Олена Бурцева

The article reveals the problem of determining the criteria and indicators of the formation of future mathematics teachers' information competence. The significance of the competence approach in the educational process has been revealed and the structure, components, levels, indicators of future mathematics teachers' information competence have been characterized. It was found that the basis of the competence approach to the formation of future mathematics teachers' information competence is the desire to implement two main tasks: education should form in future mathematics teachers the qualities necessary for the implementation of professional activities; criteria and parameters for evaluating the results of modern education should be unified and expressed in terms and results that can be interpreted and taken into account in any educational institution of any country. An approach based on human development, or personality development, offers a more open framework for promoting the students' holistic development by expanding all choices to achieve what they value most, not just the economic benefits of education. Information competence, under these conditions, appears as a proven ability of an individual to use information technology for guaranteed mastery and delivery of information in order to meet their own individual needs and meet societal requirements for the formation of general and professionally specialized human competencies. Competence approach to training in many countries is implemented at the level of national educational standards. Analysis of cultural features and specifics of economic development of the vast majority of developed countries leads to the recognition of a common trend in the vocational education system: purposeful transition to professional standards based on performance and systematic description of qualifications in terms of professional and key competencies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227-239
Светлана Александровна Корягина

Основные проблемы современного образования нельзя решать без его развития. Ученые и практики обращают внимание на устаревшие формы и технологии управления работой со студентами. В современных условиях решать проблемы образования традиционными системами управления и методами становится все сложнее, поэтому возникает необходимость в адекватном построении методической оснащенности образовательного процесса в учебном заведении, что актуализирует необходимость обеспечения системы образования методическими  разработками, дидактическими материалами, которые отвечают современным требованиям педагогической практики. Организационными формами методической работы вуза являются: научно-методическая и педагогический совет; аттестация преподавателей; предметные кафедры, творческие лаборатории преподавателей; школа молодого преподавателя; психолого-педагогические и методические семинары; методические школы преподавателей-новаторов; подготовка методических пособий, публикаций в периодических и профессиональных изданиях. Большинство вышеупомянутых видов методического обеспечения являются традиционными, но все они дают возможность внедрять инновации. Однако обращается внимание только на формы и методы организации образовательного процесса, а не на психолого-педагогическое сопровождение познавательной деятельности преподавателей и методическое обеспечение управленческой деятельности как источника качества и результативности их профессиональной деятельности. Реалии выдвигают новые требования к методическому обеспечению образовательного процесса в вузt, требуя менять цели, функции и содержание, превращая уровень его качества в научно-методический. Суть и назначение научно методического обеспечения заключается в создании условий для формирования и личностно-профессионального становления преподавателей, развития их педагогических способностей, творческого потенциала. The main problems of modern education cannot be solved without its development. Scientists and practitioners pay attention to outdated forms and technologies of managing work with students. In modern conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult to solve the problems of education with traditional management systems and methods, therefore, there is a need for an adequate construction of methodological equipment of the educational process in an educational institution, which actualizes the need to provide the education system with methodological developments, didactic materials that meet modern requirements of pedagogical practice. Organizational forms of methodological work of the university are: scientific and methodological and pedagogical council; certification of teachers; subject departments, creative laboratories of teachers; school of a young teacher; psychological, pedagogical and methodological seminars; methodological schools of innovative teachers; preparation of methodological manuals, publications in periodicals and professional publications. Most of the above-mentioned types of methodological support are traditional, but all of them make it possible to introduce innovations. However, attention is drawn only to the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and not to the psychological and pedagogical support of the cognitive activity of teachers and methodological support of managerial activities as a source of quality and effectiveness of their professional activities. The realities put forward new requirements for the methodological support of the educational process at the university, requiring changing the goals, functions and content, turning its quality level into a scientific and methodological one. The essence and purpose of scientific and methodological support is to create conditions for the formation and personal and professional development of teachers, the development of their pedagogical abilities, creative potential.

Т. Р. Магомаев

В современных условиях функционирования системы высшего образования целью внедрения дистанционного обучения является организация качественного учебно-воспитательного процесса «на расстоянии» с использованием новейших информационно-коммуникационных средств и открытым доступом к образовательным ресурсам. Именно такая форма обучения может быстро адаптироваться к требованиям информационного общества и подготовить будущего специалиста к вызовам цифровой среды. В сочетании с традиционными формами, дистанционное образование в высшем учебном заведении может предоставить широкий спектр образовательных услуг как для абитуриентов и студентов для приобретения необходимых навыков и умений для будущей профессиональной деятельности, так и для преподавателей с целью повышения квалификации. На данный момент основными проблемами внедрения качественного свободного образовательного пространства является отсутствие технической и финансовой поддержки, законодательной основы дистанционного обучения, и это является ведущим фактором сдерживания развития технологий в вузе. Отсутствуют специально подготовленные к работе в дистанционном режиме квалифицированные преподаватели. Однако, учитывая готовность вузов осуществлять обучение преподавателей для работы в дистанционном режиме, негативное влияние этого фактора в ближайшее время может быть устранено. При условии решения вышеописанных проблем будет создано эффективное дистанционное обучение, которое всесторонне раскроет потенциал студента, учитывая как индивидуальные, так и общечеловеческие потребности. In modern conditions of functioning of the higher education system, the goal of introducing distance learning is to organize a high-quality educational process “at a distance” using the latest information and communication tools and open access to educational resources. It is this form of training that can quickly adapt to the requirements of the information society and prepare the future specialist for the challenges of the digital environment. In combination with traditional forms, distance education in a higher educational institution can provide a wide range of educational services for both applicants and students to acquire the necessary skills for future professional activities, and for teachers to improve their skills. At the moment, the main problems in introducing high-quality free educational space is the lack of technical and financial support, the legislative basis of distance learning, and this is a leading factor in curbing the development of technology at the university. There are no qualified teachers specially prepared for working in remote mode. However, given the willingness of universities to train teachers to work remotely, the negative impact of this factor in the near future can be eliminated. Subject to the solution of the above problems, an effective distance learning will be created that will comprehensively reveal the student’s potential, taking into account both individual and universal needs.

Ekaterina Komarova

Введение. Важнейшей задачей современного образования является обеспечение возможностей для личностного и профессионального роста и для осуществления самореализации. Изложены основные подходы к изучению понятия «самореализация». Приводятся результаты анкетирования будущих учителей русского языка. Выявлены представления будущих учителей русского языка в отношении их профессиональной самореализации. Материалы и методы. Исследование было проведено на основе анализа теоретических источников по проблеме самореализации и результатов анкетирования студентов филологического факультета. Авторская анкета состояла из трех вопросов открытого типа и четырех вопросов закрытого типа. Результаты и обсуждение. Проанализированы различные подходы к пониманию названных понятий и обоснована собственная позиция по этому вопросу. По результатам анкетирования установлено, что 15 % студентов третьего курса и 55 % студентов четвертого курса уверены, что профессиональная самореализация подразумевает постоянное совершенствование в выбранной профессии и потребность в совершенствовании. Охарактеризованы потребности, возникающие у будущих учителей русского языка в ходе педагогической практики, которая является ключевым звеном между теоретическим обучением будущих учителей русского языка и их самостоятельной работой в образовательном учреждении. Заключение. Самоактуализация понимается автором как тенденция к самореализации. А самореализация – как процесс развития личности, предполагающий активную содеятельность с другими людьми, приложение собственных усилий. Выявлено, что критической точкой в становлении будущего учителя русского языка является педагогическая практика. До практики основными трудностями у студентов являются неуверенность в себе и нехватка знаний в области методических дисциплин. Это можно скорректировать опытом работы в качестве учителя. После педагогической практики основанными барьерами самореализации для студентов становятся отсутствие свободного времени у учителей русского языка и высокая интенсивность работы. Это заставляет будущих учителей русского языка сомневаться в правильности выбора сферы своей дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности. Поднимается вопрос о психолого-педагогическом сопровождении студентов во время практики.Introduction. The most important task of modern education is to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth and for the implementation of self-realization. The main approaches to the study of the concept of selfrealization are outlined. The results of a survey of future teachers of the Russian language are presented. The ideas of future teachers of the Russian language in relation to their professional self-realization are revealed. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the analysis of theoretical sources on the problem of self-realization and the results of a survey of students of the philological faculty. The author’s questionnaire consisted of 3 open-ended questions and 4 closed-ended questions. Results and discussion. Various approaches to understanding these concepts are analyzed and their own position on this issue is substantiated. According to the results of the survey, it was found that 15% of 3-year students and 55% of 4-year students are sure that professional self-realization implies continuous improvement in the chosen profession and the need for improvement. The needs arising for future teachers of the Russian language during pedagogical practice, which is a key link between the theoretical training of future teachers of the Russian language and their independent work in an educational institution, are characterized. Conclusion. Self-actualization is understood as a tendency to self-realization. And self-realization is a process of personality development, involving active cooperation with other people, the application of one’s own efforts. It is revealed that the pedagogical practice is a critical point in the formation of the future teacher of the Russian language. Before practice, the main difficulties for students are self-doubt and lack of knowledge in the field of methodological disciplines. After teaching practice, the lack of free time among teachers of the Russian language and the high intensity of work become the basic barriers for self-realization for students. This makes future teachers of the Russian language doubt their further professional activities. The question arises of the psychological and pedagogical support of students during practice.

Natalya Dmytryshchuk ◽  
Alla Linenko

The article deals with the problem of improving the quality of training future navigators according to the strategic goals of the modernization of the educational process in Ukraine’s marine higher educational institutions, based on the humanistic paradigm, which requires special attention to the formation of future navigators’ communicative self-efficiency. The study of this problem is of particular relevance, since it is one of the main professional characteristics for representatives of the senior command navigators that enables them to carry out professional activities productively, adequately and at a high level: to organize the coordinated work of the crew, especially consisting of specialists of different nationalities, religious denominations, mentalities; competently and skilfully communicate with seaport employees, representatives of foreign companies, etc. The paper presents the conceptual provisions of A. Bandura, the founder of the theory of self-efficiency, its role and importance in person’s life as well as those of J. Caprari and D. Servon, D. Matsumoto (communication), educators (self-efficiency), (communicative self-efficiency) in the context of importance and the need to develop and form these phenomena for improving the quality of the training aimed at future navigators in higher education institutions of maritime profile. The phenomenon “communicative self-efficiency of the future navigators” has been defined; its essence and structure have been considered, the latter consisting of three components: reflexive (self-identification with navigators as model professionals, the presence of adequate self-assessment of their own actions in the field of professional communication, a stable reflexive position), cognitive-operational (awareness of the communicative sphere of maritime professional activity, skills, professional communication abilities); affective-behavioural (confidence in the possibility of productive communication in professional activities, emotionality, activity, responsibility, ability to self-regulate and self-sustain). The forms and methods for the formation of communicative self-efficiency of cadets of marine universities involved into the experiment have been presented: reflective workshop, keeping a reflective diary, which gave the cadet the opportunity to conduct self-analysis of their own professional actions and enhance self-understanding regarding the presence of the necessary professional personal qualities for performing their future professional activities effectively and building a positive Self-concept of the future navigator; the organizing dialogue “The role of the reflective component in developing future navigators’ communicative self-efficiency”, the technology “Developing confidence in self-efficiency and productive communication of future navigators in their future independent professional activities”, the training module “Communication skills”, etc. Keywords: communication, self-efficiency, communicative self-efficiency, future navigator, marine higher educational institution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-33
Olga M. Kolomiets ◽  

The aim of the work is to theoretically substantiate the importance of teaching for the implementation of the social order of society for the system of higher medical education: to create conditions for the development of student's educational independ-ence, which guarantees the achievement of educational results of the level of quality set by society. The novelty of the research lies in the disclosure of the essence of the stu-dent's educational and professional activity, the conditions for its organization in the context of the competence-activity approach in any higher educational institution, en-suring the achievement of a high level of educational results for each student. The paper describes the types of educational and professional activities of a student of a medical university, the organization of which by a teacher in teaching academic disciplines leads to the development of educational and professional independence. The article reveals their structure and content, forms, technologies and means of organization in the educational process in accordance with the psychological nature of the process of assimilation by the subject of social experience. The article presents educational and methodological materials for organizing and managing the types of educational and professional activities of a student, ensuring the development of his educational and professional independence. The research results described in the work reveal to the teacher of a medical university the vector of his organization of teaching activities, which guarantees each student the achievement of the planned educational results. The materials of the work performed can be used by any teacher in the practice of the educational process and lead to the same results as those of the authors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 92-105
A.V. Degtyarev ◽  
D.I. Degtyareva

The article deals with the problem of personality development of a student-psychologist within the framework of a competence approach. The competence approach, in general terms, is based on the notion that a student must master a certain set of special competencies that include the knowledge, skills, skills and personal qualities necessary for further professional activities. In other words, in the process of training, the future specialist must master a unique set of professional and personal competencies, corresponding to his individual characteristics. However, most often in the educational process, the emphasis is not on developing the necessary personal qualities (competences). Relying on the main provisions of cultural and historical psychology, which most consistently formulated by V.V. Davydov, in particular, that the intellect and emotions should be in internal unity, and that the universal moments of the person's mental development are his education and upbringing, in this work a model is proposed for the development of the personal competencies of a psychologist student, which includes three elements: psychological Border of personality, emotional intelligence and self-relationship.

Nataliya Melnyk ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept meaning «qualification» in the European scientific terminology, analyzes its contextual peculiarities. It is distinguished that what is meant by qualification requirements is characterized by documents certifying the qualification of a teacher in European countries, as well as the terminology «qualified preschool teacher» in the context of the European dimension of higher education is explained. The author outlines the analysis of peculiarities of pre-school teachers’ qualifications in the UK. Among the key competencies of the pre-school teacher, which governs the qualification requirements for «Early Years Professional with EYP Status» in the UK, the following are identified: Knowledge and understanding of the peculiarities of the planning, organization and implementation of the educational process, effective professional activities, mutual understanding and cooperation with children, communication and ability to work with families and caregivers, teamwork and cooperation, professional development. The factors influencing the formation of qualification requirements and the content of professional competence are determined. The main professional profiles and profiles of the professional competence of preschool teachers in Britain are described in the article; the main contradictions in the attribution of qualifications are outlined in the issue. Proficiency profiles for UK preschool teachers include a description of the requirements for working with children, parents, colleagues, the public and self-development competencies for the qualification of «Early Years Professional with EYP Status». The research’s results identifies, that the qualification requirements for preschool teachers in the UK, despite on the diversity of the administrative system and the functioning of the three models of vocational training, are characterized by similarity and, in general, are of an integrated nature. In the restructuring of pre-school teacher training in the United Kingdom, in particular, professional competence, the content of training, the development and improvement of professional profiles have been prioritized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (34) ◽  

In psychological and pedagogical science, professionalization is considered as a process associated with the development of the subjectivity of the individual, motivation to perform professional activities, determination of the potential of the individual in the profession, awareness of his role in the life space, setting requirements for a specialist in the chosen professional activity. The problem is stated, an attempt to solve which is made in this article: what are the directions of the formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational process of the university as a stage of professionalization? The analysis of psychological and pedagogical studies revealed their insufficiency in the perspective of consideration and analysis of the stages of formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational process of the university, which determined the purpose of the study, which consists in solving the stated problem. In the process of research, theoretical methods are used: analysis, comparison, comparison, discourse, systematization of the results of scientific research. The directions of formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational space of the university are revealed. Adaptation is followed by identification with the socio-cultural environment of educational institution, where the realization of values of the environment, the social meaning of vocational education, assimilation of traditions, norms of coexistence, communication experience (socio-professional aspects). Development of the system of Self, self-development of the student as mechanisms of formation of subjectivity in the profession, ensuring the formation of content, effectiveness, positive dynamics in training (personal-value aspect). Ensuring effective communication between the teacher and the student in pedagogical interaction with the use of modern educational technologies and the use of professionally directed situational tasks (technological aspect). A special role in optimizing the process of professionalization for the successful formation of the student's subjectivity is assigned to professional training, where, using pedagogical technologies, the necessary professional competencies are formed. The process of professionalization at the stage of university training is aimed at the formation of subjective characteristics of the teacher's personality, defined as independence and regulation of their actions in the performance of professional activities, responsibility, mobility, creativity, deep sociability, lack of conflict when working in a team.

Svitlana Kucher

The urgency of the scientific and pedagogical development of the pedagogical conditions of continuous students' design-training is connected with the necessity of formulating methodical features of the use of new forms and methods of teaching and control in the conditions of higher pedagogical education; systematization, streamlining and standardization of the process of independent design training of students; introduction of the principle of decentralization, democratization in the educational process management system. Based on the analysis of the research and experience of preparing the future teacher of technology, we have identified a number of conditions for continuous design training, among which the most important are the following: monitoring and correction of the level of readiness of future technology teachers to design and technological activities; technology of pedagogical assistance to the organization of continuous design training of students, based on the integration of design and rating technologies with the use of elements of personality development and innovative teaching methods; the formation of conscious self-regulation by students of their own educational and professional activities on the basis of unity of personal, artistic and technological components. Prospects for further exploration are the development of a model of a system of continuous design-training, which will take into account certain pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organization of design training for future technology teachers in institutions of higher pedagogical education.

Tetiana Savrasova-V’un

The article highlights the actual problem of the dependence of the psychological component of the professional competence of future specialists on the use of an educational project in the educational process. The purpose of the article is to study the features of the influence of the use of an educational project in the educational activities of a higher educational institution on the psychological component of the professional competence of future specialists. The content and structure of the psychological component of the professional competence of future specialists have been determined, which is considered as a complex of characteristics of future specialists, contains psychological knowledge, skills, motivational, emotional processes, personal properties that help to carry out professional activities, self-improvement, and consists of motivational, emotional, activity, personal, cognitive components. The experience of the formation of the psychological component of the professional competence of future specialists with the help of an educational project introduced into the educational process of the Institute of Philology of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University is characterized. Among the research tools were used: diagnostic methods for studying the components, indicators of the psychological component of the professional competence of future specialists, the experimental method, the comparison method, and correlation analysis. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the results of a survey of future specialists who underwent diagnostics on the problems of studying the level of the psychological component of professional competence for use in the educational process of an educational project and after. The experiment involved 227 future specialists in the specialty «035 Philology». Through experimental activities, the features of the application of the educational project in the educational process of the institution have been determined. It was revealed that the level of the psychological component of professional competence before the implementation of the educational project was lower than the level of the studied phenomenon after the application of the project in the educational process. The results of the analysis showed that the process of creating and implementing an educational project by future specialists affects the formation of the psychological component of students’ professional competence.

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