2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-174
Arita Destianingsih ◽  
Ari Satria

Abstract  The objectives of this research are to know the description of changes in phonological structure of vocabulary prokem language, and morphologically used between characters in Ganteng Ganteng Serigala (GGS) cinema in each scene. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The subject in this research is inter-character dialogue between the characters in the GGS cinema in episode 1-30. The objects of this study include speech prokem languages that exist in interpersonal dialogues in the GGS cinema. Data collection techniques used in this research is the technique observed and noted. Data analysis in this research using descriptive method. The technique used is distributional technique. The results showed that 1. Based on changes in the phonological structure, the vocabulary of the language between the GGS cinema has a sound change. Experiencing sound changes. Changes that occur are modifications and neutralization. Modification is the change in vowel sound as a result of the influence of other sounds that follow, while neutralization is a change in phonemic sound as a result of environmental influences, which means that the phonological changes in the prokem language between the GGS cinema have changed which are arbitrators. The process of change is the removal of vowels, replacement of vowels, removal of the last syllables, and insertion of vowel consonants. 2. Based on the morphological formation of vocabulary language between the characters of the GGS cinema, there is a process of abbreviation of the word. The process is 1) abbreviation consisting of acronyms formed from one initial letter of each word, 2) acronyms are formed from two words and duplicated, 3) acronyms are formed from three words, and 4) acronyms are formed from two syllables last in the first word and combined with the second word. Keyword: style, language, prokem, cinema Abstrak Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui deskripsi perubahan struktur fonologis kosakata bahasa prokem dan secara morfologis yang digunakan antartokoh sinetron Ganteng Ganteng  Serigala (GGS) dalam setiap adegan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah dialog bahasa prokem antartokoh dalam sinetron GGS dalam setiap adegan setiap episode 1-30 yang ditayangkan. Objek penelitian ini meliputi tuturan-tuturan bahasa prokem yang ada pada dialog antartokoh dalam sinetron GGS. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik simak dan catat. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik distribusional. Data analisis memberikan paparan bahwa1.Berdasarkan pembentukan secara morfologis kosakata bahasa prokem antartokoh sinetron GGS, terdapat proses abreviasi (pemendekan) kata. Proses tersebut yaitu 1) abreviasi yang terdiri atas akronim yang dibentuk dari satu huruf awal dari masing-masing kata, 2) akronim dibentuk dari dua kata dan direduplikasi, 3) akronim dibentuk dari dari tiga kata, dan 4) akronim dibentuk dari dua suku kata terkahir pada kata pertama dan digabungkan dengan kata kedua. 2. Berdasarkan perubahan struktur fonologisnya, kosakata bahasa prokem antartokoh sinetron  GGS mengalami perubahan bunyi. mengalami perubahan bunyi. Perubahan yang terjadi adalah modifikasi dan netralisasi. Modifikasi yakni perubahan bunyi vokal sebagai akibat dari pengaruh bunyi lain yang mengikutinya, sedangkan netralisasi merupakan perubahan bunyi fonemis sebagai akibat pengaruh lingkungan, yang artinya perubahan fonologis bahasa prokem antartokoh sinetron ganteng ganteng serigala mengalami perubahan yang bersifat arbiter. Proses perubahan tersebut yakni penghilangan vokal, penggantian vocal, penghilangan suku kata terkahir, dan penyisipan konsonan vokal. Kata kunci: ragam,bahasa, prokem, sinetron.

I Nyoman Suwija

Balinese language is one of the regional languages in Indonesia that has a unique talk system, it is still alive and used as an instrument of communication of Balinese tribe so that it should be well maintained in order to still exist as a cultural vehicle of Bali. The Balinese language has anggah-ungguh kruna (level-word) that an important role in the formation of speech-level or anggah-ungguh basa Bali. This paper aims to describe the identification anggah-ungguh kruna (word level arrangement) which is the specific feature of speaking Balinese. This research is a qualitative research discuss with structuralism theory. Data collection was done by observation and interview method, assisted by recording technique. The collected data is processed by analytical descriptive method. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be described that anggah-ungguh kruna basa Bali include: (1) kruna nenten alus (kruna kasar, mider, and andap); (2) kruna alus, include: (kruna alus singgih, alus sor, alus mider, and alus madia).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Amanda Rizky Amalia ◽  
Antika Suri Tauladan ◽  
Fani Aulia Sari

Language has an important role in everyday human life in society. Jargon is a kind of language that is only used by certain communities as daily communication among its members. The jargon used by the transgender community is very interesting to understand because the jargon has its own form and meaning in its disclosure and can find out how the variety of jargon-shaped language used by transgenders in hiding their secrets so as not to be known by the public. It is evident that not all users of other languages understand the jargon. In this study, the researchers analyzed the jargon used by the waria community in the salon. This study aims to determine the jargon and describe and understand the meaning of the jargon used by the transgender community in interacting orally. The source of the research data was obtained from the subject, namely the transgender women who worked at the Retah salon in Pamulang, who used jargon in their daily communication with transgender women and sometimes with their customers. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, which describes and conveys data objectively. Describe the jargon terms of transgender language as the object of research. The data collection technique used is observation or see and note. The result of this research is the jargon used by waria in the form of transgender language vocabulary. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was found that 20 pieces of jargon used by transgender women in the salon were akika, rapose, capcus, endang gurindang, ink, sekong, belenjong, cucok, metong, hamidah, lekong, sapose, capcay, begindang, bala-bala, sindang. , lambreta, grasshopper, mesong, and mursida.Keywords: Waria, Jargon, Vocabulary

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-222
Arip Syaprudin

Pesantren is a live episode that combines various life skills, not least agriculture. Various activities of life in pesantren have encouraged the sense of ideology of Santri. Educational activities that essentially the learning process requires thinking as a strong foundation so that the implementation of education that becomes the duty of his duties performed with a solid and really can be accounted for. This research uses descriptive qualitative, research place at Pesantren Al-Ittifaq Ciwidey district of Bandung. The subject of this research is Santri in pesantren while the informant is the Kiai or Ustādh. Data collection techniques use observation, interview, and documentation. I am checking the validity of the data using triangulation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the model of empowering students at Pesantren Al-Ittifaq that is by the establishment of Core Management Unit Agribusiness, - effective practice in the field, establishing the Agribusiness Incubator Center, cooperating with various institutions and institutions, forming Santri agribusiness groups.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-122
Iksan Kahar

This paper discusses about the strategies of Islamic Religious Education teachers in dealing with students absorption skills. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used was data reduction, data presentation and data verification. This paper found that the Islamic religious education teacher at SMP Negeri 4 Sojol Kec. Sojol Kab. Donggala is successful in using learning strategies to increase thinking skills, because it can create fun learning and make students feel faster in understanding the subject matter of Islamic Religious Education. One aspect that affects the success of learning is the ability of the teacher to manage learning. The teacher delivering material learning with calm, not rushing in delivering material. So, the students can analyze the material. Creating a pleasant learning atmosphere in the classroom, making students not feel bored with the material

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-100
Silvi Dwi Rama

Terrorism is a transnational crime most feared by the world, not to mention Indonesia. Already many who became victims of terrorism crimes one of the tragedy is the bom Bali that link hundreds of souls. In Indonesia, especially in Riau continue to spread terrorism prevention efforts so terrorism crime does not occur in Riau Province. Prevention needs to be done considering the province of Riau began as a transit area of ​​terrorism because it is a region. The purpose of this research is to know what is done by Ditrekrimum Polda Riau in doing prevention of terrorism.The research conducted on Polda Riau which is located at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman no. 215 Pekanbaru, with the subject of research is Ditreskrimum Polda Riau and the result of his research is the prevention of terrorism in Riau Province by Ditreskrimum Polda Riau. The method used is qualitative research method with data technique is interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive method. In this research the informant is Kasubdit 1 State Security Ditreskrimum  Polda Riau and Kanit III Subdit 1 Ditreskrimum Polda Riau, as well as one member subdit I Ditreskrimum Polda Riau, as a complementary informant to support the research information. From the results of the research can be concluded that the efforts of terrorism have fulfilled the concept of (Darmawan, 2013). Prevention, prevention, prevention, prevention, prevention, prevention, mitigation, and repressive or arrest measures. In doing the prevention of  Polda Riau Ditreskrimum also have conformity with awareness to other society, less effective performance of RT / RW area in which become target of terrorist is difficult to access area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Andi Taslim Saputra

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p><br />Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan peristiwa teater Tu(m)buh mendekonstruksi konstruksi elemen dan konvensi teater. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan dekonstruksi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan cara observasi, wawancara dan analisis data. Hasilnya menunjukkan, pertama: peristiwa Tu(m)buh<br />melakukan pembongkaran persepsi keaktoran. Aktor dan penonton menjadi subjek aktor yang setara, kedua: pembongkaran mengenai persepsi ruang. Persepsi ruang yang digunakan menolak fungsi dan kegunaannya. Ruang yang membebaskan subyek untuk memonopolinya, ketiga: pembongkaran mengenai tubuh sebagai gagasan.</p><p><br />Kata kunci: Peristiwa Teater, Dekonstruksi, Tu(m)buh, Tony Broer.</p><p><br />ABSTRACT</p><p><br />This study aims to explain the events of the theater Tu (m) buh deconstructing the construction of the elements and conventions of theater. This study uses qualitative research methods and deconstruction approaches. Data collection uses observation, interviews and data analysis. The results show that firstly: the Tu(m) event has deconstructed the perception of actor. Actors and audiences become equal subject of actors; secondly: deconstruction regarding the perception of space. The perception of space used rejects the function<br />and usefulness. The space frees the subject to monopolize it, thirdly: deconstructing the body as an idea.</p><p><br />Keywords: Theater, Deconstruction, Tu (m) buh, Tony Broer Events</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-209
Desy Anggraini ◽  
Yakub Nasucha

Official letters are one of the written languages used in government agencies or organizations. Official letters sometimes do not pay attention to the correct grammatical rules. This study aims to analyze the language phenomena in official letters of the Pengkol Village Office, Nguter, Sukoharjo. This research is qualitative research using descriptive method. The data used in this study are language phenomena contained in the official lettesr of the Pengkol Village Office. The source of data in this research is an official letter made by employees of the Pengkol Village Office. The data collection technique used is the literature review, listening, and note-taking. The data analysis technique used is qualitative technique. The results of this study indicate that the language phenomena found in official letters of the Pengkol Village Head Office are interference, hypercorrection, pleonasm, and contamination. Out of the four forms of those phenomena, the most frequesnt is hypercorrection, while the least is interference. Surat dinas merupakan salah satu bahasa tulis yang digunakan dalam instansi pemerintah atau organisasi. Dalam surat dinas terkdang tidak memperhatikan penulisan yang sesuai dengan kaidah penggunaan bahasa yang benar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gejala bahasa yang ada dalam penulisan surat dinas di Kantor Desa Pengkol, Nguter, Sukoharjo. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu gejala bahasa yang terdapat dalam surat dinas Kantor Desa Pengkol. Adapun sumber data dalam penenlitian ini adalah surat dinas yang dibuat oleh pegawai Kantor Desa Pengkol.  Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik pustaka, simak, dan catat. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gejala bahasa yang ditemukan dalam penulisan surat dinas Kantor Kepala Desa Pengkol, yaitu gejala interferensi, gejala hiperkorek, pleonasme, dan kontaminasi. Dari keempat bentuk gejala tersebut, gejala bahasa yang sering mucul adalah bentuk gejala bahasa hiperkorek, sedangkan yang paling sedikit yaitu bentuk gejala bahasa interferensi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Theresia Sharron Sanjaya

This research is expected to provide clearer explanations to readers regarding the Strategy of Marketing Public Relations Ruci’s Joint conducting and communicating rebranding to increase sales value. The purpose of this research is to know Marketing Public Relations Ruci’s Joint’s Strategy in conducting and communicationg rebranding to increase sales value. The main theory used is Marketing Public Relations and the other supporting theories are brand, and rebranding. The method of insulation used is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection thechniques are done by conducting in-depth interviews, and observations. The speakers in this study are form internal and external companies. The data obtained from the subject of this study are analyzed by data analysis techniques, while for the data trust techniques using source triangulation data.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Rissari Yayuk

This study aims to describe the use of myth in the Banjar culture. Myth contains implicit communication purpose and meaning that can be known through the study of pragmatic study. The problems in this study are 1) how does the representation of Banjarese myth base on the form of communication? 2) how does the representation of Banjarese myth base on the communication function? The aims of this study are to describe 1) the representation of batiyanan myth in Banjar society base on the form of communication. 2) the representation of batiyanan myth in Banjar soiety base on the communication function. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. The data are taken from Banjarese speech in Kampung Jawa, Sekumpul, Martapura Regency. The data are taken from January 2017 to June 2017. Data collection techniques are note taking and interviewing. Data collection techniques are interview and documentation. This study uses three steps of work, they are (1) providing data; (2) data analyzing; and (3) presenting the results of the data analysis. This study uses pragmatic theory. The results conclude that 1) base on the form of communication, the representation of batiyanan myth in Banjar society consists of indirect speech with declarative structure in the form of directive speech and commisive; 2) base on the communication function , the representation of batiyanan myth in Banjar society consists of advice function happens if the speakers try to give advice, prohibition function happens if there is prohibition marker, satire function happens if the speaker intend to criticize the speech partner indirectly, and threats function happens if the speech has violation meaning and it cause something bad happen in the future. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 84
Dita Angela ◽  
Harris Effendi Thahar

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study is to describe the velues of character education in Tere Liye’s novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin. The type of this study is qualitative research with descriptive method and using triangulation technique to validate the data. The research data is in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and discourses that show the actions of the characters, the words of the characters and the narrator, which indicate the values of character education found in Tere Liye's novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin. The data collection technique of this study is to read and understand Tere Liye's novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin then recording the data related to character education values in Tere Liye's novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin in the form of units of events from character’s behavior. The data analysis technique of this research is describing the values of character education in Tere Liye's novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin which is seen in a unit of character events, classifying, analyzing data, interpreting, and compiling reports.As the results of the research founded 72 values of character education, namely 5 values of religious character education, 17 values of hard work character education, 4 values of independent character education, 6 values of curiosity character education, 5 values of education value achievement, 9 values of friendly character education, 3 values of character education are fond of reading, 15 values of moral value character education, and 8 values of education responsibility. The most dominant valueof character education in Tere Liye's novel Daun yang Jatuh ismoral value character education as much as 15 data. Kata kunci: Nilai, Pendidikan Karakter, Novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

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