2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 207 ◽  
Yuzar Purnama

AbstrakKampung Keputihan merupakan kampung adat yang berlokasi di wilayah Sumber, Kecamatan Weru, Kabupaten Cirebon, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sebagai masyarakat adat dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya masih menjaga dan memelihara adat istiadat leluhurnya termasuk arsitektur rumah. Sementara itu, di masyarakat khususnya generasi muda banyak yang tidak mengetahui produk budaya daerah termasuk di dalamnya arsitektur rumah tradisional. Penelitian arsitektur rumah tradisional di Kampung Keputihan meliputi struktur, teknik membangun, persiapan dan pelaksana, serta upacara tradisional yang menyertainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan deskripsi analisis. Arsitektur rumah tradisional di Kampung Keputihan masih mengikuti kaidah-kaidah yang diwariskan dari leluhurnya, namun sebagian sudah mengalami pergeseran-pergeseran misalnya lantai yang sudah ditembok dan genting sudah menggunakan asbes dan seng, serta sudah tidak memiliki lagi lumbung padi dan bale musyawarah. AbstractKampung (village) Keputihan is a traditional village located in the region of Sumber, Kecamatan (district) Weru, Kabupaten (regency) Cirebon, West Java Province. The people of Kampung Keputihan preserve their traditional way of life, including traditional architecture. But this knowledge is not common in young generation. In building their houses the community of Kampung Keputihan follow principles that were passed on for generations. Of course, there are some modifications. Some elements such as lumbung padi (rice storage) and bale musyawarah (a place where the community meeting take place) are no longer available in the kampung. Techniques in building the houses, the building structure, as well as traditional ceremony following it, are the foci of this research. The methods of analysis are qualitative and descriptive.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Maria Damiana Nestri Kiswari

Abstract A house is a building that has function to live in a certain period. The house has some spaces and rooms that accomodate all inhabitans’activities. In Javanese culture, philosophy of house is more than a place where all the people stay and live, communicate each other. The spaces and rooms of the house have specific meanings. Joglo is a name of Javanese traditional house partiularly in Central Java. As a traditional Javanese houses in the modern era, the existence of Joglo houses is interesting to be studied. The study is to identify the room arrangement and the change in function of spaces and rooms in Joglo house. It was conducted on one house in Keji Village, Muntilan District, Magelang Regency. The house is a residence of the former headman of Keji village. It has been choosen because it has Joglo tipical roof and its appeareance is still traditional house. This study uses a descriptive quality method which is by observing and defining the spaces and the rooms in the Joglo house along with their functions and activities inside. By studying this Joglo house, an overview and understanding of the changes in the spaces and room in the traditional architecture of Central Java in the present time will be obtained. Keywords: Joglo house, space and room, change in function Abstrak Rumah merupakan bangunan yang memiliki fungsi untuk bertempat tinggal dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Sehingga sebagai tempat tinggal rumah memiliki ruang-ruang untuk menampung aktivitas penghuninya. Dalam budaya Jawa, fisosofi tentang rumah merupakan tempat yang memiliki makna lebih dari sekedar tempat bernaung dan berkumpul keluarga. Joglo merupakan bentuk arsitektur dari rumah tinggal tradisional di Jawa khususnya Jawa Tengah. Sebagai rumah tradisional Jawa, keberadaan rumah Joglo yang masih ada di jaman sekarang ini, menjadi menarik untuk dipelajari tatanan ruang-ruangnya dan perubahan dari fungsi ruang-ruang tersebut. Untuk mempelajari dan memahami aristektur Joglo dan perubahan fungsi ruang yang ada di dalamnya, dilakukan penelitian terhadap salah satu rumah tinggal di Desa Keji, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metoda deskriptif kualitati yaitu dengan mengamati dan mengidentifikasi ruang-ruang yang ada di rumah Joglo beserta fungsi dan aktivitasnya. Dengan meneliti rumah Joglo ini akan didapatkan gambaran dan pemahaman terhadap perubahan fungsi ruang-ruang yang ada dalam arsitektur tradisional khususnya Jawa Tengah. Kata kunci : rumah joglo, fungsi ruang, perubahan fungsi

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Tushar Kadian

Actually, basic needs postulates securing of the elementary conditions of existence to every human being. Despite of the practical and theoretical importance of the subject the greatest irony is non- availability of any universal preliminary definition of the concept of basic needs. Moreover, this becomes the reason for unpredictability of various political programmes aiming at providing basic needs to the people. The shift is necessary for development of this or any other conception. No labour reforms could be made in history till labours were treated as objects. Its only after they were started being treating as subjects, labour unions were allowed to represent themselves in strategy formulations that labour reforms could become a reality. The present research paper highlights the basic needs of Human Rights in life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Muhammad Suleman Nasir

Society means a group of people who are living together. People need society from birth to death. Without a collective life, man's deeds, intentions, and habits have no value. Islamic society is the name of a balanced and moderate life in which human intellect, customs, and social etiquette are determined in the light of divine revelation. This system is so comprehensive and all-encompassing that it covers all aspects and activities of life. Islam is a comprehensive, universal, complete code of conduct, and an ideal way of life It not only recognizes the collectiveness of human interaction. Rather, it helps in the development of the community and gives it natural principles that strengthen the community and provides good foundations for it and eliminates the factors that spoil it or make it limited and useless. The Principles of a successful social life in Islamic society seem to reflect the Islamic code of conduct and human nature. Islam is the only religion that advocates goodness and guarantees well-being. Islam gives us self-sacrifice, generosity, trust and honesty, service to the people, justice and fairness, forgiveness and kindness, good society and economy, good deeds, mutual unity, harmony, and brotherhood. Only by practicing the pure thoughts, beliefs, and unparalleled ideas of the religion of Islam, can a person live a prosperous life and he can feel real peace and lasting contentment in the moments of his life. A descriptive and analytical research methodology will be used in this study. It is concluded that for a prosperous social life it is necessary to abide by the injunction of Islamic principles, which provides a sound foundation for a successful social life here in the world and hereafter.

Fabio Raimondi

The chapter sets out the key terms and overall approach taken by Machiavelli to the problem of the cause of the corruption of a city and its inability to transform its orders. Only a republic can carry out this operation successfully because only a republic has as its goal the regeneration of the free and civil way of life, while the principality, even the civil principality, inevitably degenerates into tyranny. The possibility of re-establishing a free state in a corrupt city, therefore, only exists if it is not already a very corrupt city. If the city were in such a situation, the people would not be able to restore freedom since the principality leads to the emergence of the kingly state and from there to tyranny. Only after having brought virtue back to the city could its citizens create a well-ordered republic by equipping it with the necessary orders.

Multilingua ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen ◽  
Francisco Apurinã ◽  
Sidney Facundes

Abstract This article looks at what origin stories teach about the world and what kind of material presence they have in Southwestern Amazonia. We examine the ways the Apurinã relate to certain nonhuman entities through their origin story, and our theoretical approach is language materiality, as we are interested in material means of mediating traditional stories. Analogous to the ways that speakers of many other languages who distinguish the entities that they talk to or about, the Apurinã make use of linguistic resources to establish the ways they interact with different entities. Besides these resources, the material means of mediating stories is a crucial tool to narrate the worlds of humans and nonhumans. Storytelling requires material mediation, and a specific context of plant substances. It also involves community meeting as a space of trust in order to become a communicative practice and effectively introduce the history of the people. Our sources are ethnography, language documentation, and autoethnography.

Loyalda T. Bolivar ◽  

A sadok or salakot is a farmer’s cherished possession, protecting him from the sun or rain. The Sadok, persisting up to the present, has many uses. The study of Sadok making was pursued to highlight an important product, as a cultural tradition in the community as craft, art, and part of indigenous knowledge in central Antique in the Philippines. Despite that this valuable economic activity needs sustainability, it is given little importance if not neglected, and seems to be a dying economic activity. The qualitative study uses ethnophenomenological approaches to gather data using interviews and participant observation, which aims to describe the importance of Sadok making. It describes how the makers learned the language of Sadok making, especially terms related to materials and processes. The study revealed that the makers of Sadok learned the language from their ancestors. They have lived with them and interacted with them since they were young. Sadok making is a way of life and the people observe their parents work and assist in the work which allows them to learn Sadok making. They were exposed to this process through observations and hands-on activities or ‘on-the-job’ informal training. They were adept with the terms related to the materials and processes involved in the making of Sadok as they heard these terms from them. They learned the terms bamboo, rattan, tabun-ak (leaves used) and nito (those creeping vines) as materials used in Sadok making. The informants revealed that the processes involved in the making of Sadok are long and tedious, starting from the soaking, curing and drying of the bamboo, cleaning and cutting these bamboo into desired pieces, then with the intricacies in arranging the tabun-ak or the leaves, and the weaving part, until the leaves are arranged, up to the last phase of decorating the already made Sadok. In summary, socialization is one important factor in learning the language and a cultural practice such as Sadok making. It is an important aspect of indigenous knowledge that must be communicated to the young for it to become a sustainable economic activity, which could impact on the economy of the locality. Local government units should give attention to this indigenous livelihood. Studies that would help in the enhancement of the products can likewise be given emphasis.

AJS Review ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-41 ◽  
Anita Shapira

ldquo;In our two thousand years of exile, we have not totally lost our creativity, but the sheen of the Bible dulled in exile, as did the sheen of the Jewish people. Only with the renewal of the homeland and Hebrew independence have we been able to reassess the Bible in its true, full light,” Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, wrote in 1953. This statement illustrates several core attitudes of the Jewish national renaissance movement towards the Bible. Ben-Gurion depicted a direct relationship between the state of the Jewish people and the status of the Bible: The two rose and fell together. His words are reminiscent of philosopher Martin Buber, Revisionist leader Zeءev Jabotinsky, and others, all of whom postulated a symbiotic relationship between the Jewish people and the land of Israel: “Just as the Jewish people need the land to live a full life, so the land needs the Jewish people to be complete” wrote Buber. The Bible, according to Ben-Gurion, was the third component of the Jewish “holy trinity” of people, land, and book. It served as testimony of Jewish national life in the land of Israel in former times, as a blueprint for reestablishing this way of life, as proof of a glorious past and promise for the future. It nurtured a national romanticism and both inspired and buttressed universal ideas; it was the bedrock of myth and epos, of earthliness and valor, and also of a system of ethics and faith that rein in and restrain muscle and brawn. It was paradoxical proof of both Jewish uniqueness and Jewish similitude, “like all the nations” (I Samuel 8:5); “materialism” and “spirituality”; historical continuity and historical severance between the people and the land.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Retno Handini

Abstrak. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian tentang “balung buto”, sebuah mitos atau kepercayaan masyarakat yang menghuni wilayah penemuan fosil-fosil purba di Jawa. Penelitian ini difokuskan di Situs Sangiran sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia untuk memahami pola pikir dan persepsi masyarakat penghuni situs dalam memandang keberadaan fosil yang banyak ditemukan di sekitar lahan tegalan atau pekarangan mereka. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam pada masyarakat yang  tinggal di Sangiran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan walaupun saat ini sudah semakin ditinggalkan dan tidak lagi diturunkan pada generasi muda, namun mitos “balung buto” masih mempengaruhi pola pikir dan perilaku kalangan tertentu yang mempercayainya. Hal tersebut secara langsung ataupun tidak berdampak pada pencarian fosil dan pelestarian situs.Abstract. This article is a study on ‘balung buto’ (which means giant’s bone), a myth or belief shared by the communities that live in areas where prehistoric fossils are found in Java. The study is focused at the World Heritage Site of Sangiran to understand the way of thinking and perception of the inhabitants around the site in viewing the existence of fossils, which are found in abundance on their agricultural fields or house yards. The method used here is insightful interview with the people who live at Sangiran. The study reveals that although believed by less and less people and no longer inherited to the young generation, there are some people who still believe the myth. To them the myth of ‘balung buto’ still influences their pattern of thoughts and behaviour so that directly or indirectly it has impacts on fossil-collecting behaviour and site preservation. 

Halima Kadirova ◽  

This scientific article highlights the place and role of the Karakalpak ethnic culture in the development and preservation of the identity of the people. The authors analyze the culture and life of the modern Karakalpak family, which inherits to the next generation the traditional way of life associated with national holidays and traditions, dastans performed by Karakalpak bakhshi (singers), legends and legends of the past, told by the older generation. The article argues that social changes in the global space contribute to the emergence of certain changes in the content of cultural identity, language, art, spiritual categories, which are elements of the basis of the national identity of each nation and various ethno-regional units, which further strengthens the study of this issue under the influence of the process of globalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Framesti Frisma Sriarumtias

Community service this time aims to motivate the community to utilize the house yard into land for family medicinal plants (TOGA). The method used is in the form of counseling and data collection on plants that are usually planted by residents. Counseling is done by lecturing by distributing reading material in the form of material handouts delivered. And data collection is done by discussing with the people who attended the event. The target of this service is the women of recitation in Giri Ayu Village, Giriawas Village, Garut Regency, West Java. The results of this community service are able to understand related to the utilization of family medicinal plants that can be used for prevention.

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