scholarly journals Strategi Komunitas Peka Kota Hysteria dalam Pelestarian Kampung Kota (Studi Kasus: Kampung Bustaman Kota Semarang)

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Rojab Umar Abdillah ◽  
Linda Darmajanti

ABSTRACTKampung is an embryo of a city. Metropolitan city is growing from a kampung. The city growth has good and bad impacts. Semarang City has 6.6 million population and in the process of its development, four old kampungs have been evicted by the developer during 2005 to 2018, either for hotel or apartment. A kampung whose population is middle to lower economy is an easy target for developer. This condition has triggered Peka Kota Hysteria community which focuses on the issue of arts and urban youth to preserve kampungs in the urban area i.e kampung Bustaman. This study revealed KPK Hysteria’s internal and external factors in preserving kampung Bustaman and will reveal strategies used by KPK Hysteria. Through the strategy implemented namely 1. Based on local culture, 2. Optimizing the involvement of the resident of kampung Bustaman and 3. Using art movement through internal network. These tree strategies are implemented by KPK Hysteria with systematic steps. KPK Hysteria is considered capable and succeeded in preserving kampung Bustaman with the supporting for 6 years. This success can bee seen from the increasing social captal of kampung Bustaman :  changes in social norm, the existence of social control, network, trust , and the most impact for the resident is the improvement of Human Resources, especially for the youth in kampung  Bustaman .Keywords: Strategy, Community, Urban Kampung.ABSTRAKKampung merupakan embrio dari sebuah kota. Berawal dari sebuah kampung lalu tumbuh menjadi kota metropolitan. Pertumbuhan kota memang berdampak baik namun juga ada dampak buruknya. Kota Semarang dengan populasi 6,6 juta jiwa dalam proses pembangunannya didapati ada empat kampung lama yang digusur oleh developer dalam kurun tahun 2005 hingga 2018, baik itu dibangun hotel maupun apartemen. Keberadaan kampung yang penduduknya berekonomi menengah ke bawah merupakan sasaran empuk bagi developer. Kondisi  ini memicu komunitas Peka Kota Hysteria yang fokus pada isu anak muda seni dan perkotan untuk bergerak melestarikan kampung-kampung di perkotaaan salah satunya kampung Bustaman. Penelitian ini mengungkap faktor internal dan eksternal KPK Hysteria dalam melestarikan kampung Bustaman. Serta akan mengungkap strategi yang digunakan oleh KPK Hysteria. Melalui Strategi yang diterapkan yaitu 1. berbasis budaya lokal, 2. pengoptimalan keterlibatan warga kampung Bustaman, dan 3. menggunakan gerakan seni melalui jaringan internal. Tiga hal tadi diterapkan oleh KPK hysteria dengan langkah-langkah yang sistematis. KPK hysteria dinilai mampu dan berhasil melestarikan kampung Bustaman dengan pendampingan selama 6 (enam) tahun. Keberhasilan ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan modal sosial yaitu : perubahan norma sosial, adanya kontrol sosial,jaringan , trust, dan yang paling dirasakan yaitu peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia khususnya remaja pada kampung Bustaman.Keyword : Strategi, Komunitas, Kampung kota.

Fransisca Desiana Pranata Sari ◽  
Sri Nathasya Br Sitepu

Business Competition encourages entrepreneurs to have competence in managing the business. Start-up businesses will grow if it is able to manage the internal factors and external factors well. This study focuses on internal factors from the perspective of companies consisting of four components, namely marketing, human resources, finance, and operations. The second focus of this study is the external factor of a business seen from the approach five forces Porter lists five essential components of the external factors, namely: barriers to entry in the industry, threat from substitute products, threat from suppliers bargaining power, threat from buyers bargaining power, Among existing industry and rival firms. The object of this study is a start-up business in the city of Surabaya. This study used descriptive qualitative method with the aim of optimizing the management view of internal and external factors in the success of a start-up business seen from the perspective of the company. Validation of the results using triangulation techniques using: parisipatif observation, interview, and documentation (photos and interviews) to the informant (object) research. The results showed the management of internal factors (marketing, human resources, finance, and operational) and external (barriers to entry in the industry, threat from substitute products, threat from suppliers bargaining power, threat from buyers bargaining power, and rival Among existing industry firms ) is an important component that must be optimized in order to support the success of start-up businesses.

Diane Frost

‘Community and Social Organisation’ is the last chapter in ‘The Kru Community in Freetown’, and provides an understanding of the social and economic history of the Kru in Freetown, and the respective internal and external factors that shaped it. The chapter focuses on community organisation amongst the Kru, rather than political organisation, which was shaped largely by forces outside the Kru’s social control.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-329 ◽  
Heng Qu ◽  
Una Osili

This study investigates program-related investments (PRIs), which are mechanisms that foundations can use to achieve charitable purposes while generating moderate financial returns. There is a growing interest in PRIs and other similar market-based approaches among practitioners of philanthropy recently. We examine the internal and external factors that influence PRIs by U.S. foundations through both quantitative and qualitative analyses. By analyzing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Foundation Center data, we find that foundations with more financial and human resources are more likely to adopt PRIs initially and also more intensively engage in PRIs. Foundations of 25 years or older invest less money in PRIs than younger foundations. Findings from the interviews with eight foundations reveal additional factors influencing foundations’ PRI activities, including staffing and expertise, the board and executive leadership, changes in the legal and economic environment, sectoral trends and peer networks, and the interests and needs of PRI recipients.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Ahmad Thoharul Anwar

<p><em><span lang="IN">The purpose of this study is to know the management of productive zakat for the economic empowerment of society in LAZISNU Kudus. This study uses a qualitative approach and is described descriptively. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and documentation. While data analysis using data reduction, data display and verification. From the results of the study concluded that the management of productive zakat funds conducted by LAZISNU Kudus using the stages in management science. The steps in the empowerment of productive zakat by LAZISNU Kudus include data collection, supervision and supervision. There are two obstacles facing LAZISNU, internal and external factors. Among the internal factors are limited funds provided, lack of coordination, lack of adequate human resources and administrative management that is still traditional. While external factors include is still a lot of muzakki who pay zakat outside amil institutions and mustahik less know management business.</span></em></p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Tejo Nurseto

UKM sector is a economic “rescuer” sector during Indonesia crisis and creates public and government new awareness  of its important of UKM as well as informal sector. UKM faces some problems including: (1) education, motivation and technology problems, (2) production problems, (3) marketing problem, (4) financial problem, (4) less conducive business environment. UKM business development needs SWOT analysis to diagnose internal and external factors. It is needed to identify product characteristic, market, technology, capital and human resources necessity and managerial aspect.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Amrita Nugraheni SARASWATY

One of the points of the 2030 sustainable development goals is to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns. One strategy that can be used is to consume food and non-food based on pro-environment (green product). This study aims to determine how the consumption pattern of green products from urban communities in Denpasar City. What are the internal and external factors that encourage urban communities in the city of Denpasar to consume green products? The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis which is useful for looking at the average, cross tabulation of demographic factors, internal and external factors with the choice of consuming green products from the urban community of Denpasar. The results of the study stated that the factors that became the basis for people to consume green products were 1) the desire to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, 2) health factors, 3) better quality of goods, and 4) following trends. Types of Green Products consumed by respondents include: eco bags, drinking water bottles, straws, tablespoons, bath soap, organic vegetables and fruits, lunch boxes, snacks, cosmetics, and mineral water. Public awareness of the city of Denpasar is becoming a trend in the implementation of achieving sustainable development goals.


Strategy for Controlling the Transfer of Agricultural Land Functions inSubakKerdung, Sub-District of South Denpasar, Denpasar CityControl over the conversion of agricultural land is very necessary in order to maintainthe existence and sustainability of subak in the City of Denpasar, especially inSubakKerdung. There needs to be appropriate strategies as a solution so that controlover the conversion of agricultural land in SubakKerdung can be done. The purpose ofthis study was to determine internal and external factors and to find out the mostappropriate strategy in controlling the conversion of agricultural land in SubakKerdung.The results of the analysis of internal factors in SubakKerdung were: a) strength (theapplication of Tri Hita Karana in subak), b) weakness (low interest of subak members todefend their land). External factors were: a) opportunities (the development ofecotourism as a tourist attraction), b) threats (over the function of agriculturalland).Based on the SWOT analysis, the development strategies found were: (a) S-OStrategy - Optimizing the empowerment of farmer communities as the main actors inecotourism development by directly selling their agricultural products to tourists. (b) WOStrategy - Conducting education and training through counseling in adopting newinnovations so that agricultural products can be marketed to tourists. (c) S-T Strategy -Planting vegetables that have high economic value and can be processed into snacks anddrinks (d) The W-T Strategy -Implementing and increasing the intensity of educationand training on tour guides, i.e. English training for young people and farmingcommunities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 77 ◽  
Argo Utomo Soenarto ◽  
Atik Suprapti ◽  
Titien Woro Murtini

AbstrakKawasan pinggiran Selatan Kota Surakarta menjadi favorit bermukim didasari kedekatannya dengan pusat Kota Surakarta. Dengan semakin padatnya kawasan pinggiran Selatan Kota Surakarta, pengembang mulai melirik daerah tetangganya, Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Tahun 2000 banyak dibangun perumahan di Kecamatan Grogol dan Baki, Kabupaten Sukoharjo dan menjadi daya tarik masyarakat yang memilih alternatif hunian di kawasan pinggiran Selatan Kota Surakarta.Selama ini pola permintaan masyarakat akan perumahan hanya dikira-kira oleh pengembang dan pemerintah kota. Masing-masing mempunyai persepsi sendiri tanpa didasari preferensi yang jelas. Pengembang lebih berorientasi pada profit/keuntungan, membuat pola sendiri, yang kurang memenuhi keinginan masyarakat. Masyarakat sebagai konsumen hampir tidak pemah dilibatkan langsung, padahal mereka calon penghuni perumahan tersebut. Secara umum, preferensi masyarakat akan perumahan dapat diperoleh jika faktor-faktor internal maupun eksternal yang mendasari pertimbangan pemilihan diketahui. Faktor-faktor tersebut yang menjadi indikator preferensi masyarakat akan perumahan.Melalui survey yang sudah dilakukan, didapat hasil bahwa Mayoritas masyarakat awam akan lebih memilih fasade dengan langgam minimalis dalam preferensinya. Hal ini dipengaruhi trend perumahan saat ini yang selalu memilih langgam minimalis dalam desain rumah, juga dari marketing rumah melalui iklan-iklan di media massa yang menampilkan langgam minimalis dengan pertimbangan lebih laku. Sedikit dari masyarakat yang paham akan desain lebih memilih yang sesuai dengan karakternya. Kata Kunci : preferensi, perumahan, fasade AbstractThe southern suburbs of Surakarta City are favorites to settle based on their proximity to the center of Surakarta. With the increasingly densely populated southern suburbs of Surakarta City, developers began to glance at the neighboring areas of Sukoharjo Regency. In 2000 many built housing in Grogol and Baki Sub-district, Sukoharjo Regency and being the appeal of people who choose residential alternatives in the southern suburbs of Surakarta City.During this time the pattern of community demand for housing is only guess by the developers and the city government. Each has its own perception without a clear preference. Developers are more profit-oriented / profitable, create their own patterns, which less meet the desires of the community. Society as a consumer almost never be directly involved, even though they are prospective residents of such housing. In general, community preferences for housing can be obtained if internal and external factors underlying election considerations are known. These factors are an indicator of people's preference for housing.Through the survey that has been done, obtained the result that the majority of ordinary people will prefer the fasade with minimalist style in its preference. This is influenced by the current housing trend that always choose the minimalist style in the design of the house, also from home marketing through advertisements in mass media featuring minimalist style with the consideration of more sold. Few of the people who understand the design will prefer to match the character. Keywords: preference, housing, facade

Eka Chandra Kusuma ◽  
Harianto Harianto ◽  
Lala M Kolopaking

ABSTRACT Funding and Human Resources (HR) can increase the successful use of Village and Regional Information Systems (SIDEKA). In this study, using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) on the factors that influence the successful implementation of SIDEKA in the District shows that funding of SIDEKA allocation, SIDEKA manager's human resource management and accompanying SIDEKA influence positively and significantly on the success of SIDEKA implementation. Several alternative strategies have been successfully formulated using the analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) on internal and external factors. The priority strategy chosen based on respondents' assessment is the strategy of weaknesses and opportunities (WO) including first allocating and increasing SIDEKA funds. Second, collaborating on education and training for managers. And third, improvement of the Information and Communication network in Cianjur Regency

K. T. Kabdesov ◽  
A. V. Maldynova

Commuting is a process that occurs frequently, usually in bigger cities and agglomerations. People living in the periphery tend to travel to work that is located in the center of agglomeration. The choice to commute can vary among the population, and that is explained by internal and external factors such as the economic and financial situation of people, labor market, etc. Even though a routine activity is a central concept of commuting, it takes place in different forms and ways and is impacted by various sociodemographic, economic, and spatial aspects. Hence, it is these social and economic changes in commuting tendencies, characters, and behaviors that this study aims to classify, analyze, and comprehend. Almaty is one of the most populated cities in Kazakhstan. Due to the urbanization processes and urban development, the city captures new territories and becomes an agglomeration. This leads to increased daily human mobility. People living in the periphery of the agglomeration, but working in downtown, travel to their workplace. Therefore, they conduct commuting. Studying commuting is important for the city’s development. The purpose of this article is to identify the characteristics of pendulum migration based on the analysis of the results of a pilot survey conducted in the Almaty region. The methods of descriptive statistics are used for the analysis of the survey results.

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