scholarly journals Determination of ordering acceptance using decision support system on metal casting industry in sub-district of Ceper Klaten

Ahmad Muhsin ◽  
Muafi Muafi ◽  
Fuad Hasyim ◽  
Rizqi Adhyka Kusumawati

The largest center of metal casting industry in Indonesia is located in sub-district of Ceper, Klaten, Central Java. The companies of this region open orders for manufacturing engine spare parts and any other engineering needs. The research aims to provide a media accelerating the process of estimation and decision making on product ordering acceptance in the form of Decision Suppprt System (DSS). The method used in this research was System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) encompassing system analysis, system design, and system implementation. The contrive of application used basic programming language with visual Studio Community 2017 software and Microsoft Access basic database software. The testing result of Decission Support System on consumer ordering acceptance using alpha test method and black box test showed that the application program is proper to use and in accordance to the needs of corporate managers to take decision on ordering acceptance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-23
Eka Chandra Ramdhani ◽  
Juniarti Eka Safitri ◽  
Selamat Abdurrahman Fahmi ◽  
Asep Asep

The inventory system is a system that has a very important role in a company. Inventory systems have been widely used or developed in a place with various technologies and systems. Problems at PT. Sanghiang Perkasa is due to the fact that the data has not been stored in a good file and the management and processing of inventory data is still processed in a conventional way, which has a very significant effect on the quality of the data and information produced. The main objective of this research is to produce an inventory system that is powerful and in accordance with the needs of the users associated with the inventory system. The system development method in this inventory system uses the waterfall method which consists of six stages. The stages are System Analysis and Design, software requirements analysis, system design, coding, system testing and maintenance. This system was built using the PHP programming language, DataBase MySQL. It is hoped that with the implementation of this inventory system at PT. Sanghiang Perkasa can make it easier to store and process data and information such as stock-taking data, information on incoming and outgoing goods transactions, purchase and sales return data, managing customer and supplier data to making product stock reports and assembly reports. Keywords: Information System; Inventory, Web

Muhammad Rizqi Ghozhali

The practice of brokering is one of the concerns felt by the community at immigration services. The Directorate General of Immigration immediately followed up on the report, and appealed to all technical units of immigration to eradicate brokering practices and the practice of extortion (illegal levies) on immigration services. In line with this appeal, the Directorate General of Immigration made an online application called APAPO. Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II Non-TPI Kediri in follow-up to the practice of extortion and brokering also built the Flip Barrier Gate system. This system utilizes the use of RFID (Radio Frequent Identification) technology embedded in the access card. However, over time, this system began to find some problems. Among the obstacles that have arisen are the inactivity of this system because it is feared that it will become the center of the spread of COVID-19 due to the alternating use of access cards. In this research, development planning is carried out for the Flip Barrier Gate Class II Non-TPI Kediri Immigration Office. Flip Barrier Gate is integrated with APAPO through the use of QR code booking code as an access reader. In development planning, this study uses the system development theory described by Tata Sutabri. This phase consists of 5 stages, namely, system investigation, system analysis, system design, system implementation, system maintenance.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Paulus Mudjihartono ◽  
Findra Kartika Sari Dewi

 Abstract. Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code to Class Design Using Graph Data Structure. This time the software engineering methodology still follows the process of standard system development consisting of four phases of the system initialization, system analysis, system design, and system implementation. The phases occur sequentially so that the implementation is always done after the design is complete. This research is developing software Code Converter (COCON) to automate the conversion of object-oriented code to class design using graph data structures. COCON only requires an object-oriented code file as input and produce results in the form of a file containing a list of classes and relations between classes that read from input file. COCON help users to find out the class design of object-oriented code and becomes the basis for drawing class diagrams of object-oriented code. Keywords: reverse engineering, class design, relation, OOP, graph Abstrak. Pada saat ini metodologi rekayasa perangkat lunak masih mengikuti proses pengembangan sistem yang standar yang terdiri dari empat fase yakni inisialisasi sistem, analisis sistem, desain sistem dan implementasi sistem. Keempat fase tersebut terjadi secara berurutan sehingga fase implementasi selalu dilakukan setelah fase desain selesai. Penelitian ini membangun perangkat lunak Code Converter (COCON) yang berfungsi untuk mengotomasi konversi kode program berorientasi objek ke desain kelas dengan struktur data graf. COCON hanya membutuhkan sebuah berkas kode program berorientasi objek sebagai masukan dan memberikan hasil berupa sebuah berkas yang berisi daftar kelas dan relasi antar kelas yang dibaca dari berkas masukan. COCON membantu pengguna untuk mengetahui desain kelas dari kode program berorientasi objek dan menjadi dasar dalam  penggambaran diagram kelas dari kode berorientasi objek. Kata Kunci: rekayasa pembalikan, desain kelas, relasi, PBO, graf

Yuda Irawan

Decision Support System is a computerized system designed to increase effectiveness in decision making to solve semi-structured and unstructured problems so that the decision-making process can be of higher quality. One method of solving MADM problems is by using the Simple Additive Weighting method. The SAW method is to find the weighted sum of the performance ratings for each alternative of all attributes. This study aims to design and create a system to determine which employees are entitled to receive bonuses, for that we need a decision support for giving employee bonuses decisions. In this study using the Simple Additive Weighting method. The system development model used is a waterfall. Waterfall has several stages, namely needs analysis, system design, writing program code, program testing, program implementation and maintenance. The results showed the benefits of the SAW method as a decision support system for determining employee bonuses based on the employee performance of PT. Mayatama Solusindo can assist administrators in determining employee bonuses quickly and effectively. So the bonus that employees get using the SAW method is the basic salary times the percentage of the ranking value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Mochamad Yuse Waramitha

Stock Inventory Information System is a system used to enter inventory data for incoming and outgoing goods into the database, controlling inventory, and providing inventory information. So that there will be no errors in data input, data output, and report results based on the desired data. PT Berkatmas Mulia Guna is a company engaged in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) contractors. Includes new installation of HVAC machines and systems, maintenance and repair of HVAC systems. PT Berkatmas Mulia Guna also includes manufacturing HVAC machines such as AHU, FCU, Exhaust Fan, Supply Fan and Heating. A lot of data changes and a long process of stock data collection from suppliers and customers in the process of processing inventory data, will result in inaccurate data obtained. In inventory data collection, recording of incoming and outgoing goods still uses a manual process with excel which can result in duplicate data or duplicate data for processing inventory data. Based on this problem, the authors conducted a study entitled "Inventory Information System Stock Goods at PT. Berkatmas Mulia Guna ”which aims to make it easier to handle the stock inventory process, data entry and exit, delivery of goods, so that the inventory process of goods is faster and more precise. This application system development method uses the waterfall method which consists of six stages. The stages are System Analysis and Design, software requirements analysis, system design, coding, system testing and maintenance. In making this application using a desktop-based website programming language for the Windows operating system, and using the MySql database.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Zainul Efendy ◽  
Ilham Eka Putra ◽  
Rangga Saputra

Andalas University is the oldest university outside Java Island, and is the fourth oldest university in Indonesia. The University of Andalas also has assets and facilities such as buildings, land, equipment, campus buses and official vehicles managed by the administration acnd general 2 fields under the leadership of the Vice Rector 2, the assets and facilities available at the university andalas are also leased to people who want to rent or use existing facilities. Payment transactions and report recaps are still done manually this makes managers in recording transaction data becomes difficult. The status of pay by the lessee is difficult to track if the leader requests the report results. Therefore we need an information system to manage rental transaction and facilities at university andalas, that is information system that can recap asset, tenant and payment data. The research method used is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) research, in SDLC development process consisting of system planning, system analysis, system design, and system implementation. With this information system is expected both parties' transactions can be easily and mutually beneficial and the storage can also supervise transactions that exist wherever they are

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Zaidir Zaidir ◽  
Indra Listiawan

Development planning in the village begins with the Development Planning Conference. The government considers the need for solutions in solving development problems up to the village and village level so that on November 7, 2018 a Mayor Regulation number 72 of 2018 concerning the formation of village administrators is issued so that development is no longer based on RT-RW but based on village. The many functions of village administrators need an appropriate system for processing data. Manually processing data has weaknesses, especially in planning and controlling budget. The purpose of this study is to produce an integrated system for planning and controlling village-based area development. The research method used consists of library research, data collection and system development of the Waterfall method (system analysis, system design, system implementation and system testing). The results of this study are a system that is capable of processing data from budget proposals to reporting and can provide varied information for village administrators, LPMK and Kelurahan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Dyah Ika Rinawati

AbstrakPada kegiatan distribusi bantuan logistik untuk korban bencana alam, terdapat beberapa permasalahan antara lain penumpukan barang bantuan di titik tertentu namun terjadi kekurangan pada titik lain atau sebaliknya bantuan yang diberikan terlalu banyak dan kurang bermanfaat. Permasalahan tersebut disebabkan kurangnya informasi mengenai data korban bencana, data jenis bantuan yang diperlukan dan data bantuan yang telah tersedia. Guna mewujudkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam distribusi logistik bantuan bencana diperlukan sistem informasi yang dapat mendukung distribusi bantuan logistik secara tepat waktu, tepat lokasi, tepat kuantitas dan sesuai kebutuhan. Perancangan sistem informasi ini meliputi pengumpulan data, analisis sistem, desain sistem, implementasi dan analisis terhadap hasil pengujian. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada BPPD Kabupaten Magelang, dimana proses manajemen bantuan logistik yang dilakukan terdiri dari fase perencanaan dan fase penerimaan atau pengadaan bantuan. Sistem informasi yang telah dibangun dapat mempercepat perhitungan jenis dan jumlah komoditi yang dibutuhkan. Selain itu, dengan adanya sistem informasi ini, pencatatan penerimaan bantuan dapat disinkronisasi sehingga seluruh komoditi yang telah tersedia di masing-masing lokasi dapat diketahui. Output sistem informasi ini dapat dipublikasikan secara luas kepada masyarakat, sehingga respon penanggulangan terhadap bencana akan lebih  cepat dan efektif. AbstractInformation System Development for Disaster Relief Logistics - Case Study in BPPD Magelang District. In the disaster relief logistics distribution, there are some problems such as the excess of goods aid at a certain point but there is a shortage at another point or overamount of goods aid that being not useful. The problem is due to lack of information about the data of disaster victims, data of the type and amount of humanitarian aid needed and goods aid that already provided. In order to realize efficiency and effectiveness in the distribution of disaster relief logistics, an information system that can support the distribution of relief disaster logistics by on time, precise location and precise quantity is needed. This information system development consist of data collection, system analysis, system design, implementation and analysis of test results. This research was conducted at BPPD of Magelang District, where the logistic aid management process consisted of planning and receiving phase or procurement phase. Information systems that have been built are able to accelerate the calculation of the type and number of goods aid. In addition, with this information system, recording of aid receipts can be synchronized so that all goodes aid that have been available in each locations can be known. The output of this information system can be widely published, so that the disaster responses will be faster and more effective. Keywords: Information System; Relief Disaster Logistic; Disaster

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 6-9
Niska Ramadani ◽  
Nofri Heltiani

The concept of a computer-based decision-making support system (Computer Based Decision Support System) is currently developing very rapidly. Many methods are used to assist in the decision making process. Decision making is carried out with a systematic approach to the problem through the process of collecting data into information and coupled with factors that need to be considered in decision making. To make a decision support system for the selection of outstanding teachers in Akkes Sapta Bakti Bengkulu by computer. The research method that the author uses in making this application is from a manual or conventional system into a system development (electronic system) using the waterfall model. Waterfall system development method is a sequence of activities or activities carried out in system development starting from problem determination, actual system analysis, new system analysis, design, system implementation and testing. The software used in making this application is to use the Visua Basic 2010. application and is supported with a Microsoft Access 2007 database and Crystal Report as a report.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Sodik Nurhidayat ◽  
Muhammad Rusli

Aneka Jaya Motor is company engaged in the business of selling car spare parts in Bekasi.At present Aneka Jaya Motor shop is only a shop, so the buying and selling process only occurs in theshop. Iin the current system there are many obstacles, such as the difficulty of promotion Aneka JayaMotor goods to many customers, because so far the bidding and transactions have been done manually,which only relies on the buyer to come directly to the store. In conducting this research, the type ofresearch use is qualitative research with the research method used in this research is Waterfall withsystem requirements, system analysis, system design with UML modelling and system implementationusing PHP and MySQL and tested using the blackbox testing method. The results in this study are thecreation of e-commerce information systems for selling car spare parts based website at Aneka JayaMotor store that helps the sales process and makes it easy to transact long distances with Aneka JayaMotor customers.

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