scholarly journals Strengthening the role of peer counselors in preventing dental and oral diseases among students during the Covid-19 pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 2102-2107
Fuad Fatkhurrohman ◽  
Ayu Kristin Rahmawati ◽  
Rosyid Hanung Pinurbo

The role of peer counselors is being strengthened in order to help the student community prevent dental and oral diseases. Peer counselor training is conducted by involving students who are active in student activities through the online small group discussion method. The goal is to increase prospective peer counselors' knowledge and understanding of oral hygiene and caries health in order to raise public awareness about the prevention of dental and oral diseases. With high participation and support from participants, this activity encourages participants to share their knowledge and play an active role in increasing knowledge and understanding of oral hygiene and caries health. As a result, it has the potential to raise public awareness about the importance of preventing dental and oral diseases, particularly among students during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-230
Sudrajat Sudrajat

The aim of this community service activities are (1) to identify the potential of yard to be developed into yard farming; (2) to identify the level of public participation in the development of yard farming; and (3) to increase the community’s active role in the implementation of yard farming development. Implementation of the community service carried out in the village of the District Muntuk Dlingo.The activities are manifested into counseling and interviews to the public figures and civil society. Counseling is conducted using face-to-face interview and a discussion in regards to development of farm yard. Interview is conducted on public figures and civil society regardless to the participation on the counselling. The results found that the Muntuk Village has a big potential of yard to be developed as a farming yard. The result also found that Muntuk villagers have high participation rates and high active role to develop the program. Participation and active role of the community indicated a desire to try to take advantage of yard before the rainy season.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Santi Riana Dewi ◽  
Andari Andari ◽  
Martina Rahmawati Masitoh

This community service is carried out by lecturers at the university, in order to participate actively in improving the quality of human resources through counseling and workshops. Counseling and workshops carried out are related to efforts to increase motivation, innovation and creativity in MSMEs, especially handicrafts made from beads. The results of MSMEs in the form of handicrafts from beads are still very much needed to be continuously improved. Besides that the market for bead creativity products is still very widely opened. The results of these beadsare  in the form of prayer beads and various women's jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces. The handicrafts are chosen because the method of making them is quite easy and the ingredients needed are easy to obtain. The method used in this service is participatory approach, and the respondents consist of the community as business actors. Respondents also participated directly in the focus group discussion, interviews, training, workshops, consuls, and executions. Through the implementation of this service it is hoped that it will be able to encourage the growth and development of MSMEs to improve community welfare and improve the quality of the active role of lecturers as a form of concern for improving the quality of human resources in the community. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Majdina Astri Graharistiara ◽  
Hasti Widyasamratri

Green Open Space is an urban expanse covered by some of the trees as a shade area of the city and   as the fulfillment of the needs public spaces for the community in activities and social. Efforts continue to be undertaken by the Green Open Space embodiment of Government, one that is by pioneering the implementation of ‘Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau’(P2KH) in improving the quantity and quality of Green Open Space in the area of the county or city. One form of Green Open Space i.e. the garden city that serves to improve the quality of urban and support the needs of the community in getting space to relax and leisure. The condition of children in district Kendal based on information from the community a lot of damage to either the environment or the facilities therein. This study aims to evaluate the application of Green Open Space on quality Grounds in the ‘Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau’(P2KH) sub district of Kendal which consists of the Stadion Utama, Langenharjo and Gajah Mada Parks. The method used was qualitative with deductive approach to rationalistic Unitarians. The analysis used a descriptive analysis i.e. qualitative and verification. Results from the study found that: 1) implementation evaluation results of Green Open Space in the gardens of the town Kendal not optimal, particularly on the Stadion Utama and Langenharjo Parks is still passive because it has not been supported with supporting facilities ; 2) evaluation results applying the Green Community is not optimal because there hasn't been an active ongoing activities so that it can not realize the active role of the community as a community in realizing the green city in district of Kendal; 3) factors that influence the application of optimal yet Green Open Space that is the location of the parks are not on the main road, the spread of vegetation are not optimal in improving microclimate because the settings are less noticed aspects of the function and benefits, passive Parks conditions due to lack of support facilities and the lack of appeal on the parks because the Setup and the pattern of plants that don't meet aesthetic; 4) factors that influence has not been optimal application of the Green Community that is constrained funds and lack of public awareness in maintaining and safeguarding the environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 017-028
Nguendo-Yongsi H. Blaise

Background: The public health problems associated with oral health are a serious burden on countries around the world. Those problems are acute in developing countries which are hit by non-communicable chronic diseases, including oral diseases. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the oral health of individuals from both urban and rural areas in Bafia, Cameroon. Materials and Methods: A commnunity and descriptive cross-sectional survey with probability sampling was used in this study. 2,840 individuals, aged 5 years and older, were selected, using a two-staged simple random sampling technique. The study was based on a structured questionnaire completed by the participants, and on a clinical examination performed by the dentists. Statistical methods included bivariate analyses. Results: Among the 2,759 participants who successfully completed the survey, 53.4% were males and 46.6% were females. Majority of the participants i.e., 52.4 % belonged to 17 years and more vs 47.6 % who belonged to 05-17 years age group. Of the total individuals examined, 50.4% had a poor oral health level, of which 42.9% urban dwellers and 57% rural dwellers. Conclusion: There is a significant need for increased public awareness and regular surveillance of oral hygiene practices, as well as the complications associated with poor oral hygiene. In addition, development of guidelines, public health awareness programmess and dental community educational programmes are urgently needed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-170
Murniati Murniati

Child education within families in Lelede village is performed by parents by means of various methods according to the level of their understanding about child education related to faith. Faith education for the children is crucial because it is influential upon their everyday conducts. In Qur’an Chapter of Lukman verse No. 13, Allah SWT narrated the story of the Prophet Lukman by mentioning goodness in that he was given Hikmah (wisdom) and that he advised his kids and inherited them the worthiest of his knowing. That is why, he preached his kids not to worship anything except Allah SWT. This research drew on the qualitative approach in which the data were collected through observation, in-depth interview, and focus-group discussion, and documentation. The intensive process of the research took place for almost a year that involved a hundred informants consisting of villages, academics, public and religious figures in the village of Lelede, Kediri West Lombok. It was found that the factors affecting the child education within the families were the active role of their parents in educating their offspring, positive interaction between them, strong supports from the parents and family and the presence of adequate love and affection as well as attention given towards the kids in educating their kids in the families. This study encapsulated that the child education in the families seen from the perspective of Qs. Luqmanverse No. 13 sheds lights on the importance of faith education for the children not to worship anything except Allah SWT. The noble advices of the parents occur because of the pure and wise attitude of their parents for the better future of their kids.   Pendidikan anak dalam keluarga di desa Lelede dilaksanakan oleh orang tua dengan berbagai bentuk dan metode sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman orang tua tentang pendidikan anak terkait keimanan. Pendidikan keimanan terhadap anak sangat penting karena inilah yang menjadi motor penggerak dalam melaksanakan semua perbuatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di dalam Al-Qur’an surat Luqman ayat 13 Allah SWT menyebutkan kisah Luqman dengan sebutan yang baik, bahwa dia telah menganugerahinya hikmah dan Luqman menasihati anaknya yang merupakan buah hatinya, maka wajarlah bila ia memberikan kepada orang yang paling dikasihinya sesuatu yang paling utama dari pengetahuannya. Karena itulah hal pertama yang dia pesankan kepada anaknya ialah hendaknya ia menyembah Allah semata, jangan mempersekutukannya dengan sesuatu pun. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penggalian data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara mendalam, FGD, dan studi dokumentasi. Proses penelitian intensif berlangsung selama hampir satu tahun dengan melibatkan lebih dari seratus informan yang terdiri dari warga, akademisi, tokoh masyarakat, dan tokoh agama di desa Lelede, Kediri Lombok Barat. Faktor yang mempengaruhi pendidikan anak dalam keluarga ialah peran aktif orang tua dalam mendidik anak dalam keluarga, adanya interaksi yang baik antara orang tua dan anak, adanya dukungan yang kuat dari orang tua dan keluarga, dan memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang cukup dalam mendidik anak dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa pendidikan anak dalam keluarga perspektif Qs. Luqman ayat 13 menjelaskan tentang pentingnya pendidikan keimanan anak untuk tidak menyekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu apapun. Pesan mulia orang tua kepada anak ini terjadi karena sikap tulus orang tua yang bijaksana terhadap nasib masa depan anaknya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 212-223
Hendri Dony Hahury ◽  
Tity Susilowati Prabawa ◽  
Pamerdi Wiri Giloso ◽  
Tontji Soumokil ◽  
Marthen Luther Ndoen

Population growth which is not supported with the availability of natural resources causes gaps or limitations in meeting daily needs through natural resources. As a result, rural communities need certain rules or norms used as behavioral guidelines in utilizing the natural resources. One of them is through the existence of kewang customary institution. However, as the community develops, its effectiveness is experiencing a decline. This study examines the role of kewang customary institution as a biosecurity strategy for community livelihood asset in Negeri Booi, Saparua Island, Central Maluku Regency. This study was done in a qualitative manner with a case study method. The key informants involved included members of the kewang, head (raja) of Negeri Booi, farmers and customary leaders. In-depth interviews, observation and focus group discussion (FGD) were used to collect the data. The results showed that the kewang of Negeri Booi played an active role in securing the livelihood asset while at the same time protecting Negeri Booi's territory. However, the inclusion of economic interventions left the kewang members vulnerable. They were faced with the choice to carry out their duties and functions as a local institution securing the livelihood asset or to violate the convention to meet their daily household needs. In general, the community in Negeri Booi still recognized the existence of kewang customary institution by respecting and carrying out every decision taken.

2021 ◽  
Vol 916 (1) ◽  
pp. 012026
P D Susanti ◽  
A Miardini ◽  
B Harjadi

Abstract Landslide mitigation on potentially-affected lands is one of the crucial efforts in Banjarnegara Regency. Such effort, however, must comply with the existing environmental and land use conditions. This research aimed to determine the landslide susceptibility level and landslide mitigation on the affected land. A descriptive quantitative method was used to determine landslide susceptibility, and a survey method was used to determine its condition. Landslide susceptibility was examined using an overlay analysis of the major factors: slope, texture fault, regolith, and geology. The analysis results show that the levels of landslide susceptibility of the research location consisted of: not prone (19.21%), slightly prone (4.95%), moderate (6.92%), prone (29.20%), and very prone (39.72%). It also predicted that 335,940 people (36.80%) lived in highly and very-highly vulnerable areas. Based on the results, mitigation is targeted on three groups of land, including water bodies (269.57 ha), vegetated area (69,946.98 ha), and non-vegetated area (3,506.25 ha). Both physical and social mitigation actions are thus required. Physical mitigation includes slope protection (terracing, vetiver system, slope-protection structures, ground fractures covering), water management (manual horizontal drainage, drainage channel), vegetation management (multi-stratum canopy, root morphology, and plant biomass), whereas social mitigation involves community management by promoting public awareness and vigilance against disasters, and the active role of both community and stakeholders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 1410-1414
Raja Syahputra ◽  
Suwardi Lubis ◽  
Sakhyan Asmara

This study aims to determine the role of youth in the implementation of the KOTAKU program in Langsa City, to determine the factors that encourage and hinder youth in implementing the KOTAKU program in Langsa City. The analytical method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive analysis method by looking at the role of youth and inhibiting and supporting factors in the activities of the KOTAKU program in Langsa City. This research was conducted in Langsa City by using a sample in several areas in Langsa City that have implemented KOTAKU program activities. The results of research on youth in Langsa City play an active role in the KOTAKU program activities in Langsa City. The driving factor for the KOTAKU program activities is the participation of youth and communities who want their living areas to be free from slum settlements. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor is the lack of public understanding of the KOTAKU program and the lack of public awareness in maintaining the infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure resulting from the KOTAKU program activities in Langsa City.

2010 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-133
Smiljka Cicmil ◽  
Nikola Stojanovic ◽  
Jelena Krunic ◽  
Olivera Vukotic ◽  
Sasa Cakic

Introduction. It has been known that periodontitis is one of the most common oral diseases in patients having diabetes mellitus (DM). The aim of this study was to examine the influence of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level and the level of oral hygiene on periodontal status of patients suffering from DM. Material and Methods. The research included 50 people with type 2 DM randomly selected. Based on values of HbA1c, patients were divided into two groups: well controlled DM (HbA1c?8.5%) and poorly controlled DM (HbA1c>8.5%). Patients with poorly and well controlled DM were further grouped into subgroups depending on the level of oral hygiene. For each patient, during the clinical examination, periodontal parameters were determined: plaque index (PI), sulcus bleeding index (SBI), the level of junctional epithelium (LJE) and periodontal pocket depth (PPD). Results. The results showed that patients with well controlled disease and good oral hygiene had lower values of the examined periodontal parameters (SBI and PPD) then patients with poorly controlled DM and worse oral hygiene (p<0.01 for SBI, p<0.05 for PPD). Conclusion. The results of this study indicate the important role of oral hygiene for periodontal status of patients with DM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-165
Dora Maria Popescu ◽  
Andrada Soanca ◽  
Allma Pitru ◽  
Alex Salan ◽  

Oral hygiene is a dental procedure with the role of removing bacterial plaque and action to prevent oral diseases, including periodontal disease. Oral prophylaxis includes both daily dental hygiene (daily brushing, flossing and mouthwash) and the visits to the dentist for professional hygiene and prophylaxis. The correct brushing of the teeth is important not only for maintaining oral health but also for the health of the whole body, because there are correlations between diseases of the oral cavity and problems of the digestive tract or even heart disease.

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