2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 244
Arief Setiyoargo ◽  
Romaden Marbun ◽  
Richard One Maxelly

ABSTRAKKegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan melalui pemahaman penggunaan informed consent. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan penilaian awal kondisi terkini di lapangan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan melalui petugas kesehatan/kader kesehatan dan warga. Asesmen awal menemukan masih kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang penanganan medis bagi pasien dan pengetahuan terkait penggunaan informed consent di fasilitas kesehatan terutama pada masa pandemi Covid-19 saat ini, fokus pelayanan kesehatan masih berpusat pada kesehatan. protokol atau jarak fisik. Kegiatan diawali dengan penyusunan rencana dan jadwal kegiatan serta perlengkapan yang diperlukan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan dan pendampingan yang dikemas dalam bentuk materi dan video yang dibagikan melalui google drive secara serta diskusi secara online melalui grup WhatsApp. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan evaluasi menggunakan google form. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat terdapat sebanyak 57,69% pemahaman warga dalam kategori baik, 26,92% cukup dan 15,38% kurang. Kegiatan berjalan dengan baik dan perlu pemantauan lebih lanjut. Kata kunci: tenaga kesehatan; pasien; informed consent. ABSTRACTThis Community Service activity aims to improve the quality of health services through understanding the use of informed consent. This activity begins with an initial assessment of the current state of the field in health care facilities through health workers/health cadres and residents. The initial assessment found that there was still a lack of public knowledge about medical treatment for patients and knowledge related to the use of informed consent in health facilities, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic, the focus of health services is still centered on health protocols or physical distancing. The activity begins with preparing a plan and schedule of activities as well as the necessary equipment. The activities are carried out by providing counseling and assistance packaged in the form of materials and videos that are distributed via Google Drive as well as online discussions through WhatsApp groups. The activity ended with an evaluation using a google form. The results of community service activities there are as many as 57,69% of citizens' understanding in the good category, 26,92% sufficient and 15,38% less. Activities are going well and need further monitoring. Keywords: health worker; patient; informed consent 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1120-1127
Neti Mustikawati ◽  
Dian Kartikasari

AbstractThe nutritional status of children is one of the important indicators in assessing the health status of children. Assessment of the nutritional status of children is done by monitoring the growth of children. Growth monitoring can be carried out by measuring weight (BB), body length (PB) for children under 24 months of age or height (TB) for children aged 24 months and over, and measuring head circumference (LK), added to the measurement of the upper arm circumference (LLA/LILA). Growth monitoring is carried out every 3 months for children aged 0 to 24 months, and every 6 months for children aged 30 to 72 months. TK ‘Aisyiyah Batik Pekajangan is an early childhood education school (PAUD) which has a total number of students around 71 children. The school has carried out weighing and measuring height and measuring the circumference of the child's upper arm at the end of each semester (6 months) which are carried out independently by the teacher. The school also has equipment facilities in the form of weight scales and height measurements as well as measuring tapes. However, what has been done is limited to measurements that are documented in a reporting record. This monitoring was not followed up with conclusions from the measurement results to determine the nutritional status of children, because the assistance provided by health workers from the health centers was not optimal. The purpose of this community service activity is to identify the nutritional status of children. The community service method is carried out by direct detection through the measurement of BB, TB, LK, and LILA. This activity was carried out for 2 days and was attended by 59 children. The results of the activity showed that most of the children (78%) were in the category of good nutritional status, 10% were undernourished, 7% were obese, and 5% were overnourished. LILA data obtained 100% of children in the normal category and for LK data it was found that most (90%) children were in the normal category and 10% of children were microcephaly. There is still a need for a re-assessment to ensure the child's condition and follow-up in the form of collaboration between the school, parents, and also related health facilities to carry out management for children who are still experiencing problems in growth.Keywords: growth detection, nutritional status,kindergartner AbstrakStatus gizi anak merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam penilaian status kesehatan anak. Penilaian status gizi anak dilakukan dengan cara memantau pertumbuhan anak. Pemantauan pertumbuhan dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengukuran berat badan (BB), panjang badan (PB) bagi anak usia di bawah 24 bulan atau tinggi badan (TB) bagi anak usia 24 bulan keatas, dan pengukuran lingkar kepala (LK) serta bisa pula ditambahkan dengan pengukuranl ingkar lengan atas (LLA/LILA). Pemantuan pertumbuhan dilakukan setiap 3 bulan sekali bagi anak yang berusia 0 sampai 24 bulan, dan setiap 6 bulan sekali bagi anak yang berusia 30 sampai 72 bulan. TK ‘Aisyiyah Batik Pekajangan merupakan sebuah sekolah pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) yang memiliki jumlah total siswa 71 anak. Selama ini pihak sekolah sudah melakukan penimbangan berat badan dan pengukuran tinggi badan serta pengukuran lingkar lenganatas anak pada setiap akhir semester (6 bulan) yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh guru. Sekolah juga telah memiliki fasilitas alat berupa timbangan berat badan dan pengukur tinggi badan serta pita ukur. Namun yang dilakukan baru sebatas pengukuran saja yang didokumentasikan dalam sebuah catatan pelaporan. Pemantauan ini tidak ditindak lanjuti dengan kesimpulan dari hasil pengukuran untuk menentukan status gizi anak, karena belum optimalnya pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh petugas kesehatan dari pihak Puskesmas terkait. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi status gizianak. Metode pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan deteksi secara langsung melalui kegiatan pengukuran BB, TB, LK, dan LILA. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama 2 hari dan diikuti oleh 59 anak. Hasil kegiatan didapatkan data bahwa sebagian besar (78%) anak termasuk dalam kategori status gizi baik, 10% anak gizi kurang, 7% anak obesitas, dan 5% gizi lebih. Data LILA didapatkan 100% anak dalam kategori normal dan untuk data LK didapatkan bahwa sebagian besar (90%) anak masuk dalam kategori normal dan 10% anak microcephaly. Masih diperlukan adanya assessment ulang untuk memastikan kondisi anak dan tindak lanjut berupa kerjasama antara pihak sekolah, orang tua, dan juga fasilitas Kesehatan terkait guna melakukan tata laksana bagi anak-anak yang masih mengalami masalah dalam pertumbuhan.Kata kunci: deteksi pertumbuhan, status gizi, anak TK

2017 ◽  
Abil Rudi

Background : The health status of the people in the border areas with low economic level, especially in rural areas, have not received equitable health services optimally due to geographical location, infrastructure and social. In addition, the border area with vast areas still found the lack facilities and infrastructure of hea lth services that will be make people in the border area is still low in accessing health care facilities. On the other hand, the health workers who are not willing to be placed in the border area has a big influence and that’s lowering the community health status. Problems of inequality health efforts in the border area also caused by the socioeconomic status of the local community which is poverty so that can’t access the health services. Objective : This study aims to analyze the implementation of health policies in the border areas in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Method : This study is a descriptive study with qualitative approach. This study is a literature study research. Results : Health policy in border area has not been able to overcome the problems of the spread of health workers in the border area. Policies on the health insurance system in the border areas are not distributed optimally. Policies on basic health infrastructure in border areas have not been equally distributed. Policies on referral transportation in border areas are not yet sufficient. Conclusion : The implementation of health policies in the border areas have not been fit for the purposes to increase health status for community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 2058-2062
Tri Wahyuni ◽  
Parliani Parliani ◽  
Tutur Kardiatun ◽  
Prasetyo Aji Nugroho ◽  
Al Fikri ◽  

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which can harm the lungs and attack other organs. This will result in nursing issues, the risk of infection spreading to other organs and people, ineffective airway clearance, impaired gas exchange, nutritional disorders, and psychosocial problems. Efforts are made to overcome nursing problems by increasing the participation of patients and families, who serve as the primary supporters. The intervention performed by the patient as an agent for himself is known as self-care. Self-care is concerned with an individual's ability to care for and maintain his or her own health. Treatment, family support, and nutritional fulfillment are all part of TB treatment. The outcomes of service activity at UPT Pulmonary Health Services includes teaching health workers about self-care for TB patients, as well as conducting follow-up discussions about TB patients with anxiety in the intensive phase.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Kyaw Lin ◽  
Sun Lin ◽  
Than Tun Sein

PurposeMyanmar has an insufficient number of mental health workers with few institutional facilities resulting in a significant treatment gap. Although few mental health services are integrated into primary health care (PHC), the challenges are unknown. This study aimed to assess the challenges perceived by providers in the service delivery of satellite mental health care (SMHC) in two sample townships in Yangon.Design/methodology/approachThe research was based on a case study design by applying a qualitative approach using in-depth interviews (IDIs). In the three types of service providers, a total of six staff participated as interviewees. These consisted of two team leaders, two clinical specialists providing consultations to clients and two mental health nurses.FindingsProviders perceived the following as major challenges in the provision of services: unstable financial resources and management, insufficient human resources and capacity of service providers, restricted outpatient services, the lack of a functional referral system, overcrowding, inadequate individual consultation time, long-waiting hours, finite opening days and hours and poor setting of infrastructure, resulting in lack of privacy.Research limitations/implicationsIn the absence of similar studies in Myanmar, findings could not be placed in the context of the national literature for comparison. Further, the study involved a limited number of respondents, which may have affected the findings.Originality/valueAlthough the challenges revealed were not uncommon in mental health services in developing countries, this study focused on a specific model of mental health care integrated into general healthcare settings in Myanmar. The findings offer a benchmark on efforts to develop decentralized mental health services in Myanmar and provide input for future in-depth studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-11
Ni Made Amelia Ratnata Dewi ◽  
Iman Surya Pratama ◽  
Candra Dwipayana Hamdin

Adherence in using drugs is one of the factors that determine the success of therapy, especially for chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Efforts that can be made by health workers in increasing adherence to diabetes mellitus sufferers in undergoing treatment are to pay attention to providing information and education to patients. The purpose of this community service activity is to develop educational media for type II diabetes mellitus for pharmaceutical workers in the Mataram regional health center. Making diabetes education media is done by making a pocket book which aims to make it easier for health workers to carry out counseling related to diabetes mellitus and its treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-105
Farida Yuliani ◽  
Erfiani Mail ◽  
Fitria Edni Wari

This community service activity aims to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about Ante Natal Care (ANC) in the new normal era in Gayaman Village, Mojoanyar District. The method used is a lecture and the measuring instrument used is a questionnaire. The material given to pregnant women is about Ante Natal Care (ANC). This activity was attended by 31 pregnant women in Gayaman Village, Mojoanyar District in March 2021–July 2021. The results obtained were 100% of the participants had good knowledge about knowledge of pregnant women about ANC during this pandemic. Pregnant women and health workers should strictly maintain health protocols during ANC checks during this pandemic to avoid the dangers of covid 19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 703
Estu Sinduningrum ◽  
Dan Mugisidi ◽  
Atiqah Meutia Hilda

ABSTRAK Penggunaan ponsel saat ini sangat diperlukan, bahkan dalam kondisi pandemi COVID-19 saat ini. Masyarakat belum sadar akan bahaya penggunaan telepon seluler (HP) dalam situasi pandemi, seperti penggunaan HP pada transportasi umum (bus, kereta api, dsb), rumah sakit, dll. Pengguna HP saat di angkutan umum sering mengoperasikan HP sedangkan mungkin lupa sebelumnya telah memegang palang besi atau pintu bus sehingga HP menjadi terkontaminasi virus COVID-19. Melihat venomena ini oleh tim pengabdian masyarakat (PKM) tergerak untuk mensosialisasikan penggunaan pelindung telepon seluler tahan air dan cara membersihkan telepon seluler (HP) setelah digunakan dalam perjalanan atau diluar rumah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan saat lockdown dilaksanakan di Jakarta, maka dari itu tim melakukan sosialisasi dengan menggunakan brosur dan penyaluran bantuan kepada petugas kesehatan. Pengabdian masyarakat selain memberikan sosialisi pencegahan virus melalui perangkat HP, tim PKM memberikan menjelaskan kembali perlunya menjaga protokol kesehatan dengan memakai masker, serta cuci tangan menggunakan handsanitaizer. Tim PKM juga tergerak untuk memberikan bantuan kepada masyarakat kurang mampu yang bermukim di jalanan kawasan Cibubur dan sekitarnya. Hasil sebelum sosialisasi melalui survei dilapangan didapatkan 35% pasien dan 30% perawat menyatakan Telah mengetahui sebelumnya bahwa penggunaan pelindung Handphone (HP) diperlukan untuk pencegahan Covid-19. Hasil setelah sosialisasi melalui brosur, bahwa  cara-cara pelindungan perangkat HP demi pencegahan Covid-19 sangat mudah dimengerti didapatkan hasil Pasien 93,33% dan perawat 95%. Para perawat  sebesar 97.5%, dan 96.67% pasien  berharap penjelasan Perlindungan HP ini perlu disosialisasikan lebih luas. Kata kunci: pandemi covid-19; perlindungan tahan air; bersihkan ponsel. ABSTRACTThe use of mobile phones today is indispensable, even in the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. People are not aware of the dangers of using cell phones (HP) in a pandemic situation, such as using cellphones on public transportation (buses, trains, etc.), hospitals, etc. HP users when on public transport often operate their cellphones while they may forget that they have previously held iron bars or bus doors so that their cellphones become contaminated with the COVID-19 virus Seeing this phenomenon, the community service team (PKM) was moved to socialize the use of waterproof cell phone protectors and how to clean cell phones (HP) after being used on a trip or outside the home. Community service activities were carried out when the lockdown was implemented in Jakarta, therefore the team carried out socialization by using brochures and distributing aid to health workers. Community service in addition to providing socialization on virus prevention through mobile devices, the PKM team also explained the need to maintain health protocols by wearing masks, and washing hands using a hand sanitizer. The PKM team was also moved to provide assistance to underprivileged communities who live on the streets of the Cibubur area and its surroundings. The results before the socialization through a field survey showed that 35% of patients and 30% of nurses stated that they had known beforehand that the use of a mobile phone (HP) protector was needed to prevent Covid-19. The results after socialization through brochures, that the ways to protect HP devices for the prevention of Covid-19 are very easy to understand, the results are 93.33% patients and 95% nurses. 97.5% of nurses, and 96.67% of patients hope that this explanation of HP Protection needs to be disseminated more widely. Keywords: covid-19 pandemic; waterproof protection; clean the cell phone

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Bambang Tri Bawono

Cases of alleged malpractice committed by doctors or health workers have become an interesting issue that has been widely discussed by the public. Malpractice is basically due to the emergence of differences in perception between patients and doctors or health workers. The research method used in this study is library research, library research limits its activities to library collections. While the approach used in this study is normative juridical, the results of the study mentioned that the standards that must be met by doctors to obtain legal protection are professional standards, operational procedures standards, and medical service standards. These three standards, doctors are also obliged to make informed consent as part of health service standards, and carry out the obligations as contained in Article 51 of Law No. 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice. In addition, doctors can be free from allegations of medical malpractice when providing health services in accordance with professional standards and operational procedures, providing medical services based on informed consent and the principle of non-vit inura volenti law or the assumption of risk, respectable minority rules and error of in judgment, as well as contribution negligence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 292-297
Iin Octaviana Hutagaol ◽  
Arini Arini ◽  
Benny Harry Leksmon Situmorang

Acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine for pregnant and postpartum women is very low, one of the things that causes it is the lack of information regarding the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine itself, this causes pregnant and postpartum women not to be vaccinated. The purpose of this community service is conduct counseling related to Covid-19 vaccination education for pregnant and postpartum women. The method of implementing this service is counseling about Covid-19 vaccine education for pregnant and postpartum women, The partners in this service activity are the Kalkubula auxiliary health center in the working area of ??the Biromaru Health Center. The instruments used in this activity are pretest and posttest questionnaires. The average pretest score for 21 pregnant and postpartum women was 40, after education and posttest assessment the average score increased to 70. The conclusion from this activity was that pregnant women and postpartum mothers got better knowledge regarding the Covid-19 vaccination. Suggestions for health workers to further increase education activities for Covid-19 vaccines so that mothers' interest in getting vaccines increases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 428-432
Henri Setiawan ◽  
Reffi Nantia Khairunnisa ◽  
Windi Oktavia

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the SARS Cov-2 virus which can be transmitted through air or droplets. The palm of the hand is one of the members of the body that is most occupied by viruses, bacteria and microorganisms. To avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus, you can wash your hands in 6 steps. This community service activity in the form of health education aims to improve the behavior of a clean and healthy life by washing hands in 6 steps. The service was carried out at Inspirasi SMP with a total of 76 participants. The material was delivered by lecturing using PowerPoint media plus discussion and question and answer sessions as well as the practice of washing hands in 6 steps. All participants can wash their hands properly according to the instructions and tutorials from the service team. As many as 65% of participants stated that this community service activity was very good and provided great benefits for preventing the transmission of COVID-19 at Inspiration Junior High School. The conclusion of this service activity was carried out smoothly and successfully. Efforts to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 need to be improved with continuous health education for various groups of society. So that nurses and other health workers can optimize preventive efforts as a counselor, negotiator, and educator

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