scholarly journals A Content Analysis of "Joyful" English Textbook for Primary Grade II

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Vivin Sunarko ◽  
Nani Haro ◽  
Ira Tresnawati Sitorus ◽  
Pingky Ayu Sitorus ◽  
Erikson Saragih

It is widely known that textbook holds an important role as one of learning sources in education. Textbooks used in schools must be compatible with 2013 curriculum, the newest curriculum applied in Indonesia. But it is found that some teachers complained how the content of textbooks doesn’t fit the objectives specified in 2013 curriculum. Therefore, research regarding analysis of textbook content feasibility is crucial to be conducted to decide whether a particular textbook feasible to be used for academic purposes. In this research, the researchers chose “Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II as the research object. The analysis was based on BSNP textbook content feasibility rubric which includes the compatibility of materials with KI and KD, the accuracy of materials and supporting materials. The aim of this research is to know how “Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II fulfill the textbook content feasibility specified in 2013 curriculum. Qualitative approach was applied in this research. The method used was content analysis method. In collecting the data, the technique used by the researchers was documentation. The data was analyzed using document checklist and percentage formula. The results showed that “Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II fulfills the textbook content feasibility by 79,17% so it was concluded that “Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II is feasible to be used at schools. However, because it isn’t 100% feasible, the researchers encouraged English teachers who want to use “Joyful” English textbook for Primary Grade II to cover the weaknesses by finding another learning source relevant to the learning objectives specified in 2013 curriculum. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-228
Naning Ma’rifatul Faiqoh ◽  
R. Umi Baroroh

Recently, many educational theories grow up based on the assumptions in some problems. This article explores humanistic learning theory and its implications for learning Arabic at maharah istima ', using library research, since the data and information were collected in the form of a continuous library with discussion, then the researcher analyzed the data using content analysis method. The results shows that the application of  maharah istima '  learning Arabic includes learning objectives, learning models, using media, culture and students’ background. Carl Rogers' humanistic theory emphasizes deep humanity, does not contain selfish, individualistic elements or authoritarian, they do not have to follow our opinion, so this theory focuses on the student center, that focused on the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects by giving students their rights, being humanized, recognized and accepted, from which students will be optimistic in voicing contents of their mind.

Fitra Maulidya ◽  
Ninuk Lustyantie

This research intends to describe the types of deviations contained in the collection of poems Calligrammes by Guillaume Apollinaire. The approach used is a qualitative approach with content analysis method. The data collection technique used is Miles and Huberman. The theory used as the main reference is the deviation theory according to Geoffrey N. Leech which divides the deviation into eight types, namely lexical deviation, phonological deviation, grammatical deviation which includes morphological and syntactic, graphological deviation, semantic deviation, dialectal deviation, deviation of register, and deviation of historical period. The result of data analysis from 7 poems found 5 out of 8 types of deviation which are diffused in each poem, including 24 semantic deviations, 18 graphological deviations, 4 deviations of register, 3 syntactic deviations and 2 lexical deviations. While the types of phonological deviation, morphological deviation, dialectal deviation, and deviation of historical period are not found in any of the data in this collection of poems Calligrammes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 149 ◽  
Saul Ferraz de Paula ◽  
Maria Helena Gehlen ◽  
Jeferson Ventura ◽  
Cláudia Zamberlan ◽  
Rosiane Filipin Rangel ◽  

  The objective was to know the perception of the caregiver about the learning needs of care to be performed at home. This is an exploratory descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. Data collection occurred through a semi-structured interview, from August to October 2014, with six caregivers of patients hospitalized in a medium-sized hospital in the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State. The data were analyzed by the content analysis method, identifying two categories: The caregiver's perception about the learning needs; The attendance of the caregiver's learning needs. The study showed that the learning based on empirical, instinctive and observational methodologies, without the participation of the nurse in the process. There is need to improve this learning. The participation of the nurse as an educator in the planning, organization and development of the educational action stands out, since he/she is part of the care; however, the caregivers did not visualize this professional. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Luisya Kamagi

Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami secara komprehensif nilai-nilai humaniora dalam antologi puisi "Blues untuk Bonnie" karya WS Rendra. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi pustaka, dan teknik analisis data dengan analisis isi melalui kajian struktural semiotik. Hasil penelitian yakni antologi puisi Blues untuk Bonnie karya WS Rendra mengandung nilai-nilai humaniora yang terlihat melalui tanda-tanda semiotik berupa moralitas, simpati, empati, kasih sayang, kepedulian, kerjasama, dan toleransi. Temuan penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa masih banyak jenis-jenis karya sastra yang dapat dijadikan objek kajian dengan menggunakan pendekatan-pendekatan yang berbeda untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai pendidikan terutama pendidikan karakter bagi siswa dan mahasiswa. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan implikasi terhadap pengajaran sastra di sekolah lanjutan sampai perguruan tinggi dalam bentuk penyusunan bahan ajar atau pengembangan model pembelajaran apresiasi sastra sebagai alternatif pemecahan masalah pendidikan karater bangsa. Kata Kunci: Nilai-nilai humaniora, antologi puisi, kajian struktural semiotik Abstract The objective of this research is to understand comprehensively the humanities values in antology of poetry "Blues for Bonnie" by WS Rendra. The research used content analysis method with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are used library study and data analysis techniques with content analysis through the study of structuralism semiotic. The result was the antology of poetry 'Blues for Bonnie" by WS Rendra contains humanities values seen through semiotic signs are morality, symphaty, empbaty, love, care, togetherness, and tolerant. The findings lead to the recomendation that there are still many kinds of literary works which can be the object of research by using different approaches for investigating education characters! values for students. This finding implicates to literary instruction in schools to universities in forms of teaching materials or literary appreciation instruction as one of the alternative problem solving of the nation character education. Keywords: humanity values, poetry antology, structuralism semiotic research

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-140
Hartanto Hadi

ABSTRAKProses mengadaptasi novel menjadi skenario tidaklah mudah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji lebih dalam karakterisasi, struktur, isu sosial, dan dialog. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi (content analysis) model Philipp Mayring dengan strategi membandingkan isi novel dan skenario film. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini mengungkap adanya pengubahan karakterisasi asli Anya dengan membuatnya menjadi wanita yang lebih tegar dan tahu tujuan hidupnya. Sementara, Ale yang digambarkan lebih cool pada novel, digambarkan sebagai suami yang penuh rasa khawatir dan mudah emosi. Penulis skenario harus memangkas bagian deskriptif panjang dari novel ini menggunakan aksi, dialog, dan karakter lain untuk mengungkapkan karakternya. Novel yang memilki banyak penggambaran isu sosial mengharuskan penulis skenario menyederhanakannya menjadi satu permasalahan saja. Film hasil adaptasi memuat dialog yang baik dan terdengar nyata, singkat dan membuat cerita tetap bergerak serta terhubung banyak tercipta pada skenario.Kata kunci: adaptasi, novel, skenario film ABSTRACT  The process of adapting a novel into a situation is easy. The purpose of this research is to examine more deeply the characterization, structure, social issues, and dialogue. This study uses a qualitative approach with the content analysis method of Philipp Mayring's model with a strategy of comparing the contents of novels and film scenarios. The method used is a qualitative method. This research resulted in changing Anya's original characterization by producing a woman who is stronger and knows her purpose in life. Meanwhile, Ale is described as cooler in the novel, portrayed as a husband full of worries and easily emotional. The screenwriter should trim down the long descriptive part of the novel using action, dialogue, and other characters to reveal the characters. In a novel that has many social problems that occur, it requires the screenwriter to be one problem only. Good dialogue that sounds real, is short and keeps the story moving and connected a lot is created in the scenario. Key words: adaptation, novel, film scenario

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Kurnia Khairany

This study aimed to determining the positioning of the State Museum of West Nusa Tenggara based on visitor’s perception. The research method used was qualitative approach with data collecting through interview, observation and documentation. Informants is selected by accidental sampling technique. Data  from  interviews  with 20  informants  were  analyzed  using content analysis method. The  results  showed  that  the  State  Museum  of  West  Nusa  Tenggara  hada positioning as edutainment with dimensions of value, uniqueness, credibility, sustainability and conformity. The museum should consider the desire and needs of visitors with the main purpose of the museum, which is to present the mission of education as well as entertainment to the public. Thus, the Museum of West Nusa Tenggara is expected to be a place to gain knowledge and experience as well as recreation that reaches all levels of society. The most important contribution of this study is the positioning model of the State Museum of West Nusa Tenggara based on the perception of visitors i.e. edutainment concept to become a pioneer for further empirical research. It is expected that in the future the managerial of West Nusa Tenggara State Museum can increase visit to the museum. Keywords: Museum, positioning, visitor perceptions, edutainment

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 288
Bustomi Bustomi

Al-Qur'an is a holy book with very valuabel Arabic language. Its language style is a miracle that no human can imitate until the end of time. The content of the meaning is very broad and the lexical choices are super precise and thorough. The Qur'an came down in Mecca and Medina where the majority of the population work as traders. Hence, this article is aimed at analyzing historically the lexical choices used in the Al-Qur'an whose people are generally busy in commerce. This study uses a qualitative approach by adopting the content analysis method of Satori and Komariah (2010); an analysis focusing on the actual content in a script to determine certain words, themes, concepts, phrases, or sentences related to the objectives will be achieved. In this case, the object analyzed is certain vocabulary in the Qur'an which has economic nuances. The result of this study explains that the Qur'an uses many economic terms and vocabularies which are usually used by the Arab community as a merchant community. The use of economic vocabulary such as tijârah, mȋzan, ajr, isytarâ and it’s derivatives, and jazâ is not only used to regulate proper business procedures in worldly affairs, but is actually used to guide people to do good deeds in the hereafter interest. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Nurul Lailatul Khusniyah ◽  
Indah Khomsiyah

The aim of this study is to know the culture and religion value contains in an English textbook for junior high school. Culture and religion have integrated into each utterance that is in the textbook. The study used the qualitative approach through a content analysis method. The procedure value analysis used Byram’s theory. Data were taken from an utterance in each chapter. The result of the data analysis found that belief and behaviour have 22,8%, socialization and life cycle has 60%, stereotypes and national identity has 11,4%, and Social and political institution has 5,8%. The value that dominates in the textbook is socialization and life cycle. The material in the textbook concern to a local and simple concept.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Ega Wigianti

This study aims to find out the causes of the failure of preaching described in the book "Penyebab Gagalnya Dakwah" by Dr. Sayyid M. Nuh. The book contains da'wah failures caused by the characteristics and actions taken by the dai. Some characteristics and behavior of dai that can cause failure of da'wah are futur, israaf, uzlah atau tafarrud, ittibaa’ul-hawa, ‘adamut-Tatsabbut aw at-tabayyun, faudhal waqti, dan al-mira wa-jadal. Without realizing it by Dai, these traits can cause the failure of da'wah. The researcher used the content analysis method or content analyst to analyze the contents of the data with a qualitative approach. The results of this study are to find out what factors can cause failure to preach, especially those presented in the book ‘Penyebab Gagalnya Dakwah’.

Ayoub Loutfi

 This article purports to examine how the expectations of the educational reforms in Moroccan higher education have impacted the teaching and testing of tertiary level grammar. In particular, the hypothesis we defend here is that teaching and testing tertiary level grammar remain constant; therefore, the impact of the various reforms on tertiary level testing is of little consequence. In pursuance of this aim, this paper uses a qualitative approach and content analysis method of the course descriptions of the grammar courses that were suggested across the various reforms. The course descriptions we attempt to analyze are adopted in the English Studies tracks of four major departments in Moroccan universities. The main dimensions that we look at and examine here as the measures for our comparative evaluation are; course objectives, time allotted, the syllabi they contain, teaching methodology, and evaluation modes. The findings confirm that the various reforms, have had little impact on the teaching and testing of grammar in higher education. The paper concludes by suggesting a few pedagogical recommendations vis-à-vis the teaching and testing of grammar in Moroccan Departments of English studies.

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