PeTeKa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 185
Budiman Sihombing

This research was to look at the percentage of academic supervision the school principal can raise the competence of teachers in the preparation of the syllabus and the RPP. The location of the research is on the CMS State 4 Padangsidimpuan in Jln. Desa Plantations Pijorkoling plantations of Kec. Padangsidimpuan Southeast Of The City Padangsidimpuan. Implementation time is planned for one month starting August 1 to October 30, 2015. This research was carried out on its own writers, and writers assisted by curriculum Developers Team SMK Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan consisting of the principal, Curriculum, and Waka Waka Studentship. This research was conducted with the research methods class action that lasted for 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of the stages of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results obtained, namely the increasing number of good teachers syllabus of 31% to 83% after academic supervision. In addition the number of RPP a good quality also increased from 31% to 89%. Increased competency of teacher in drawing up the syllabus and the RPP is good increased by 52% and 58%. The implementation of individual supervision is suitable to improve the competence of teachers in drawing up the syllabus and RPP during this Administration still remains a difficult requested from our teachers. To test it, we can use the class supervision. For the other trustees are expected to give a clearer input and directional in formation against the teacher.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Yudi Handoko

Worship is an action that is not foreign to humans in the sense that every human being basically commits an act of worship (homo adorance). So that basically every human being must worship something. Especially for people who are religious, of course they realize that there are people who exceed everything called God / ALLAH.               It becomes a problem when sin enters humans, which causes a blurred image of Allah and results in an inaccurate / distorted object of worship that God should be something else. On the other hand, Allah gives freedom to humans to express their worship to Allah which makes people feel that the worship they have done is correct and even feel that the worship they do is the most correct.Jesus in John 4: 1-26 then provides the standard for being a true worshiper, that is, a worshiper who worships in spirit and in truth. This benchmark then becomes a benchmark for researchers to measure and examine the implementation of true worshipers based on John 4: 1-26 among the National Church level congregations throughout the city of Jember.This research uses quantitative research methods with survey and confirmatory methods consisting of the first, literature study or literature study as a basis for a true worshiper theory based on John 4: 1-26. Second, in the form of a statement survey or questionnaire made to identify the correct level of implementation of worshipers based on John 4: 1-26 among the National Church level congregations in Jember which was initially tested for validation by 4 doctors, then construct tests were carried out through orthogonal iterations. 30 samples, then 35 questionnaire items were submitted as the final test to 150 samples.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-208 ◽  
Giulia Gonzales

This article analyses the research methods adopted while working with Kel Tamasheq (Tuareg) families in the urban space of Bamako. With no authorisation to move outside the city, the researcher cannot but be, on the one hand, a fixed point of observation of informants' movements in and out of the city. On the other hand, the progressively acquired capacity to move through Bamako's Kel Tamasheq families – sometimes depending on others, sometimes autonomously – resituates a mobile approach within a context of general immobility. As these two levels of observations collide, this article reflects on an emerging methodological approach to 'discontinuous (im)mobility'. The article suggests that strategic (im)mobility is key to comprehending the extension and organisation of different relationships. By discontinuous (im)mobility this article means a not-necessarily pre-planned organisation of the researcher's mobility while doing fieldwork. Initially this might seem to lead to great confusion in collecting and analysing qualitative ethnographic data. However, in the long run it provides a rich and varied corpus of observations and interactions that are inclusive and intra-scalar. Readiness to be (im)mobile, to navigate volatility, is the norm that is not grasped by equilibrium-driven methodological approaches based on ordered and sequential fieldwork design. This discontinuous (im) mobility allows us to comprehend the entanglement and ongoing reproduction of such variabilities, whose change is hastened by the shifting socio-political context in Mali. To support my argument, the article takes the example of tbushak, a practice of visiting relatives and friends.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-262
Siti Munawaroh

This research aims to: (1) to know the process of implementing learning that uses a combination discussion method 2C B can improve the results of science of vibration and wave material in the learners, (2) know the improvement of learning results IPA On wave vibration After a study using a combination discussion method of 2C B. The study uses class action research methods, consisting of two cycles with stages of planning, implementation, Observation and reflection. The research subject amounted to 31 students of class VIII-D MTs N 1 Yogyakarta with the method of collecting data using observations and tests. The results showed the science learning of vibration and wave material through a combination discussion method of 2C B can be received both by learners, improving enthusiasm and response in learning. The learning outcomes of learners have improved before using the average method value 65 (category less), to average value 78 (category is enough) and 90.4 (Good category) after using a combination discussion method 2C B. The submission of learning in The class increased from 17% before using the method to 70% and 97% after using a combination discussion method of 2C B.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-77
Sri Jaya Lesmana ◽  
Fitri Fitri ◽  
Alfan Anudatar

  In the rules of law that govern marriage / marriage, there is a recognized sasas which is one of the important ingredients in that line, namely the sasas of smonogamy. Smonogamy is a principle in the line of marriage / marriage in which a man as a husband is not allowed to have more than 1 (one) wife, so on the other hand, a woman as a legal wife can have 1 (one) husband. However, sdi sasas smonogamy in Law Number 1 s of 1974 s Regarding marriage, it provides an exception regarding the sasas, that is, a man can have more than someone else's system if only it is subject to the consent of the first wife. From this background, a problem is obtained, namely how the attitudes of the spouses of the city of Tangerang regarding the principle of monogamy which can be put aside according to Law Number 1 of 1974 s Regarding marriage, as well as what are the constraints, impacts, mechanisms and solutions for implementing the exclusion of the monogamy principle. This research uses normative research methods. The results of this study are the exception to the principle of monogamy as regulated in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, which is a rule that is absorbed from the principles in Islamic Sharia and verified by the state for the implementation of these rules in Indonesia with a mechanism in place. by the state in order to minimize the existence of a polygamy practice that is not covered by positive law in Indonesia, which can result in losses incurred to one of the parties from the existence of this practice. Keywords: Exception, monogamy principle, marriage

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (50) ◽  
pp. 133-146
Sławomir Goliszek ◽  
Marcin Połom ◽  
Patryk Duma

AbstractThe article presents the accessibility of workplaces in Szczecin using the method of potential and cumulative accessibility for commuting by public transport. The public transport commuting times used in the study were generated using the public transport model, which was developed based on data in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format. The results of potential accessibility by public transport were calculated for several selected time thresholds in the morning rush hours between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.. On the other hand, cumulative accessibility is characterised by variability of travel times for 8 a.m., which is calculated in 10- to 60-minute intervals of travel time. The aim of this study is to identify workplaces in Szczecin that are situated in areas where accessibility is more dependent on the parameters of the public-transport timetable. In addition, a possibility to define the optimal journey length was assumed so that it would regard the largest number of jobs. The use of the two indicated research methods for the accessibility of workplaces in Szczecin provides a result in the form of better- and less-accessible areas of the city as regards the labour market. The results regarding the accessibility of workplaces using the two methods identify places of increased demand for commuting by public transport during the morning rush hours.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 763
Asniarny Asniarny

This research is motivated by poor teacher performance. For this reason the aim of this research is to improve teacher performance by carrying out academic supervision. This study uses a school action research design that has stages of planning, implementation, observation, reflection. This research was conducted at the target schools in Dumai city from March 4 to April 27. The subjects of this study were grade IV elementary school teachers totaling 11 people. Data analysis instruments use observation sheets that are analyzed and described according to the criteria set. The results showed that the teacher's performance in the first cycle had an average percentage of 65% with sufficient criteria, classically the number of teachers who achieved the indicator of success was 3 people (27%). After repairs with academic supervision, the performance of teachers in the second cycle increased with a percentage of 81% with sufficient criteria. Classically the number of teachers who achieved good performance was 9 people (81%). The conclusion of this study is the implementation of academic supervision can improve the performance of elementary school teachers in the city of Dumai.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Frederich Oscar Lontoh

This research is titled " The influence of sermon, church music and church facilities on the level of attendance”. The purpose of research is to identify and analyze whether sermon, church music and church facilities have influence on the the level of attendance. The target population in this study is a Christian church members who live in the city of Surabaya.. Sample required is equal to 47 respondents. Through sampling stratified Random techniques.These influence was measured using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis, t-test and analysis of variance. Descriptive  analysis  were taken to analyze the level of attendance according to demographic groups.The hypothesis in this study are the sermon, church music and church facilities have positive and significant on the level of attendance. The results showed that collectively, there are positive and significant correlation among the sermon, church music and church facilities on the level of attendance  96,2%. It means that 96,2 % of level of attendance influenced by sermon, church music and church facilities and the other 28,9% by others. All of the variable partially have significant correlation to level of attendance.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Besin Gaspar

This research deals with the development of  self concept of Hiroko as the main character in Namaku Hiroko by Nh. Dini and tries to identify how Hiroko is portrayed in the story, how she interacts with other characters and whether she is portrayed as a character dominated by ”I” element or  ”Me”  element seen  from sociological and cultural point of view. As a qualitative research in nature, the source of data in this research is the novel Namaku Hiroko (1967) and the data ara analyzed and presented deductively. The result of this analysis shows that in the novel, Hiroko as a fictional character is  portrayed as a girl whose personality  develops and changes drastically from ”Me”  to ”I”. When she was still in the village  l iving with her parents, she was portrayed as a obedient girl who was loyal to the parents, polite and acted in accordance with the social customs. In short, her personality was dominated by ”Me”  self concept. On the other hand, when she moved to the city (Kyoto), she was portrayed as a wild girl  no longer controlled by the social customs. She was  firm and determined totake decisions of  her won  for her future without considering what other people would say about her. She did not want to be treated as object. To put it in another way, her personality is more dominated by the ”I” self concept.

ARTic ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 167-176
Risti Puspita Sari Hunowu

This research is aimed at studying the Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque located in Gorontalo City. Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque is the oldest mosque in the city of Gorontalo The Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque was built as proof of Sultan Amay's love for a daughter and is a representation of Islam in Gorontalo. Researchers will investigate the visual form of the Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque which was originally like an ancient mosque in the archipelago. can be seen from the shape of the roof which initially used an overlapping roof and then converted into a dome as well as mosques in the world, we can be sure the Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque uses a dome roof after the arrival of Dutch Colonial. The researcher used a qualitative method by observing the existing form in detail from the building of the mosque with an aesthetic approach, reviewing objects and selecting the selected ornament giving a classification of the shapes, so that the section became a reference for the author as research material. Based on the analysis of this thesis, the form  of the Hunto Sultan Amay mosque as well as the mosques located in the archipelago and the existence of ornaments in the Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque as a decorative structure support the grandeur of a mosque. On the other hand, Hunto Mosque ornaments reveal a teaching. The form of a teaching is manifested in the form of motives and does not depict living beings in a realist or naturalist manner. the decorative forms of the Hunto Sultan Sultan Mosque in general tend to lead to a form of flora, geometric ornaments, and ornament of calligraphy dominated by the distinctive colors of Islam, namely gold, white, red, yellow and green.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
Márcio Piñon de Oliveira

A utopia do direito à cidade,  no  caso específico do Rio de Janeiro, começa, obrigatoriamente, pela  superação da visão dicotômica favela-cidade. Para isso, é preciso que os moradores da favela possam sentir-se tão cidadãos quanto os que têm moradias fora das favelas. A utopia do direito à cidade tem de levar a favela a própria utopia da cidade. Uma cidade que não se fragmente em oposições asfalto-favela, norte-sul, praia-subúrbio e onde todos tenham direito ao(s) seu(s) centro(s). Oposições que expressam muito mais do que diferenças de  localização e que  se apresentam recheadas de  segregação, estereótipos e  ideologias. Por outro  lado, o direito a cidade, como possibilidade histórica, não pode ser pensado exclusivamente a partir da  favela. Mas as populações  que aí habitam guardam uma contribuição inestimável para  a  construção prática  desse direito. Isso porque,  das  experiências vividas, emergem aprendizados e frutificam esperanças e soluções. Para que a favela seja pólo de um desejo que impulsione a busca do direito a cidade, é necessário que ela  se  pense como  parte da história da própria cidade  e sua transformação  em metrópole.Abstract The right  to the city's  utopy  specifically  in Rio de Janeiro, begins by surpassing  the dichotomy approach between favela and the city. For this purpose, it is necessary, for the favela dwellers, the feeling of citizens as well as those with home outside the favelas. The right to the city's utopy must bring to the favela  the utopy to the city in itself- a non-fragmented city in terms of oppositions like "asphalt"-favela, north-south, beach-suburb and where everybody has right to their center(s). These oppositions express much more the differences of location and present  themselves full of segregation, stereotypes and ideologies. On  the other  hand, the right to  the city, as historical possibility, can not be thought  just from the favela. People that live there have a contribution for a practical construction of this right. 

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