Mona Fitri Gurusinga ◽  
Meta Rosaulina ◽  
Saiful Batubara ◽  
Afrilius Simanjuntak

This study aims to determine the effects of the use of the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Model on the Students' Ability to analyze the content and language of drama reading at SMA Bina Guna Tanah Jawa Balimbing, Kec. Tanah Jawa, Simalungun Regency in 2020/2021. This research was conducted based on  5 classes with a total population of class , of 160 students. From the population, a sample of 32 students was assigned to one class, selected by cluster sampling, namely class XI IPA 1. The data collection technique was used to measure students’ learning outcomes in the form of assignment questions carried out on the pretest and posttest. The data analysis technique used is normality test using F test, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing using t test. The hypothesis in this study was tested by t-test at a significant level = 0.05. From the calculation of the data it was seen that  t-count t-table (10.3722000). Thus the null hypothesis is that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the results, it can be concluded that the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Model can improve students’ learning outcomes in analyzing the content and language of drama.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-89
Yuli Mulyawati ◽  
Resyi A Ghani

This research using comparative methods. The purpose of this research is to compare the learning outcomes of learning IPS by using Media Monopoly and Media Powerpoint . This research was conducted at SDN Katulampa 1 in Bogor City Class VA, and VB in August odd semester 2019/2020. The analysis technique used is the analysis prerequisite test which includes a normality test, a homogeneity test, then a research hypothesis is carried out using the t test. The results empirically n shows that there perbendingan learning outcomes in Media Monopoly seen in the average score - average N-Gain 8 5 de ngan mastery learning outcomes 92 %, while the average score - average N-Gain on Media Power Point that is equal to 75 with the thoroughness of the results belaja r 86 %. ) . And the results of testing the hypothesis states that H o rejected and H a accepted because t arithmetic (1.67469)> t table (1.67469). Based on the above results, it can be concluded that there is a comparison of the results of learning by using Media Monopoly and Media Power Point , and Media efektif is Media Monopoly.

Alotrop ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Weny Shintia ◽  
Amrul Bahar ◽  
Rina Elvia

This study aimed to compare the chemistry learning outcomes of students with using word square model learning and scramble model learning in grade X MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu on the subject of chemistry compound nomenclature. This was quasy experimental research and held in March to May 2018. Population in this study is the entire class X MIA in MAN 2 Kota Bengkulu  2017/2018  academic   year,  amounting  to  149  students.  Sample  is  class  X  MIA  1  and  class  X  MIA  3.        The sample of the research is class X MIA 1 with 32 students and class X MIA 3 with 33 students. Data analysis used normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test (t test). Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for The Social Science (SPSS) version 16.Improvement student’s learning outcomes in this research was taken from difference assess of pretest and posttest. At experiment class of I average value improvement  of student’s learning outcomes was 50.32. while at experiment  class of II, average value improvement of student’s learning outcomes was 44.4 . through some statistic test, there was t-test (? = 0.05) which done test the hypothesis to obtained the test result was t value = 2.174 and t tabel = 1.998. The result of data analysis showed that were significant differences in student learning outcomes between the class which implemented word square model learning and the class which implemented scramble model learning. Student learning outcomes that apply the word square model of learning better than student learning outcomes that apply the scramble model of learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-112
Ika Irmawati ◽  
Lisma Dian Kartika Sari ◽  
Tri Astindari

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using Geogebra software on student learning outcomes on the quadratic function material in Class X MA Sarji Ar-Rasyid Situbondo. The research method used a quasi-experimental research design with data collection techniques used, namely pretest and posttest. The data analysis technique used the normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test. From the t-test analysis, results obtained sig 0.263> ɑ 0.05. So it can be concluded that there is no significant effect between students taught by learning GeoGebra software with conventional learning. This result is due to students' low ability and experience in using Geogebra software for mathematics learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-75
Elly Sukmanasa ◽  
Lina Novita ◽  
Rifki Abdul Majid

This study aims to determine the effect of learning outcomes and improve learning outcomes of human and environmental sub-themes through instructional video media. The method used is a quasi experiment, carried out on students of class VA and VB SDN Gegerbitung Sukabumi. The analysis technique used is the analysis prerequisite test which includes a normality test, a homogeneity test, then a research hypothesis test is performed using the t test. The results showed that in the normality test both samples were normally distributed because of the L value ≤ Ltable. Then the homogeneity test obtained nilai2 count value of 0.26 ≤ 𝑥2table 3,841, then: There is an influence of learning outcomes of human and environmental subthemes through instructional video media obtained an average value of N-Gain 61 with completeness of learning outcomes 94.44%, and conventional media obtained an average value of 42 N-Gain with completeness learning outcomes 63.15%. And the results of testing the hypothesis states that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted because tcount (5.29)> ttable (1.99346). Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the learning outcomes of human and environmental sub-themes through instructional video media.

Alotrop ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dui Sherly Viani ◽  
Amrul Bahar ◽  
Elvinawati Elvinawati

The low learning outcomes of the students is because in the learning process of teacher and student interaction only goes one way. Teachers often use lecture methods so that students tend to only accept what is given. This can make the students' motivation and activeness in following the lesson to be low. Therefore, researchers try to vary the cooperative learning model using Chemopoly Game media and Tournament Question Cards. This is quasi experimental research with population class X MIPA in SMAN 2 Kota Bengkulu and sample is class X MIPA C using media Tournament Question Cards and class X MIPA D using Chemopoly Game media. Data analysis used were mean score, normality test, homogeneity test, and t test. The average posttest grade of experiment I is 85,59 While for experiment class II is 79,38. Then t test and obtained tcount> ttable (2.62> 2.38). The results of this study indicate that there is a significant difference between student learning outcomes using Chemopoly Game media and Tournament Question Cards on basic chemical law materials.

Hendrick L ◽  
Martono Martono ◽  
Indri Astuti

This study examined the use of film media on Indonesian Language. The problem revealed was how is student learning outcomes, and what is the outcomes difference between learning to analyze the intrinsic elements of literary works using film media and using conventional learning approaches in class XI students of SMA N 1 Tumbang Titi. This type of research is experimental research. The design used was Post-test Only Control Group Design. Data analysis was done by normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test (Paired Simple t-Test). Data collection techniques in the form of tests. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes analysis the intrinsic elements of literary works after being given conventional learning is 54.38 while student learning outcomes analyze the intrinsic elements of literary works after using film media is 71, 67. Besides, after analyzing the data statistically, the results show that there are significant differences between the learning outcomes of the material analyzing the intrinsic elements of literary work between those who use film media and conventional learning. Indonesian language learning material becomes the intrinsic elements of literature in class XI students of SMA N 1 Tumbang Titi using film media can also improve student learning outcomes and contribute to the scale of effectiveness of 32,64. Thus, learning with film media can be used by teachers in the field of learning Indonesian in analyzing intrinsic elements of literary works.Keywords: Utilization of Film Media, Intrinsic Elements of Literary Work

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-91
Viva Aprilya Khasana ◽  
Heri Setiyawan ◽  
Noviana Desiningrum

ABSTRAK : Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pemanfaatan kecanggihan teknologi di era globalisasi sebagai media pembelajaran yang inovatif. Dalam hal ini peneliti membuat inovasi untuk menggunakan aplikasi instagram pada proses pembelajaran. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi Instagram terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas V mata pelajaran Matematika materi Volume Bangun Ruang di SDN Bakung Temenggungan Balongbendo. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian eksperimen semu (Quasi Experimental). Berdasarkan dari hasil dan pembahasan diperoleh simpulan bahwa adanya pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi instagram terhadap hasil belajar siwa kelas V Mata Pelajaran Matematika materi Volume Bangun Ruang di SDN Bakung Temenggungan Balongbendo Sidoarjo. Hal tersebut dilihat dari hasil uji independent t-test yang menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikansi (2- tailled) ≤ 0,05 yang bernilai 0,017 sehingga Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak. ABSTRACT : This research is based on the rapid development of information technology that can be used in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Instagram application on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in Mathematics in the material of Space Volume at SDN Bakung Temenggungan Balongbendo Sidoarjo. This type of research is experimental research. The research design used is Quasi Experimental or quasi-experimental. The population used in this studyis class V at SDN Bakung Temenggungan. The sample used in this study is nonprability sampling, namely class A as many as 20 students and class B 20 students. The data collection technique was carried out in three stages, namely pretest, treatment, and post test. The data analysis technique used the normality test, homogeneity test and t test. The conclusion of this research is the influence of the Instagram application on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in mathematics subject matter volume building space at SDN Bakung Temenggungan Balongbendo Sidoarjo. Recommendations for further research are to use the Instagram application as a learning medium for both mathematics and other subjects

Alotrop ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Sella Aprianika ◽  
Amrul Bahar ◽  
Salastri Rohiat

This study aims to determine differences in student learning outcomes using a model of learning make a match with a model partner switch the subject matter colloidal system class XI IPA MAN 1 Bengkulu City in the academic year 2017/2018. The research population of all classes XI IPA amounted to 4 classes with a total population of 151 students. The sampling of the research was done by normality test and homogeneity test before the study population. Obtained a sample of research that consists of 2 classes of class XI IPA 1 as an experimental class I that apply the model make a match and class XI IPA 2 as an experimental class II using a model parten switch. Student learning outcomes are seen from the postest score. Students' learning outcomes in the make a match class had an average of 82.714 while in the partner switch the average pair was 77.5. This shows that the model of make a match is more effectively used in the process of learning in class than the model of partner switch. From the t test-t test on both experiment classes is obtained tcount and ttable = 1.707> 1.666 (? = 0,05). The results show that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted which means that there is a significant difference between the learning result of the students using make a match model and the learning model partner switch on the material of the colloidal system.

May Fitriana Hasibuan

  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara kecerdasan linguistik dengan hasil belajar matematika siswa dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil kecerdasan linguistik siswa ditinjau dari tes verbal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Swasta Taman Siswa Lubuk Pakam Tahun Pelajaran 2018/219. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua kelas XI IPA SMA Swasta Taman Siswa Lubuk Pakam Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 yang berjumlah 200 orang yang terdiri dari lima kelas. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara random, maka yang terpilih adalah kelas XI IPA-2. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa tes verbal sebanyak 40 butir soal dan tes hasil belajar matematika sebanyak 20 butir soal. Tes ini berbentuk pilihan berganda yang masing-masing tes terlebih dahulu diminta tanggapannya 3 orang validator dan telah di ujicobakan. Sebelum pengujian hipotesis terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji persyaratan analisis data yakni uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Dari perhitungan uji normalitas dengan menggunakan uji galat baku liliefors diperoleh L0 = 0,1051 < Lt = 0,140 karena L0 < Lt maka data berasal dari populasi yang berdistribusi normal. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji homogenitas diperoleh Fh = 1,09 <F0,05(39,39) = 1,80 maka varians populasi data berasal dari populasi homogeny. Kemudian berdasarkan uji linieritas dan uji signifikansi regresi diperoleh bahwa model regresi  mempunyai hubungan yang linier dan signifikan dengan taraf ? = 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan koefisien korelasi diperoleh rXY = 0,53. Ini berarti terdapat hubungan yang positif antara kecerdasan linguistik dengan hasil belajar matematika siswa, kemudian dilakukan pengujian hipotesis dengan statistik t dan diperoleh th = 3,85 yang lebih besar dari tt = 1,6449 pada taraf ? = 0,05 dan dk = 28. Ini berarti selain terdapat hubungan positif juga terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecerdasan linguistik dengan hasil belajar matematika. Dengan demikian hipotesis penelitian diterima yaitu ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara kecerdasan linguistik dengan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas XI SMA Swasta Taman Siswa Lubuk Pakam Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. Berdasarkan data hasil tes kecerdasan linguistik yang menggunakan tes verbal yang terdiri dari 8 bagian  maka diperoleh skor terendah 14 dengan persentase jawaban yang benar 35% dan skor tertinggi 32 dengan persentase jawaban yang benar 80%. Kemudian diperoleh persentase siswa yang menjawab dengan benar dari masing-masing tes kecerdasan verbal yaitu tes sinonim 79% tes antonim 73,5%, tes kelompok kata 55%, tes padanan hubungan kata 54%, tes perbendaharaan kata 62,5%, tes analogi 51%, tes similariti 54%, tes kemampuan analitik 54%.   Kata kunci : Kecerdasan Linguistik, Hasil Belajar Matematika,     Abstrac This study aims to determine whether there is a significant positive relationship between linguistic intelligence and students 'mathematics learning outcomes and to find out how the results of students' linguistic intelligence are seen from verbal tests. This research was conducted at the Taman Siswa Lubuk Pakam Private High School Learning Year 2018/219. The population in this study were all SMA XI IPA Taman Siswa Lubuk Pakam Learning Year 2018/2019  which amounted to 200 people consisting of five classes. The study sample was determined randomly, so the selected class XI IPA-2. The instrument used in this study was a verbal test of 40 items and a test of mathematics learning outcomes of 20 items. This test is in the form of multiple choices, each of which is asked for responses by 3 validators and has been tested. Before testing the hypothesis, the test requirements for data analysis were carried out, namely the normality test and homogeneity test. From the calculation of the normality test using the liliefors standard error test obtained L0 = 0.1051 <Lt = 0.140 because L0 <Lt then the data comes from populations that are normally distributed. Furthermore, the homogeneity test was obtained by Fh = 1.09 <F0.05 (39.39) = 1.80, the data population variance came from homogeneous populations. Then based on the linearity test and regression significance test, it was found that the regression model  had a linear and significant relationship with the level of ? = 0.05. Based on the results of data analysis using the correlation coefficient obtained rXY = 0.53. This means that there is a positive relationship between linguistic intelligence and student mathematics learning outcomes, then hypothesis testing is done with t statistics and obtained th = 3.85 which is greater than tt = 1.6449 at level ? = 0.05 and dk = 28. This means that besides there is a positive relationship there is also a significant relationship between linguistic intelligence and learning outcomes in mathematics. Thus the research hypothesis is accepted, namely there is a significant positive relationship between linguistic intelligence and the mathematics learning outcomes of class XI students of Taman Siswa Lubuk Pakam Private High School Learning Year 2018/2019. Based on the data from the linguistic intelligence test using verbal tests consisting of 8 parts, the lowest score of 14 was obtained with the percentage of correct answers 35% and the highest score of 32 with the percentage of correct answers 80%. Then the percentage of students who answered correctly from each verbal intelligence test, namely synonym test 79% antonym test 73.5%, 55% word group test, 54% word relationship matching test, 62.5% vocabulary test, analogy test 51%, 54% similarity test, 54% analytical ability test.   Keywords: Linguistic Intelligence, Mathematics Learning Outcomes

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Suci Ramdani Fitri ◽  
Hamka L. Hamka L. ◽  
Sitti Saenab

Abstract.  This research is pra-experimental design that aims to determine effectiveness of student‟s learning interest and outcomes toward learning strategies based humor on genetic subject of student grade XII SMA Negeri 11 Makassar. Independent Variabe in this research is the application of learning strategies based humor on genetic subject, while the dependent variable is the student‟s learning interest and outcomes of genetic subject. The population in this study were all students of class XII SMA Negeri 11 Makassar with totally seven classes, while the sample is student‟s grade XII with totally 66 students. Pretest-posstest was used as data collection technique, by used a questionnaire of student learning interest and genetic  achivement test. Data analysis technique that used is a descriptive analysis using the n-gain and inferential analysis using paired sample t-test. Based on the descriptive analysis showed that n-gain value of student‟s interest and learning outcomes of genetics achieve an increase of >75% in the category of medium-high, which are respectively 77% and 92%, whereas the inferential analysis using SPSS showed a significance value 0.000 > α = 0.05 which indicates H0 isrejected and H1 is accepted, that the known application learning strategies based humor on genetic subject  has a significant influence (real) towards the student‟s learning interests  and outcomes. Therefore, based on these two data analysis concluded that the learning strategies based humor on genetic subject effectively to student‟s learning interest and outcomes of student of grade XII SMA Negeri 11 Makassar. Keywords: learning strategies based humor, student’s interest, student outcomes, genetic.

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