scholarly journals Kemampuan Kepemimpinan Klinis Perawat Pelaksana Berdasarkan Pendekatan Clinical Leadership Competency Framework dan Faktor-Faktor Determinannya

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 337-350
Yusnaini Yusnaini ◽  
Yulastri Arif ◽  
Dorisnita Dorisnita

This study aims to analyze nurses' clinical leadership abilities based on the clinical leadership competency framework approach and its determinants in the inpatient room of Padangsidimpuan Hospital. The research design in this study used a descriptive-analytic correlation. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the availability of nursing resources, management support, and work environment support with clinical leadership abilities, with a p-value for each variable, namely the availability of nurse resources (p = 0.043), management support (p = 0.000) and support work environment (p = 0.005). Meanwhile, competence has no significant relationship with nurses' clinical leadership ability in the inpatient room of RSUD Padangsidimpuan (p = 0.084). Multivariate analysis shows that management support is the most dominant variable associated with clinical leadership skills, with an Odds Ratio (OR) value of 4.476. In conclusion, nurses' clinical leadership ability must be supported by the availability of nurse resources, work environment support, and management support to obtain quality nursing services. Keywords: Determinants, Respondent Characteristics, Clinical Leadership

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-65
La Masahuddin ◽  
Rini Rachmawaty ◽  
Burhanuddin Bahar

Introduction: The "Patient safety" movement has become a spirit in hospital nursing services throughout the world, not only hospitals in developed countries that implement patient safety to ensure the quality of health and nursing services, but also hospitals in developing countries, such as Indonesia.Objective: The relationship between the implementation of the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the head of the room with the application of patient safety by nurses in Makassar City Hospital.Method: this research is a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The study was conducted in the inpatient room of the Makassar City General Hospital of 63 nurses implementing it (simple random sampling). The method of collecting data using a checklist questionnaire by distributing questionnaires, the implementation of head room management functions with the application of patient safety using the Spearman 's rho correlation test.Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the function of head room management with the application of patient safety by nurses in Makassar City Hospital with a value of p = 0.009 and a Spearman's rho correlation value of 0.327, in organizing a value of p = 0.042 and a spearman correlation value of 0.257, at controlling for p value = 0,023 and spearman correlation value 0,285. There is no significant relationship between the implementation of the head room planning management function obtained p value = 0.095 and Spearman's correlation value rho 0.212, the head room directional function with the application of patient safety with a value of p = 0.530 and the spearman correlation value of 0.081. Discussion : of the results showed that the more the better the implementation of the head room management function, the better the implementation of patient safety by nurses in Makassar City HospitalConclusion: The head of the room needs to always improve the planning and direction function in an effort to civilize the application of patient safety so that there will be a good quality of patient safety in the Makassar City Hospital service environment.Keywords: Head of Management Function room, patient safety, nurses  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-183
Martina Dyah Lestari ◽  
Agustina Sri Oktri Hastuti ◽  
Sr. Therese Maura Harjanti CB

ABSTRCT  Background: Patient satisfaction is one of the factors used to evaluate the quality of service in the hospital, and is one of the factors determining the image of a health service institution. Nursing service satisfaction is obtained from consumer assessments regarding the quality and performance of the benefits received from products or services. Quality nursing services can be realized through the provision of nursing care based on the caring behavior of nurses. Caring behavior must always be carried out by nurses in all conditions, even during the current COVID-19 pandemic situation. In the preliminary study conducted, Elisabeth 4's inpatient room was the room that experienced the lowest decrease in customer satisfaction. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nurse caring behavior and patient satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic in Elisabeth 4 Hospital's inpatient room. Panti Rapih, Yogyakarta. Methods: This type of research is a descriptive correlation. This research is a quantitative study with a cross sectional design. Using non probability sample techniques, purposive sample. The sample used was 37 respondents. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire that is given directly to the respondent in Januari 2021 sampai Februari 2021. Results: The highest nurse caring behavior was in the good category, 83.8% of the total respondents. The highest level of satisfaction is "Satisfied" 54.1% of the total respondents and "Very Satisfied" as much as 43.2% of the total respondents. Based on the results of the Spearman rho test, P value 0.007 is, this means that there is a significant relationship between nurse caring behavior and the level of patient satisfaction. The Correlation Coefficient value is positive, which indicates that there is a strong relationship between nurse caring behavior and the level of patient satisfaction. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between nurse caring behavior and patient satisfaction. The direction of the positive correlation shows that the higher the nurse's caring behavior, the higher the patient's satisfaction in nursing services. Suggestion: It is necessary for nurses to increase knowledge, attitudes and skills especially when carrying out their role as executor of professional nursing actions. Panti Rapih Hospital management should continue to encourage the spirit of caring behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic, by improving the physical, mental and spiritual health of nurses so that nurses can provide professional nursing services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Sri Sulastri

The purpose of this study was to determine the Factors That Influence The Level Of Healing In Injury Bone. This research uses descriptive correlation design with cross sectional approach. This research was conducted at the Dr.Reksodiwiriyo Padang Hospital with 30 people who had long fractures and were selected based on inclusion criteria. The measuring instrument is a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The analysis used was univariate and bivariate using the Chi Square test. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between socioeconomic status (p value = 0.049) with patient anxiety, and there is no significant relationship between nursing services (p value = 0.440), level of knowledge (p value = 0.024), family support (p value = 0.127) with patient anxiety. The results of this study recommend that hospitals improve psychosocial nursing care and help direct the mechanism of adaptive treatment to patients treated at the hospital thereby reducing anxiety.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Yusnaini Yusnaini ◽  
Lisnawati Lubis

Perawat memiliki peran penting dalam pemberian pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Kepemimpinan klinis merupakan  suatu kemampuan yang mendukung peran perawat pada semua level manajerial. Simon (2014) dan Ferguson, et all. (2007), mendefinisikan kepemimpinan klinis merupakan kompetensi yang mendukung peningkatan kualitas dan keselamatan pasien secara inovasi dan kreativitas dalam praktek keperawatan. Penelitian Ruedy, J. dan Ogilvie, R.(2004), menyebutkan Kejadian Tidak Diharapkan (KTD) di rumah sakit pendidikan Kanada diperkirakan 24% dan 62% disebabkan efek samping dari pemberian obat, 9% infeksi nasokomial. KTD tersebut berkaitan dengan kurangnya kemimpinan klinis perawat dalam menjamin keselamatan pasien selama perawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kepemimpinan klinis perawat berdasarkan pendekatan clinical leadership competence framework di rumah sakit pemerintah dengan rumah sakit swasta di Kutacane. Metode penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antara kepemimpinan klinis perawat berdasarkan pendekatan clinical leadership competence framework pada rumah sakit pemerintah dan rumah sakit swasta di Kutacane. Kepemimpinan klinis sangat penting bagi perawat, diharapkan pihak manajerial rumah sakit memberikan dukungan bagi perawat melalui pendidikan, pelatihan dan mengevaluasi efektifitas kepemimpinan klinis berdasarkan clinical leadership competence framework.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Supriadi Supriadi

Background: The era of globalization requires hospitals to improve the quality of health services. Efforts to improve the quality of health services can not be separated from efforts to improve the quality of nursing services because nurses are the most numerous health workers in hospitals that provide continuous service for 24 hours. The quality of nursing services describes the performance of nurses. The performance of a nurse can be judged by the quality of nursing care given to the patient. The performance of nurses can be influenced by various factors such as motivation, work ethic, work environment, competence, job satisfaction. Objective: The general objective of this research is to know factors related to Nurse Performance at Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital PDHI. And the specific objective of this research is to know the relationship motivation, work ethic, work environment, competence, job satisfaction with performance Nurse at Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital PDHI. Method: The research design  in this research is descriptive correlation research with cross sectional approach. Population in this research is Nurses at Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital PDHI amounted to 128 people. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria obtained by a sample of 51 respondents. Data analysis used statistical test of kendall’s tau and multiple linear regression with significance level 5%. Result : Result of research got all variable that is motivation, work ethic, work environment, competence and job satisfaction influence nurse performance with p value 0,011, 0.000, 0,018, 0.000, 0.000 (P <0.05). Multivariate test obtained sig value. 0.000, which means simultaneously independent variables associated with the performance of nurses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Bahago Markus Daniel ◽  
Dr. Samson Nyang’au Paul

Purpose: The study assessed the influence of leadership competency on completion of road construction projects in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study sought to finding out the influence of adequate knowledge and completion of road construction projects in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study was seeking to find out the influence of leadership skills on completion of road construction projects in Nasarawa State, Nigeria.Methodology: The collection of primary data was from direct responses from Nasarawa State government top management through the use of structured questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in analyzing data where multiple regression analysis was used to examine the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable.Results: The study found out that indeed leadership competencies have a statistical significant influence on completion of road construction projects since the P value was 0.000 which is positive of significant rate of respondents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-236
ali hozni ◽  
mohammad hakkak ◽  
Hojjat Vahdati ◽  
Amir Houshang Nazarpouri

Sri Susanti Sri Susanti

ABSTRACT Male adolescent are vulnerable group in doing risky behavior, one of them is smoking behavior. Smoking behavior of male adolescent do are influenced by several factors. The dependent variable in this research is the behavior of smoking and the independent  variables are the knowledge, the influence of peers, and family environment. The sample in this research is total sampling as many as 112  respondents. The research used a analytic survey method with cross sectional approach. Data analysis is using chi square test with 95% confidence level ( α = 0.05 ) . The results if the research showed that 39.3 % of male adolescent smoke and 60.7 % of the male adolescent  do not smoke. The result of Chi-square statistical test showed no significant relationship between knowledge variable ( p value = 0.844 ) and smoking behavior of male adolescent, while peer influence variable ( p value = 0.000 ) and family environment ( 0.000 ) showed a significant relationship with smoking behavior in SMP Negeri 40 Palembang. This research suggests to the school to increase positive activities in groups that can divert adolescents from smoking behavior, for example by  extracurricular activities, sports and so forth, and entered into cooperation between programs with health institutions in giving information about adolescent development and adolescent health problems, especially the dangers of smoking behavior in adolescents.   ABSTRAK Remaja putra merupakan kelompok yang rentan dalam melakukan perilaku berisiko, salah satunya adalah perilaku merokok. Perilaku merokok yang dilakukan remaja putra dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku merokok dan variabel indevenden adalah pengetahuan, pengaruh teman sebaya, dan lingkungan keluarga. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Total Sampling dengan jumlah responden 112 remaja putra. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 39,3% remaja putra yang merokok dan 60,7% dari remaja putra yang tidak merokok. Hasil uji statistik chi square menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara variabel pengetahuan (p value= 0,844) dengan perilaku merokok remaja putra, sedangkan variabel pengaruh teman sebaya (p value = 0,000) dan lingkungan keluarga (0,000) menunjukan adanya hubungan yang bermakna dengan perilaku merokok di SMP Negeri 40 Palembang. Penelitian ini menyarankan pada pihak sekolah untuk meningkatkan kegiatan positif yang bersifat kelompok yang dapat mengalihkan remaja dari perilaku merokok misalnya dengan mengadakan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, olahraga dan lain sebagainya, dan mengadakan kerja sama lintas program dengan Instansi kesehatan dalam pemberian informasi tentang perkembangan remaja dan permasalahan kesehatan remaja, khususnya bahaya perilaku merokok pada remaja.    

Rubiyati Rubiyati

ABSTRACT Antenatal Care is the care given to pregnant woman to monitor, support maternal health and maternal detect, whether normal or troubled pregnant women. Aki in Indonesia amounted to 359 in 100.000 live births. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between age and education in the clinic Budi Mulia Medika 2014. This study used a survey method whit cross sectional analytic. This is the overall study population of women with gestational age ≥36 weeks who come to visit the clinic Budi Mulia Medika Palembang on February 10 to 18. The study sample was taken in non-random with the technique of “accidental smapling “ with respondents who happens to be there or variable. The obtained using univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-Square test statistic. The results of the univariate analysis showed that 83,3% of respondents did according to the standard prenatal care, high risk age 40,0 %, 60,0% lower risk of age, higher education 70,0%, 30,0% low education. Bivariate analysis showed that there was no significant relationship betwee age and pregnancy tests wit p value= 0,622, and significant relationship between education and prenatal care with p value= 0,019. From the results of this study are expected to need to increase outreach activities to the community about the importance of examination of pregnancy according to gestational age in an effort to reduse maternal mortality.   ABSTRAK Antenatal Care merupakan pelayanan  yang di berikan pada ibu hamil untuk memonitor, mendukung kesehatan ibu dan mendeteksi ibu, apakah ibu hamil normal atau bermasalah. Di Indonesia AKI berjumlah 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara usia dan pendidikan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan di klinik budi mulia medika tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalahseluruh ibu dengan usia kehamilan ≥ 36 minggu yang dating berkunjung ke Klinik Budi Mulia Medika pada tanggal 10-18 Februari. Sampel penelitian ini di ambil secara non random dengan tekhnik ‘’ Accidental Sampling’’ dengan responden yang kebetulan ada atau tersedia. Data yang di peroleh menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil analisis univariat ini menunjukan bahwa 83,8% responden melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, 16,7% tidak melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, usia resiko tinggi 40,0%, usia resiko rendah 60,0%, pendidikan tinggi 70,0 %, pendidikan rendah 30,0 %. Analisis bivariat menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara usia dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan p value =0,622, ada hubunngan bermakana antara pendidikan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan p value = 0,019. Dari hasil penelitian ini di harapkan perlu meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya dilakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai dengan umur kehamilan sebagai upaya menurunkan angka kematian ibu.    

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-29
Nurlina ◽  

Postoperative surgery and trauma are stressors that can cause physiological and psychological reactions to the patient. Psychological reactions in the form of anxiety usually arise in the preoperative stage when the patient anticipates surgery and at the postoperative stage because of pain and discomfort, changes in body image and bodily functions. Handling anxiety with spiritual aspects in the form of dzikir therapy is an effort to reduce anxiety levels in patients pre and post surgery. This study used a pre-experimental research design with a one group pre and posttest design study design. The sample of this study was 15 respondents in the experimental group taken by consecutive sampling method. The experimental group received a dzikir therapy 1 time treatment with a duration of 12 minutes. Data collection is done using a questionnaire sheet. Analysis of the data used in this study is univariate and bivariate by using a paired sample t test. The results of the analysis used a statistical test paired sample t test with a level of confidence (α = 0.05). Based on the results of this test, the p value is 0,000, thus p <α (0,000 <0,05). The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of giving dzikir therapy to the level of anxiety in patients pre and post surgery. Researchers suggest that the results of this study can be used as a reference for application in the scope of nursing services, especially handling anxiety.

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