V. I. ZHIGIR ◽  

The article substantiates the urgency of the issue of professional training of future mobile qualified workers in professional (professional and technical) education institutions in the context of modern requirements. The analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of «mobility», «professional mobility» is carried out. The structure of professional mobility of future qualified workers is determined, which includes: - motives and values: interest in different activities and different professional situations; motivation for success and self-improvement; need to constantly improve their education and skills; - skills and abilities: adaptive (to adapt to changes and new requirements of professional activity, to increase own resources); communicative (establish new connections and contacts with business entities, work in a team, be open to others), organizational (respond to change, self-development, transform oneself, learn independently, modernize own activities, master new equipment and technologies, find ways of self-realization); - personal qualities and abilities: socially-oriented («mobility», flexibility, efficiency, social activity and initiative), reflexive (aware of own needs and assess own capabilities and opportunities for development; the ability to set goals, self-determination and self-regulation); creative (creativity, creative attitude to activity, rejection of stereotypes, openness to everything new); - basic knowledge of the profession and related professions, a high level of their generalization, awareness of information and communication technologies. It is concluded that the main tasks of professional (professional and technical) institutions in the direction of training future mobile qualified workers are the formation of such motives and values, knowledge, skills, personal qualities that will ensure readiness not only for successful professional functions performance but also to change the profession and professional status, successful self-realization in a changing reality. In this regard, we can identify priority tasks of the professional education. First, the education is designed to train the professionals interested in their own continuing education, self-development and self-improvement, as well as able to quickly adapt to new conditions and content of professional activity. Secondly, professional education should form in future skilled workers such personal qualities and abilities that would allow them to orient themselves in the professional world and build a vector of their career growth (vertical mobility), expand their professional opportunities, mastering new areas of professional activities (horizontal mobility). Third, the training of future qualified workers should be based on content and technology that is ahead of the current level of economic, technological development of production and the society as a whole. Key words: professional education, professional training of future qualified workers, mobility, professional mobility, mobile worker.

2021 ◽  
pp. 82-93
Kalashnik M.M.

The article, based on the analyzed experience of leading specialists, identifies approaches to modeling the process of formation of acmeological competence of future drivers in the process of their professional training. Approaches to modeling different pedagogical systems of professional education of future drivers are analyzed. The main components of acmeological competence and the process of formation of competencies of cadets of VMNZ are determined, their content and interrelation are revealed. It is shown that the formation of acmeological competence of future drivers is a dynamic process, which is determined by external and internal factors. After all, acmeological competencies of future drivers are understood as a written description of the named process, presented by means of the schematic representation of distribution of semantic-structural components of the named process with reflection of hierarchical (horizontal-vertical ordering) communications between elements. Based on this, the formation of acmeological competence of future drivers in the process of their professional training is defined as the formation of the actual "acme" – that is, such individual-somatic, psychophysiological and socio-professional state of personality, which allows cadets to achieve the highest performance in subject-cognitive activities. Accordingly, the “acmeological competence of future drivers” will be formed, where the main tasks for its formation will be: in the cognitive sphere – the acquisition of acme-knowledge and acme-skills; in the personal sphere – the development of acme-qualities and acme-abilities, the formation of acme-abilities acme-values; in the professionally oriented sphere – the development of self-regulation of emotions and behavior, self-reflection, the formation of motivation for continuous self-improvement. And the introduction of the acmeological approach to the educational process will allow to orient the professional training of future drivers to the development of the necessary personal qualities; to implement contextual learning, the essence of which is to reproduce with the help of the whole system of didactic forms, methods and means of teaching the subject context of future professional activity.Key words: acmeological competence, future ship drivers, preparation for professional activity, activity approach, self-knowledge, training of specialists, personal qualities, acme-personality. У статті розкрито розуміння українським і зарубіжними науковцями сутності і структури понять «компетентність фахівця» та «акмеологічна компетенція» стосовно професії судноводія. Проаналізо-вано різні авторські погляди на зміст і структуру поняття «компетентність фахівця». Розглянуто осо-бливості застосування компетентнісного підходу у системі вищої морської освіти, розкрито його функ-ціональне призначення в результативному вимірі. Звернуто увагу на специфіку реалізації принципу гуманізації у вищій морській освіті, спрямованого на формування «акме»-особистості. Здійснено порівняння підготовки морських і військових офіцерів в особистісно-діяльнісному ракурсі. Виходячи з цих позицій, дослідники визначають компетентність фахівця морського флоту як готовність вирішувати інтегровані завдання у межах своєї професійної діяльності на підставі знань, умінь та навичок сукупно із сформованою системою особистісних характеристик. Аналізуючи їхні праці, робимо висновок, що «сукупність якостей особистості» за своїми характеристиками та ознаками має відповідати специфіці об’єктів професійної діяльності фахівця, більше того, вона має бути зумовлена цією специфікою. З’ясовано актуальність формування акмеологічної компетенції в майбутніх фахівців, зокрема судноводіїв. Виявлено тенденції до теоретичного обґрунтування емпірично виявлених чинників, що зумовлюють особливості формування професійної компетентності фахівців різних спеціальностей. Так, у процесі формування акмеологічної компетенції майбутнього фахівця регулювальна функція належить самопізнанню, орієнтації на внутрішній світ, що стимулює формування і подальший розвиток «акме-особистості». Проаналізована специфіка акмеологічної компетентності судноводіїв у контексті галузевих професійних вимог і сучасних суспільно-економічних викликів. Висновується низка процесуальних ракурсів дослідження процесу формування акмеологічної компетенції майбутніх судноводіїв, розвитку їхніх особистих якостей, значимих для «акме»-особистості. Обґрунтована потреба використання діяльнісного підходу до формування акмеологічної компетенції майбутніх судноводіїв у процесі їх профе-сійної підготовки.Ключові слова: акмеологічна компетенція, майбутні судноводії, підготовка до професійної діяльності, діяльнісний підхід, самопізнання, підготовка фахівців, особисті якості, акме-особистість.

Oksana Kulida

In the article the professional training of a future specialist is analyzed; development, self-development, self-determination and self-reflection are its main tasks. It is proved that reflection plays the synthesizing role and encourages the widening of the personality limits. The reflection essence is personality’s realizing oneself as a potential or a real subject of a particular professional activity. According to the lawyers’ professional training results this activity determines not only proper specifics of the attitude to a profession but one’s personal or social life. It has been justified that professional self-reflection is carried out as the initial professional self-determination of a personality and the series of professional choices. It is noted that the positive attitude to oneself encourages the positive attitude to the future and awareness of one’s abilities in achieving a goal is taking place on the conditions of a positive attitude to future. It has been proved that one of the main components influencing the formation of today’s specialist abilities in achieving success in professional activity and professional self-actualization is the high level of the formed professional self-consciousness. The model of professional self-reflection of a future specialist corresponds to the psychological structure of self-consciousness and it has three subsequent interconnected stages: professional self-knowing, self-attitude and self-regulation, the content of which is determined by peculiarities of professional activity of a specialist and requirements set by a personality to one’s professional knowledge, skills and professionally important qualities. It is emphasized that professional self-reflection specifies the understanding oneself as a subject of a particular professional activity and involves the availability of: the conscious process of forming one’s attitude to the professional-working sphere; self-assessment of one’s individual psychological qualities and comparing one’s abilities with psychological requirements to a profession; the constant search for senses in a professional activity; self-regulation of behavior carried out through correlation of inner-personal and social-professional needs and directed to reaching a set goal. It has been proved that reflection activity is an important condition of self-development of a personality, an indicator of personal and professional values and senses determining the culture of activity. Reflection activity is considered as one of the ways education modernization and a mechanism of independent development, search, discovery, creation or making a new product, constructing individual experience, experimental check of external impacts, stereotypes, activity patterns, self-development forecasting.

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-122
Рopova O.V. ◽  
Tsapko A.M.

The article proves the relevance of special training of future teachers for pedagogical facilitation, which is defined as a type of pedagogical interaction that provides conscious, intensive and productive development and self-development of its participants and which aims to create favorable conditions for the implementation of internal resources of each student.The result of professional training of future teachers for pedagogical facilitation is the appropriate training, which is defined as a stable integrative personal formation, that includes professional motives, goals, general and professional knowledge and skills, personal qualities of the future teacher, that provide productive interaction with students and effective pedagogical support with them.The structure of the readiness of future teachers for pedagogical facilitation includes the following components: motivational-intentional (stable professional motives, needs, interests, values and attitudes; pedagogical orientation to facilitative pedagogical activity; positive attitude to the student as the highest value; desire for professional and personal self-satisfaction); cognitive-positional (knowledge of facilitation: the essence and mechanisms of facilitation interaction; ideas and provisions of personality-oriented learning, ways of its implementation; principles of education; age-related and psychological characteristics of students; knowledge of pedagogical conflictology); procedural and experimental (the presence of groups of skills that are necessary for the implementation of pedagogical facilitation); personality-reflexive: (the presence of professional and personal qualities necessary for the implementation of pedagogical facilitation). The pedagogical technology of preparation of future teachers for pedagogical facilitation is developed and substantiated, which provides realization of organizational-preparatory, stimulating-instructive, cognitive-activity, praxeological-experimental and reflexive-corrective stages.Key words: future teacher, pedagogical facilitation, professional training, readiness for pedagogical facil-itation, pedagogical technology. У статті доведено актуальність спеціальної підготовки майбутніх учителів до педагогічної фасилітації, яку визначено як вид педагогічної взаємодії, що забезпечує усвідомлений, інтенсивний і продуктивний розвиток і саморозвиток її учасників, ставить за головну мету діяльності створення сприятливих передумов для реалізації внутрішніх ресурсів кожного учня.Результатом професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів до педагогічної фасилітації є відповідна підготовленість, яку визначено як стійке інтегративне особистісне утворення, що включає професійні мотиви, цілі, загальнонаукові та професійні знання й уміння, особистісні якості майбутнього педагога, що забезпечують продуктивну взаємодію з учнями й надання їм ефективної педагогічної підтримки.У структурі підготовленості майбутніх учителів до педагогічної фасилітації виокремлено такі ком-поненти: мотиваційно-інтенційний (стійкі професійні мотиви, потреби, інтереси, цінності та установки; педагогічна спрямованість на фасилітаційну педагогічну діяльність; позитивне ставлення до учня як найвищої цінності; прагнення до професійного й особистісного самовдосконалення); когнітивно-по-зиційний (знання про фасилітацію: суті й механізмів фасилітаційної взаємодії; ідей і положень особистісно орієнтованого навчання, шляхів його здійснення; принципів виховання; вікових і психоло-гічних особливостей учнів; знання з педагогічної конфліктології); процесуально-досвідний (наявність груп умінь, необхідних для здійснення педагогічної фасилітації); особистісно-рефлексивний (наявність професійно-особистісних якостей, необхідних для здійснення педагогічної фасилітації). Розроблено й обґрунтовано педагогічну технологію підготовки майбутніх учителів до педагогічної фасилітації, що передбачає реалізацію організаційно-підготовчого, стимулювально-настановчого, когнітивно-діяльніс-ного, праксеологічно-досвідного та рефлексивно-корегувального етапів.Ключові слова: майбутній учитель, педагогічна фасилітація, професійна підготовка, підготовленість до педагогічної фасилітації, педагогічна технологія

Олег Похоруков ◽  
Oleg Pokhorukov ◽  
Екатерина Похорукова ◽  
Ekaterina Pokhorukova

The article describes the possibility of providing pedagogical conditions to involve the future PE teachers into the system of multicultural relations. This system determines the quality of physical culture and self-development of the learner in models and means of self-expression and self-realization, cooperation and socialization. Specific features of professional training and organization of practice in obtaining professional skills and experience of professional activity determine the process and the content of the process of shaping the teacher's personality, which will enable them to independently solve the developmental tasks for their future students. Pedagogical conditions for the preparation of the PE teacher for physical training and self-development of their future students depends on the successful solution of the following tasks: personified use of the foundations of pedagogical modeling and constructs of pedagogical activity in vocational training. The paper features the concept of "pedagogical conditions of preparation of the future PE teacher for the physical training and self-development of their students". It stresses the possibility of personified solution of the task in the structure of continuous professional education of teachers.

N. Ryzhkova

The content of the author's program of psychoprophylaxis of emotional burnout syndrome in servicemen of engineering troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is substantiated in the article. In particular, it is noted that the huge amount of engineering work carried out in large areas, short deadlines prove that the successful solution of engineering problems of combat operations requires intensive communication and causes deep shortterm emotional experiences, which can provoke emotional burnout of individual servicemen. Therefore, the system of professional training of servicemen is expected to use a system of specific methods of training, which are expressed in the development of professionally significant personality traits, adaptation to stressful factors of professional activity, and non-specific, characterized by the use of means and methods of emotional self-regulation. Psychoprophylaxis of emotional burnout of a serviceman is realized through the development of his skills of self-regulation, personality-oriented professional education, as well as his professional readiness. The program of psychoprophylaxis of emotional burnout is a holistic, sufficiently dynamic system, open for constant recovery, based on the idea of the development of the serviceman first as an individual and then as a specialist, a professional with a deep understanding of socio-cultural and educational situations. Achieving this goal is possible by synthesizing the main components of the personality of engineering troops serviceman: worldview, spiritual, moral and professional.

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-67
Ivan Nikolaevich Novikov ◽  

At present, the education of Rosgvardia personnel in line with their professional activities plays an important role in maintaining high combat readiness of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, as well as successfully completing service and combat missions for their intended purpose in a timely manner. Taking into account changes in the legislative framework, experience in conducting hostilities and performing service and combat tasks, conducting exercises, prospects for the development of organizational forms and technical equipment of troops, as well as tactics of enemy actions, it is relevant to build up the education of Rosguard personnel on a strictly scientific basis using the latest scientific achievements. Purpose – to study the main approaches to the interpretation of the term “professional education”, to identify and reveal the factors that influence the development of professional qualities of the personnel of the Russian Guard. Research methods. Used theoretical research methods, such as - study, analysis, generalization, analysis and modeling. Research results. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, five main approaches to the interpretation of the term “professional education” are considered: value, system, identity, personal and activity. Based on the analysis of the above approaches, by professional education of Rosgvardia personnel, we mean the process of purposeful development and self-development of professionally significant personal qualities of servicemen (employees) in the context of service and professional activities, as well as the purposeful work of commanders and chiefs (control bodies) to organize service – combat activity, stimulating the manifestation of a set of professional and personal qualities in servicemen (employees), necessary for the performance of assigned official duties and the personal activity of personnel aimed at self-improvement. The article also reveals the factors influencing the formation and development of professional qualities of the personnel of the Russian Guard in the process of service and combat activities: – service and professional factors – are formed in a purposefully controlled process of service and combat activities, and include: classes in combat (professional) training, performance of duties of combat service (in a military dress), moral and psychological support, other areas of service and combat activities; – environmental factors – have an indirect effect on the personnel, these include: information environment, military collective, family, friends, acquaintances, military rituals, wearing military uniforms, military symbols; – personal factors – reflect the intrapersonal level of mental activity of servicemen (employees) and imply in themselves: motivation for self-improvement, personal activity and professional reflection. Conclusion. It is concluded that it is necessary to optimize the process of educating Rosguard personnel by covering all areas of military professional activity.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-103
Svitlana Kuzikova

The author's approach to the empirical study of the peculiarities of self-development of a person has been  considered. The criteria of self-development as a subject activity have been characterized. Its indicators have been  given.  The  psychological  resources  of  personal  self-development  have  been  singled  out:  the  need  for  self- development as its source and determinant; conditions that ensure its success; mechanisms as functional means and  conditions  for  its  implementation.  Their  essence  has  been  revealed.  The  need  for  self-development  has  been  determined by the actualization of the characteristics of self-development (self-activity, vital activity, development of  self-consciousness) and has been occurred when the content structure of the individual consciousness and the  transformation of semantic entities changed. Conditions of self-development has been defined by mature I of  personality, openness, tolerance to the new, the presence of a conscious goal of self-realization and active life  strategy. Reflection, self-regulation and feedback have been considered as mechanisms of self-development. The  methodical approaches and means of studying the peculiarities and factors of the development of the subject of self- development in adolescence in the process of professional training have been offered, and the results of their  integrated empirical research have been highlighted. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the level  of actualization of self-development resources among students, discovered with the author's diagnostic method  "DCPSD" (Dispositional Characteristic of Personality of Self-development). It has been proved that psychological  resources as a set of possibilities of development already exist in the psychological reality of a person. It has been  shown that the dominance of the level of self-development resources’ actualization of the individual (and their  combination) can be correlated with the dimensions of the individual psychological space, indicating the individual  peculiarity of the personal self-development organization. It has been noted that, at the same time, actualization,  strengthening and harmonization of all psychological resources of a person self-development, enrichment of its  relations with the environment and other people, and increasing spirituality is necessary for the implementation of  progressive conscious personal self-development. У  статті  розглянуто  авторський  підхід  до  емпіричного  вивчення  особливостей  саморозвитку  особистості. Охарактеризовано критерії саморозвитку як суб’єктної діяльності, наведено його показники.  Виокремлено психологічні ресурси особистісного саморозвитку: потребу в саморозвитку як його джерело і  детермінант; умови, які забезпечують його успішність; механізми як  функціональні засоби і умови його  здійснення.    Розкрито    їх    сутність.    Потреба    в    саморозвитку    визначається    актуалізованістю  характеристик саморозвитку (самоактивність, життєдіяльність, розвиненість самосвідомості) і виникає  при зміні змістової  структури індивідуальної свідомості та трансформації смислових утворень. Умови  саморозвитку  окреслюють  зріле  Я  особистості,  відкритість,  толерантність  до  нового,  наявність  усвідомленої   мети   самоздійснення   та   активної   життєвої   стратегії.   Як   механізми   саморозвитку  розглядаються рефлексія, саморегуляція та зворотній зв'язок. Запропоновано методичні підходи і засоби  вивчення особливостей та чинників становлення суб’єкта саморозвитку в юнацькому віці в процесі фахової  підготовки, висвітлено результати їх комплексного емпіричного дослідження. Особливу увагу приділено  аналізу  рівня  актуалізації  ресурсів  саморозвитку  у  студентів,  виявленого  за  допомогою  авторської  діагностичної методики «ДХСО». Доведено, що психологічні ресурси  як сукупність можливостей розвитку  вже існують у психологічній реальності людини. Показано, що домінування рівня актуалізації ресурсів  саморозвитку особистості ( та їх поєднання) можна співвіднести з вимірами психологічного простору  особистості,   що   свідчить   про  індивідуальну   своєрідність   організації   особистісного  саморозвитку.  Зазначено,  що  в  той  же  час  для  здійснення  прогресивного  усвідомленого  особистісного  саморозвитку  необхідна   актуалізація,   взаємопосилення   і   гармонізація   всіх   психологічних   ресурсів   саморозвитку  особистості, збагачення її зв’язків із навколишнім середовищем та іншими людьми, підвищення духовності.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 230-234
Ekaterina Sergeevna Dorozhkina

The paper considers the concept of professional formation and its projection on the professional training and professional activity of the prospective teacher through the concepts of formation and development. As a result of the analysis of existing views on the phases, stages and periods of professional formation, the main ones were identified, which are due to the time frame - the period before choosing the institution where professional training will be carried out, the actual professional education and the period of it. Having analyzed the set of competencies (subject, general pedagogical, professional-communicative, managerial, innovative, reflective) provided by the Federal State Educational Standard in relation to the teachers profession, as well as referring to the models of Hard-skills and Soft-skills, we identified indicators (skills) of the professional development of the prospective teacher and invited the 3rd-year students of the Institute of Russian Language and Literature of the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University to evaluate these skills in the order of their significance. The assessment was carried out on a 5-point scale, where 1 point is an absolutely insignificant indicator, 2 - rather insignificant, 3 - rather significant, 4 - significant, 5 - very significant. As a result, we were able to build their gradation and divide them by areas, as well as allocate 3 levels in the process of professional development. Taking into account these levels, we considered how the educational environment can influence the professional development of future teachers through educational, extracurricular activities and through the environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-103
Olha Lomak ◽  
Yaroslava Vasylkevych

The article analyzes the problem of professional development of personality at the stage of professional education. Models of formation of professional activity (adaptive and transformative) are considered. The stages of professional development of personality (conception and formation of professional intentions; professional training and education; active entry into the professional environment; realization of professional aspirations and opportunities of the personality in independent work) are analyzed. The problem of interaction of personal and professional development is considered in the context of the professional development of students. The empirical study of the peculiarities of professional development of the personality of students of technical college allowed us to determine the features of the correspondence of personality types and the sphere of professional activity. It was found that in the sample of students-programmers the dominant personality type is the entrepreneurial type, which is characterized by solving uncertain tasks and responsibility for the performed work; the least represented type is the conventional type, which prefers structured activities, working according to instructions, certain algorithms, and has a stereotypical approach to problems. It is empirically determined that the need for security is the most pronounced in the sample and the need for self-affirmation is the least pronounced; the need for security is dominant in all personality types (except conventional). The study of creative abilities of students-programmers showed: 1) the indicator of originality as the main indicator of creativity is within the norm in all subgroups of students, but the lowest originality is found in the subgroup of the conventional type; 2) the indicator of elaboration is the highest in the artistic type of personality, the lowest level of elaboration (at the level below the norm) is found in the intellectual type; 3) high productivity and the lowest flexibility were demonstrated by representatives of the social type. Conclusions about the correspondence of personality types and professional and creative features of students-programmers are made.

I. Usatova ◽  
V. Tkachenko ◽  
A. Vedmediuk

In the article on the basis of scientific and pedagogical sources the ways of perfection of the system of professional education with the purpose of preparing the future specialist for the practical realization of the idea of health saving of the nation at all stages of educational activity are analyzed and solved; the general structure of the system of quality assurance of education at the higher educational institution level is substantiated; determined the effective use of didactic principles; new approaches to the development of content, forms and methods of professional training of specialists in the new formation; the content of professional training of future specialists is investigated, covering the set of knowledge, skills and abilities, possession of which enables to work for the chosen type of profession; The set of principles, functions and factors that influence the content of the training is outlined in the curricula and programs of higher education institutions. An analysis of the structure of training of future specialists in higher education institutions is presented, which predicts mastery of a complex of professional and personal components of a future specialist. The peculiarities of preparation of future specialists for the implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational programs offered by educational establishments have been clarified. Types of variety of industrial and research practices are shown, forms and methods of teaching are named. The content of the professional training of future specialists is characterized, the prerequisites for creating the concept of forming the future specialists' willingness to carry out innovative activity are outlined; conditions of effective use of health-saving technologies are formulated, essential characteristics and stages of preparation of future specialists in educational establishments are explained; The basic provisions are substantiated, the observance of which ensures the training of new formation specialists for the implementation of health-saving technologies. It is noted that the capacity for self-organization is the basis of successful professional activity of the future specialist and the educational disciplines of the programs of preparation of domestic higher education institutions are observed, the study of which contributes to the formation of the competence of selforganization. The essence of the problem under consideration and the technology of its solution are revealed.

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