Jurnal Niara ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-20
Masnur Putra Halilintar ◽  
Trio Saputra

The purpose of this research is to know how to evaluate policy about cooperation in X presenting university and make ideal format of cooperation, research method using descriptive approach, research is arranged as inductive research is searching and collecting existing data field with aim to know factors, form-elements, and a trait of phenomena. Data analysis through four stages of data processing, data presentation, and withdrawal. Result of research technique and technique. This is because there is no standard operating procedure (SOP). The attitude of the executor of the cooperation body has not been effective and the inter-organization must also coordinate in more depth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-75
Wahyudi, Dhita Annisa

The research aims to determine the analiysis of informed consent to the health staff legal protection at bandung regional public hospital. Informed consent is an agreement of medical action through a process of communication between the doctor and the patient about the agreement of medical action that the medical staff would do to the patient. The research method used is a juridical normative qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are by way of literature studies related to the subject, interviews and field observations. The results of the research showed that in general the informed consent at bandung regional public hospital had been optimally implemented and  in accordance with the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in the hospital and there was also a General Consent, it’s a general agreement of the patient. Informed consent that has been optimally implemented and in accordance with the regulations in this hospital could protect the health staff and medical staff in carrying out medical actions on patients. For the suggestion given by researchers about health staff and medical staff have to give the socialization about the procedures of informed consent and medical staff have to understand about statute of law that exist, especially to the health staff and the hospital regulations

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Shobikhul Qisom ◽  
Wahyu Firman Ekasila ◽  
Fathurrahman Masrukan

ABSTRACTBaitul Hakam Pelindo III mosque is an asset of a Pelindo Company, the management of maintainance of this mosque, including the the maintenance of the park with its cleanliness, the cleanliness of wudhu area, toilet and the cleanliness of the main area of the mosque. The process of maintaining activities are written in SOP, however the official are divided into two devisions, namely: internal and external official. The external official is the cleaning servicer from BSI, so the cleanliness of the mosque could be mainly devided into two, from the mosque and BSI. The aims of this research are to explain the management of maintenance of Hakam Pelindo III Surabaya mosque,  explain and give data about facilities are in Baitul Hakam mosque and inform the budget of maintanance  Baitul Hakam. The method of this research is qualitative with descriptive approach. The results of this research on the management of maintance Baitul Hakam mosque are to : explain the management of maintance if Baitul Hakam from management approach generally and explain the activities of  maintaining abaitul Hakam, the explain the various facilities and its maintance. The final is to explain the sum of budget that is used for maintaining Baitul Hakam Pelindo mosque.ABSTRAKMasjid Baitul Hakam Pelindo III Surabaya adalah aset dari perusahaan Pelindo III Surabaya, manajemen perawatan di masjid ini meliputi perawatan taman beserta kebersihannya, kebersihan tempat wudhu dan toilet dan kebersihan ruang utama masjid aktivitas perawatan tertulis dalam Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) namun pegawai masjid terbagi dua yaitu dari pegawai internal dan pegawai eksternal, pegawai eksternal masjid yaitu cleaning servis dari BSI (Best Servis Indonesia) karena itu SOP kebersihan terbagi menjadi dua juga dari masjid dan dari BSI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat memaparkan manajemen perawatan masjid Baitul Hakam Pelindo III Surabaya, menjelaskan dan memberi data fasilitas yang ada di masjid Baitul Hakam dan menginformasikan anggaran perawatan masjid Baitul Hakam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian manajemen perawatan masjid Baitul Hakam adalah menjelaskan manajemen perawatan masjid Baitul Hakam dari  sisi manajemen secara umum dan menjelaskan aktivitas perawatan di masjid Baitul Hakam surabaya, kemudian menjelaskan ragam fasilitas serta pengelolaannya terakhir menjelaskan total anggaran yang dikeluarkan masjid dari perawatan tersebut.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-163
Rio Gusma Hendra ◽  
Wenny Dastina ◽  
Muhammad Rum

This study aims to determine how the ability of Jambi Friends of the Community of Friends in accessing, evaluating and using information. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach and data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and data triangulation. Based on the results of the analysis and research findings, the ability of the Jambi Sahabat Community Community Managers to access information based on the IFLA standard is said to be Expert, because it is seen from the manager’s ability to define information needs and to trace information through various sources, such as people who are experts in their fields, from print media: books and newspapers, electronic media: television and mobile phones. The ability of the Friends of the Jambi Friends of the Community in evaluating information based on the IFLA standard is said to be Expert, because it is seen from the ability of the manager to assess information and manage information obtained through clear sources of information, such as books, and internet media, as well as sources from internal community discussions. The ability of the Jambi Friends of the Sahabat Community Community to use information based on the IFLA standard can be said to be Expert, seen from the manager’s ability to use information and communicate information directly in the form of discussion, and indirectly as well as convey information with a simpler and easier to understand delivery

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Novita Sari ◽  
Zulkarnain ◽  

Inferiority can arise for children who do not get the father’s role, especially when comparing themselves to their friend who still has a father. This study aims to find out the inferiority attitude displayed by children who have a single mother and know the coping strategies of single-parent mothers overcoming the child’s inferiority attitude. The study subjects were three single-parent mothers in Gampong Birem Puntong Kota Langsa whose children had inferiority and families with purposive sampling techniques. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach—data collection techniques through observation and interviews. The data analysis was done by data reduction, data presentation, and verification or inference of data. The results showed that the inferiority displayed by children who have a single mother arises due to losing a father figure. Single mother coping strategies overcome the child’s inferiority by making a plan that is arranged according to the needs of the child, then carrying it out in accordance with the right time, overcoming obstacles when carrying it out, and having the last step in the form of follow-up to evaluate and supervise every development experienced by the child

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-75
Panetir Bungkes ◽  
Milda Sahyuli

Minimizing financing problems PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Sub-Branch Office (KCP) Takengon needs to supervise murabahah financing, be it supervision before financing or supervision after financing. Because most of the assets of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Takengon is in murabahah financing with a total of 1388 financing customers so that the quality of the financing must be maintained. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data sources that the authors use are primary sources. Data collection techniques obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. In addition, data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The result of this research is that the supervision mechanism of murabahah financing at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Takengon uses character analysis, capital, capacity, collateral, and conditions of economy (5C). Meanwhile, the cause of problematic financing is due to internal factors and external factors. Furthermore, problematic financing can be minimized through the 5C analysis process unless it is caused by a natural disaster that is beyond the estimation of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Takengon. The conclusion of the researcher is that the PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Takengon has implemented all murabahah financing supervision procedures that have been arranged systematically and structured.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 446
Annisa Hanif ◽  
Dimas Subekti

The regional government of the West Pasaman Regency has implemented the nagari arrangement using the expansion of nagari. However, there are problems regarding the policy of nagari expansion in the Nagari Preparation of Koto Gadang Jaya. Therefore, this study aims to determine the strategies and problems of expanding the preparatory nagari in Koto Gadang Jaya, West Pasaman Regency. This research is qualitative research using a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used interviews and documentation. This study used Edward III theory with communication variables, resources, dispositions, and bureaucratic structures. The research findings showed several problems related to implementing the expansion policy of the Nagari Preparation Koto Gadang Jaya; first, on communication variables in the indicators of transmission, clarity, and consistency; second, on the resource variable in human resources, financial resources, and infrastructure facilities indicators; third, the bureaucratic structure variable in the standard operating procedure indicators and fragmentation. Meanwhile, the excellent variable is disposition. This research concluded that the implementation of the policy of expanding the Nagari Preparation Koto Gadang Jaya has not been going well; several problems must be resolved by the party responsible for the policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Wafiq Ima Azizah ◽  
Tukiman Tukiman

This study aims to determine the implementation of the policy of an integrative child social welfare center in Jombang Regency. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method using George Charles Edward's theory of policy implementation, which consists of several variables that affect the success of a policy implementation, including communication, resource sources, disposition, and the structure of the brokerage. The result that Dieh found in this research is that the implementation is less than optimal. In the aspect of communication, socialization has not been carried out to the community and the communication that has been carried out has not been optimally carried out to internal implementers. In the aspect of resources, it was found that there was a lack of staff resources. In the aspect of disposition, it was found that the understanding of implementers regarding policies was not the same. And in the aspect of the bureaucratic structure, it was found that the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has not been resolved as a policy implementation guideline.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Haryanto Haryanto

This research aims to find out the preparedness of libraries in facing disasters caused either human or natural factors. Disasters caused human factors are fire, theft and various kinds of acts of vandalism, while disasters caused by natural factors are earthquakes, floods and the threat of devastating animal collection. The research method used in the study is qualitative field research. Data were obtained through observation and note-taking, as well as participation in the activities. Disaster preparedness activities were conducted in stages, prevention, response, reaction and recovery. These activities included filling up visit book, CCTV cameras, availability of portable fire extinguisher and SOP (standard operating procedure) that put priority in securing the collection, repair, creation of data backup and recovery, media transfer, procurement of collection and extensive simulation handling of fire and other emergency conditions.

Gufran Sabarin ◽  
Achmad Djunaidi

Arus globalisasi yang diikuti dengan perkembangan tekhnologi memberikan berbagai pengaruh yang cukup besar terhadap keadaan masyarakat, terutama pada kalangan remaja dapat membuat mereka berbuat positif maupun negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan peran guru dan masyarakat sekolah dalam menghadapi pengaruh media sosial terkait dengan kenakalan remaja di SMA 1 Mauponggo dan usaha-usaha apakah yang dilakukan pihak sekolah dalam menanggulangi kenakalan remaja tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Informan kunci dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru dan siswa. Data yang sudah terkumpul dianalisis melalui langkah-langkah reduksi data, penyajian data dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran guru akan senantiasa menggambarkan pola tingkah laku yang diharapkan dalam berbagai interaksinya, baik dengan siswa, sesama guru, maupun mengajar, dapat dipandang sebagai sentral bagi peranannya. Sebab baik disadari atau tidak bahwa sebagian dari waktu dan perhatian guru banyak dicurahkan untuk mengkaji proses belajar mengajar dan berinteraksi dengan siswanya. Peran guru dalam proses belajar mengajar adalah guru sebagai pendidik, guru sebagai pengajar dan fasilitator, guru sebagai pembimbing, guru sebagai pengarah, guru sebagai pelatih, guru sebagai penilai, guru sebagi pemimpin, guru sebagai mediator, dan guru sebagai evaluator. The current of globalization which is followed by the development of technology provides a considerable amount of influence on the condition of society, especially among adolescents can make them do positive and negative. This study aims to describe the role of teachers and school community in dealing with the influence of social media related to juvenile delinquency in Mauponggo 1 High School and what efforts have been made by the school to overcome the juvenile delinquency. This research method uses qualitative with a descriptive approach. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Key informants in this study were principals, teachers and students. Data that has been collected is analyzed through steps of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the role of the teacher will always describe the expected patterns of behavior in various interactions, both with students, fellow teachers, and teaching, can be seen as central to their role. Because whether it is realized or not, a portion of the teacher's time and attention is devoted to studying the learning process and interacting with students. The role of the teacher in the teaching and learning process is the teacher as an educator, the teacher as the teacher and facilitator, the teacher as the guide, the teacher as the director, the teacher as the trainer, the teacher as the assessor, the teacher as the leader, the teacher as the mediator, and the teacher as the evaluator.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-59
Rusmauli Lumban Gaol

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Spiritual Growth Facilitation (SGF) is developed to increase patients’ spirituality. The SOP which develops intervention in SGF has to be carried out by nurses, especially in the Hemodialysis Unit of Santa Elizabeth Hospital, Medan. This research used to deployment Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Nurse intervention that carry patien who is undergoing hemodialys. The research used action research method with with consisted of the stages of reconnaissance, planning, acting, observing,and reflecting. The data were gathered by conducting FGD, distributing quetionnaires, and participant observation. Therewere 10hemodialysis nurse as the participants. The gathered data wereanalyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitatively data is get from the result of FGD and the result of observation. While the qualitatively data that gatherd from qusetionnaire deployment. This research showed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Spiritual Growth Facilitation that being a model of doing enchancement patient spiritual intervantion who is undergoing hemodialys in hemodialysis unit of Santa Elisabeth Medan. And the possitive impact for knowledge,skills, and act to carry patient who is undrgoing hemodialys. Researcher ask to management of Santa Elizabeth Medan to keep do supervition to elevation contribution SOP in hemodialys Santa Elizabeth Medan.

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