Kartika Eva Rahmawati ◽  
Agus Subiyanto

The phonological process shows the changing of sounds and the rules that govern the work. These sound changes can occur in vowels, consonants, and even semivowels. This study focuses on the sound changes that occur in semivowels [y] and [w], especially in Indonesian vocabularies. This study aimed to investigate the quantity of diphthong diversity in Bahasa Indonesia, as the basis for examining the role and patterns of [y] and [w] insertion, as well as when [y] and [w] cannot be inserted into some words in Bahasa Indonesia. This study also emphasizes the location where [y] and [w] are inserted by using a spectrogram. The data collection used the observation method. The list of data was taken from Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) and pronounced by an Indonesian native speaker. The spoken data are transcribed into the phonetic form using the note-taking technique. The analysis was done through the syllabic structural process based on Schane. The results present that [y] is inserted between the diphthongs ia, iu, ie, io, ea, and eo. Then, [w] is inserted between the diphthongs ua, ui, ue, uo, and oa, and the insertion of [y] and [w] does not appear when they meet with the diphthongs ai, au, ae, ao, ei, eu, oi, ou oe. The spectrograms in this study are used to see and present the insertion of [y] and [w].

Jurnal CMES ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Jamil Aulia, Arifuddin

This study discusses the imperative speech acts markers and their functions in a drama entitled a’s-Sulthān al-Chāˈir a work by Taufiq Al-Chakim. This study aimed at identifying the imperative speech acts markers and explaining the functions of those imperative speech acts in a’s-Sulthān al-Chāˈir drama. This study is a typical qualitative research. The method of data collection in this study used the attentive observation method followed by the basic tapping and advanced note-taking techniques. The data in this study are clauses or sentences which realize the imperative speech acts. The method applied in analyzing the data is the distributional method which technically followed by the technique of direct elements and the pragmatic equivalent method. Having analyzed 208 data which constitute of 220 sentences, the results are as follow: (1) the imperative speech acts in a’s-Sulthān al-Chāˈir drama a work by Taufiq Al-Chakim were realized in standard and non-standard markers, with more standard markers than non-standard markers. The standard markers were realized by the fi’l al-amr marker as many as 186 words, ism fi’l al-amr as many as 41 words (typical repetition), mashdar which represents fi’l al-amr as many as 25 words, and fi’l al-mudhāri’ which are attached to the particle lām al-amr as many as 16 words. The non-standard markers are realized with declarative sentences or kalām al-khabar as many as 7 sentences and the interrogative sentences or istifhām as many as 4 sentences. (2) the imperative speech acts in a’s-Sulthān al-Chāˈir drama a work by Taufiq Al-Chakim has various functions among others for commanding as many as 100 sentences, inviting or offering were found as many as 60 sentences, requesting as many as 34 sentences, advising as many as 14 sentences, threatening of 7 sentences, weakening as many as 2 sentences, allowing as many as 2 sentences, and giving a choice was found 1 sentence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Lana Rahmasari ◽  
Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo

An illocutionary act is a speech act that is usually identified by explicit performative sentences. The research on illocutionary acts in vlogs is an action that shows the meaning of speech during communication. This study aims to describe illocutionary acts on Fiersa Besari's vlog YouTube channel Jangan Lupa Senyum Part 1 along with its speech function. The method used in this research is the descriptive method. The form of research used here is qualitative research. The data source in this study is the vlog Jangan Lupa Senyum Part 1 on the Fiersa Besari YouTube channel. The data in this study are transcripts of conversations between characters in vlogs. Data collection techniques in research using the observation method and note-taking techniques. The findings in the research in this vlog were only 15 utterances of illocutionary speech acts. From the 15 utterances, 7 data on assertive illocutionary acts, 2 directive illocutionary acts, and 7 expressive illocutionary acts. From this research, it is expected that we can understand the function of illocutionary acts that are relevant to everyday life

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Tri Mahajani ◽  
Sri Rahayu Dwiastuti ◽  
Mukodhas Mukodhas

ABSTRACTThe research is aimed at describing the use of metaphors and finding out its implications in the song lyrics of Ebiet G. Ade from the album of Perjalanan to semantic learning of Indonesian language. The research uses analytical descriptive method with structuralism and propositional approaches. The technique of data collection is done by using note taking. The data of metaphor is analyzed using content analysis. The result shows that the album of Perjalanan from Ebiet G. Ade, consisting of nine songs, has 40 metaphors used to describe the thought and meaning about love among humans and their life covering happiness, sadness, and imagination. The use of metaphors is also to describe humans, life, feelings, suffering, sadness, and anxiety. Metaphors are also used for describing natural phenomena, societys life, social relations among humans and the description of the world. The description of humans and God relationship is also there, using complex metaphors. The analysis of metaphors use in the song lyrics of Ebiet in the album of Perjalanan can improve students vocabulary enrichment and its meaning. Hence there is an implication to semantic learning of Indonesian language. Keywords: Metaphors, Song lyrics, implication

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Foriyani Subiyatningsih

Teenagers language is considered as variant of Indonesian language which socially mark that the social group who uses such language are teenagers. In various contexts, the using of teenagers language shows different forms. The using of Indonesian language in rubric “Deteksi” Jawa Pos brings particularity, syntactic, and lexicon level. This article aims to describe the language attitude of teenagers with using not standardized indicator of Indonesian language in rubric “Deteksi” Jawa Pos. The data in this research is in using Indonesian language in the forms of words, phrases and sentences. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Data collection was conducted by using observation method and taking note technique. The data analyzing applied distributional method. The research result shows that (1) there are some not- standardized indicators in rubric “Deteksi” Jawa Pos such as interferences, code mixing, and unexamined spelling in writing forms and (2) teenegers language attitude in term of the awareness of language norm. Abstrak Bahasa remaja dipandang sebagai varian bahasa Indonesia yang secara sosial menandai bahwa kelompok sosial yang menggunakan varian itu adalah kaum remaja. Dalam berbagai konteks, pemakaian bahasa remaja memperlihatkan wujud yang berbeda. Pemakaian bahasa Indonesia dalam rubrik “Deteksi” Jawa Pos menampakkan kekhasan, baik pada tataran fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, maupun leksikon. Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan sikap bahasa kaum remaja dengan melihat indikator ketidakbakuan pemakaian bahasa Indonesia dalam rubrik “Deteksi” Jawa Pos. Data penelitian ini adalah kesalahan pemakaian bahasa Indonesia berupa kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat yang dimuat di rubrik “Deteksi” Jawa Pos. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode simak melalui teknik catat. Analisis data menggunakan metode agih. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Beberapa indikator ketidakbakuan dalam rubrik “Deteksi” Jawa Pos antara lain interferensi, campur kode, serta ketidakcermatan ejaan dalam bentuk tertulis dan (2) sikap bahasa remaja ditinjau dari kesadaran akan norma bahasa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 123-131
Ismi Isma Wati ◽  
Sri Mulyati Mulyati ◽  
Khusnul Khotimah Khotimah

Cohesion and coherence have an important role in writing essays, both those that will write or those that have become essays. Therefore this study aims to determine the use of cohesion and coherence in the KKN novel in Penari Village. The object of this research is the KKN novel in Penari Village by Simpleman. The subject of this research is the sentence which contains the type of cohesion and coherence in the KKN novel in Penari Village by Simpleman. The approach used is a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is an approach that presents data in the form of sentences. The design of this research is by collecting data, then the data is grouped according to the use of cohesion and coherence types, then the data is analyzed and presented in an informal form. Data collection techniques using reading techniques and note taking techniques. The technique of presenting the results of the analysis using informal techniques. Informal techniques are techniques that present data in the form of common words that are easily understood by the reader.             The results of this study are grammatical cohesion, lexical cohesion and coherence types. Grammatical cohesion includes: reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. The use of lexical cohesion are of two types namely, repetition and collocation. The use of coherence there are five relationships, namely: the sum relationship, the sequential relationship, the resistance relationship, the causal relationship, and the time relationship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-55
Sofia Nur Khasanah ◽  
Imam Baehaqie

Analisis kontrastif antara dua bahasa atau lebih dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan yang objektif tentang perbedaan kaidah antara dua bahasa atau lebih yang diperbandingkan. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pembentukan makna jamak secara sintaksis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab, kemudian membandingkannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan penanda makna jamak bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode agih dan padan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan makna jamak secara sintaksis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab dibentuk dengan adanya kata sandang, numeralia, adverbia, dan kata yang bermakna jamak secara leksikal tanpa penanda. Keempat penanda tersebut ditemukan dalam kaidah pembentukan jamak bahasa Indonesia, tetapi dalam bahasa Arab hanya ditemukan penanda berupa numeralia dan kata yang bermakna jamak secara leksikal. Contrastive analysis between two or more languages is intended to provide an objective explanation of the difference law between two or more languages being compared. This study identifies the formation of plural meanings syntactically in Indonesian and Arabic. The purpose of this study was to determine the similarities and differences in the plural meaning markers of Indonesian and Arabic. The methods of data collection used was the observation method with the simak bebas libat cakap technique. The data analysis method used agih and padan methods respectively. The results of this study show that the syntactic plural meaning in Indonesian and Arabic is formed by the presence of the article, numeralia, adverbial, and words that have the lexical plural meaning without a marker. The four markers are found in the rules for the formation of the Indonesian plural, but in Arabic, only a marker is found in the form of a numeralia and a word that has a lexical plural meaning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Eka Suryatin

This paper discusses the use of Indonesian language and Banjar language conjunctions in “18 Banjarese Stories”. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of Indonesian language and Banjar language conjunction devices in “18 Banjar Stories”. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research uses an observation method. The data collection techniques are note taking and analyzed with distributional method. The data are sentences or discourse quotation containing conjunction device in “18 Banjar Stories”. The data source of this study is taken from the book of “18 Stories of Banjar people by Supiani, S.Pd. published by Hemat Amuntai, consist of 77 pages in 2016. The results show that the use of conjunction device found in Banjar language are as follows: comparison conjunction devices “as if” (tunang kaya), and “like” (kaya), temporal conjunction devices, “after” (imbah), “then” (lalu), after that (imbahnitu), additive conjunction devices “other than” (salain nangitu), “and” (lawan), adversative conjunction devices (contrast) “but” (tapi), conditional conjunction device “because” (sabab) and exemplifying conjunction device “if” (mun). Meanwhile, the use of Indonesian conjunction devices found in the book “18 Banjar Stories” are additive conjunction device “and” (dan), corrective conjunction device “or” (atau), and temporal conjunction devices “after” (setelah), “then” (lalu), and “next time” (kemudian).Key word: conjunction, discourse, Banjar Language 

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 294-309
Tiyas Saputri

This study concerns on a phonological analysis on Madurese English teacher‟s pronunciation in reading an English text. The writer identified kinds of oscillographic pronunciation made by Madurese English teachers in reading an English text, the differences of oscillographic pronunciation between Madurese English teachers and that of the English native speaker in reading an English text and how Madurese language characteristics influences Madurese English teachers‟ pronunciation. In the process of data collection, she used descriptive qualitative. She observed and recorded the Madurese English teachers‟pronunciation by using MP4 then analysed it by using Praat program version 4027. Then, she found that in reading the English text entitled „insomnia‟, the oscillographic pronunciation of Subject 2 and Subject 3 when it is compared to subject 1 is different and makes different meaning, but for some words, it is slightly different but it does not make different meaning. Furthermore, it is found that Madurese language characteristics influence Subject 2 and Subject 3 in reading the English text. Therefore, in reading it, they made some sound changes: vowel, consonant and diphthong. The sound changes are: 1). the vowel changes: ;, ;, , ;;, ;;, , 2). the consonant changes: , , , , 3). the diphthong changes: ;, ;;, , , ;. In reading it, it is found that subject 2 and subject 3 also made deletion and addition. It is, thus, concluded that the pronunciation of subject 2 and subject 3 are unintelligible because they often mispronounce which can make their students do not understand their saying.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 8
I Nengah Sudipa

  Abstract This study is aimed at mapping the meaning of action verb provide and its translation in Indonesian lexicons. The data sources of this study are two Colours Magazines of Garuda Indonesia, May 2017 and March 2018 editions. In colleting the data, this study applied the observation method and note taking technique. Those data were analyzed using Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) approach proposed by Anna Wierzbicka (1996). Furthermore, the method of analyzing data was descriptive qualitative method. First, each of the data was analyzed to find its meaning configuration. Then, it was followed by the paraphrasing using semantic primitives to show the explication of each lexicon and be able to compare them. The results of this study shows that the action verb provide is translated into five different Indonesian lexicons in the Colours Magazine. The verb and its translations have slight differences shown by the meaning configurations as well as explications. However, they could properly deliver the intended meaning for the Indonesian target readers regarding the sentences they are in.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 594
Ariani Ariani ◽  
La Ode Sidu ◽  
Sulfiah Sulfiah

Abstract : The purpose of this research is to describe the consonants of the languages of the Tukang Besi islands dialect Kaledupa and Indonesian language based on artculation areas,  describe the contrasts of the consonants language of the Tukang Besi island dialect Kaledupa and Indonesian language  dialect based on articulation, describing the contrast of the consonantsof  Tukang Besi islands dialectid Kaledupa and the Indonesian language based on the quality of of the dialectial Tukang Besi island language and the Indonesian language based on the way of articulatian, describing the contrast of the cosonants of the Tukang Besi islands of the iron bones of the Tukang Besi islands language  of the Kaledupa dialect and the Indonesian language based the quality sounds, describes of the consonants of the language Tukang Besi islands of the dialect Kaledupa based on consonant distribusion, and describe the consonants of the Tukang Besi language islands of the dialect Kaledupa and the Indonesian language based on vocal cords. The benefist expected in this study are (1) as source and information material for users of the Kaledupa dialect archipelago language, (2) as an input in affeorts to foster and develop language that continues to be developed ip to now specivically in the development of dialect Kaledupa islands, (3) as one of the references for further resereachers related to the resereach tittle. This resereach is a field resereach, because it involves the community as an informant or source of data in resereach. The data used in this study is oral data. The intended oral data is data derived from oral speech of the local language of the Tukang Besi islands dilect of the Kaledupa wich is used and expressed in daily conversation by the speaker community. Data collection techniques used in this study are the record technique, and note taking technique. Collected data were analyzed using contrastive descriptive methods. The results can be concluded that the consonant contrastive analysis in the language of the Tukang Besi islands dialect of Kaledupa and Indonesian namely, 16 consonants did not occur in contrast and 16 consonants that occurred in contrast. Keywords: contrastiv; consonant. 

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