scholarly journals Analisis Strategi Forum Kewaspadaan Dini Masyarakat (FKDM) atas Cegah Dini dalam Penanganan Konflik Sosial di Provinsi Dki Jakarta Tahun 2019

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-209
Dwi Agustina ◽  
Edy Mulyadi

The community is responsible for the implementation of the community early awareness, meanwhile the government is obliged to facilitate it. A good role of the Community Early Awareness Forum or Forum Kewaspadaan Dini Masyarakat (FKDM) followed up by the government can save the community from security threat or disaster and minimize losses by anticipating the security threats and disaster. This research uses qualitative approach. Concept operationalization in this research refers to the used strategy, the SWOT analysis. The FKDM strategies in social conflict early prevention are: 1) inserting early warning system by increasing institutional capacities which include three elements; government, private sector, community through dialogue, 2) National Unity and Politics Agency or Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik (Kesbangpol) of DKI Jakarta actively making dialogue persuasively and finding solution, 3) budgeting of conflict handling according to the Government Regulation gives opportunity to strengthen community resilience to protect the community, encourage community participation, handle social conflict, and preserve local wisdom to maintain peace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-158
Uchaimid Biridlo'i Robby ◽  
Dedi Akhiruddin

The level of pluralism of the Indonesian nation, which has a variety of religions, cultures, languages ​​and ethnicities, makes the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia a heterogeneous country, so it is common for friction to occur and cause social conflict by directing the masses to act irrationally. Conflict situations tend to be easily exploited by those who try to take advantage of them. Conflict parties have different understandings about the problems at hand. From this explanation explicitly, the importance of the involvement of Kodim 1703 / Manokwari of West Papua Province in dealing with social conflicts cannot only be borne by the handling of conflicts that have occurred but is an initial form of a persuasive approach to all elements of society. needed. This study aims to identify and analyze the strategy of Kodim 1703 / Manokwari of West Papua Province in handling social conflicts based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2012 in handling social conflicts in Indonesia, especially West Papua Province. The method used by the writer is descriptive qualitative method. The data obtained came from interviews with informants who were directly involved in the field during the handling of social conflicts in Manokwari. Based on the research results, it can be concluded as follows: (1) The role of Kodim 1703 / Manokwari in handling social conflicts in Manokwari City is limited by Law Number 7 of 2012 concerning Social Conflict Handling so that it is not optimal by involving all levels of society so that no one feels left out or ignored.   Keywords: Management Strategic and Social Conflict

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-146
Arif Nugroho ◽  
Delly Maulana

 Artikel ini mengulas Pemenuhan Elemen Necessary Conditions Kecamatan dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan umum baik secara nasional dan spesifik diperdalam dengan fakta empiris di Kabupaten Pandeglang, hal itu sebagai konsekuansi dari pelaksanaan Undang – Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diketahui, penyelenggaraan pemerintahan umum Kecamatan baik fakta secara nasional serta pendalaman fakta empiris di Kabupaten Pandeglang menunjukan belum cukup tertopang oleh elemen necessary condition diantaranya kepastian atas kewenangan legalnya serta anggaran yang menyertainya. Oleh sebab itu dipandang perlu ada kemauan politik baik itu dari Presiden untuk segera mengundangkan Peraturan – Pemerintah sebagai landasan teknis bagi pemerintah daerah selaku kepala wilayah maupun dari Kepala Daerah Kabupaten/Kota untuk melakukan terobosan agar supaya di masa peralihan implementasi Undang – Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 kewenangan – kewenangan pada bidang kesatuan bangsa, keamanan dan keteriban umum dapat dilimpahkan pada Kecamatan serta Elemen Necessary Conditions lain yang menyertainya diperkuat.     This article discusses the fulfillment of the elements of the sub-district's necessary conditions in the administration of general government both nationally and specifically and deepened by empirical facts in Pandeglang Regency, this is a consequence of the implementation of Law Number 23 of 2014. The research approach used is qualitative. The results showed that in the administration of district general government both the facts nationally and the deepening of empirical facts in Pandeglang district were not sufficiently supported by elements of necessary conditions, including certainty of legal authority and budget. Therefore, there needs to be political will, both from the president, to immediately ratify the Government Regulation as a technical basis for the regional government (Territory) as well as from the Head of Regency / City to make breakthroughs so that in the transitional period the implementation of Law Number 23 Year 2014 powers in the areas of national unity, security and public order can be transferred to the District and the accompanying elements of necessary conditions are strengthened.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Mustafa Kamal ◽  
Nasarudin Nasarudin

This study aims to disclose not only the APIP's internal audit planning strategy in accordance with the mandate of the SAAIPI 2014, Law 30/2014, Law 23/2014, Government Regulation 60/2008, Presidential Regulation 16/2018, Presidential Regulation 54/2018, but also the synergy strategy among APIP, LKPP and APH in preventing corruption in the procurement sector. The research method used is a qualitative method with the literature studies, surveys, and retrospective studies. The results show that the mandate of internal supervision can be identified through the relationship matrix between SAAIPI 2014 and several regulations. The strategy in the synergy of supervision planning conducted by APIP, LKPP and APH can be determined through a SWOT analysis of the role of APIP. There are 4 choices of strategies for optimizing the role of APIP. APIP that has a capability score of 3 can use the SO and ST strategies. Whereas APIP that has capability scores of 1 and 2 can use the WO and WT strategies. Whole of Government can be built by APIP, APH and LKPP, either in the form of coordination between institutions, the formation of task forces, or social coalitions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 150-166
Andrei L. LOMAKIN ◽  
Evgenii Yu. KHRUSTALEV ◽  

Subject. As the socio-economic relationships are getting digitalized so quickly, the society faces more and more instances of cybercrime. To effectively prevent arising threats to personal information security, it is necessary to know key social engineering methods and security activities to mitigate consequences of emerging threats. Objectives. We herein analyze and detect arising information security threats associated with social engineering. We set forth basic guidelines for preventing threats and improving the personal security from social engineering approaches. Methods. The study relies upon methods of systems analysis, synthesis, analogy and generalization. Results. We determined the most frequent instances associated with social engineering, which cause personal information security threats and possible implications. The article outlines guidelines for improving the persona; security from social engineering approaches as an information security threat. Conclusions and Relevance. To make information security threats associated with social engineering less probable, there should be a comprehensive approach implying two strategies. First, the information security protection should be technologically improved, fitted with various data protection, antivirus, anti-fishing software. Second, people should be more aware of information security issues. Raising the public awareness, the government, heads of various departments, top executives of public and private organizations should set an integrated training system for people, civil servants, employees to proliferate the knowledge of information security basics.

Felix Chidozie Chidozie ◽  
Augustine Ejiroghene Oghuvbu

This chapter addresses the under-reportage of the challenges confronting the male population of the IDPs by the mainstream media in Nigeria. It argues that the challenges facing the IDPs as a result of the Boko Haram terrorism, natural and man-made disasters, as well as the Hausa-Fulani mayhem, are peculiar to all the IDPs irrespective of demographic disparities. With the aid of 256 copies of questionnaires distributed among the male population of IDPs, recording 100 percent return rate and interviews conducted at Durumi Area One IDPs Camps in Abuja, FCT, the study answered the research questions posed here. Findings show that the plights of the male population of the IDPs ranging from hunger, starvation, water, electricity, accommodation shortages, and lack of sustainable occupation, portend serious human security threats for the country. It proposes policy-relevant actions for the government and other related agencies working with the IDPs; while concluding the role of media in trumpeting the challenges of the male population of the IDPs will mitigate their plights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 19
Emi Suwarni ◽  
Maidiana Astuti Handayani

This study aims to find the strategy of developing MSMEs based on potential and opportunities in the period of covid-19. The research object is the MSME unit in Bandar Lampung City, especially MSME banana chips. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis with SWOT analysis. Based on the results it is known that the position of MSMEs is in quadrant I. The strategy of developing MSMEs is to increase the potential and take advantage of opportunities. One of the strategies is the utilization of information technology and social media in the development of MSMEs of the region's flagship banana chip products. The results of this research are expected to be useful as consideration for MSMEs to develop their businesses even during the COVID 19 pandemic. Likewise, for the government to actively socialize the use of digital media for MSMEs so that MSME development will increase. The limitation of this research is that it has not quantitatively calculated the role of social media and information technology in MSME development. This could be an opportunity for further research

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Mohammad Isfan Batubara ◽  
Emmanuel Ariananto Waluyo Adi ◽  
Wirdyaningsih Wirdyaningsih

Peningkatan bonus demografi di Indonesia menyebabkan jumlah permukaan lahan untuk dimanfaatkan ruangnya dalam menggerakan roda ekonomi semakin sempit. Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta yang menjadi pusat bisnis dalam menghadapi masalah keterbatasan lahan perlu memanfaatkan ruang bawah tanah yang ada. Keberadaan ruang bawah tanah pada praktiknya dimanfaatkan untuk sarana jaringan utilitas terpadu agar pemanfaatan lahan menjadi lebih optimal. Sebelum adanya Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 pemanfaatan ruang bawah tanah tidak diatur secara komprehensif. Kemudian barulah Peraturan Pemerintah No. 18 tahun 2021 menegaskan secara yuridis bahwa terdapat pemisahan secara horizontal antara kepemilikan hak atas tanah di atas permukaan dengan di bawah tanah. Namun dalam penerapan peraturan-peraturan dimaksud masih perlu adanya sosialisasi terus menerus agar tercipta keteraturan pemahaman hukum. Lebih lanjut, dengan adanya Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 yang menyatakan UUCK inkonstitusional bersyarat diduga dapat memperlambat proses penerapan peraturan baru ini. Bahwa dalam hal ini diperlukan peranan notaris sebagai pejabat pembuat akta tanah yang akan bersinggungan dengan hal-hal dimaksud. Notaris perlu turut andil dalam peran edukasi terkait khususnya pelaksanaanya selama masa pandemi covid-19 saat ini. Penulis menemukan dalam pemanfaatan ruang bawah tanah menggunakan hak guna bangunan dimana untuk pembuatan aktanya dapat diproses oleh notaris.Keyword: Notaris, ruang bawah tanah, jaringan utilitasAbstractThe increase in the demographic bonus in Indonesia causes the amount of land to be used for economic development purposes has its own limitation. The Province of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta, which is a business center that dealing with the problem of limited land, needs to take advantage of the existing underground space. The existence of underground space is usually utilized for integrated utility network facilities so that land use becomes more optimal. Prior to Law Number 11 of 2020 the use of underground spaces was not comprehensively regulated. Then the Government Regulation No. 18 of 2021 juridically confirms that there is a horizontal separation between ownership of land rights above the surface and below the ground. However, in the application of these regulations, there is still a need for continuous socialization in order to create a regular understanding of the law. Furthermore, with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 which states that the UUCK is conditionally unconstitutional, it is suspected that it can slow down the process of implementing this new regulation. That in this case the role of a notary as an official making land deeds is needed which will intersect with the underground utilization. Notaries need to take part in the role of related education, especially its implementation during the current covid-19 pandemic. The author finds that in the use of the basement using the right to use the building where the deed can be processed by a notary.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Syahrul Akmal Latif ◽  
Yusri Herman

The issue of education is never over to talk about because education is one measurement of a person's individual accomplishments and achievements systematically nation. The high education of human resources will give a lot of useful works for the individual and social. Unfortunately, the education that was developed based on this character only strengthen individual and social, it’s beyond the divine value . It is due to the historical roots of the character education by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Charles Renouvier (1815-1857); Religious morality in the low education and August Comter (1798- 1857); secular morality. Renouvier said the weakness of youth responsibility, loss of justice equality, respect and others. The process of character education is faced with the application of secularization. Such as, in France Francois Camille Jules Ferry (1832-1893) , a French Education minister said; Moral education is important but explicitely teaching morality does not needed. The development of character education in America is very dynamic. It’s started from 19th century (1900-1950) until 1997.It’s established nationally. Finally, Thomas lichona explained the entire role of religion in the education of character with seven steps and the role of teachers in character education. Thus, the author conducted religious analysis which widely spread among society is that the teaching of Protestant religious. But, It successfully gives individual and social value as character education. On the contrary, the goal of our national educational in 1945 (Version amendment) Article 31, paragraph 3 states: The Government shall manage and organize a national education system. Which increases the Faith and piety as well as noble character in order to educate the nation that adopted by law. Article 31, paragraph 5, states that the government advances science and technology to uphold the values of religious and national unity for the progress of civilization and prosperity of mankind. Likewise, the purpose of philosophy Nasionsl Education Act No. 20 of 2003. The 1945 Constitution and the Law N0 20 of 2003. Strongly reflects the value of belief in one God as the first principle of Pancasila as the first principle says it is an acknowledgment that in developing the nation's education should not be separated from human relations and slave relationship with God the creator.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Agung Lukman ◽  
Atang Sutandi ◽  
Khursatul Munibah

Tea is a common plantation commodity cultivated by the community and developed by Tasikmalaya government.According to Tasikmalaya regency regional planning, tea has been established as one of commodities at but it doesn’t have further policy dvelopment. The aims of this study are (1) to identify smallholdertea plantation; (2) to analyze land suitability and to identify potential development areas for tea crop; (3) to analyze the feasibility of tea farming; (4) to determine policy development of smallholdertea plantation. Satellite image interpretation was used toidentify smallholdertea plantation. A method of matching criteria was used to analyze land suitability for tea crop and the potential development areas weredetermined by using descriptive analytic. SWOT analysis was used to determine the policy development of smallholdertea plantation. The results showed that tea smallholder plantation was about 6,956hectares. The suitable land for tea crop was about 55,310 hectares and its potential development area was about 14,979 hectares. Smallholdertea plantations was feasible to be developed with R/C ratio 1.73. In order to support the development of smallholdertea plantation some recommendations aresuggested consisting of (1) the government should encourage the development of tea processing industry to increase farmers income; 2) smallholdertea plantation should be extended considering land availability and suitability; 3) the role of tea smallholder farmer groups and privates plantation should be enhanced to develop tea plantation as a strategic commodity in Tasikmalaya Regency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 163-171
Rizal Syarief ◽  
. Sumardjo ◽  
Agit Kriswantriyono ◽  
Yulia Puspadewi Wulandari

Conflict handling in Papua so far is more often done with the repressive approach. The impact of conflict level is not decreasing, even international rejection is increasing. For that reason, a more humanistic approach is needed, including through empowerment. The purpose of this research is to study the community empowerment model in conflict-prone areas as an effort to realize the food security and the strategy of model replication in another area. The research method is done by action research, and SWOT analysis to formulate the strategy of model replication. The empowerment model conducted in several ways. First, gradually improve farming skills more productive-with the introduction of simple agricultural technology brings the change of community behavior from nomadic to the subsystem. Second, farming in order to provide for basic needs and also daily, weekly, monthly income as well as savings for families. Third, business development efforts by partnerships, with the government, companies, and religious institutions. The nodes of empowerment activities are conducted through the Agribusiness Training Center (ATC) that facilitates all empowerment activities. There are several things to consider in the replication model of empowerment: identification of program targets, needs assessment, institutional initiation, technology selection, assistance to the program, and partnerships with various stakeholders.

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