kode televisi John Fiske dimana memfokuskan pada level Realitas, level Representasi, dan level Ideologi.  Pada penelitian ini teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, dokumentasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara.  Hasil dalam penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada level realitas terlihat dalam bentuk perilaku dan penampilan yang meliputi penasihat ahli yang memberikan masukan, pemecah permasalahan ketika dalam krisis, media relations, penyedia juga penyalur hubungan dengan media, teknisi komunikasi, penenang publik, dan informan perkembangan kasus yang menunjukan bahwa adanya peran public relations dan Penampilan Ray Embrey, cenderung stabil ketika bertemu dengan publik dan Hancock sebagai manajemen, yaitu dengan menggunakan stelena formal berupa kemeja, jas, dasi, celana panjang bahan, dan sepatu pantofel.  Pada level representasi dalam bentuk kode kamera dan kode dialog yang meliputi, Framing with Background, Group Shot, Walking Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot, Eye Level, dan, Point of View Shot dan  dialog yang di gunakan oleh Ray Embrey dalam film ini juga sangat menunjukan peran public realtions yang menunjukan bahwa ia merupakan seorang expert communicator dan penasihat ahli dengan melakukan komunikasi persuasif. Pada level ideologi terlihat adanya Ideologi yang muncul dalam film Hancock terdapat diskriminasi Ras antara kulit putih dengan Ras kulit hitam dan berdasarkan kode etik Public Relations Internasional point ke delapan.  Adapun saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah lebih mencari referensi buku terkait dengan semiotika dan peran public relations.  Hal ini diperlukan untuk dapat lebih memahami bentuk-bentuk peran public relations dalam sebuah film.Kata kunci: Media Massa, Realitas, Semiotika, Kode-kode Televisi, John Fiske

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Anwar Sani

Abstract, world democratization forces many organizations including the government in this case, of all types in many regions of the world, to consider giving more attention to the government public relations activities. The role will include contributing to good governance and respect for human rights. That would mean public relations in Indonesia, as elsewhere in Asia, will be involved in the development of public diplomacy. Aware of the problems as well as the demands of optimization and revitalization of the role of public relations in the era of reform, democratization and transparency of public information, Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs issued the Regulation of the Minister of the Home Affairs (Permendagri ) No. 13 of 2011, in which it sets the Implementation Guidelines for PR Tasks in the milieu of Ministry of Home Affairs and Local Government. The regulation represents the desire of the Ministry of Home Affairs to fix the government's role and functions of public relations in its internal milieu. The research question of this study concerns how the understanding of the public relations officer in the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Permendagri 13/2011 and how the implementation of Permendagri 13/2011 by public relations officials of Ministry of Home Affairs. The method used was qualitative method using the theory of social constructs of reality and symbolic interaction. The results showed that public relations officials in the Ministry of Home Affairs understood that the regulation was to improve the professionalism of Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and as an effort to encourage the active participation of the public. While the background history of the regulation discovered in the implementation, there were efforts to socialize the regulation; its impacts, constraints and solutions related to its implementation and other four main public relations activities of the Ministry of Home Affairs which include public information services, public affairs, content analysis of media and crisis management.Key words : government public relations, Regulation of the Minister of the Home Affairs 13/2011Abstrak, demokratisasi dunia memaksa organisasi, termasuk juga pemerintah dalam hal ini, dari semua jenis di banyak wilayah di dunia untuk mempertimbangkan memberikan perhatian lebih pada aktivitas kehumasan pemerintah. Peran yang akan mencakup kontribusi bagi pemerintahan yang baik dan menghormati hak asasi manusia. Itu akan berarti hubungan masyarakat di Indonesia, seperti di tempat lain di Asia, akan terlibat dalam upaya pengembangan diplomasi publik.Sadar akan persoalan sekaligus tuntutan optimalisasi serta revitalisasi peran humas pemerintah di era reformasi, demokratisasi dan transparansi informasi publik, Kementerian Dalam Negeri Indonesia (Kemendagri) mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri (Permendagri) Nomor 13 tahun 2011, yang di dalamnya mengatur Pedoman Pelaksanaan Tugas Kehumasan di Lingkungan Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Pemerintah Daerah. Permendagri 13/2011 merepresentasikan keinginan Kementerian Dalam NegePertanyaan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pemahaman para pejabat kehumasan di lingkungan Kemendagri terhadap Permendagri No.13 Tahun 2011 dan bagaimana implementasi Permendagri No.13 Tahun 2011 oleh pejabat kehumasan Kemendagri.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori kostruksi sosial atas realitas dan interaksi simbolik.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pejabat humas Kemendagri memahami Permendagri 13/2011 sebagai regulasi yang mendorong Humas Kemendagri untuk meningkatkan profesionalismenya dan merupakan upaya untuk mendorong partisipasi aktif publik. Sementara dalam implementasi Permendagri 13/2011 ditemukan beberapa latar belakang lahirnya Permendagri 13/2011, terdapat upaya sosialisasi Permendagri 13/2011, dampak, kendala serta solusi terkait implementasi Permendagri 13/2011 dan 4 aktivitas kehumasan utama Kemendagri yaitu layanan public information, public affairs, analisis isi media dan manajemen krisis.Kata Kunci : government public relations, humas pemerintahan, indonesia, permendagri 13/2011

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-73
Winfred Kaleli ◽  
Winnie Ndeta Otslulah ◽  
Consolata Mutisya

Public relations is a vital tool for the government because it emphasizes on democracy and good governance. This study sought to establish the role of public relations tools in sensitizing the public on government projects in government ministries in the Central Government in Nairobi. Specifically, the study examined: the effects of media relations on sensitizing the public on government projects in Nairobi County, Kenya; the effects of community relations on sensitizing the public on government projects in Nairobi County, Kenya; the effects of sponsorships on sensitizing the public on government projects in Nairobi County, Kenya; the effects of community events on sensitizing the public on government projects in Nairobi County, Kenya. For this study, the researcher used descriptive survey design. The target population comprised heads of departments in state corporations in Kenya which totals 162. This study was a census survey of all 162 state corporations in Kenya. The unit of analysis comprised all the state corporations whereas the unit of observation consisted of 162 heads of departments (Public Relations Officers) of each State Corporation, thus forming a sample size of 162 respondents. Primary data was collected using questionnaires as the main data collection instruments. The study also collected data using an interview schedule. SPSS version 20 was adopted in the analysis of quantitative data. Data was presented in the form of pie charts, graphs and tables. Themes were used to analyze qualitative data. The study found that media relations positively and significantly influence sensitisation on government projects; community relations positively and significantly influence sensitisation on government projects; sponsorships positively and significantly influence sensitisation on government projects and community events positively and significantly influence sensitisation on government projects. The study, therefore, recommends that stronger communication mechanisms should be installed and well integrated in the system to ensure easier and convenient dissemination of information to the public. PR department of any organisation contributes to its development and enhances customer’s satisfaction. In this line, the study recommends that strong and well integrated PR department should be installed in an organisation and therefore should be sufficiently funded to ensure its success. Further, the study recommends that organisations should devise ways and means to maintain a long-term commitment with clients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-337
Andrew Morelock

While a sizeable literature exists that examines individuals’ trust in government, far less attention has been paid to analyzing trusting attitudes in civil servants – the agents of government with whom citizens have the most contact and interaction. Previous studies have found a noticeable link between public sector performance and the level of trust citizens have in public institutions. However, questions remain as to whether it is the outcomes that the public sector produces or otherwise the process that is used that most influences trusting attitudes. The data used in the analysis comes from the 2016 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) module “Role of Government V.” Data from national samples drawn from 23 OECD countries are examined using multilevel logistic regression. The results indicate that individuals living in countries characterized by better governance indicators are more trusting of civil servants than those in countries where procedural performance is poorer.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
Nur Rohim Yunus ◽  
Annissa Rezki ◽  
Taryono Taryono

Bureaucracy is a modern organization that by default enforces the division of labor in its work process. The realization of good governance in Indonesia cannot be separated from the success or failure of the performance of the bureaucracy. The concept of governance simply refers to the decision-making process and its implementation. The realization of good governance or the effectiveness of local government can be seen from its ability to realize programs related to public services. During the new order, the bureaucracy had a big hand in the development process. In the public sector, the concept of bureaucracy is defined as processes and systems that are created rationally to ensure regular, definite and easy-to-control work mechanisms and systems. The role of the bureaucracy in providing services to the community is still not in accordance with the expectations and desires of the community. Bureaucracy develops in line with the political and economic development of a society. In this paper, the author uses a descriptive qualitative methodology.Keywords: Bureaucratic Culture; Good Government; Public AbstrakBirokrasi merupakan organisasi modern yang secara baku memberlakukan pembagian kerja dalam proses kerjanya. Terwujudnya good governance di Indonesia tidak dapat dilepaskan dari berhasil tidaknya kinerja birokrasi. Konsep governance secara sederhana merujuk pada proses pembuatan keputusan dan dan implementasinya. Realisasi good governance atau efektivitas pemerintah daerah dapat dilihat dari kemampuannya dalam mewujudkan program-program yang berkaitan dengan pelayanan publik. Selama orde baru, birokrasi memiliki andil besar dalam proses pembangunan. Dalam bidang publik konsep birokrasi di maknai sebagai proses dan sistem yang diciptakan secara rasional untuk menjamin mekanisme dan sistem kerja yang teratur, pasti dan mudah di kendalikan. Peran birokrasi memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat masih belum sesuai dengan harapan dan keinginan masyarakat. Birokrasi berkembang sejalan dengan perkembangan politik maupun ekonomi suatu masyarakat. Dalam penulisan ini, penulis menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif.Kata Kunci: Budaya Birokrasi; Good Government; Publik 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Diah Woro Ayuningtyas

Public services cannot be separated from our lives, starting with us in our womb, we get health services, facilities and infrastructure. Not only that, after we were born we still got public services, growing up we got education services, public facilities, and others. Until old age and death, we cannot be separated from public services. Good governance has the principle of prioritizing the interests of society. By prioritizing the interests of the community, an institution or public service provider can be said to be successful if the community is satisfied with the service of public goods or services they get. The purpose of this paper is to provide explanations and examples of the implementation of good governance in immigration administration services. In this research, using literature review or literature study method. Namely, the method used by collecting and studying data collected from books, magazines, and articles published in various scientific journals. Thus the conclusion discussed is how the role of good government in influencing immigration administration public services.

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