The influence of quality of adult thorax photos on the satisfaction level of radiology doctors with computed radiography in radiological installation of Panembahan Senopati Hospital Bantul

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-19
Asih Puji Utami

This study aims to determine the effect of adult thorax photo quality on the satisfaction level of Radiology Doctors and to determine the dominant factors that influence the satisfaction level of Radiology Doctors. Type of this research is quantitative with a survey approach. The sample was consisted of 144 thorax photos. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and multiple regression by testing the regression line hypothesis, statistical f test, statistical t test, and coefficient of determination. The results showed that there was an influence on the quality of the radiograph with the Radiology Doctor's satisfaction. The significance value of the density is 0,048, the value of the contrast significance is 0,002, the significance value of sharpness is 0,001 and the value of the detail significance is 0,020. While the dominant factor is the sharpness variable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-24
Mohammad Ali Wairooy

This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of quality of savings on customer saving interest at PT. Bank SULSELBAR Makassar, To test and analyze the effect of Sales Promotion on Customer Saving Interest at PT. Bank SULSELBAR Makassar, and to test and analyze the effect of the Quality of Savings and Sales Promotion simultaneously on Customers' Interest in Saving at PT. Bank SULSELBAR Makassar. Data collection using primary data obtained from a questionnaire with a population of 165,957 customers and samples using the Slovin formula obtained as many as 100 respondents. The results of the questionnaire have been tested for validity and reliability, as well as tested classical assumptions in the form of normality assumptions and heteroscedasticity assumptions. Methods of data analysis using multiple regression techniques. Based on the partial analysis (t-test) and simultaneously (Test-f) it turns out that the research results prove that all hypotheses are accepted because the Quality of Savings and Sales Promotion has a positive and significant effect partially and simultaneously on Saving Interest at PT. Bank SULSELBAR Makassar.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 902-909
Umbas Krisnanto ◽  
Conny Marpaung ◽  

This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in Jabodetabek Commuter Line. The sample of this study was 50 people. Methods of collecting data by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis using the analysis used is simple linear regression, t test and coefficient of determination. The results showed 1) Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty in Jabodetabek Commuter Line, with a significance level of 0.048; and supported by the results of hypothesis testing with a t-count value of 4.433 > t-table value of 1.95, with a significance of 0.048 or < 0.05; 2) Customer Satisfaction positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty in Jabodetabek Commuter Line, with a level significance of 0,000; and supported by the results of hypothesis testing with a t-count value of 4,969 > t-table value of 1.95, with a significance of 0,000 or < 0.05, 3) Service quality and Customer Satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty in Jabodetabek Commuter Line, with a significance level of 0,000. This means that the hypothesis H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted so that it can be concluded that service quality and customer satisfaction together have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty in Jabodetabek Commuter Line.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Syarkani Syarkani

Abstract: Employee work motivation in an organization can be considered simple and can also be a complex problem, because basically humans are easy to be motivated by giving what they want. The purpose of this study was to determine and prove the effect of work motivation on employee work productivity at PT. Sariguna Prima Tirta Pulau Sari Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut Regency. The main data was obtained through questionnaires to respondents as many as 44 people who were determined by purposive sampling, then supported by the results of observations and direct interviews with respondents. Data analysis was carried out with the help of the SPSS program. It was concluded that the results of the Simple Regression Equation in this study were Y = 18.165 + 0.719 X. Based on the results of the t test, it was found that the work motivation variable had a positive and significant effect on work productivity, because at the 5% significance level t counted greater than t table (8.510 > 2 , 02). The coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.633 which means the ability of the work motivation variable (X) can explain the variable work productivity (Y) of 63.3% while the remaining 36.7% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Keywords: motivation, productivity, Bati-Bati Subdistrict Abstrak: Motivasi kerja karyawan dalam suatu organisasi dapat dianggap sederhana dan dapat pula menjadi masalah yang komplek, karena pada dasarnya manusia mudah untuk dimotivasi dengan memberikan apa yang menjadi keinginannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan pengaruh motivasi kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan pada PT. Sariguna Prima Tirta Pulau Sari Kecamatan Bati-Bati Kabupaten Tanah Laut. Data utama diperoleh melalui penyebaran angket kepada responden sebanyak 44 orang yang ditetapkan secara purposive sampling, kemudian didukung dengan hasil observasi dan wawancara langsung dengan responden. Analisis data dilakukan dengan bantuan program SPSS. Disimpulkan bahwa hasil Persamaan Regresi Sederhana dalam penelitian ini adalah Y = 18,165 + 0,719 X. Berdasarkan hasil uji t diketahui variabel motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap poduktivitas kerja, karena pada taraf signifikasi 5% t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel (8,510 > 2,02).  Koefisien determinasi (r2) sebesar 0,633 yang berarti kemampuan variabel motivasi kerja (X) dapat menjelaskan variabel produktivitas kerja  (Y)  sebesar 63,3% sedangkan sisanya 36,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci : motivasi,  produktivitas, Kecamatan Bati-Bati

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Arif Wahyu Bibitharta ◽  
Ahmad Alim Bachri ◽  
Maya Sar Dewi

<p><em>This study analyzes the influence of organizational commitment and compensation simultaneously on the performance of personnel BHABINKAMTIBMAS Polresta Banjarmasin, analyzing the influence of organizational commitment and partial compensation to personnel performance BHABINKAMTIBMAS Polresta Banjarmasin, analyzing the dominant variable of organizational commitment and compensation affecting BHABINKAMTIBMAS Polresta Banjarmasin performance.</em></p><p><em>The research method used is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The population of this research was 52 people with purposive sampling sampling technique with 52 samples. data collection was done by using questionnaire. Data analysis using multiple regression with F test and t test.</em></p><p><em>The Influence of Organizational Commitments (X1) affects the performance of personnel (Y). The proof of the statement can not be based on the value of t greater than the value of t table (4.824&gt; 2.007) and lower value significantly than error rate (0,000 &lt;0,05). The effect of Work Compensation (X2) influenced the performance of personnel (Y) of t table (3.931&gt; 2.007) and significantly lower value than error rate (0,000 &lt;0,05). This result shows that partial compensation work variable has an effect on personnel performance. The table above shows that 0.942 = 94.2% means there are still other variables that affect the personnel performance besides the organizational commitment variable and the simultaneous commitment to the personnel performance of BHABINKAMTIBMAS Polresta Banjarmasin.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Khairan Nisa ◽  
Joserizal Serudji ◽  
Delmi Sulastri

Quality antenatal care has a major role in reducing maternal mortality. Every effort to improve quality must also be accompanied by efforts to pay attention to factors that contribute to improving the performance of midwives in providing services. The study used a combination of quantitative approaches in 67 midwives in the Bukittinggi and qualitatively in 15 informants, of which 9 people included in-depth interview informants to coordinator midwives, head of the Public health center and staffing and 6 FGD informants to midwives on duty at the health center.The results of quantitative data analysis, factors related to the performance of midwives are incentives, motivation and workload. Motivation is the most dominant factor related to the performance of midwives. The results of qualitative data analysis, the leadership plays an important role in increasing motivation to work midwives and optimizing the role of midwives in overcoming problems related to overlapping workloads. Midwives also need to increase their participation efforts and empower pregnant women so that programs can run well and provide positive feedback for improving the health status of pregnant women. Basically antenatal services provided by midwives are in accordance with standards, but the paradigm of antenatal care for pregnant women must shift from achieving quantity to focus on quality. To improve the performance of midwives in providing antenatal care, several efforts are needed: monitoring and evaluation of the quality of antenatal care by midwives, leadership involvement in efforts to increase midwife motivation both from supervision and reward management in non-material forms. Providing equal opportunities for midwives to improve competence through training, especially training related to quality antenatal care. In addition, the provision of infrastructure at the polindes needs attention. 

Luthfi Azwardy ◽  
Adelina Lubis

This study aims to determine and prove whether the brand image and price of customer satisfaction Village Futsal Medan. Types This study is an associative questioning the relationship between two variables. Data analysis technique using multiple linear analysis with hypothesis test using t test, f test and coefficient of determination. The results of the discussion and conclusion indicate that incentives and motivation partially and siimultan have positive and significant influence to customer satisfaction of Village Futsal Medan. Keywords: Brand Image, Price, Customer Satisfaction

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-41
Nova Syafrina ◽  
Sudarmin Manik

The purpose of this study to determine factors that affect the performance of employee at PT. Agung Automall Cabang Sutomo Pekanbaru. Samples in this study were mostly employees at PT. Agung Automall Cabang Sutomo Pekanbaru which amounted to 61 people. Sampling selected randomly using random sampling techniques (Sugiyono, 2010:93). While the variables studied in this research is the ability and motivation. Data analysis using multiple regression linear, using validity, reliability test, the classic assumption test, F test, t test R2. The tests are conducted to determine the relationship between the independent variables (independent variables) and dependent variable (dependent variable). Based on the results of research on the ability and motivation variables on performance can be seen from Table F value obtained for F (0,05) (58) = 4,01, while F count on the F test is obtained from the data processed by 55,820, meaning F count = 55,820 > 4,01 means there is he ability and motivation variables on performance at PT. Agung Automall Cabang Sutomo Pekanbaru. From the results of the t test that most affect employee performance at PT. Agung Automall Cabang Sutomo Pekanbaru is ability with t value 8,062 > 2,00172 meaning the partial motivation positive and significant impact on employee performance, while the results of the regression equation linear is Y = 14,456 + 0,894X1 - 0,041X2.Therefore means that any changes in the ability amd motivation of both positive and negative will be amended also on the performance of employees at PT. Agung Automall Cabang Sutomo Pekanbaru

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Yunia Wardi ◽  
Hendri Andi Mesta ◽  
Ilda Rahmayeni

This research is aimto analyze the influence of trust and satisfaction on customer loyalty of Mitra Beasiswa AJB Bumiputera 1912 of Pariaman. The population in this research is the Mitra Beasiswa AJB Bumiputera 1912 of Pariaman in 2015. The sample was taken by purposive sampling using the formula of Slovin, with sample size as much as 90 respondents. Data analysis is performed multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing using F test and t-test. The results of this study show that trust and satisfaction have a significant effect on customer loyalty of Mitra Beasiswa AJB Bumiputera 1912 of Pariaman.

Herawati Khotmi ◽  
Muhammad Wahyullah ◽  

This study aims to analyze the effect of Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Third Party Funds (TPF), Asset Growth on Financing Provided (PYD).  The update in this study is the Asset Growth variable which is thought to have a close relationship with PYD. This study is a quantitative research with SPSS statistical test.The sample of this study are the Islamic banks in Indonesia, which were taken based on the number of provinces in Indonesia which is 33 (thirty three) provinces throughout 2018-2020. The source of data used in this study is from the secondary data taken from the website The data analysis used in this study is from conducting the classical assumptions test then followed by multiple regression which are the determination test  and T test. While the results of the t test showed that TPF had a positive and significant effect on PYD, while FDR had no effect on PYD. The same as Asset Growth no effect on PYD. Also NPF had a negative and significant effect on PYD. The coefficient of determination test results show the Adjusted R Square value of 0.173, this indicates that only 17.3% of the PYD financing variables are influenced by NPF, PYD, and FDR while the remaining 82.7% is influenced by other factors Keywords: NPF; TPF; FDR; PYD; Asset Growth; ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian  untuk menguji pengaruh Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Pertumbuhan Aset terhadap Pembiayaan Yang Diberikan (PYD). Perbaharuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu variabel Pertumbuhan Aset yang diduga memiliki kaitan yang erat terhadap PYD. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan uji statistik SPSS. Sampel penelitian  yaitu bank syariah yang ada di Indonesia diambil berdasarkan jumlah provinsi sebanyak 33 (tiga puluh tiga) provinsi periode 2018 - 2020. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari data sekunder yang diperoleh dari situs Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu dengan melakukan uji asumsi klasik kemudian dilanjutkan dengan regresi berganda yaitu uji determinasi dan Uji t.  Sedangkan hasil uji t menunjukkan DPK berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap PYD, FDR tidak berpengaruh terhadap PYD, Pertumbuhan asset tidak berpengaruh terhadap PYD dan NPF berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap PYD. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi menunjukkan nilai Adjusted R Square 0,173,  hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya 17,3% variabel pembiayaan PYD  dipengaruhi oleh NPF, DPK, dan FDR sedangkan sisanya 82,7% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata kunci : NPF; DPK; FDR; PYD; Pertumbuhan Aset;

2019 ◽  
Nova Begawati

This study aims to influence the investment of gold on investment decisions on the employees of Bank Mandiri branch of Padang, To determine the effect of stock investment on investment decisions on employees of Bank Mandiri branch Padang, To determine the effect of gold and stock investment on investment decisions on employees of Bank Mandiri branch Padang and For knowing which investment decisions are most preferred by employees of Bank Mandiri branch Padang. Data collection methods used in this research is by using research lapanga and research library. Methods of data analysis in this study using multiple regression. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The test results t t Investment Gold Investment Decision obtained t value of 2.152 is greater than t table of 2.002 and the value of sig of 0.000 smaller than 0.05 so that Gold Investment variables significantly influence the Investment Decision ,2) The result of t test of Investment Tests on Investment Decision found t value equal to 13,498 bigger than t table equal to 2,002 and value of sig equal to 0,001 less than 0,05 so variable of Investment of Saham has significant effect to Investment Decision 3) Result of F test test Gold Investment and Stock Investment to Investment Decision found the value of F arithmetic equal to 123,233 bigger than F table equal to 4,00 and sig value equal to 0.000 less than 0,05 so that variable of Gold Investment and Investment of Stock have significant effect to Investment Decision 4) Based on the answers given by employees quizoner of PT. Bank Mandiri branch of Padang is known type of investment is the most other selected by 25 respondents, gold by 20 respondents and shares of 15 respondents. (YG)

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