scholarly journals Reading Movement

2019 ◽  

The Buru reading movement was the initiation of the dedication of Iqra Buru University which later became one of the government program of Buru Regency which has been run since year 2017. This Program is intended to improve and create the habit of reading people in Buru Regency. This research is a qualitative study aimed at describing the implementation of the Buru reading movement in Buru Regency. The research site is focused on Namlea subdistrict with the consideration of density and heterogeneity of society. The number of informant that will be interviewed as many as 40 people taken in purposive. The analytical techniques used follow the concept given Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the reading movement received positive response from the community as well as the village government where the active role was realized with the availability of village libraries, study rooms and learning houses. The availability of the car around the scope of the new service to Namlea village with the emphasis on open space and public spaces, while for other villages still the participation of village and community governments to Provides a reading and learning space. Nevertheless, the movement still leaves some constraints, such as the availability of a book type that is still public, not focused on the target group and there is no mentoring on the Reading House and learning House so that the utilization of facilities for the school age Society has not been fully productive

2019 ◽  

The Government of Kayeli village is an integral part of the District government Buru where the administrative elements make the Kayeli village government have to run the administrative tasks strictly in their activities, in fact A involvement in traditional institutions that eventually affect the orientation and implementation of development. The three elements of village institutions namely village Governments, village consultative bodies and indigenous institutions are able to collaborate from planning to monitoring the development of the Kayeli village community. This research is a qualitative study aimed at describing the partnerships that awakened between institutions in the village of Kayeli. The research site is focused on Kayeli village. The number of informant interviews of 30 people consisting of village apparatus, public figures, indigenous people and local communities is taken purposive. The analytical techniques used to follow the concepts given by Miles and Huberman include data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions. The results showed that the relationship that awakened from these three institutions was able to create harmonization of village development that materialized through the planning, implementation and supervision conducted jointly with Communication and active role in village development.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Salmi Yuniar Bahri ◽  
Abdul Khalik ◽  
Martin Romiza

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are one of the pillars of the domestic economy, especially for village government. However, they often do not get good support from the village government. Therefore, the government must involve the existence of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) to increase the income of SMEs so that they can improve the village economy. Village-Owned Enterprises have become a pillar of social economy (social economy) and commercial (commercial Institution) for people who want to manage and develop the potential and needs of villages to be used as business facilities in increasing village community income, as well as contributing to good social service and presentation. Meanwhile, as a commercial institution, it aims to seek profit through offering local resources (goods and services) to the community. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach that emphasizes understanding the design of the proposed social phenomenon approach from the subject of the research perspective. This research was conducted in Gerung Permai Village, Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency by involving BUMDes Management and UKM actors as sources of data taken by means of interviews and questionnaires. The results of the research are that BUMDes Gerung Permai, Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency supports the existence of SMEs as a means to improve the community's economy. Therefore, BUMDes plays an active role in providing assistance to SMEs in the form of savings and loans with only one percent interest.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Jehan M. Malahika ◽  
Herman Karamoy ◽  
Rudy J. Pusung

This research aims to analyze the Implementation of Village Financial System (SISKEUDES)  towards the government organization in Suwaan Village Kalawat Subdistrict North Minahasa Regency. This research using qualitative research approach as using primary data, which were in the form of interview and secondary data. The informants are the village head, the village secretaries, and the head of village government affairs. The result showed that : (1) The implementation of Village Financial System in Suwaan Village has running well (2) The procedure of SISKEUDES utilization done by 4 stages which are : Planning, Implementing, Administrating, and Reporting (3) Village Financial System has been giving the positive influence towards the performance of each employee. Therefore, Village Financial System holds an important role upon village government that impact directly by the employee of village. This is as accordance with the purpose on the implementation of Village Financing System which is to assist the work of villagers’ employee.Keywords: Village Financial System, Village Government

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 216-227
Abustan Abustun

Dalam perjalanan ketatanegaraan Indonesia, sistem pemerintahan desa kembali mulai diseragamkan melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran lembaga pemerintahan desa dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan berkelanjutan di pedesaan serta tata kelola kebijakan pembangunan desa melalui pemanfaatan Dana Desa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa faktor pendukung pelaksanaan tugas Kepala Desa di Kecamatan Trucuk yaitu adanya pengarahan, bimbingan, serta pelatihan bagi Kepala Desa dalam menyusun rancangan peraturan desa untuk mewujudkan percepatan pembangunan desa yang berkelanjutan. Sedangkan faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan tugas Kepala Desa di Kecamatan Trucuk yaitu rendahnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam menyikapi program kerja yang dijalankan oleh pemerintah desa serta rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam memelihara fasilitas umum yang ada di desa. Pemerintahan desa yang baik adalah sebuah kerangka institusional untuk memperkuat otonomi desa karena secara substantif desentralisasi dan otonomi desa bukan hanya masalah pembagian kewenangan antarlevel pemerintah, melainkan sebagai upaya membawa pemerintah untuk lebih dekat dengan masyarakat. Pemerintah desa yang kuat dan otonom tidak akan bermakna bagi masyarakat tanpa ditopang oleh transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsivitas, dan partisipasi masyarakat.   IMPLEMENTATION OF ACCELERATION OF VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT IN REALIZING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BASED ON LAW NUMBER 6 YEAR 2014 ABOUT VILLAGE Abstract In the course of the Indonesian state administration, the village government system began to be uniform again through Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. This research aims to explain the role of village government institutions in the implementation of sustainable development in rural areas and the governance of village development policies through the use of Village Funds. The method used in this research is empirical legal research. The results of this research explain that the supporting factors for the implementation of the duties of the village head in Trucuk Village are direction, guidance, and training for village heads in drafting village regulations to realize the acceleration of sustainable village development. Meanwhile, the factors that hinder the implementation of the duties of the village head in Trucuk Village are the low participation of the community in responding to the work programs run by the village government and the low awareness of the community in maintaining public facilities in the village. Good village governance is an institutional framework to strengthen village autonomy because substantively decentralization and village autonomy are not just a matter of sharing authority between levels of government, but as an effort to bring the government closer to the community. A strong and autonomous village government will not be meaningful to the community without being supported by transparency, accountability, responsiveness and community participation.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-28
Ditha Prasanti ◽  
Ikhsan Fuady ◽  
Sri Seti Indriani

The "one data" policy driven by the government through the Ministry of Health is believed to be able to innovate and give a new face to health services. Of course, the improvement of health services starts from the smallest and lowest layers, namely Polindes. Starting from this policy and the finding of relatively low public health service problems, the authors see a health service in Polindes, which contributes positively to improving the quality of public health services. The health service is the author's view of the communication perspective through the study of Communication in the Synergy of Public Health Services Polindes (Village Maternity Post) in Tarumajaya Village, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency. The method used in this research is a case study. The results of the study revealed that public health services in Polindes are inseparable from the communication process that exists in the village. The verbal communication process includes positive synergy between the communicator and the communicant. In this case, the communicators are village midwives, village officials, namely the village head and his staff, the sub-district health center, and the active role of the village cadres involved. In contrast, the communicant that was targeted was the community in the village of Tarumajaya. This positive synergy results in a marked increase in public services, namely by providing new facilities in the village, RTK (Birth Waiting Home).   Kebijakan “one data” yang dimotori oleh pemerintah melalui Kementerian kesehatan diyakini mampu membuat inovasi dan memberikan wajah baru terhadap layanan kesehatan. Tentunya, perbaikan layanan kesehatan tersebut dimulai dari lapisan terkecil dan terbawah yakni Polindes. Berawal dari kebijakan tersebut dan masih ditemukannya masalah pelayanan kesehatan publik yang relatif rendah, penulis melihat sebuah layanan kesehatan di Polindes, yang memberikan kontribusi positif dalam peningkatan kualitas layanan kesehatan masyarakat. Pelayanan kesahatan tersebut penulis lihat dari perpektif komunikasi melaui penelitian Komunikasi dalam Sinergi Pelayanan Kesehatan Publik Polindes (Pos Bersalin Desa) di Desa Tarumajaya, Kecamatan Kertasari, Kabupaten Bandung ini dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pelayanan kesehatan publik di Polindes, tidak terlepas dari adanya proses komunikasi yang terjalin di desa tersebut. Proses komunikasi verbal tersebut meliputi sinergitas positif antara pihak komunikator dan komunikan. Dalam hal ini, komunikator tersebut adalah Bidan Desa, Aparat Desa yakni Kepala Desa beserta staffnya, Puskesmas tingkat kecamatan, serta peran aktif dari para kader desa yang terlibat. Sedangkan komunikan yang menjadi target adalah masyarakat di desa Tarumajaya. Sinergitas positif tersebut menghasilkan peningkatan pelayanan publik yang nyata, yaitu dengan adanya penyediaan fasilitas baru di desa, RTK (Rumah Tunggu Kelahiran).

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-73
Yenik Pujowati

ABSTRAKSetelah peralihan rezim dari orde baru ke reformasi Negara melahirkan Undang-Undang No. 28 tahun 1999. Dalam peraturan tersebut, menjadi tujuh azas dan menjadipedoman bagi seluruh perangkat Negara untuk melaksanakan tugas. Ketujuh azastersebut meliputi azas kepastian hukum, azas tertib penyelenggaran, azas kepentinganumum, azas keterbukaan, azas proporsionality, azas prfesionalitas dan azasakuntabilitas.Otonomi daerah juga terbagi atas Pemerintahan Tingkat Provinsi,Pemerintahan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota, dan Pemerintahan Tingkat Desa.Pemerintahan Desa dikatakan pemerintahan yang otonom karena dalam UU No. 6Tahun 2014, desa adalah kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang memiliki kewenangan untukmengurus dan mengatur kepentingan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan adat istiadatdan asal usul yang diakui oleh Negara. Dengan demikian pemerintah desa tidakbergantung sepenuhnya pada pemerintahan diatasnya dalam urusan pelaksanaanPemerintahan Desa. Desa juga memiliki kewenangan untuk menyelenggarakan pestademokrasi dan adanya pemilihan Kepala Desa dan lembaga BPD adalah wujud daridemokrasi tersebut.Kata Kunci : Good Governance, Badan pemusyawaratan Desa (BPD)AbstractAfter the transition of the regime from the new order to the reform of the State gave riseto Law no. 28 of 1999. In the regulation, it becomes the seven principles and serves asthe guidance for all State apparatus to carry out the task. The seven principles cover theprinciples of legal certainty, the principles of orderliness, the principles of publicinterest, the principles of transparency, the principle of proportionality, the principle ofprofessionalism and the principle of accountability. Regional autonomy is also dividedinto Provincial, Regency / Municipal Governance and Village Government. VillageGovernment is said to be an autonomous government because in Law no. 6 Year 2014,the village is a legal community unit which has the authority to administer and regulatethe interests of the local community based on customs and origins recognized by theState. Thus the village government does not depend entirely on the government above itin the affairs of the implementation of Village Government. Villages also have theauthority to organize democratic parties and the election of village heads and BPDinstitutions is a manifestation of the democracy.Keywords: Good Governance, Village Development Board (BPD)

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rasji Rasji

Village government is the lowest level of government in the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Its existence is very strategic for the implementation of programs of the central government, local government, and the wishes of the village community, so that the village government can help create a balance between the goals desired by the state and those desired by the people, namely the welfare of the people. For this reason, the role of village government officials is important to achieve the success of implementing village government tasks. In fact, there are still many village government officials who have not been able to carry out their duties and authorities properly and correctly. How are efforts to strengthen the role of village government officials so that they are able to carry out their duties and authority properly and correctly? One effort that can be done is to provide technical guidance to village government officials regarding village governance, the duties and authorities of village government officials, as well as the preparation of village regulations. Through this activity, it is hoped that the role of the village government apparatus in carrying out their duties and authorities will be strong, so that their duties and authorities can be carried out properly and correctlyABSTRAK;Pemerintahan desa adalah tingkat pemerintahan terendah di dalam Pemerintahan Negara Republik Indonesia. Keberadaannya sangat strategis bagi penerapan program pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan keinginan masyarakat desa, sehingga pemerintah desa dapat membantu terciptanya keseimbangan tujuan yang diinginkan oleh negara dan yang diinginkan oleh rakyat yaitu kesejahteraan rakyat. Untuk itu peran aparatur pemerintahan desa menjadi penting untuk mencapai keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas pemerintahan desa. Pada kenyataannya masih banyak aparatur pemerintahan desa yang belum dapat melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya dengan baik dan benar. Bagaimana upaya menguatkan peran aparatur pemerintahan desa, agar mampu menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya secara baik dan benar? Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah memberikan bimbingan teknis kepada aparatur pemerintahan desa mengenai pemerintahan desa, tugas dan wewenang aparatur pemerintah desa, maupun penyusunan peraturan desa. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan peran aparatur pemerintahan desa dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya menjadi kuat, sehingga tugas dan wewenangnya dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan benar.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Melly Maulin Purnawingwulan, dkk

Abstract. Electronic Desa (e-Desa) is a system that based on cloud computing technology, then the government shouldn't bothered by infrastructure suplly such as server, aplication, and system tendance. The hope with the introduction of this e- Desa system are village government is able to self-financed in the information management and administrative conducted. The aims of developing e-Desa are specificly for getting a management information model and administrative conducted by village government to increase service in apropriate with vission and mission Bandung Regency in regional autonomy spirit. This research has for giving basic contribution in government science esspecially to new concept about e-Government. This research used description method with qualitative approach then the determination technique of informants using purposive (taking informants based on the aims). Collecting data technique that used in this research is library studies and range studies long data validity in this research using triangulation. Result of the research showed that development of e-Desa policy model can be successful if it's supported by adequate technology educational qualifications of the village government. In fact, there was still lacking in the village government of bandung district government environment.Keywords: Policy, e-Desa, e-Government.Abstrak. Electronic Desa (e-Desa) merupakan sistem yang dapat didasarkan pada teknologi cloud computing. Dengan e-Desa maka pemerintah desa tidak perlu direpotkan dengan penyediaan infrastruktur sistem seperti server, aplikasi dan perawatan sistem. Harapan dengan adanya sistem e-Desa ini adalah pemerintah desa dapat mandiri dalam pengelolaan informasi dan administrasi yang dilakukan. Pembangunan e-Desa ini ditujukan khusus untuk mendapatkan model pengelolaan informasi dan administrasi yang dilakukan pemerintahan desa guna meningkatkan pelayanan sesuai dengan visi dan misi Kabupaten Bandung dalam semangat otonomi daerah. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi mendasar pada Ilmu Pemerintahan khususnya tentang konsep baru tentang e-Government. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik penentuan informan yang digunakan purposive (pengambilan informan berdasarkan tujuan). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka dan studi lapangan serta validitas data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan model kebijakan pembangunan e-Desa dapat berhasil bilamana ditunjang oleh kualifikasi pendidikan teknologi perangkat desa yang memadai. Kenyatannya, hal ini masih kurang di kalangan perangkat desa di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung.Kata Kunci : Kebijakan, E-desa, E goverment

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Fadli Razzak ◽  
Zuly Qodir

A fundamental change in the government system in Indonesia after the reforms is the implementation of decentralization and real regional autonomy. Giving village funds is a form of fulfilling the village's rights for the implementation of its own autonomy to grow and develop following diversity, participation, autonomy, empowerment, democratization of the community and increasing the role of the village government in order to provide services and improve the welfare of the community in areas that are adrift . Therefore, this study aims to reveal the impact of village fund policies on improving people's welfare and reducing unemployment in Ponggok Village, Tegalrejo Village, and Kalangan Klaten Village. Ponggok village was chosen because it is a pilot village that has managed to manage village funds provided for the welfare of its people. Ponggok Village uses its village funds to provide infrastructure to support the sustainability of Ponggok Tourism Village, conduct training programs, toilets for each house, as well as other assistance that can improve the welfare of its citizens, and the entire community participates in the programs. As a result, the program can significantly reduce unemployment. Tegalrejo Village uses its village funds to improve village infrastructure and train its community. Desa Kalangan uses its village funds to improve village infrastructure, reforestation, training and community development. However, the results of the management of the village fund of the two villages have not been able to improve the economy and reducing unemployment, due to the lack of community participation in the programs being implemented. Keywords: regional autonomy, village funds, community welfare, unemployment

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-59
Nuning Lisdiana ◽  
Dwi Kristiani

Involving the community in the process and business development of tourism will be able to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility so that people take care of and preserve the beauty of these attractions. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of community participation in the management of Tretes Taman Tani tourism in Samiran Selo Boyolali Village. This type of research is a qualitative approach with descriptive analytical methods. Data was collected using interview techniques and field observations and documentation, while also utilizing data from books, journals, theses, theses, dissertations, newspapers, the internet, and other relevant materials. The results of his research are the management of the Tretes Taman Tani tourist attraction involving the participation of the village government, landowners and the community in this case involving youth organizations. Community participation is shown by their active participation in managing the parking lot, entrance window, managing the hall and canteen. The role of the government is expected to be a facilitator by giving a greater role and benefit to the community as well as providing an opportunity to channel aspirations or suggestions as well as criticism of the development activities of these attractions. Tourism education needs to be given to the community. Increasing cooperation between tourism institutions, which aims to increase the promotion of Tretes Taman Tani tourism. And people should be more creative in organizing and innovating their products and stall layout arrangements to beautify and provide comfort to the region

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